What would you do in a real post-apocalyptic scenario? Let's just assume this means full-on nuclear warfare

What would you do in a real post-apocalyptic scenario? Let's just assume this means full-on nuclear warfare.

And no, regardless of how likely, your answer cannot be "die".

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I would take up farming as fast as humanly possible. That or offer myself as a fuckboi to a farmer...or possibly soldier-type with a lot of ammo.

It's the only way to survive.

>What would you do in a real post-apocalyptic scenario? Let's just assume this means full-on nuclear warfare.

As soon as the blast hits, I take food, tape, and cellophane into my basement. I tape a few layers of plastic over each window. If my windows upstairs haven't been blown in, I go back upstairs and bring a bed, equipment, and other supplies downstairs as well. I fill every lidded container with water. If my windows HAVE been blown in, I begin taking potassium iodide.

I wait for 14 days. If I hear or feel another blast, I reset the timer. At the end of this period, I venture outside to evaluate the state of my city, collect information, and establish contact with neighbors and emergency services, if available. If possible, I evacuate according to the instructions of civil defense organizations.

A year or so later, I die due to global atmospheric black carbon, and so does everybody else. get fucked OP.

Cellophane embrace you, my friend.

Cold and white

I have a load of books of post-apocalyptic survival, so try and distribute them to as many people as possible so we can work together to survive.

You'r not boss of me! I'm gonna die.

I'd say get to building a water collector and rooftop farm but then I remember I live in America where we've genetically modified our food to being sterile because we want to keep the big farms on the top.
Welp, I guess I go start/join a rape-gang.

I regret not having easy means of expediting my death before meeting my doom at the hands of looters or other ne'er-do-wells.

In the meantime I see if my cello is still intact. If so, I play it so I can at least feel something before I inevitably succumb to the horrors of the end of the world. I also try lifting a bit to distract myself from reality.

Keep growing food, fishing and killing animals.
Pretty much how I live, but without most of the comfort

Seriously the thing I hate so much about most apoclyptic stories is that they act like things will never improve, you have series like Fallout where even centuries after the bombs people are still living in ancient condemned buildings and living on canned food even long after people should have started rebuilding and making their own farms.
As long as people are still around people will either find a way to thrive or die off completely.


Fine. "Suffer."

>Go to local prepper militia
>Offer gas, ammo, and ass
>Hope they don't just shoot me and take all three anyway

>Seriously the thing I hate so much about most apoclyptic stories is that they act like things will never improve, you have series like Fallout where even centuries after the bombs people are still living in ancient condemned buildings and living on canned food even long after people should have started rebuilding and making their own farms.

that's just bethesda being dumb. the original games were heading in that direction but bethesda wanted a time skip between 2 and 3 for some inane reason while keeping the aesthetic of 1.

Learn how to create alcohol. Everyone wants it.

>What would you do in a real post-apocalyptic scenario?

We're already in a post-apoc scenario. Trump was elected.

Vaporized due to where I live being near a strategic target even in a minimal exchange of nukes.

It took how long after the fall of Rome for Europe to recover? And they didn't need to contend with irradiated land, blackened skies, massive depopulation of all out nuclear war, and fall from as high a standard of living/tech level as we've got.
Even if it will eventually get better, it will be LONG after you're dead and buried.

The one issue with Europe after Rome is that a lot of documents containing how to create their technological advances, such as concrete, were destroyed. Sure, we'd lose a great deal of technology with the loss of the internet but there's enough print in the world where we would recover faster. Still would probably take a century.


I do hope you're joking.

I don't think you fully grasp the scale of total nuclear war. They used the term "mutually assured destruction" for a reason. Print would burn, same as people.

But that's also Obsidian's doing. Benny can still remember when he and the rest of the casino gangs were tribals squatting in ruins, and he can't be older than 30. The people of Goodsprings and Primm and Boulder Springs and Nipton are still living in pre-war houses, they just shook the skeletons and dust out. Hell, Avellone insists on having tribals using military hardware because he can't resist the idea of having humanity still rebooting after 200 years.

