Any stories or ideas for taking over a country...

Any stories or ideas for taking over a country? My character is a rogue in a so-far generic fantasy land and I want to play ambitiously, going for power.

Crowns are always in fashion anons, and I want one.

Gain trust. Gain respect. Gain the visage of a hero. Make the monarch treat you as their vizier, a close friend, or their own child. Set everything up so that you'll be the heir. Then, make that subtle push to power and finish them off. Make sure to have a handy scapegoat, of course.

>I'm playing a rogue and I want power

Have fun running the country into the ground after killing someone who was doing a much better job than you ever will, you country grown fuck.

Why don't you believe in dreams

Hire mercenaries and declare war.

Machiavelli laughs at you from beyond the veil.


This dude speaks the truth.

Why he wants to be a King?
Who will be his main rivals?
Which people can he trust?
There is another kingdom/nation/empire interesed in his sucess/failure?
Will he piss off a god in the process?

Nigga, you're a adventurer. How else would you find a army?

>Why he wants to be a King?
You don't need a reason to want to become king. It's a end in itself.

Sneak into the castle in the dead of night. Sit on the throne. Steal the country.

Find the deity who granted divine right. Convince it the current king is no good. Invoke ancient right of single combat for throne.

It's more of a joke that Machiavelli really hated auxiliaries and mercenaries and specifically warned against using them, citing their unreliability and lack of devotion to your rule

Depending on the culture there might be an in-road built in. We had another player character challenge to combat an orc ruler for unrelated reasons but won, lo and behold he's the leader now because winning the combat challenge is grounds of being a better leader.

Alternatively, could just seduce your way to power. Different game, the rogue basically just light-raped her way to power.

>Fuck and impregnate the queen.
>Convince her to kill the King. She's going to do it because if she doesn't she'll be burned alive for treason.
>Corrupt nobles and soldiers with promise of power.
>Kill the loyalists and take the throne.

>Who holds the King in power? (EZ answers: nobles who supply armies, archmage/wizard college, priests and demogogues, wealthy traders and plutocrats, Royal Guard or other independent army of the crown, Thieves' Guild or other intelligence agency)
>Sow discord between King and these forces, using existing divisions (and there are always divisions)
>Become beloved of those same forces
>Extract allegiance of these forces
>Eliminate those who will not bend to you
>Develop a claim of legitimacy to smooth transition of power
>Destroy the King
>Succeed to the throne

I tried to steer my players towards doing this, but they instead went and got a floating palace.

Have the strongest army.

If you were a fighter, I would have suggested gathering an army and overthrowing the current king.

But you're a rogue, and that means you have to play the Game of Thrones.

You need to get in good with someone powerful. You need to keep up with politics. You need to look for any signs of weakness, and capitalise on them mercilessly. You may have some skill as an assassin, but that is only for emergencies. Words must become your weapons. A well-placed quip can cut deeper than any blade.

And remember: ambition and morals do not mix. You must accept that, if the throne is to be yours.

Before anything else, ask yourself if you want the crown or if you want the power the crown represents.

Unless you're a very well loved and very well respected member of the nobility, the crown is only going to make you a target, and an easy one at that.

Your best option is going to be the power behind the throne, the kingmaker.

>Any stories or ideas for taking over a country? My character is a rogue in a so-far generic fantasy land and I want to play ambitiously, going for power.
All other anons are suggesting subterfuge and plotting, but that's for sissy faggots. Do it like William the Conqueror did it - get the permission from the Pope and invade. Might makes right.

Give yourself a time frame, my rogue obtained both an airship and an empire in two weeks.