What will you do if you make it? How much money is your current portfolio and how much do you need to make it?

What will you do if you make it? How much money is your current portfolio and how much do you need to make it?
>make it:1M

>Quit job
>move to low COL State with less diversity
>vacation in Eastern Europe and finally lose virginity to whores
>day trade with leftover money
>marry qt virgin blonde from Sweden
Also rate eachother’s Lives after making it

Other urls found in this thread:


>Current: $5
>Make it: Maybe like $10

>Buy a bag of maltesers
>Buy a big bottle of fanta
>Drink Fanta
>Eat Maltesers

>Current: 2k LINK
>Make it: 10k LINK

>Congratulate Sergey
>add the whole Chainlink team on LinkedIn to connections
>keep holding

your gonna die a virgin you faggot
> pulling out
> not fucking the gravy train till ((them)) hit you off for ur 1b+ crypto funds
good goy good prole keep wageslaving, ull be back to shekelsteins company to work ur shitty desk job in no time

>total fiat investment: 5k
>current: 15k
>make it: 600k

>actualy like my job so want to keep working
>go from 40 hours a week to 20 hours a week
>take a 1 year holliday or maybe 3 month vacation every year together with my qt gf
>go live in some mountainy country like switzerland or the french/italian alps and have basic lifestyle in nature
> put all my surpluss money into charity

current: $1m
make it: $2m

>make it:£2.5m

>Quit job
>give back to family
>buy nice detached house
>buy nice car (E63S)
>fuck whores and tinder sluts for a few more years while traveling world then settle down

psychoanalyzed your personality based on this fantasy, and i have bad news for you: never gonna make it

>current $500
>make it $1m

>Start business
>live like a king
>never have kids
>never get married
>fuck 10/10 hookers whenever I want
>die in peace

Invest in something with far lower risk than crypto and keep working to an early retirement

>Extreme Jealousy: The Post

What did you find?

> correct currency
> correct goals
> My nuggah

>marry qt virgin blonde from Sweden



Whores in eastern europe are most fun if you have a group of friends, rent an apartment and get 2 girls each

alone it's kind of boring

just fyi

Started with $700 that I scraped together. currently at 3.5k, I only need to reach 10k, then I will be completely debt free, Not credit card or student loan, a fucking costly trip to the ER and my a/c unit taking a shit wiped out my savings and I had to take on debt...once I clear that, then I can begin pouring every spare cent into crypto. Making enough to retire by 30-35 is the dream, but honestly i’d be happy enough just having 40-50k (or more) in the bank. Not having to live paycheck to paycheck would be such a relief. Of course, making a mil would be fucking sweet too

>Current: 500k
>Make it: +5MM

>Buy parents comfy cottage
>A year or two of 1st class travel and degeneracy while hodlling bags for another 10x; Offset with lifting, pure diet and BJJ/boxing training
>Set up iron clad asset protection matrix with 'permanent traveler' status for near zero tax liability
>Find blond, blue eyed qt wife in her early 20's and keep her pregnant for the next decade
>Time the global property market collapse and snap off a small chunk of crypto to buy blocks of apartments for residual income
>Buy luxury 70ft catamaran and sail the med
>Build my dream house (either from scratch or renovate an old stone building) in some comfy mountains region. Where i'm not sure yet, i'll figure that out on my travels . Thinking San Marino, Croatia or Snowdonia.

Yours was my favorite. Godspeed user.

You'll all get there user. You don't know me, but trust me: in 2 years time anyone on Veeky Forums will be a multimillionaire. Just HODL 50% and invest wisely with the rest. 2018 will be HUGE. Wait for february 4th. It's gonna be a complete gamechanger.


user, why Feb 4?

When all of you say "normies are here" you're probably speak about yourselves right? Cars, whores and houses, that's fucking pathetic. I bet you masturbate thinking about some more nigger-lifestyle

>current: 6.8K
>make it: 1.5M

>pay off all loans (~500K total from buying property and building a house)
>get rid of my car and buy something fun and practical like an S6 Avant
>keep money at hand to never having to think twice about buying something I want
>reinvest a smaller sum (~200K) into either crypto or stocks, depending on the market

>in 2 years time anyone on Veeky Forums will be a multimillionaire. Just HODL 50% and invest wisely with the rest.
this desu

You put pussy on the pedestal

>current: 6k
>make it: at least 100k
I just want to write a big check to my family members

>>in 2 years time

Unless you are invested in PayCoin.