I have no applicable survival skills whatsoever, but probably not going to die instantly, since I doubt anyone will be shooting nukes at this particular bit of random English countryside. Walk to work one last time and put my notes away neatly, probably. We'd need another Borlaug to get anything meaningful done in time with regards to fallout-resistant crops or something with what we'd have left, so either the world keeps together somewhat or I'm screwed anyway. No point in worrying aside from taking what precautions I can.

Jokes on you I have next to zero survival skills, no weapons, live in the "you're fucked" zone of a major nuke plant, which is pretty high on the list of shit people would target in a nuclear war, and all of my hobbies and interests require a functional society somewhere down the pipeline.
I'll killing myself as quickly as possible.

Best case hypothetical dream scenario where I don't die a slow painful death from a nuclear weapon detonating next to a nuclear power plant several miles away. I get traded around like a prize between warring gangs because I have a formal chemistry education and copies of several "cook books". I also make my own alcohol, and I figure that's a good short term reason to keep me alive. Just have to make sure I can mystify the processes enough to remain useful.


>Live in Florida near the coast
>Know how to fish, own a boat
>Know how to shoot
Become a fisherman.
Or a pirate.
Maybe both.

I already homebrew, so I'd step up production efforts. I've got a few fruit trees so I'd be set for my own food. What I can't eat will be made into booze and traded. It freezes in my winters, so assuming that SHTF didn't fuck it up, I'd be making massive amounts of applejack.

I know how to fish and shoot too.
First mate? I'd dig the pirate's life.

Ingratiate myself with the nearest roaming warband ASAP. Try to find a place in the hierarchy above "wretched slave", but below "anyone actually important". Settle into my new life as middle-manager for Grognar the Fell-Handed. Possibly take up cannibalism - I'll try anything once.

The government has written manuals and documents specifically to help recover technological progress after nuclear annihilation. They've almost certainly stuffed a bunker full of them.

pretty gay desu

>you have series like Fallout

By the events of 4 vegetation had already started to grow back and the atmosphere started to clear. Things get better, it just takes a long-ass time.

cave from extreme ptsd / mental trauma and lose my mind

Assuming I survive the initial nuclear war(highly unlikely, I live about three miles from a nuclear power plan in the North East US, and maybe twenty miles from an air force base), I would most likely slip into a huge depression having to watch my pets die because of failing food and water stores. I won't eat them, though. Say what you will, but I'll starve before I do that. Same with cannibalism. I will remain strong. If by some miracle I don't end up just on the bottom of the new food chain, that maybe I've never succeeded in life because I was built for the apocalypse(also no way. I have too many medical needs), I would work to restore order, life, to the wasteland. This new world would need people to stand against the madness of the gangs and I'll stand amongst their ranks.

Become a small time bandit. Start to build a small group of incredibly loyal generals. Expand gang with ransoms. Start to search military bases for weapons and hardware. Capture scientists who can make me gunpowder and bullets. Have strict rules: no rape, children between five and twelve are taken in and raised to join the gang, whoever took it gets first pick of loot. Eventually build massive bandit city and establish small colonies.

>r/donald internet defense force

I live in the rural Midwest so we have lots of guns and friendly people and lots and lots of fields. Also very close to oil fields and propane refineries so we will probably be able to ride out the initial horrors of mass starvation, looting, and cannibalism, especially since most of the people around us will likely die once it gets a little colder and their central heating systems stop working.

Next year might be less fun when the remaining looters start moving up here from further south, but then I don't know if they would even bother heading this way.

Can't imagine what kind of nightmare would take place in the climes where the seasons won't kill off huge amounts of population. Those people will have it pretty rough.

No rape is simply because without raping I open to my gang up to more potential women members, a large group I would be missing. The key factor with kids is they have to be young enough to not quite realize that we just murdered their parents.

>answer cannot be die
>am now therefore immortal
>become godking of the wastes
Good times

First optimistic post this thread.

First thing first I'm making a beeline back home from college, if the world is gonna end I want to be with the people I love. My dad has a pretty large collection of firearms (USMC) and my grandparents own a farm in a rural area. Don't know what we'd do, probably try to eke out an existence and help passers by.

Originally Fallout 3 was going to be set close to, if not immediately after the bombs fell. Then at some point late in development the time-frame was shunted forwards a hundred-odd years, and there was no way to update everything about the world to compensate.

Define "recover." People were not living in burnt-out Roman shacks scavenging Roman storehouses for generations after it was sacked.

>but they didn't have radiation so!
If it's a bad analogy don't use it.

Rome is a shitty example because a fall of Rome was gradual and didn't really result in scorched earth. Some things got worse, but it was no apocalypse.
The bronze age collapse was just so much meaner. All cities from Anatolia to Levant were burned and razed to the ground. It literally took a thousand of years for the civilization to recover.

you should read Lucifers Hammer

you can't just snap your fingers and have society back, infrastructure is required for infrastructure and the work of a hundred years' improvements is not just going to return in a month. even so you're lucky if the knowledge and desire even exist to put things back. I mean look at Haiti - the rest of the world still exists but they're still fucked back to prehistoric africa (which incidentally a lot of africa still is).

with population scarcity and food scarcity you're not just going to bounce back. even with outside help a catastrophic event could reach a tipping point where re-establishing a technological society never happens.

>The bronze age collapse was just so much meaner. All cities from Anatolia to Levant were burned and razed to the ground. It literally took a thousand of years for the civilization to recover.
Fucking Sea People.

Assuming that I'm not home when shit hits the fan because otherwise I die, I try to integrate into closest community that is likely to survive. I'm able-bodied and have basic carpentry and engineering skills so I'll be useful enough to be fed.

I know how to fish, cook, and shoot so join these guys as their Long John Silver

Dare I ask what happens to children under five?

what if they're feeding you people?

Suicide immediately because the only thing keeping me going just got blown up.

Why 14 days?

First off, TO THE SHELTER! I'd try and grab my tools and rifle if I'm home when it happens.

Thank you transitional socialism but the town I live in has full blown nuclear shelters with resident assignments.

From this point on its clean water first, than clean food, than iodine therapy.

Got about 10days give or take worth of food in my apartment. So get that and figure out a way to store it. Perishables and meats first. Canned goods last. Theres a community water tank in th shelter. But I cant really rely on it for anything past a week.

The shelters have small medicine bags with about a months worth of iodine pills and a couple of "in case of large doses" shots in them. With a bit of trickery i could secure a few months, maybe a year of iodine therapy. So unless the dropzone was really close I should be fine.

Water is the real problem. Big city no natural springs anywhere. There is a river but at this point it's cancer in liquid form. Try and get some kind of filtration system out with activated carbon, Ion exchange with aluminum silica, bleach for bacterial and UV if i can score some electricity.

If i could score a lot of electricity, lets say from the solar panels on that kindergarten down the street id do a recombination setup.
Use some platinum grids from catalytic converters on cars as electrodes and do some electrolysis. Brake it down in to a gas. Most beta emitter particles should remain in the liquid. Recombine the oxygen and hydrogen in a slow burner and condenser. This is as good as it gets for long term solution for water.

Next up food.

> a large group I would be missing.
Women were considered little better than mere property for most of human history for a reason.
Unless you have enough guns that you can give them to all your male members and have surplus to give to female members your reasoning is flawed.
Enjoy getting ousted by someone more ruthless than you and willing to give women to his supporters.

>run across super mutant
>minigun tears me to shreds

>your answer cannot be "die"

Guess I'll suffer through incompetent hunter-gathering, then.

