Babysitter Club Flush
Order of the Stick 1107
>Tunn unn deh
>he's a pig
>she says, when the only reason he dumped her is because she told him she'd killed her husband and ran away the morning after
>he's likely never touched a woman before or since
>AND she was gone before she could've known she was pregnant, or told him
Anyway, Kudzu is cute and what's with the other baby on the table with that lady from the Thieves' Guild? Is... is it Belkar's?
Eh? Why would it be Belkar's?
Because he may have slept with at least one of the women at that table.
>the other baby on the table with that lady from the Thieves' Guild?
That's either Roy or Roy's little brother.
I don't know, I remember a scene with him and her and the sandwiches and the "solo adventure" euphemism, but that's about it. The baby is closest to her in skin tone, but it could be anyone.
This is all me guessing, obviously.
That also makes sense if that's Roy's mom playing cards there, but is it?
If it's a flashback that far, why is it in full color? Also, the halfling Rogue Celia negotiated with is at the table - he's the one with his back to the screen. The Half-Orc isn't Bozzok, who is dead, but it's not Thog. Have we seen this Half-Orc before?
the opposite actually - it's a babysitting service, so it makes sense if it isn't their mother playing there
Haley's memory of the guild playing poker isn't likely to cover the time that Belkar could have sired a kid. I don't even think it's been 9 months since cliffport, more like a couple of weeks.
It could be a cutaway instead of a flashback.
Point. But then, did the Greenhilts ever live anywhere near Greysky?
>did the Greenhilts ever live anywhere near Greysky?
Hmm, I genuinely don't know.
Maybe it's just a random baby and we're overthinking this?
It is almost assuredly a random baby that exists solely for this punchline. Are any of the other people in that last panel actual characters?
If it's a cutaway, I still think gestation period is a serious issue. They just haven't been away from cliffport long enough for a half human-half halfing child to gestate unless halfings have gestation periods way, way shorter than humans do.
Point taken. If we've spent this long on this back-and-forth, I can only imagine how long the GitP forums will be debating it.
>I don't even think it's been 9 months since cliffport, more like a couple of weeks.
talk about pacing issues
>Celia starts off as a fairly one-note character, ends up delivering an epic lawyer comeback (albeit in a trial that already was rigged), then for some reason becomes an utter and complete moron that nobody likes and like a completely different character
>the entirety of Miko Miyazaki
>Hilgya, a character otherwise as bland as her good counterpart but overall inoffensive, has a fling with Durkon that she basically talks him into because he's a stubborn Lawful Good dwarf who doesn't understand seduction (she suggests they fuck in that place), with a very, very strong sense of duty, abandons her due to that sense of duty (especially because she attempted to MURDER HER HUSBAND), although without any malice and now she thinks he's Hitler
>Hilgya continues throughout this strip to be a bitter bitch to everyone even though the concern that bringing a baby to a battle is very legitimate (protections and deathwards are great, but they're delving into a cabal led by a high-level vampire cleric who has Durkon's memories and can easily use them to strike a hostage situation or outright kill the baby, but everyone suggesting she leaves Kudzu with an ally is an idiot
>Tarquin quickly went from "best character in the comic" to "overexposed walking TVTropes who misplaces his resources just to constantly wink at the reader and who overstays his welcome"
Why does almost every recurring NPC character written by Burlew end up being an annoying cunt? I think it's somehow tied to the fact that whenever he writes a character with strong convictions they end up being a caricature of those convictions and he ends up writing them as really stubborn, and no matter how many times you see them being wrong they will never see how wrong they are, which makes the character doubly infuriating.
I'm just hoping that Hilgya's acting isn't some YASSS SLAYYY YOU GO GIRL moment, because this comic had plenty of those and they were all infinitely stronger than this one is shaping up to be.
I didn't see that much change in Celia, honestly. Just her alien morality (compared to that of Haley's half of the Order) actually coming into play.
