/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General

Previous thread: 56717335
>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Can vampires cook using blood/Vitae?
>5th edition cliffnotes
>New Geist preview
>New Deviant preview

First for Tzimisce


We get it. You're a piece of shit cunt.

Please, just ignore this thread. He made it early just to be a fuckhead.

>someone makes a frog OP
>people are ALREADY triggered

Somebody buttmad about the frog is gonna make a second thread aren't they

It's literally guaranteed

Fuck off, frogposter.

What's the best setting for each line? Hard mode: no US or Western Europe.
Kazakhstan or some other Central Asian state
Hong Kong or Macau

Based frogposter

...Were you in such a hurry to troll the general you fucked up the opening post? That's kinda hilarious user.

>he didn't notice the previous OP
Fucking up threads is practically the norm here

Image doesn't even say WoD. Useless.


Fuck. Now I feel gross knowing that I have to share a thread with kind of shitbag that is OP.

Reminder to ignore complainers that want to derail the thread

Should have made a thread sooner, fagness.

Seconding Hong Kong /Macau

Deep underwater

OP, if you didn't want people to complain, you wouldn't have frogposted.

We get it, OP, you are a Nazi and alt-right memelord. You personally shaped history in causing crooked Hillarys downfall and installed Trump to build the wall. Now go back to your board to gloat about it while we try to have a civilized discussion

>South america totally forgotten

feels bad man

Dumb frogposter

Don't falseflag so hard. People don't like frogposting because it's a stale meme from another board that shitposters like OP like to use as an emblem of how much of a shitposter they are.



It's practically one of the many faces of Veeky Forums

Or maybe some people can have an OP they don't like without sperging out

I actually love Pepe, but it became a sin to post it

It's a sign of the worst parts of Veeky Forums. You can generally tell how bad a board is by the number of frogposters it has.

Frogposters are the kind of idiots who lack a personality of their own, so they subscribe to a semi-ironic mentality. They're the kind of people who think "This isn't me, this is just the way I'm acting", and never realize that they're really just shitty cunts, inside and out.

Or maybe they do it just to get a reaction out of people like you.

It's childish.


That's called trolling, and funny enough, that's actually against the rules of Veeky Forums. You're really only supposed to troll people on boards like /b/ or /r9k/ or the other shitposting boards.

Of course, that's one of the official rules that is only loosely enforced (because trolling is usually not blatant enough for there to be absolutely no doubt), but still, we're looking at the kind of "culture" that is a part of the worst boards.

I'm from Buenos Aires and I run games involving Argentina, Uruguay and the whole southern cone

Complaining will only make it worse. Start getting on-topic before you're no better than the frog.

>posting a frog is trolling now
jesus christ
imagine if instead of sperging out about a frog you just ignored it
would that be so hard?

>thinking this thread will get on topic

Ignore autists, discuss WoD
Have you guys ever played underwater games? they're my favorite

Hey, I'm just explaining what "Or maybe they do it just to get a reaction out of people like you" means.

Is this your first time outside of /b/?

No I have not. How would you even play an underwater game?

I forgot that WoD is mainly catered to triggered asswipes. Frog is just proving another sad fact.

It's the frogposter that said it was trolling.

Shut up, OP. If you don't want people complaining, don't keep making the threads early just to frogpost.

I'm not the OP, im just not so autistic i sperg out if someone posts a frog
so posting a frog is trolling?
I played a game where we were all VE exploring spooky shit happening underwater

But I'm not OP? Is the frog getting to you now?

Frogs can swim very well.

If it's done just to piss people off, yes. In fact, if we could get you to go ahead and admit that you're just trying to troll people, that'd be swell.

Holy hell. Just grow up and get over it already. You're worse than the OP at this point.

>posting a frog is trolling now
reddit was a mistake

Guys guys guys. Don't you see? Don't you get it? This is what the frogposter wants. It WANTS to divide us!

What part of "doing it just to get a reaction" hasn't sunk into your head yet?

How come you're scared to admit that this thread was just made to troll people? Is it because you never knew trolling is against the rules outside of /b/? You probably shouldn't be so scared, because the mods typically tolerate a certain threshold of shitposting, and so far, you frogposting just to piss people off hasn't reach that stage yet.

Top quality work OP.
Always fun to see the Redditfags get absolutely assblasted by a picture of a cartoon frog.

>being this triggered

If posting a frog gets you this triggered, the problem isn't the frog, user

The vast majority of frogposters are from Reddit though.