First few months it's scavenging. Hit the shores and get the canned goods. Rife should give me an advantage, but not a big one. Best to do it with a group. Stack up on as much as we can and ration it out.

Longer term I'd try and reclaim some of the community space in apartment buildings.
There's no surefire way to remove beta emitters from the ground so hydroponics would be the best way to go to avoid radiation buildup.

Now goring food like this is expensive and inefficient, so it couldn't support a lot of people. I'd try and lie and cheat my way in to giving most people regular old dirt grown food, while keeping the hydra stuff for myself.
The next thing would be getting some meat.
Again, cant feed the animals regular food or it will build up.
Lucy rabbits are herbivore rodents that glow fast, taste good, and breed like well rabbits. they also eat easy to grow rood vegetables and grass that is easy to grow and basically a goldmine for hydra growing.
Have a roof allocated to rabbit food. and a rabbits. Meat would be a uber luxury after a month. And non irradiated meat would be a grate trading chip. So those bunnies are gonna need to be guarded 24/7

Now that food and water is somewhat settled its time to start thinking assignments.

Doctors are gonna be needed soon, as hygiene starts going down, so setting up some sort of emergency room with a neighbor surgeon would be the next priority. And having a doctor help out would be a grate negotiation chip in the long run.

Could also set up some basic chemistry production. Alcohol for sterilization , chlorine, chloroform for anesthetics.
If i could organize a raid on the university might be able to set up basic antibiotics in a month or so.
A lot of people die of silly infections when treatment is unavailable, and its a gruesome taxing death on the community.

Next up defense and commerce.

please & thankyou

If I can find a group of tech scavengers, I should be fine. Offer my services getting tech working in return to protection. Otherwise, I'd probably need to learn a new trade.

>Women were considered little better than mere property for most of human history for a reason.

What do you mean, "were"?

different person, not sure of the name. But my highschool library had one of those books.

Radioactive decay is caused by unstable isotopes. The nastiest stuff is pretty much gone in two weeks. Keep away from the top two stories of the high rise and the outer room of the buildings and you minimize your exposure. If there's time, figure out if your shelter in place location is directly downwind of the fallout plume.
If you really need to, have older people do the scavenging during this time. Their mature bodies have less cell division going on. The twin chains provide redundancy except when the cell is dividing.

At this point if the nuke didn't get me the neighbors will. So convince them that my "mega projects" are worth their time in the long run and get them organized. Together we are stronger. Theres no shortage of rifles and guns in these parts. Lots of ex military officers. Try and set up a militia.
A lot of people are gonna start wanting the things we have and a lot of them have nothing to offer is. So sooner or later they are gonna start trying for it by force.
Set up a guard schedule and a perimeter. No entry zones that store and produce the water and food.

Now there are things that are limited at this point. Fuel, batteries, medicine we cant produce ourselves, bullets etc. We'd have to trade for these. And the trades need to be transparent run though a council that has priorities and estimated value of goods. What we need and what we're willing to trade for it.

The rest is mostly social and physiological stuff.

Set up a hierarchy. A military style system would be the way to go. With lieutenants handling different parts of the commune

Keep people busy so they don't have too much time to get bored. When they get bored they will get depressed. So keeping a tight ship would be essential. 12h work, 8h sleep, with 3 scheduled lunch brakes prepared in a community kitchen.

Try and get patrols out to scout whats the situation in the surroundings get some info if we're under threat or if there are people willing to join us.

At this point the community should be self sufficient enough.
Set up a council to evaluate what projects need to be started or expanded. What needs our attention and what out long term goals are.

>Why 14 days?

because that's roughly how long it takes for the majority of highly energetic fallout to decay.

You will still want to avoid breathing in dust, eating non-canned food, or drinking non-bottled water for several years.

