Guys... I think I'm developing a problem

Guys... I think I'm developing a problem.

I've made way more money than I should have this year. Like... WAY MORE. I'm up over 800k since Feb. I don't work and live alone.

All I do is masturbate, play video games, and trade crypto. Sometimes I don't leave the house for days and just order take out. Before you ask, I had a small inheritance from a grand parent and threw it all into crypto.

I've started to feel dizzy. I think it's from jacking off so much. I bought a super powerful male mastubator from Germany and it gives me the most powerful orgasms I have ever experienced. Is it possible to cum too hard and too much? I was under the impression no, but I feel dizzy sometimes now. I think I'm milking my cock so much it's making me boarderline black out.

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I hope I have this problem next year

Post pics of machine.

Get out or tell some friend on fb to fuck or something she will probably say yes

Stop jacking off and see if it stops.

Oh wait, you can't.

Please tell me this is a trap

I have the same problem sometimes. Your dizziness is from staring at a monitor for too many hours in the day. You have to go outside and let your eyes adjust for a few hours a day.

I work 2 days a week and am off 5 days a week. My wife works 4/5 of those days which means i sit home and masterbate and watch crypto all day.

I usually feel like shit afterwards. Its very exhausting even though you arent actually doing anything physical.


Find an improv group. Participate.

I don't feel dizzy but getting some very annoying headaches since I started trading
Idk why is that

Pink Wojaks Disease

I do the same. I am starting to wonder what the neighbors think as they told my parents I never leave the house (living in my parents summer house) Going to move in a couple months and start a new way of living..

Start wearing orange glasses all day to block all the blue light. And stop Jacking off. Begin reading about a potential new interest instead.

It's so powerful. When I cum I start convulsing for maybe 20 seconds afterwards.

I cum so hard I want to puke sometimes. I don't think that's healthy.

Guys please post pictures.

What the fuck is that thing even?

what the fuck is that

Are you jerking off with some kind of eldritch spirit stone or something?

The fuck even is that thing

You are overdoing it, it's draining all your trace metals, nutrients, vitality. Your body will become accustomed to the frequent orgasms and then it becomes like a drug where you need more and more.

Learn how to delay gratification.

Awesome ID.

Anyway, why do you not buy a sexdoll and post a video fucking her here?

apparently this.

I think I'm going to asphyxiate from laughter.

It's called the "nobra twin charger". It has two super powerful vibrators on each side. You put your dick in between and the vibrations are so strong that it can make you cum in under a minute.

get me in the screencap pls


Im fuggen ded!

step your fucking game up son you need to cum at least 5-6 times a day

what if that shit blows up on your dick and you cant it off cause it got a death grip on your cock

Holy kek same thing I thought

Kek. Reverse image searched + bookmarked

Slow down on the fap and start doing drugs to compensate.

So would you recommend buying it?

Vibrations kill nerve endings. Chances are people here no construction workers that have slight nerve damage in their hands from vibrations caused by drills.

*Know, I need to cut down on my lsd intake

actually, this thing kind of cured me of doing drugs. I used to love doing adderall and jacking off because I could edge for hours and build up a super powerful orgasm which I couldn't achieve with normal jacking off, but this thing gives me an orgasm even more powerful than a speed induced edging masturbathon session. It's way less time and probably healthier (except for that I'm jacking off so much with it I feel like fainting)

Yes and no. It's... not making me a better person, I think.

Ok I'll buy that device, some lsd and will post my results.

In the off case that you're serious, OP...

Ejaculation is literally draining your life force. Constant ejaculation? You're fucking raping your energy reserves.

There's a reason that every ancient culture knew that the act of ejaculation was meant to be only used sparingly. Masturbation/sex/hedonism leads to weak men. Take a look at the men of our society as an example. We've been fed that (((masturbation))) is (((healthy and good for you, good goy)))

It's okay to do it once in a while, but fucking try and limit yourself. Go outside. Do something for your community (even if you have anxiety or mental issues or whatever). Get some exercise.

The way you are, you're going to be pulverized by nature, faggot.

If this isn't just a fake post, I'd suggest that if you use that thing too much whenever you have sex with an actual girl you're going to be disappointed. You're killing your sensitivity man.

I think that only applies to extremely powerful construction tools. Women masturbate with high powered vibrators all the time. This one was designed for men.

>There's a reason that every ancient culture knew that the act of ejaculation was meant to be only used sparingly.
Except the ancient Greeks and Romans.
Fuck off barbarian.

How many iota does it cost to make that thing jerk you off?

Vibrators do cause loss of sensitivity in women over prolonged use.

Why dont you buy some.premium escorts instead of masturbating like a pathetic beta? While youre at it, buy some quality roids too and get a decent haircut.

I've noticed without any kind of sexual release for a few weeks my immune system gets this life force thing is bs

Holy shit. The Masturbation death machines were real! Holocaust Confirmed.

>All I do is masturbate,

then this is not your board

Yeah and where are they now?/

Where the fuck do you even put your dick in that thing?

This... with 800k OP could be getting top tier blowjobs3x a day and not even know he spent money..lmfao


So what kind of male masturbator is this? You got a link homie?

It's not closed

This makes me think he will never enjoy a female pussy ever again.

Get on a good multivitamin at least. Good magnesium supplement on top.

You may have an addiction op. Go ask those nofap guys about it. And get rid of that fucking devil machine Jesus Christ man.

I fapped 2-3 times a day for 2 years, was constantly drained, only got max. 80% hard even while watching extreme BDSM. I tries nofap multiple times but I just couldn't do it, the longest I went was 2 weeks.

Now I am microdosing psilocybe and have already gone 3 weeks, I feel much more energetic and much less perverse. I used to only think about extreme BDSM, hogties, gangbangs and breathplay, now when I get horny I think about cuddling with the girl from work.

I still have a semi-PIED though hope it will fix itself after some more time.

what the actual fuck

Happy new years user
also what the fuck

>Jerks his dick off like a fucking rabies-ridden animal
>Calls me the barbarian

its not

I've never been able to cum on LSD. Never masturbated but tried to have sex a few times. It felt like it laster for hours, but I kept loosing my erection because I disasociated and my sexuality just kept dissapearing. It's weired not being able to remember what you are supposed to feel aroused by.

Where is the best place for getting psilocybe or lsd for microdosing.

I don't have any quality dealers in my area. Are there any good crypto markets left?

Haha happy new you you tremendous twat

I wouldn't go this far, but I have been ill a few times and a fap has actually helped end the flu / cold I had.

But it could also be argued that the virus/cold was feeding on your life force and by fapping you reduced your life force, starving out the virus/cold.

>top tier blowjobs3x a day
Whats that like 600 dollars a day? the machine basically paid for itself already.

If you are not tracking your trades prepare to get fucked under the new tax code by the irs. That should keep you busy enough to keep your hands off your dick.

You have been tracking your trades for the past week right user?

how much is it?

>I've made way more money than I should have this year.
What would it take for you to send some of the excess my way? :)

Doesn't take effect til Jan 1, Everything before that is a like-trade

>taxing on crypto
only applies if you cash out

user hire me plz and i ll be ur porn dealer

take cold showers, mix hemp protein with almond milk and drink it, get some exercise, meditate

Semen retention is your friend

take iron and zinc

Congrats you made it financially but your still a sad sack of shit.

Today is a great day to change your life. Throw out your disgusting German jerk off machine and turn off the computer.

Get a gym membership and workout plan. Go hiking, read books, go out to a fancy restaurant once in a while.

When summer 2018 hits, buy a ticket around the world and see what the sights. Fuck backpacking swedish girls.

When you come back, your crypto will still be there and you'll probably be a millionaire.

No idea but I'm guessing less than 600 dollars and he can use it way more times a day than a hooker

Best part, Now that they have clarified that taxable event trading starts on Jan 1, everything before that is under the umbrella of my long term investment portofolio (haven't put a dollar in since 2013).

Not gonna work a day in 2018 and cash out for almost no taxes.

Ur time finding a good porn won't be waisted just my email: tryhidedie@gmail
Yeah i think my email name tells ur about ur future user

How do you puke from an orgasm?


user i feel you. stop masturbating and think about your health. you will lose social skills and sex morals and lose eyesight from constant masturbation and chemical imbalances. ask your doctor if you can get prescribed xanax and try getting some friends. money will only bring you comfort. not happiness.

>Get a gym membership and workout plan. Go hiking, read books, go out to a fancy restaurant once in a while.
>When summer 2018 hits, buy a ticket around the world and see what the sights. Fuck backpacking swedish girls.
>buy a ticket around the world and see what the sights.

Why does he have to do shit like this. Maybe he doesn't like hiking / reading. There are other ways to get healthy and acquire knowledge.

I get the feeling you are buying into the vision of what successful people are seen doing and not just doing what you enjoy.

I'm not saying this is the wrong approach, just that he should make sure its something he wants to do before he ends up spending a bunch of cash on shit that didn't make him happy.

Join discord and have fun with us boyo it's games and crypto

Now just hold on there

>There are other ways to get healthy and acquire knowledge.

No shit, those are just some ideas and jumping off points.

>before he ends up spending a bunch of cash on shit that didn't make him happy.

Dude, he bought a fucking $300 fleshlght

If you think about it it's really a bit like a productivity time saving device

Try weed. It's just as satisfying as masturbating, you can do it more often, and you'll learn some things and possibly get a life

OP has a case of the hermit crabs. You gotta just let that shit go bro

Dehydrated corpse of crypto millionaire discovered by pizza delivery guy

Interesting point

Is that an Iron Maiden for your dick

tfw theres no XMR/Love pair

We've reached peak degeneracy

Is this viral guerrilla marketing?

Is it this one?

One word. Tantra.

Research. You need to walk the path of tantra.

Op is a clever Jew. I'll give him that

Op pajeet faggot confirmed

thanks for making my new years you glorious bastard

Absolute disgusting

what has that to do with Veeky Forums?