Pepe has been dead since 2014.

Veeky Forums is the only board that spergs out like this too. Nobody else gives a shit.

If it's buttblasting people *this* much it's well and alive.

This is kind of scary.

It's genuinely like you have zero personality. Like you are 100%, absolutely mindless, incapable of an original thought.

I'd rather have no personality then have a mental breakdown because someone posted a cartoon frog

>Version 1.37
Hey everyone, it's been a while, but I've got a new update for you.

Cloud Infinite!

They start off determining if someone's got a brain worth picking, then they proceed into seeding your mind with thoughts they want you to figure out, borrowing your mind as a 'backup thinker', stealing mental attributes and skills, and eventually (though even their creator, Carbon hasn't achieved this yet), realise how to Mind-Control other Mages and/or Steal their Arcana.

So yeah, enjoy stealing some thoughts, claim proprietary rights over souls, and achieve mystic singularity and enslave dozens or even hundreds of Mages through use of their soul-stones. Just remember those pesky Fate Adepts can try and CoW with you. Emphasis on the 'try'.


Well and alive among redditors.

Based legacies poster saving us from the autists

>Like you are 100%, absolutely mindless, incapable of an original thought.

Oh the irony. You can't even let go of a fucking frog.

Hey man, I'm just explaining some pretty basic stuff to you.

Frogposting is basically just a sign that you are mildly retarded. I'm sad that you're getting this upset about people pointing out what everyone already knows.

So, you're going to just keep "pretending" to be retarded, like you are now, right? Peachy.

/CofD/ & /wodg/ Autists get pissy and argue about dumb shit general

When did I say I frogposted? I don't
I'm just a normal human being who can look at a picture of a frog and not freak out and start calling everyone retarded if they disagree with me
Christ, how do you cope in the real world?


Where did the frog touch you, user?

>Cope in the real world
They don't user. Do you really think people that act this autistic are functional?

Really? This is what we're doing? Talking about frogs?

Who the fuck cares about pepe? The actual annoying thing is that OP was so eager to make people assflustered he forgot to include any of the new stuff in his post.

Why don't you try posting something useful instead of complaining, then?

Frogposter strikes gold again

Why is that frogposter still around?

Who's freaking out? You look like you're extremely interested in this particular topic, to the point of ignoring everything that's been explained to you just in order to keep this conversation going.

Frogposting is an unnecessary way of signalling that you're the kind of guy who frogposts in /b/ and /r9k/ and /pol/. It's a way of saying "Hey, I'm one of those idiots! Look how much we love shitposting!" Acting like it's just a cartoon frog with no connections to anything is just acting oblivious upon being called out, and ignoring why people frogpost to begin with. If it was just a cartoon frog, people wouldn't spam it.

People on other boards aren't big fans of shitposting, that's why you only really see a lot of them on boards that have become shitposting havens like /tv/ and /sp/.

Hopefully, Veeky Forums won't become one of those shitposting havens. Veeky Forums's in a bad state, but it's still nowhere near as bad as those boards, or even worse off like /b/ or /pol/. People react to frogposts because it's there way of saying "No, we don't like your kind here, shitpost elsewhere."

Yes, it's very reactionary, and it's in some ways more magical thinking than anything else, but as long as frogposting is largely synonymous with shitposting, people are going to complain about it.

So you're saying yes; the image of a frog DOES trigger you?

>being this sensitive

>who's freaking out?
>proceeds to freak out

Necromancy seems kind OP
>Summon and control a spectre
>get him to float over to your enemies base whilst hes sleeping
>set him on fire
you can do this at chargen, how the fuck are you supposed to defend yourself from that?

Play weresharks motherfucker!

You can:
Play as a Gangrel Mariner
Play as a Tzimisce and adapt your body to the water
Play as a Rokea
Play as a Mage with Life, Forces and Matter

You seem upset. Is the obvious that painful to you?

Luckily I feel fine, cartoons don't trigger me

Wow, you're really trolling me good by ignoring everything I just patiently explained to you.

Here's an upvote, I guess. You being this retarded finally actually made me realize I've just been dealing with a genuinely retarded person. Funny, I thought you were just shitposting ironically, but it seems you're just genuinely too stupid for non-/b/ talk.

But, please, tell me I'm triggered again. It's somewhat nostalgic.

>h-how dare the OP be something i dont like
>its not that big a deal

You're worse than the frogposter, user.

