Mfw tabletop gaming is somehow intwined withintegral my gender and sexuality

Mfw tabletop gaming is somehow intwined withintegral my gender and sexuality.

Wtf? Seems like the greatest non sequitur ever.

I encountered these weirdos at GenCon with thier sexuality/gender identity con badge ribbons. Instead of Settlers of Catan it said “gaymer”, straight ally, etc.

Where is the lawful straight badge with the all white D20?

Yeah, gotta put trigger warning sticker on that one, and get everyone's consent before revealing it in public.

That's straight evil you're thinking of you fucking cis scum

Better get a different badge that says chaotic lesbian for when you go internationally

Alright, give me a Chaotic Straight badge with an all black D20 :^)

It's genuinely the community's own fault for ever giving unstable attention seekers a place within it. Keeping them out of the community was as simple as not making a meme out of -4 STR.

>roll a d20 for gender

When you say unstable attention seekers do you mean the sjws or about a third of all neckbeards?

It's called propaganda saturation. They ruined tv ages ago, then video games, then comics. Traditional games are next.


Fake "nerds" of every creed. They're easy to spot, dick, cunt, zir/zey, skinny, fat, white, black, etc.

They just need to get their asses kicked for wearing those badges. Advertising your fetish like that is essentially asking for a beating.

It's extra amusing for lesbians, because of their domestic violence rates.

Both, neither are good roleplayers

Tabletop has been a shelter for weirdos and outcasts for pretty much its entire modern history, user.
I've been meeting lesbians and fags while roleplaying for the last 25 years, long before the SJW thing.

Similarly, I've been meeting goth kids, metalheads, airhead artists, and all manners of unsociable scum.

OP swallowed his badge by mistake, so you only see the badges of the other three furries who participated in the orgy

>Tabletop has been a shelter for weirdos and outcasts for pretty much its entire modern history, user.

These people are hardly the outcasts anymore.
They're the rainbow shirt enforcement arm for the new morality police.
Things change old man.

I don't see why that would change their already existing tabletop habits. And it is still a perfectly reasonable explanation for why lesbian bullshit is in tabletop communities.

Because it -has- been, for decades.

So, can somebody give me a rundown about how anglos developed the mentality where you just absoluteky have to define yourself through one arbitrary opinion you hold AND shove it into everyone's face at every opportunity? It's baffling to me as a European. I know Austrians, Italians, French, Germans, Swiss, Hubgarians, Slovakians, Polish, Tzech, whatever. None of them ever started to talk about their gender, faith, race, sexual orientation or political beliefs. It's just not a thing.
On the other hand, with anglos I constantly see some kind of identity bullshit on display. From GAMER shirts, to maga caps, or even gay backs or proud furry pins. The two beits and one us american I know constantly start talking about this shit from the blue too.
Why tho? There's lots of other stuff to talk about, after all.

bipartisan voting system and protestants.

They are both a hell of a drug, and their powers have combined.

>Mfw everything I do is somehow entwined with/integral my gender and sexuality.

Fixed that for you.

And seriously, get over it. If something this minor bothers you, you may as well stop going to things now, because it's not gonna stop just to make your snowflake ass happy.

The people that make and wear these badges aren't like the rest of us rejects. They're invaders. They didn't come to the table with a desire to have fun and play some games, they came to spread their bullshit and/or because "tabletop is quirky and weird and no one understands it just like me omg!" They're more interested in letting the world know how fucking special they think they are with these stupid fucking badges.

To me, that is you. And I had to grin and accept your dumbass videogame-ass tabletop fucking kiddie ways.

Now you get to feel my pain.

TIL: "lesbian battering"

Damnit, it brought back that news story... I cannot get out of my head that story of a lesbian who tried to impregnate her girlfriend with a turkey baster and an aluminum sheet filled with her brother's semen.

It's Okay To Be Lawful Good

1-9: Male
10-18: Female
19-20: Player's Choice

I think 4e-loving Blizzturds that sunk 2000+ hours into WoW are a whole different animal than poseurs looking to strongarm their rather mainstream politics into a fringe community.

