What's your favorite archetype to play?

What's your favorite archetype to play?

Legionaire, Stalwart, leader of men.

chill bro.

Flying pistol dork/ Flying utilitarian sorceror.

>wadda' ya' mean you greased the floor?

Be they sleaze bags or honorable generals or a nobles son who simply fell in with the wrong bunch

The scumbag that rips off everyone and steals anything he can sell at a good price.

Not from his companions though.
Never from his companions.

18 int 18 cha

Honestly? Kind, demure cute, and submissive male healer

Rough, pragmatic hired gun that develops loyalty over time.


Jack-of-all-trades, because I don't trust my team.

The wildcard, like Mad Murdock from the A-Team.

A human fighter

Not!Azura, the bare chested fist fighter.

The professional.

Asura* even

Weapons and equipment guy.

I made a not!Asura in a BESM game, once.
The GM hated me for it.

Merciful Knight tormented by the evil of war

The tough guy with a perpendicular moral compass.

A male model

The happy wise fool.

The oblivious doofus. I try to be heroic but I'm a brainlet irl so everything I do us stupid in some way.

I do the same thing.

Team Dad Knight.

Comedic Muscle

The party face as a shrewd businessman that values respect, power and honour above all else, but always thinking of how to get a leg up, even if it means crossing his friends.

Who the fuck is that supposed to be, Femdom Para Barbie?

>literally says it right in the picture.

That's Heather. She's the leader.

Stupid old but disarmingly young-looking



Skilled, smart, reliable, right hand man, always getting things done just right, building your harmonious, doofy Disney kingdom, and securing your place, and the place of your family on the throne.

Until session 30. And your expression when the tip of the blade enters your heart, is all the payment I could ever need.

Power/knowledge-hungry nihilistic sorcerer who can still care for his friends.

So the opposite of what you have in real life?

The human who seems more inhuman/monstrous than all the weird animal/beast race PCs, but in ways that only seem to become obvious over a longer time.

Dickass thief that's forced to confront and evaluate his deeds and lifestyle

>favorite archetype

Party slut*/face.

Doesn't have to be an elf, but it's nice when she (always a she) turns out that way.

*Whores ask for money. Sluts do it for fun. You don't have to pay a slut.

You're a man with a really uncomfortably unfeminine voice, aren't you?

Gladiator or morally conflicted LN knights

Funny enough, no. Actually on the borderline between a very high tenor and a contralto, without the normal bass vibes you get in a fully-changed man's voice.

That said, I'm a man who's an unrepentant cockhound, and who'd find it a lot more comfy and easier to get what I want if I had a woman's body...but sadly hormone therapy wasn't a thing when I was diagnosed with GID back in the late 1980s as a kid.

So I'll take my escapism where I can get it, thanks.

I wasn't actually being judgmental so much as making a jaded inquiry. Also hard to get involved in anything even remotely sexual in terms of games with somebody who seems even vaguely nonattractive to me in real life as a player. On the flipside, I can't get involved in such shennanigans with somebody that is attractive to me without just fucking. Where is the wholesome middleground?

I'm probably just a bad person.

Veteran soldier with a prickly outside but a soft nougaty center and a few endearing vices. "I'm too old for this shit" and "Don't you dare die on me, I've lost too many friends already and you're not gonna be one of 'em" type of thing. Bonus points for scars, hip flasks, and a family back home.

Is it not too late to at least try? Caitlyn Jenner, as unpleasant as she is as a person, still transitioned moderately successfully in her 60s, surely you could do it in your 30s/40s.

Regardless, your situation kinda sucks and I'm sorry user.

I know some people that transitioned in their 40s and look really good. I think part of it is expectations though - nothing's going to make a person look 18 when they're 40. But you can still look good for your age, like you said with Caitlyn.

>nothing's going to make a person look 18 when they're 40
Of course. I say if you'd be happier with a transition, even w/o surgery, you should definitely go for it though.

Medics and support personnel.

Really, anyone who helps everyone else be better at their job.

Noblebright heroic paladin.

Or a sarcastic dickass theif with a habit of doing over the top shonen protaganist level monologues about justice and friendship to piss off or confuse the bad guys.


but seriously Old Man with a big club is my go to


Trickster. Or a creepy but kind monster.

>And your expression when the tip of the blade enters your heart, is all the payment I could ever need.
Could you say that it's your eternal reward?

as a gay man you probably have more sexual success then as a trans woman(based on averages and trends no accounting for outliers).
average number of sexual partners for gay men reaches something like a 100.
because with straight people the bottleneck for sex is the woman.
and as as a trans woman I expect it to be harder,
since most gay men are exclusively gay and thus not interested in you because your too much like a woman.
and most straight men might have problems that no matter how good the technology becomes you still fall short of a normal woman.
and that is if you have a very successful transition, lets not even talk about an unsuccessful transition

so for sex I would not recommend transitioning but other psychological issues might outweigh this.

Big guy if available.

