Elf Inspo Thread

Post anything related to elves across any universe.

*Any* universe?

Can't resist...

Oh no, the thread now has cancer.

Eldar killing humans.

Please post more. Dump everything you have


Hmm, nothing more specifically from Nobledark, but let's see what's compatible...












I quite enjoy Shadow of the Demon Lord's take on elves.
Just a shame all the Elf players I've had were Chaotic Stupid.






>tfw masks and light bodyhorror are your fetishes

I really should make a Dark Eldar Haemonculus coven army.






I wish there was one weekend in which I wouldn't try to out post fapfaggots and their shitposting.













it took one fucking image - ONE fucking image - before this thread became nothing but 40k + rape porn.

jesus christ. I am so incredibly dissapointed, Veeky Forums.


I feel ya.





It seems to have shifted from 40k to Fantasy now, but... yeah. I have a whole bunch of assorted elves I can post to try to retail, tho.



Please do

Rerail, reRAIL. I am not selling anything.

Anything but this warcraft porn and animu garbage.


Oh, that's a good one. I like that picture.




















pink orc.
pink orc.
pink orc.
pink orc.
brown orc.
brown orc.
very pink orcs.
pink orcs and their mates.


Best Dunmer



I think the captcha thinks I'm spamming, gonna break for a few minutes.

Do you use Legacy?







I'm sorry friend, at least you're trying.

I need warrior elves. Elves that don't look like pansy archers. Real elfly elves.



I'll finish these swords and then look what I got.

I like the whfb elf architecture, but whenever I look at those towers I always ask myself what the fuck they actually do? In all the games I've seen them depicted in they are so thin that they would serve literally no purpose at all. They wouldn't even fit a staircase.
Are you telling me every single elf tower ever is enchanted by the blue and grey wind or something? Is every elf building a tardis?