First, assuming I am not killed in a blaze of nuclear hellfire, which I feel isn't likely, given that I live nearly fifty miles from the nearest city, I and my compatriots put our secret plan into place. If that goes according to plan, which it should, given that we've been co-prepping for nearly a decade, there's a sizable number of us, and nearly a dozen have military experience, we'll find ourselves in control of a small town, wherein nearly everyone is related or acquainted with one or two members of our group. We'll then declare our sovereignty as a miniature state founded around the ideals of ethnic nationalism, voluntarist traditionalism, and self-sufficiency.

At this point, the majority of the town should fall in line, given we have the majority of firearms, nonperishable supplies, and that again, we're mostly related. Those that don't, can stay, but they're not getting any supplies from our stockpile. Once we've set-up, we'll expand our admittedly mediocre gardening operations using a stache of heirloom seeds, and, at least this what the leader said, set-up a moonshine still now that the government isn't around to tell us we can't.

Given that we're somewhat prepared, and that our town is fairly isolated, we should be able to weather the initial collapse more-or-less intact. When the shit's finished collapsing, we'll commence scouting to find and recruit refugees, find other settlements, and try to set-up a trading network, eventually leading to a close-knit alliance, eventually leading to a single state following our ideals. In a few decades, assuming our collective asses aren't handed to us by military remnants or a marauder warband, we should have a tiny little empire carved out in a chunk of what's left of the state, and following our trusted leader's lead, and tried and true policies, we should do reasonably well for ourselves, and that's all anyone can really ask for.

>inb4 go back to /pol/

Calm your tits, we're much more moderate.

And you do not show grasp either
Its MAD, for what is essentially global super civilizations.
Which means you have 2000-3000 missiles, but there is 4000-5000 targets, enemy is on the same setup, and both of you have questionable missile shields.
So there isn't enough missiles to destroy civilization, but there is enough to cripple infrastructure,

So to start Global Nuclear War, the first question is: When will you run dry in the post nuclear war, if they manage to stop your production capabilities?
Because you can never stockpile to match RL usage of said stockpile, for global post nuclear war.
You also run into another problem: To make sure there is too many targets, you need to separate stockpiles, productions, infrastructure, army, training centers, etc. Which is hard to do, since a lot of these things will be built where they was, in a previous era.

Then again, the biggest blue balls of a Nuclear War, is that it might not end in victory.
So you sit there, waiting for round 2, and hope for victory in Nuclear War 2.
Which is a terrible waste of manpower.

>Which means you have 2000-3000 missiles, but there is 4000-5000 targets

>What is MIRV?

There are ~2,400 missiles in the combined nuclear triad...~4,600 *warheads*...and 750-1,000 targets. On our half of the equation. Best estimates are that the other side is roughly equivalent; same number of targets, more RVs but with a higher system failure rate, means roughly the same number of warheads hitting about the same number of targets.

>t. USAF Nuclear and Missile Operations Officer
>Don't do what I do. Bunker duty sucks.

Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

I haven't genuinely cringed reading a post in a long time. Congratulations, you're an enormous faggot. Go back to /pol/ and stay there.

Grow potatoes and think big.

OP asked, I answered, and I won't apologize for it.

To be fair, the sterility of those plants is in place to avoid a situation where biologically altered corn starts spreading and kills off natural flora by taking over all living space, thus turning the country into a sea of corn before it all gets blown away in th emother of all duststorms.
Still the plant sterility is a legitimate concern.

There's an old post-apocalyptic novel based around the idea of genetically enhanced corn taking over the ecosphere, I can't remember the title for the life of me though.

Shit i know that one, green something...

Didn't except you to, delusional bigots and larpers with no social awareness never apologize for being retards, you and your kind genuinely don't know any better and don't think you're ever in the wrong. All i can do is call you a worthless sperg and hopefully you can snap back into reality after a healthy dose of public shaming.

Was it The Death of Grass?
It's about crops dying though.


Stop either taking the bait or trying to bait someone into a needless politishit argument, faggot.