Always aim to be "last man standing". Basically, I may not be able to dish out as much as most, but I can take all they throw at me.

Elf activist.

So is the "Big guy" role reserved for you?

Obfuscating stupidity as a big guy with muscles and breaking character when I am certain I am alone.

I enjoy it mainly because it allows me to switch between playing a slow-witting brusier and calculating bastard.

DEUS VULT grizzled veteran Paladin.
Not an asshole, but a blunt and no nonsense in social situations.

Excellent taste.



Not really. If my mates plays one it's good too.

But not all campaigns supports such character archetypes.

Say, for example, my GM decides we all play gobbos or dwarves for a campaign, then I'd be a kind of a dick to go against the campaign theme and insist on getting to play an ogre.

Ah shit, the fact that you're saying that without trying to be malicious makes it hurt way more. Though thanfkully women have been more open.

The pragmatic hero of light.

Bright happy hero stereotype, paladin or bard
Basically think steven universe as not a kid

Healer with questionable scruples.

Dashing, swashbuckling rogue. Basically Balthier from FFXII, Han Solo or whatever

What, it hurts that he's suggesting you don't transition because of sex? If it makes you feel any better, you still CAN do well as a trans woman (see: my constantly horny trans woman friend). And if you're feeling sad at someone giving you reasons not to transition, maaaaybe you should still consider it? I dunno. Sorry for going off topic.

cynical nature types

I generally prefer to play heavily combat orientated characters who are kinda book dumb, in a "too stupid to fool" sort of way, who tend to come up with inelegant but effective solutions to their problems

Oh, different user. Already transitioned and I do alright. The sad part was falling short of a normal woman since that totally has happened before.

But to stay on topic: I like to play gunslingers when given the chance. Pistols are cool.

On that topic, are there any really good western-themed games out there?

The Swedish game by the "imaginative" name of Western was way too complex, back when I tried to give it a go.

I've heard good things about Deadlands, if you don't mind magic and shit.

I played that ages ago. It was a bit "all over the place" rules wise. Sort of proto-Savage Worlds. Bbut the setting was awesome.

And the old miniature game The Great Rail Wars was hella fun as well.

Apathetic child soldier

But ... why a male model?

The English decadent dandy

My most enjoyable characters always end up being socialite faces with some
minor character twists.

>Frateris Militaris preacher, but instead of the typical bottle of zealot fury, he's more of a naive choirboy
>Shadowrunner mexican hacker with a thick accent and an overprotective mother. looked like cyberpunk jesus.

Dogs in the Vineyard.

Hard-to-impress bookwyrm.

The type of character whose effectiveness in combat is generally limited but out of combat, is a wealth of knowledge for whatever the party happens to be doing. That level of intellect is often paired with at least higher than average social skills so the information can be used against NPCs without my guy coming off as a total dick.

That's the Mormon-themed one, right?
Heard a lot of good things about it.

What are the major pros and cons?

I so want this to not be a typo


Buttmonkey, Jester, Classclown, Tank.

She aint leading shit as an nco, i promise.

Ruthless, cold, snarky healer

Also often end up as the brain of the party.

Big fan of the wandering swordsman type. especially if it's combined with someone who looks non threatening or just wants to help those around him.

>sadly hormone therapy wasn't a thing when I was diagnosed with GID back in the late 1980s as a kid.

Damn, dude. I'm normally part of the "let the trannies kill themselves" camp since they're letting 8 year olds start hormones now, but getting a diagnosis back in the EIGHTIES means that there has to be something actually really wrong with you.

Good luck, user. Next time I drag a degenerate behind my truck, I'll ask and make sure the degenerate in question isn't in your position.

I like the "Old Pro from Dover".

Normally older than the other characters, particularly good at whatever his schtick is supposed to be who take a mentor-lke position with the party.

Especially in games like Traveller or Cyberpunk 2020 where you can age the character up and bring up skills.

lighthearted brute. tend to go hard-drinkin' barbarian or cocky bear wrestler lately

and will always check if goblins are playable, just in case

CG ranger/rogue
"free man"

The guy with the stick up his ass, be it a lawful stick, a good stick, or a magical stick up his ass

>drag a degenerate behind my truck,
Is that code for sucking their dicks?

No doubt he needs a rugged, strong defender.

Bubbles is the joy and the laughter, though.

>You don't have to pay a slut.

Well, not in money...

Military commanders. People who are just born to try and be clever tacticians and leaders, ones who emphasize the logistics over the heroic speeches. Tend to be hardasses that try to keep the unit functional and effective. Prussian uniforms are best aesthetic

The thinking man's brawler, using brute strength to smash through most, but switching to unconventional tactics when facing a stronger opponent.

Bah. When I was a kid, we respected our healers, thanked them for their service and gave them free spaceships.

Jenner is a total hon. You shouldn't be encouraging people to change their bodies irreversibly in a way that will not actually please them.

You don't wanna see this hothead when he isn't a big guy.

Dogs in the Vineyard.