>make it:5M

>Actually like job, work for 1 more year
>Pay for brothers undergrad, fund mom's restaurant venture
>Get MBA @ top tech school on the west coast
>Network, find a crew, launch own shitcoin
>Live on the beach, mean to learn to surf but never have time to
>Market the shit out of shitcoin, and make it as nonshitty as possible
>Sell shitcoin to big Corp, retire with fuck you money in early thirties
>Learn to surf, party with other rich tech nerds, break hearts
>Watch big Corp fuck up shitcoin and get reqt by crash
>Start VC firm with tech nerds, specializing in shit coins and buy the market dip
>Work 20 hours a week because we hired smart ppl and developed strong management
>Get bored of dating models, reconnect with girl from business school with a brain and who doesn't need my money. Have a few kids.
>Surf, golf, reminisce about good times trolling internet message boards and chasing pump and dumps

came to say this lol

your valuation of "less diversity" as being important rather than just living in an affluent area, and then wanting to get married but having the unrealistic view that on the one hand you could marry an attractive virgin and on the other that such a thing is even desirable. If you marry someone who has never had sex before what will you do if you find that the two of you are sexually incompatible? Let's say you want sex daily but your partner finds she doesn't enjoy sex much and will only give it to you once a month if at all, while making you feel like an asshole for "demanding" sex from her. Just as an example.


>Set up iron clad asset protection matrix with 'permanent traveler' status for near zero tax liability
What strategy are you thinking of?

The dream. I hope you will make it user, I see it the same, except I am a little bit further ahead.

>he wants damaged goods
Want to know how I can tell you are a cuck?

>Find blond, blue eyed qt wife in her early 20's and keep her pregnant for the next decade
why do you want this?

actually I'm not interested in a relationship at all

but I have to ask, are you a virgin?

Yes read the OP


well I wonder if that has warped your view of relationships if you view having sex with someone experienced as being a cuckold, do you even know what a cuckold is? There's no connection at all. If you're sleeping with someone then obviously they've chosen to be with you, and not someone else, for a reason.

good goals, I hope you make it.

Looking into setting up trust/llc chains so anything i cash out and any assets i purchase will be multiple layers removed from my person. So say i want to cash out 100k- it'll be into an offshore bank account in say the Caymans, owned buy an LLC in another offshore jurisdiction, itself owned by another offshore LLC, controlled by a trust in another offshore jurisdiction. I'll be creating fresh LLCs for any new assets/bank accounts (even for cars and shit) and feed them into the existing structure. On paper i'll be a poorfag but ultimately control vast wealth. It helps that i'm already a dual national.
>why do you want this?
To ensure sure my family name lives on.

Lads, if you play your cards right over the next 2-10 years you could be setting up family dynasties, considering the sort of wealth you'll be able to generate. No fucking joke.

no user we dont want u here

>To ensure sure my family name lives on.
why do you consider this to be important? What's so special about your family name?


>current: 2k
>make it: 300k

>buy my momma a house
>keep wagecucking
>work on building affiliate websites and invest all vacant money in paid advertisement

that's it

I see, I will ultimately do something like that too. Unfortunately tthe structure you are talking about would probably cost over 10k/year to maintain

>Lads, if you play your cards right over the next 2-10 years you could be setting up family dynasties, considering the sort of wealth you'll be able to generate. No fucking joke.

Spent the last month, including Christmas, huddled over my computer screens writing arbitrage bots.

I weep for mankind

not an argument

Occultfag here.

Visualise your goals:
>subconscious can't discriminate betwixt real things of vivid mental images therefore if you visualise something then your subconscious will make it reality
>also is more than that as universe is actually made of one thing created via mental means and we are a microcosm of that

>visualise it as seen from your eyes don't visualise seeing yourself doing something
>make images vivid with sound and feeling
>don't visualise winning competitive things eg. winning a sports game or getting a specific job instead visualise giving your best possible performance
>never visualise harm coming to someone or that is black magic and karma will bite ya
>don't discuss your goals with people, this drains the energy out
>must work towards goals and visualisation will help, if you don't work towards goals unfortunate things may happen
>One person visualised counting stacks of money, ended up being a bank clerk
>One person visualised money but didn't work towards it and ended up getting injured at work and receiving a payout

>fullblown turbo autism-mode
Not what the other croatbros have been telling me, lad.
>Unfortunately tthe structure you are talking about would probably cost over 10k/year to maintain
Yeah, probably about right. But that's only like 0.2% of my base level made it goal. Better than nearly 50% or whatever the retarded tax rate is in my country.