Tarquin sticking around a while was inevitable, he was the main antagonist of the arc and being "walking TvTropes" was the entire point of his character - "this is what an evil Elan would look like."
Hilgya you have a point with, but she is Chaotic and probably still Evil. She's acting perfectly within her alignment, which is a Real Thing in-universe. If that makes the actions of these characters a little weird to us, then good.
Miko being Miko was also the entire point of her character, she is literally supposed to be "how NOT to play a Paladin."
>Tarquin quickly went from "best character in the comic" to "overexposed walking TVTropes who misplaces his resources just to constantly wink at the reader and who overstays his welcome"
he was never the best character in the comic, that's Malack(or Redcloak if you've read the prequel)
>Hilgya continues throughout this strip to be a bitter bitch to everyone even though the concern that bringing a baby to a battle is very legitimate (protections and deathwards are great, but they're delving into a cabal led by a high-level vampire cleric who has Durkon's memories and can easily use them to strike a hostage situation or outright kill the baby, but everyone suggesting she leaves Kudzu with an ally is an idiot
Bad end: Burlew felt bad for making Hilgya the villain in her marriage so he's gonna portray her as an independent ass kicking womyn instead of the selfish violent hedonist she actually is
Good end: with the baby Hilgya was forced to take responsibility for the first time in her life and she's actually grown very attached to the kid and won't let him out of her sight even when it's probably a good idea
How much you wanna bet the baby is gonna be important to getting Old Durkon back
Tarquin was perfect until he kept insisting on making his son the MC of the story by killing Roy. He seen pretty balance in his humors until this issue came about. Which is exactly the point of his arc, it shows that his flaws are pride and obsessiveness over his epic showdown with his son. With any other group of adventures he would just cut his losses earlier and let them have their darting escape while keeping his cool and maybe saying that they will see each other again soon.
>getting Old Durkon back
With that stupid prophecy leaving everyone guessing (with Belkar supposedly dead soon) we might also be looking at a completely new Order coming up.
Everyone in that fucking Order has had a hard life:
>Vaarsuvius commited genocide on a whim and now has to atone by living in constant guilt and without their mate
>Durkon got his wish in the worst way possible and he is forced to look as his body murders all the clerics
>Roy is completely underequipped to defeat an epic Lich in solo combat
>Belkar will die
>only Elan gets promised a happy ending
>and that ending involves losing his brother whom he loved in spite of all the dumb shit, having a fucked up family and probably the universe going to shit as it's already going critical with just one little gate holding all that shit in place
the end of OOTS has almost everyone dead, broken and ruined, and as Elan becomes post-apocalyptic President of the land formerly known as Tyrinaria, he erects a massive statue of Roy Greenhilt in the city center, turns to Haley and they're about to leave to perform their duties, but then Elan finds a whistle, and really does get his happy ending
Wonder who the New Order will be, anyway. I don't see Julia being a "party Wizard," and I don't know if we've SEEN any non-Elan Bards.
At this rate I'm convinced that Elan's "happy ending" is just going to be a handjob he gets a few days before everything crashes and burns.
>I don't know if we've SEEN any non-Elan Bards.
Eric Greenhilt.
>It was the kid who cast that spell.
That thieve's guild chick that Belkar banged was a bard
Elan's happy ending is dying a hero and inspiring others for centuries, making him the best bard in history.
Nah, because Elan being famous and inspiring would make his father happy, and Elan doesn't want that.
His legacy will be recording the definitive history of the Order of the Stick, editing it to make his own presence totally irrelevant or maybe even writing himself out altogether, and then publishing it anonymously while going on to live in total obscurity. The tales of Roy, Haley, Durkon, Belkar, and V will be told for generations, but Elan will be forgotten by the masses before he's even laid in grave.
He won't feel bad, though, since he's still tapping that redhead while sticking it to his dad.
Tarquin is only happy if Elan is the hero of Tarquin's story and the main character. Elan sharing the spotlight in a different adventure and dying before ever confronting Tarquin would ruin Tarquin's goal entirely.
