Have you ever played an uggo in an RPG?

Have you ever played an uggo in an RPG?
How about a nonmonster uggo?
How about a female uggo?
How about a nonevil uggo?

Only in Shadowrun Dragonfall, but that's a CRPG

Tried it recently, kept being called the party cinnamon roll because he was tragically unlucky despite trying his best.

I once played a mysoginistic sociopath with a cleft lip and a lazy eye (which later got infected and removed.)
He constantly spat due to bile problems and seldom bathed.

Clan Giovanni vampire who was, basically, 'that meddling auntie with too many cats'. Obviously a spinster, old and saggy, and surprisningly reasonable. Other than her basement full of skellies.


I guess I'm probably a better gamer than you.

That honesty sounds kind of offensive.

Is that Hillary Clinton?

Yeah I'm currently playing a female uggo but it doesn't come up very much

A long time ago when I was a stupid teenager, I was the only one of my friends who had played the KOTOR games and pretty much made Kreia as a spellsword in a DnD game.

Yes I was 110% That Guy.

Yes to the first three

She was an ATF agent who would stoop to any level to close a case and had few scruples about bending the law to cover for it. The kind of cop who makes sure that by the time she's finished with a suspect, he had a gun and she fired in self defense.

Later I recycled her as a background character in a scenario I ran. By that point she had got herself knocked up by her partner at the bureau and was 5 months pregnant. She had a psychotic fear that someone she'd put away or the relative of someone she killed would try to find her and hurt the baby.

That's Granny Goodness from the New gods

I once played a character who looked like leprosy and cancer had an incestuous love child that they raised on a diet of PCP and Pabst Blue Ribbon

He was a necromancer who got horribly fucked up when he ignored his master's warnings and tried researching shit he wasn't ready for and it backfired magnificently
He spent the entire campaign masked and completely covered most of the time

based on the Leper King Baldwin's look in Kingdom Of Heaven

I usually play a charismatic and/or cunning caster

But, to change things up, I made Mike the Mountain.

I will say I have never had so much fun roleplaying a character as I have had roleplaying as Mike.


This motherfucker was Twenty feet tall and weighed in at 20,000lbs.
He had to eat, at the very least, 2,400lbs of food daily.

And he could eat literally anything. Raw meat, living meat, people, trees, dirt, metal. No penalties. Like television survivalist, he could stomach anything at all.

And eat he did. That's all he cared about.
Eating and smashing stuff.

Mike was very easily entertained, but also just as easily bored. If the party had to leave him outside to go into a building, they had better hurry or give him some sort of distraction - or else find a way into the building one way or another. (usually by just pushing his face into the ceiling, or just tearing the roof off.)

Mike also didn't care for feeling trapped, and will instinctually thrash around until he punches a hole through whatever is keeping him. Be it a cavern, a temple, or just a bunch of gnols trying to tie him down.

His favored form of attack?

Jumping high into the air, and crashing down on an enemy's weapon. Just to be a dick and smash it. Then, he'd cleave to the weilder. Then to the next guy. and so on.

Mike, toward the end of his run in the campaign, carried a Collosal+ Adamantine Maul.
that's an 8d8 damage die.

>Hammer approximately 5x Mike's height in length.

Mike made a best friend. Wade.
Wade was a warlock suffering from multiple personalities. But already crazy enough without that. One of Wade's personalities was basically Murdoch of the Gorillaz.

Mike came to love wade as his best friend, and thus had shoulder mounted barding for Wade to ride around on Thunderdome style.

>Friender Bender

Out of boredom, mike decided leave the rest of the party, waiting for the plot to advance, to go drinking with Wade. Mike leapt into town, landing on the local prison. Mike had a nice snack there.
He then leapt to the nearest school, after having his fill. Though the school was mostly evacuated by then.
Eventually, Mike and Wade arrived at a proper drinking establishment.
Mike downed about three oaken casks, and Wade enjoyed a bottle of scotch.

However, upon stepping out of the tavern (read: walking through the crumbling walls), Mike found himself surrounded by the local militia. >About 12 guards with spears.
Mike makes his attack
First guy into mist.
and the next.
and the one after that.
the next two into chunks.
One guy get's dropped to exactly 0hp and is KO.
and the last six go into orbit.

Mike wake's up the unconscious guard.