Let that sink in.

You look like you're extremely interested in this particular topic, to the point of ignoring everything that's been explained to you just in order to keep this conversation going.

Frogposting is an unnecessary way of signalling that you're the kind of guy who frogposts in /b/ and /r9k/ and /pol/. It's a way of saying "Hey, I'm one of those idiots! Look how much we love shitposting!" Acting like it's just a cartoon frog with no connections to anything is just acting oblivious upon being called out, and ignoring why people frogpost to begin with. If it was just a cartoon frog, people wouldn't spam it.

People on other boards aren't big fans of shitposting, that's why you only really see a lot of them on boards that have become shitposting havens like /tv/ and /sp/.

Hopefully, Veeky Forums won't become one of those shitposting havens. Veeky Forums's in a bad state, but it's still nowhere near as bad as those boards, or even worse off like /b/ or /pol/. People react to frogposts because it's there way of saying "No, we don't like your kind here, shitpost elsewhere."

Yes, it's very reactionary, and it's in some ways more magical thinking than anything else, but as long as frogposting is largely synonymous with shitposting, people are going to complain about it.

>he's literally having a breakdown on Veeky Forums because of a cartoon frog
i am legitimately laughing out loud

Now I'm starting to feel bad for you.

>I'm not butthurt!!!
he screams, whilst sobbing into his screen

You look like you're extremely interested in this particular topic, to the point of ignoring everything that's been explained to you just in order to keep this conversation going.

Frogposting is an unnecessary way of signalling that you're the kind of guy who frogposts in /b/ and /r9k/ and /pol/. It's a way of saying "Hey, I'm one of those idiots! Look how much we love shitposting!" Acting like it's just a cartoon frog with no connections to anything is just acting oblivious upon being called out, and ignoring why people frogpost to begin with. If it was just a cartoon frog, people wouldn't spam it.

People on other boards aren't big fans of shitposting, that's why you only really see a lot of them on boards that have become shitposting havens like /tv/ and /sp/.

Hopefully, Veeky Forums won't become one of those shitposting havens. Veeky Forums's in a bad state, but it's still nowhere near as bad as those boards, or even worse off like /b/ or /pol/. People react to frogposts because it's there way of saying "No, we don't like your kind here, shitpost elsewhere."

Yes, it's very reactionary, and it's in some ways more magical thinking than anything else, but as long as frogposting is largely synonymous with shitposting, people are going to complain about it.

Did you really just copy paste your original post?

Not only that, he did it again

The most autistic general on the second most autistic board at work, people.

>let me just dig myself deeper into this hole


Frogs are not against the rules user
Spamming, however, is

Is there really a point in doing anything otherwise? You seem to just be caught in a loop of saying "triggered", and hoping that has some sort of meaning outside of /b/. Now, if you cared about something other than shitposting, you'd either drop the subject altogether, or try discussing it in a way that wasn't clear you're only here to shitpost from the start. Read the copypasta. It's only explaining one of the many reasons why people don't like frogposters.

You look like you're extremely interested in this particular topic, to the point of ignoring everything that's been explained to you just in order to keep this conversation going.

Frogposting is an unnecessary way of signalling that you're the kind of guy who frogposts in /b/ and /r9k/ and /pol/. It's a way of saying "Hey, I'm one of those idiots! Look how much we love shitposting!" Acting like it's just a cartoon frog with no connections to anything is just acting oblivious upon being called out, and ignoring why people frogpost to begin with. If it was just a cartoon frog, people wouldn't spam it.

People on other boards aren't big fans of shitposting, that's why you only really see a lot of them on boards that have become shitposting havens like /tv/ and /sp/.

Hopefully, Veeky Forums won't become one of those shitposting havens. Veeky Forums's in a bad state, but it's still nowhere near as bad as those boards, or even worse off like /b/ or /pol/. People react to frogposts because it's there way of saying "No, we don't like your kind here, shitpost elsewhere."

Yes, it's very reactionary, and it's in some ways more magical thinking than anything else, but as long as frogposting is largely synonymous with shitposting, people are going to complain about it.

>tfw you finally got to witness someone have a mental breakdown

So, you were only here to shitpost from the start.

Thanks for admitting as such.

You're so fucking triggered. It's absolutely incredible.

>15 posters
>95 posts
>nearly every single one is about frogs
>and I know I've only posted once

Jesus Christ.