Like, this lady is beyond stubborn with her baby, 'cause like, one fireball later, you got flambe infant. Hell, any AoE like god damned fireball.
You know Burlew is just going to use the baby to make whatsherface that's trying to end the world just get away so he can pad this fucker of a comic out more
The only good thing about this page is the baby speak with "turn undead", that got a giggle out out of me.
>Bad end: Burlew felt bad for making Hilgya the villain in her marriage so he's gonna portray her as an independent ass kicking womyn instead of the selfish violent hedonist she actually is
Did you mean: what's actually going to happen/already is happening?
I doubt Burlew remembers that this dwarf skank only got dumped by Durkon because she, you know, murdered her husband and all.
Note that she's wearing the baby.
Worn items don't take damage from AoE spells.
Post your favorite thogs.
You w0t m8
So apparently my familiar is invincible if I put a harness for them?
Baby is still a creature.
I'm pretty sure you're just bullshitting me
>he's a pig
He's a pig because he's male. That's what men do, dump us with a child and fucking leave. Nothing else matters but the fact that HE ran out on HER and he left her with a child to care for.
Yes, that makes Durkon a fucking pig, just like every man.
Is it because he's black?
Angel what are you doing here
I feel like I should reread this shit because I have no idea who this woman is.
They literally explained in the precious strip. She's from the first Linear Guild.
Wouldn't it be a half-halfing(quarterling?)? seems too big for a halfing mother, unless fem halfings are Kuroinu tiers of elastic/fem halfings and fem humans give birth to appropriate size babies and they later grow up to their freak height/ it's a tigon vs liger kind of deal(in which case, ouch for the femhalfing delivering the male human offspring)
>Martials btfo
Celestial & Demon from the PC prequel books & Death's Little Helper Belkar. He refuses a res because he is now in an Epic level Campaign fighting the endless Hordes of Demons from Hell. Occasional collab with Xykon because he is bored.
At this point Belkar might be one of the only "good" things left in the comic, despite the fact that his jokes are literally "You don't get to point out plotholes and then just ignore it" sometimes.
>So we're going to glide past the fact that she named her kid, Kudzu?
Look up what the fuck kudzu is
>The plant climbs over trees or shrubs and grows so rapidly that it kills them by heavy shading.
>With that stupid prophecy leaving everyone guessing (with Belkar supposedly dead soon)
First, it's been established that the prophecies regarding Durkon might already be fulfilled. He returned to the Dwarven Lands posthumously (as a goddamned dracula) and has already dished out a fair share of death and destruction. "Odin knows what'll happen next, but we don't."
Second, the prophecy about Belkar only states that he'll "draw his last breath ever" by the end of the in-universe year. And it's also been established that draculas don't need to breathe...
I just want something to one shot that baby because there's nothing the stupid bitch can do to protect it from old fashioned HP damage then everyone to just stare at her like she's a fucking retard.
That's so very much not going to happen.
Unless the death of his kid is the shock that gets Durkon to wrestle control away from Durkula.
Check out familiar satchels. They provide total cover to familiars. Easy.
Why did I look that up? What a retarded idea.
>I don't have time for reading
>*removes everything to read*
>plot device use instructions for fighters
just a little snippet
I think she's supposed to be projecting here. We already know she's Evil and has a... unique perspective on things done to her versus things she does to other people.
Also god damn why is it that every time a one-night stand occurs in fiction a kid results.
>we can't loss
Son of a bitch, I wish I had thought of that.
Anyone have Trump 2016?
>belkar gets vampirized
>all of the members of the OotS are on guard because of what happened with Durkon
>literally nothing's changed, he's exactly the same jackass he always was, except that he now needs to kill people for food sometimes instead of just for giggles
I doubt Belkar will be vampirized. I remember too much of the "Called it" when he bumped into Malack in the temple. Burlew's going to do something else, for drama and yanking the chains of his forum if nothing else.