Making a mouse knight character for an upcoming gurps game. i'm in need a solid name. sources of inspiration are wanted...

making a mouse knight character for an upcoming gurps game. i'm in need a solid name. sources of inspiration are wanted, as well.


Will Squeak, Crusader of Cheesus

The Cheep Reaper.

Napercival Beesniss
Pippernickel Squeaksteak

Mouser Clegane "The Mountain"

'cause he's a really huge mouse

>He's a huge, hulking abomination of a mouse
>But he still only as tall as a humans ankles
is cute, fund it

I had a ratkin character once. His name was
> Ned Zoomie.

Not "The Moustain"

user pls.

That would be, in GURPS terms, Gigantism

Can't do it my armor is already expensive enough as it is!

Captain Krispin

>Some say he's half rat...

You might want to check out Mouse Guard.

Dippertinnian. Dip for short.



How 'bout Gunther? Gunther always seemed like a nice mouse name. Warrick works, too.

Monterey Jack


I am fond of biblical names.



This nigga gets it.

But also hit all Redwall up for that inspiration.
