A potential player wants to be an alien in a sci fi game I'm going to run

A potential player wants to be an alien in a sci fi game I'm going to run.
I've already said beforehand, no aliens and no ais.
He really wants to play an alien.

What do I do?

Just say no.

>no aliens
>but I want to play an alien
>well there aren't any aliens to play as, so you can't.

Just say no.

You already made this shitty bait thread once today.

Let him be a genetic engineering or artificial life project. Like a chimpanzee uplifted to human intellect.

Tell him to fuck off

>Like a chimpanzee uplifted to human intellect.
Hmmm... It remember me of some kind of "people"...

Trips check out.
Gtfo OP.

You're probably baiting, but if he keeps insisting then he's probably a closet furry.

Can't be reminding you of niggers, they don't have human intelligence.

Even a monkey with a typewriter can apparently produce better music than an Anglo.

Ask him why he wants to play an alien and try to determine exactly it is that's alluring him. Is it
>not understanding customs?
Have him play a foreigner or someone who has been trapped/experimented on/etc. since they were a child, meaning they don't understand Earth customs.
>play something non-human?
Depending on your sci-fi setting, allow him to play a cyborg (not AI), a genetic experiment, an artificial life project as suggested.
>conspiracy theories?
Have him play someone who is either into the concept of aliens or who believes themself to be an alien, but isn't.

And so on and so forth. Distill down his desire to play an alien into its core tenets, then try to come up with something else that fits those tenets alongside your world. Best of luck user.

Send him dick pics.

I'll give them that, they just have so little going for them.

make his character a crazy man that beleives 100% he is an ayy. pic related.

then say no, youre the DM.

On the other hand
>sci fi
>no aliens
>no AIs

This is the sci fi equivalent of the game of thrones trend isnt it? Where everything that isnt about human interaction is somehow not seirous enaugh.

user your campaign better be Dune or something.

What is the state of human augmentation in your setting?
Let him play as either a synthetic organism or a human transgenic.

I say, try to find a way to make it work in your setting.

It would make that player happy, they'd have more fun, and that's what the game's about.

Maybe they're an undercover alien scoping out the Mon Keigh, maybe First Contact was made Men In Black style so the general population doesn't know about it. Maybe his people are the real Earthlings and humans are aliens from an ancient accidental ejaculate.

say "no way to ayy"

You forgot Abhumans. Eventually, genetically similar organisms in vastly different environments will diverge into new subspecies of humanity.

Space adapted humans, or products of millenia of shitty gene modding building up like detritus within the human genome to create something not quite right, is a cool topic. Not to mention, tailor made uplifts, special projects, not-really-ai, so biological computers and stuff, trans-humanism, and so on, are all options. Use your imagination user, there's a lot of cool concepts!

He' actually talking about op

Blue space babes

Bend over backwards and accept the probing you weak willed cumsock.

Ask him why he wants to play an alien, then try to provide something acceptable that fulfills his needs, dork.




Don't the sandworms count as aliens? Sure, you couldn't play as one, but aliens, yes.

Since this is possibly a troll thread (but for what purpose?), I'll just explaion different ways to play strange characters in a sci-fi setting that are explicitly not AI or alien. Red Dwarf was able to get away with the whole "no aliens" thing, so I don't see why every sci-fi setting must have certain other concepts. That said, there should be enough variability to create all sorts of weird sci-fi beings that are either post-human or uplifted animals.
Their character could be a distant decendant of humanity or one of the species we've seeded across space that has been flung across space and time to end up in a period where humans are much less diverse.
They could be a bio-engineered organism that is very different than a normal person. It really depends on why they were made and by who.
They could be a human genetically modified to live in conditions normal humans cannot, and are thus alien in mind and bauplan, but still related to humans.
Or just an animal uplifted to humanlike intelligence. I really loved the Uplifts series, so I think this might be the best solution for OP's "problem."

Yeah, it reminds me of you, actually.
>no kidding, captcha sez "burnley view"

you say no to the faggot that tries to ignore the game parameters.

Please do this. That way he might not annoy other GMs by wanting to play something that isn't included.

All we know about the OPs game is that they aren't playable characters. They might still exist.

Or it could be a straight cyberpunk game. No aliens, no magic stuff and AI's either don't exist or are too bulky and thus too immobile to make good PCs.