Kamigakari Thread

Legendary Arms RPG Kamigakari Thread

Previous Thread: Last time:
Kansai user Storytime (Misfits in Osaka)
>confusion and confrontation at Nanto High.
>Shizume drops spaghetti in front of Akira.
>Going after the mage who messed up their town and office.
>Akira makes a plugsuit look good.
>Q&A with players
Crazy Isekai Storytime
>The story of how Ruth introduced an enslaved race to the idea of stories with happy endings

>Anons helping each other understand and master game mechanics and (re)build characters
>pistol posting
>Rule Translations and Stories converted to PDF
>One Game is stillborn but another rises from the ashes.

Baseline stuff

Expansions and errata

Google Docs Character sheet (for if you play online)

Mononoke homebrew Guide, FAQ, And quick rules cheatsheet

JTTRPG Discord - Look for games in "On-Topic", Not "General"

Kamigakari is a JTTRPG Focused on episodic storytelling, with simple but tight mechanics.

Its design goal is to start players spread out, getting involved with the episodes peculiarities, and eventually coming together to fight a big bad, A la Power rangers, