Is rolling an exiled duergar PC (who's still a cruel, humorless bastard...

Is rolling an exiled duergar PC (who's still a cruel, humorless bastard, but he's allied with the party to help his own needs) snowflakey or THAT GUY-ish?

It's very hard to argue a man is a Mary Sue if he's under 5' tall.

What is his alignment?

No, but you should play it like a Dorf Fort dwarf.

If you don't end up playing manlet Drizzt.

It's a character I've always wanted to play, but I'm a forever GM.

Play it for me user!

Hell, no. I most definitely won't be doing that.

Lawful Evil.

>Lawful Evil.
The problem with that is you have to be evil.

No, it's not snowflaky. And even if it was, the kind of spergs who get hypersensitive about snowflakes would give you a free pass for being a dwarf anyway.

No problem here, user. Godspeed. Also, if possible, I'd appreciate it if you made him ask the line "Am I supposed to like ale just because I'm a dwarf?" Up to you if he likes the stuff.

Making a duergar NOT evil would be weird and verging on snowflakey imo. Besides, Lawful Evil is the easiest type of evil to play with, because it can actually work well with others.

Depends on the setting, really. Eberron has Duergar who integrated back into dwarven society, for example (they then got backstabbed by the Chinese and are now working with the Tibetian resistance).

Not snowflakey. "That guy"-ishness depends solely on in-game behavior.

Actions inform alignment, alignment does not inform actions.

Is it pronounced doo-err-gar or door-gar or dwar-gar?

It might be a red flag to some players, but if you've played with them before and you weren't an awful player then, I don't see what the problem would be.

I've heard it's supposed to be Dvar-gar, because that's how a Scandinavian person would have said it.

However, according to dragon magazine 93
Duergar (M): DEW-ur-gar


sorry not sorry

why duergar and not just asshole dwarf?

Unless maintaining your class features depends on maintaining your alignment.


Dueregar are pretty great si enjoy.
D'wher-e-gar to me.

Probably because slate skin and the ability to turn into a not-on-fire Fire-giant for a few rounds.

>slate skin
>giant state

I also just like the idea of them. I don't just want to play as an asshole dwarf, I want to play as a former slave trader from the Underdark.

I'm Scandi and I've always pronounced it "duer-gar"

>Actions inform alignment
>alignment does not inform actions
False. Correctly playing say, an LG character, involves making LG decisions. That is why your alignment changes if you don't act as your alignment - because you couldn't roleplay the alignment.

Finland isn't Scandinavia.

LE doesnt mean he has to kill people tho.
There are levels of how Evil you are.

For example a LE character could be a murderous OVerlord that kills anyone that disobeys.

But he could also be an extortionist who provides stability in exchange for money.
he could also be someone who cracks down on criminals harshly but is not a complete bastard to everyone else.

Maybe he is an inhertly sadistic guy but he fuels it through his lawfullness to punish those that society has no regard for anyway.

LE doesnt mean he has to be the most unlikeable person ever.
You could even play a charismatic LE character that uses his outward appearence of Integrity and Virtue to gain power for himself and his schemes, while appearching charming and correct on the outside.

sounds like a cool idea
I'm actually playing a githyanki in a game
so yeah im a snarky elitist asshole whos looking out for himself but i work with the group because im an outcast and i need allies
remember being an evil dick doesnt mean you have to be an evil dick to your team
save it for the npcs dont let the players think you will betray them or you'll have a bad time

try it
tell me how it works
I wanted to do this too but due to people not showing up I ended up 1 on 1 with gm

Everything that isn't a human fighter is snowflakey or THAT GUY-ish.

All true
An asshole politician who uses the system to gain power for himself is LE without killing anyone

>LE doesnt mean he has to kill people tho.
Kinda does actually

Destroy doesn't require killing, there are plenty of other ways to ruin someone's life. All he has to do is abide by rules, and be a self centered dick who will screw others over as much as is permitted by the rules he follows.