>ethnic nationalism

>Ethnic nationalism
>"Everyone is gonna listen to us hurr durr."
>"We nazi now!"
Everyone is going to call you an autistic faggot and probably steal your shit. That of course is assuming you have the actual balls to try and order a group of people far larger than you and your fuck-buddies, which you probably don't

>mutually assured destruction

You forgot the parts where you start breeding with your relatives because that's all you're missing but seem to vaguely imply it by mentioning how you're already related to everyone.

>town full of inbred "pure Aryan" Nazis
They'd be a great set of antagonists.

I've been a diagnosed autist since second grade, I don't give a shit about popular opinion, and neither do my friends. That's the problem with "you and your kind," you assume we give a shit about what you think. I don't care if you want to establish an LBTQ2AI+ friendly egalitarian commune in our backyard, infact, I'd applaud you for doing so, but the reverse can't be said, and you have the audacity to call me bigoted. Listen to () and stop taking the bait that isn't there to take. If you want to do some reading and acquire your own, nuanced worldview, pic related's a great place to start.

bong here so no firearms.

grab my bow, bugout bag, extra food and clothes and bug out innawoods. hope to live off rabbits, berries, nettles, food i can scavenge or find, and food i have taken with me.

hopefully try to join a group.

I could probably see a town managing to maintain something close to a single ethnicity if it's like New Holland or another one of those fun ethnic enclaves that just kinda formed in the Midwest. But in a post-apocalyptic environment, an ethnonationalist town centered around one charismatic leader would be much like a town that forbids its women from working or one of the requisite bandit towns: probably fine and dandy before a single crisis makes it collapse in on itself.

So wait, you're a literal autist and you think people are going to listen to your socially incapable ass in the aftermath of a nuclear war? Wow, you are retarded. Have fun dying if you ever try this shit.

>and you have the audacity to call me bigoted.
>"Hey guys we want to create an empire of weak chinned Andy's and overweight Bucks with no college education based on ethnic nationalism and our flag is going to have the swastika on it.
>Whoa whoa, don't call me a bigot!

Question, what happens when you guys a find a gay black jew? Do they not get to live in your cheeto dust empire, do they end up as slaves, or do you through them into the ditches?
But wait nazis wouldnt do that because nazis never murdered people!
Second question, what happens when you guys get surrounded by the rest of the sane people (also known as every one else) who survived and want to wipe you nazi shits off the planet?

You're both retarded.

Rule of thumb: if the Germans oppose you, you're doing something right.

Second rule: If german larpers oppose you, you're definitely doing it right

Not a bad suggestion but he should also learn to farm his own ingredients. Cut out as much of the supply chain as you can to maximize your potential profits, unless it's otherwise unfeasible or you like your weekends off.

If you're an autist then how do you expect to create anything on ethnic nationalism? your genes are already inferior to everyone else.

Now we need stats on how high Trump support is in the German LARP community, but given how low Trump support is in Germany in general I doubt they'll be significant outliers.

Or do you mean to imply /pol/ is majority German?

That crisis would probably be this guy

>nazis would execute the mentally challenged
>Most modern day nazis would have to kill each other based on that same ideal.

His first post said that he's not actually going to be the head of this organization. He's got some leader he's already getting his ideas from, and he just wants to help make sure the leader's plan goes through. He probably also wants to make sure he's a high-ranker in this situation and not one of the brownshirts that will inevitably end up getting thrown away.

I mean you trumptards are all german larpers in that you're /po/ in that you're nazi larpers

Don't worry, scientists think Yellowstone might be closer than ever to erupting. In which case kiss the west coast and a good deal of the American midwest goodbye. If you're closer East you will probably just smother from the toxic fumes and ashfall. With the American breadbasket gone the rest of the world will start suffering massive food shortages even as the planet is most likely forced under a new ice age.

Five to twelve was just a basic framework. We’ll take anyone under twelve.

But he's genetically inferior, he'll eventually get rounded up next.