"Y-you already killed everyone else! We were all the guards in this town"


Fast forward a small bit, Mike ends up getting magicked away to Valhala. He really enjoys his time killing and eating everyone. Until he is forcibly removed.
Hel comes down on a silver charriot, and extends stone tablet to our main quest giving npc
"I believe this one is yours"

Mike then comes crashing from the sky into the sand, cratering. He jumps back out holding two casks of ambrosia.


But wade is not there. While Mike was gone, Wade was killed.

Enraged, mike goes into a mad fury. Maybe his barbarian rage became permanent. Maybe he contracted Festering Anger. But mike was now in an unending state of boiling ire.

Mike set out with the rest of the party to avenge Wade. Mike had never had any reason to help the party before, other than that they kept him fed and entertained. But now Mike had reason to fight. For the first time, a drive.

Mike would avenge Wade.

Unfortunately, Mike would never make it that far.

En route to the BBEG, our party enters a clearing between two woods.

Out of the other side of the clearing, what appears to be a small army. Mike looks back, and a flanking force has filed in behind them.


A man on a horse comes forward from the others

"Someone who cares!"

and thousands of arrows come in as a volley, raining down. Most of them easily hit their mark. Mike's humongous body becomes covered in arrows

Mike's body begins to to turn to dust.

However, the heavens open up once more, and Hel returns to collect Mike, and bring him to Valhala once more, to fight amongst other heroes until the end of all things.

>let me know if you guys want the statblock. It's full of 3.5 cheese

Yes. I've rolled below 6 Charisma and didn't want to be THAT goddamn annoying.

Played a Cleric who got half his face burnt off by a fire trap installed in his Temple. (One of their domains was struggle so the only way in was rife with traps)

>Nonmonster uggo
Cannot roll a "monster" race in any campaigns I participate in, and we're so much healthier for it.

>Female uggo
When you go through 30+ characters and roll for sex, it's inevitable. Played a Barbarian who was just plain gross. Wasn't ugly by natural occurrence so much as she gave zero fucks about appearance. She loved her scars and her smell and used them both to scare and intimidate.

>Nonevil uggo
Technically both of the above examples weren't evil characters, so I'll go ahead and mention an evil ugly guy I played that rode the line a little harder than the rough-around-the-edges characters I already mentioned.

Harrison was a magic user who loved two things; finding the truth to the great mysteries of the world, and opium. He only joined the adventuring party after they had accidentally burned down their "starting town." The town they resided in at that time was built inside of a large hole with a hot spring at the bottom. Over the course of his stay there, Harrison fell off the many bridges that connected the town into the boiling water, twice (Only once due to his opium usage). Harrison went from being the party face, a dashingly handsome man who was charming when he wasn't high off his ass, to a scarred mess that never left burka-styled coverings. He also directly started the apocalypse of the world (reality? The characters, and by extension the players don't know) they lived in. Sometimes it's not worth it to open the crypt of the Lich/High Priest of the Death God in order to sate your curiosity.

I play him every day in the RPG of life

I started with a reasonably attractive female character, but she was an asshole and picked fights all the time, so eventually her face got all fucked up.

Is there a New Gods game?

What's your point?

Kreia isn't an "uggo", she's just old. I always know to expect a couple of dumb posts in threads like this, but you pretty much missed the point entirely.

I'm currently playing a Hound that plays more like a Leech in Blades in the Dark. She's all those things, having had a good portion of her face torn up by the combination of a table saw and electrical burns when she was she was still just a preteen. Years later, she's still fairly upbeat otherwise, and is actively working to set her father free from the men that fucked her up in the first place as warning to him since he was thinking of leaving their organization. It's not about revenge, 'though her crewmates see it differently on her behalf.

You forgot your smug anime face, faggot

I think I play almost exclusively uggos. I don't like playing skinny teenagers, most of mine are old crusty dudes in their fifties.


If by ugly you mean unattractive, then yes to all.

If by ugly you mean hideous, then I guess it depends on whether you consider a goblin to be a monster or not.

I want to, very badly.

Inspired by picrelated, a character from Samurai Shodown, i once played an extremely fat, bald and ugly californian cowpoke in a Deadlands campaign. On paper, he learned kung fu from an OG kung fu master from Shan Fan and also served a brief stint in the Union Army, but in reality he sucked hard in any kind of activity which involved fighting. Also, every horse he rode hated him, for obvious reasons. Of course he died fast, being essentially a comical relief with zero useful abilities, but at least he got a good death, heroically trying to kung fu fight an harrowed bandit leader.