I asked you why you think ensuring your family name lives on is important. And your only argument is to call me autistic?

it wasn't an argument it was an observation

>i don't understand that by "family name" what is actually meant is "unique genetic and memetic composition."
low iq nigger detected. pls don't breed

Can't risk telling too much. It's something that's posted daily on Veeky Forums, I just lucked into testing the alpha version.


we dont want you to spread your weak cuck genes here

I would have guessed Tezos but that's hardly ever posted on Veeky Forums.

Just give us some hints please, is it on it's own blockchain or is it an ETH token?

>make it

I only have about a 100 a month to pump in. I'll never make it.


Join up

Sorry guys, I love you and all but I risk too much. Just keep your ear to the ground and stay alert for accumulation in the first days of February.

>current: 1k, started with 30
>make it: >100k

>find the two most stunning, expensive eastern european whores and do the bushleague sausage submarine sandwich (two chicks scissoring with your dick in between their cunts
>pay of sisters debts
>invest most in something secure
>keep 10k in cryptos for fun and next win

i think $1m will have made it, once i have reached $1m all limits willl cease to exist

why is your unique genetic and memetic composition important?

>I-I'm not a cuck user! I just have a fetish for freshly beaten pussy! Tyrone said I'm a bigot if I don't!
>W-Women that were whores before certainly won't be whores again once they're with me!...

Seriously tho, whether you get it with a virgin or beat roasties it's super chancey that they'll stay with you. Both could at any time just decide they don't want you anymore. Virgins have the advantage that they can be more easily trained/manipulated but the disadvantage of naïvete so they may find something the like more than you, and won't have anything constructive to add in bedroom activities. Damaged goods have the advantage that they know what they like so if you're not it, they won't waste time and will probably move on...probably, which is the disadvantage, whores are snakes and WILL take advantage of you with zero fucks given, so you just have to keep an eye out for them at all times, unless you're a faggy cuck and just like being used. Sex is as meaningful as a bag of chips to a used woman.

So if you find sex to be meaningful in a relationship and don't like being a tool, you may want to seek out chicks with little to, preferably, no experience. If you are yourself a mangina/whore, a cuck, or just like constantly managing your fuck box, then a roastie may be in your future!

how would you know

>i like my job so ill stop working as much and then move away
>ill make money to give it away

>current_: 5,5k
>make it 2mio

>continue job cause i realy like it.
>find wife make 3 kids
>buy big house / farm
>live more rural and natural and make much of the food myself

The ride never ends does it?

no, it doesn't. you chase the dragon forever...or until $1b

lmao fucking this

>marry qt virgin blonde from Sweden

Hope you're a refugee or they aren't interested

Billioniares are some of the greediest fuckers around.

If anything I think getting to $1b will make it worse based off of that

>initial capital $145 a month ago
>make it: Billions

>will buy Honda CRV and a nice mid-size house.
>live with wife and keep chasing the money.


Liberals don't belong on Veeky Forums

you know you're giving credence to the retards who say "bitcoin is racist" when you say dumb shit like that

>currently 171k$
>make it 1m


Join for coin info Let’s go guys

current 2k
make it 1m

give my mom atleast 300k
pay off student debts (only like 10k xd)
buy mercedes A class
finish college
find a job
do university meanwhile
find a potential wife
get married
settle down in an affordable house
get mini versions of me
level the mini versions

those r the plans so far

Current £900
Short term £5k
Take my mum on holiday next time I've got some time off

>Paying student debts

You realize no one does this right?

you can do this user i believe in you

Shut the fuck up kike. She is his wife, is her duty to give him sex whenever he requires it. Whether she enjoys it or not on a physical level is irrelevant. She should enjoy performing her wifely duties.

FUN public launch

racism is against global rule 3, please delete your post

Fuck off cuck.

why do people always respond this way to that post?

>Current $16k
>Make it $500k
I just want to stop working 60 hours a week. i'd buy a duplex and rent the other half and just live off of that hopefully and maybe a small part time job.

*race realism

? idk where you live tho

>current: $2k
>make it: $Lambo
Tbh I already know I won't make it cuz I am literally the unluckiest person ever so any coin I invest in will inevitably fail.
If you hodl XRP, XLM, or ADA then get out now. My failures will consume you like a black hole.

Current: 30k
Make it: 600k

I'm starting to lose hope of making it before it all comes crashing down. 20x is a lot, even in these ridiculous markets.

a racial epithet is edginess for its own sake, its not "race realism" at all

>'Work' as an assistant for a Congressman that I had an internship with
why would they hire a college dropout though?