They all feel the same to me.

Especially since you said 4e and not 3e, you diablo fucker.
or 2e[/spoiler

This is how I feel. I don’t give a fuck who you fuck or what gender you think you are or anything else. Leave your identity politics at the door you annoying narcissist.

Nah that's just plain ol tribalism. We need something to separate the tribe members from the outsiders, since our brains can only remember so many people, so we just lump everyone into groups of people.

Europe, like you said, contains so many people of different country origins.
In America we don't have as much of that so we have to find other things to separate people with; video game consoles, sexuality, gender, political affiliation, you get the point

Found your shirt you arrogant facist oppressor!

I don't really see the problem with this. Lgbt and outcasts have been in the hobbies for literally ever, so what's the problem with them being out and proud of who they are?

But even within a country, people don't talk about that shit

nah, you endlessly squabble about how much you hate guys from the village next door, though you sometimes come together with those guys to hate the guys in the village NEXT next door.

I've been to europe. I know how you do.
At least when you aren't rioting over soccer or whatever.

It's almost as if strong sense of national identity promotes a healthy social culture.

*macadamias metamorphosizing*

>In America we don't have as much of that so we have to find other things to separate people with; video game consoles, sexuality, gender, political affiliation, you get the point.

I have accomplished nothing of note in my life and desperately crave an identity and validation. You forgot pro and college sports teams.

Well then there's something. Perhaps you argue over the best flavor of goat cheese or the most efficient ways to commit suicide.

Nobody _really_ cares that passionately about their gender identity or preffered curd, it's the spirit of the fight that counts.

I think it's called Dunbar's number if anyone is that interested in the psychology of dumb bullshit.

Wtf does it have to do with gaming? It’s a gay flag coloured d20. I don’t get it. Your gender and sexuality have NOTHING to do with tabletop games. If it was a gay pride pin I understand that.

Because they should be murdered indiscriminately? It's one thing to be killed for just being who you are, another thing for actively parading your fetish in vain hopes of normalizing it.

Being tolerant has slippery sloped us to this point. Now it's the time for violence.

>be at con
>see people giving away these for free to promote social awareness (or so they say)
>ask me if i want one
>reply "no thanks, i'm normal"
>realise what i said only three hours later

I’ve always thought “The Shit Lords” would be a great name for an outlaw motorcycle gang.

Almost. We usually come together to hate the guys from the next district.
It's always band together and hate the next collectionbof people. It's all friendly cooperative hate, tho.

If it's the spirit of the fight that counts, you should be prepared to get your ass kicked for wearing a pin like that.

Dunbar's number is the theorized maximum number of stable relationships a human being can maintain.

“Straight Ally” annoys me the most. You are a Straight Ally aren’t you citizen? Pick up that can breeder scum!

I guess that’s pretty classic psychology stuff that those who view themselves as oppressed can easily become the oppressors out of perceived righteous indignation.

Well that's the reason we Americans must laud our interests so frequently. We need an excuse to hate each other so that it's easier on our brains.

Because people want to combine their favorite things? It's like peanut butter and chocolate. There's nothing inherently wrong with a rainbow d20, so why does it bother you so much?

(You) are just being silly. I'd bet my house that you won't get out of your plush chair and actually go on a murderous rampage against anyone.

The truth?

Promote social awareness or promote in group and out group virtue signaling? Establishing an oppressed minority backstory is step one for rabble rousers, race baiters and community organizers.

Correct. That's why we have political parties. We can't memorize the position and life of everyone we disagree with so we just lump them all together and call them Demofags or Republicucks. If we could easily remember and sort every single humans biography, we wouldn't have these blanket groups like LGBTers and such.

>Because people want to combine their favorite things? It's like peanut butter and chocolate. There's nothing inherently wrong with a rainbow d20, so why does it bother you so much?

I’m not sure wtf your arguement is. Because PB and chocolate are yummy it’s ok to be an insufferable perpetual victim SJW asshole?