/SSSS/ Stand Still, Stay Silent General: Most Tired Girl Edition

>What is SSSS?

Stand Still. Stay Silent" is a post apocalyptic webcomic with elements from Nordic mythology, set 90 years in the future. It's mostly a story about friendship and exploring a forgotten world, with some horror, monsters and magic on the side. The comic updates 4 times a week, on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

This General is for people to come together and discuss the comic, all whilst developing systems for games set in the world, as well as original content.

>The Comic


>Ongoing Kickstarter


>Vikingr RPG Project:


Other urls found in this thread:


I found out about this just before the end of the last chapter. I left it there, planning to read the next one all at once. I absolutely love it, great read, and absolutely gorgeous too!

The art is really nice! Can't wait to add it to the Rulebook.

Guys, sad to say it, but the truth is;
Bestest Girl isn't gonna make it

You shut your whore mouth.

This title reminds me of how I got a significantly less than 50% success rate on guessing the genders of characters in this comic.

Yeah, this exactly. In fact, I think I got like a 40% success rate on the main crew.

Not gonna lie, I had picked Lalli as my waifu until I realized.

It's the truth though, user. Fairly certain that one wound she sustained courtesy of Leaftroll has already gone caustic. Even without the Rash backing it up, in the current climate that they're in, along with all the stress she's bearing from losing so many in such a short time, such a thing is VERY likely to prove hazardous to her life.

Lalli is still your waifu. Don't lie.

I can't lie. After his dickishness towards Emil my liking has faded a bit, but he's still my waifu
Has anyone playtested the new version again? I might be able to playtest it with my group during the break and wanted to know if there were any new developments.

I don't think anyone's tried the latest version. When's your break? I'm hoping to have a huge content update done by next Saturday.

It's in a couple weeks. Most of my group hasn't actually read the comic but I'm sure they'd be down for some kickass apocalypse adventuring.

Awesome! I'll try and add some more to the "World" section so no one's left behind.

You continue to be the best contributor in this project. Thank you.

Thanks so much!


Kickstarter exclusive wallpaper!


>Be finnfag
>See this

new here. Tried going to this link, but got a 404. Is there anywhere else that I can get a copy of the rules you guys are working on?


Hfw you shove it in

is this mlp related somehow?

...no. Why do you ask?

That's because there's supposed to be an 'r' at the end of that. Here's the correct version:


Anyone got the latest page?


Here you go.

OP fucked up.

art style seems similar

Thanks! Hopefully Most Best Girl pulls through.
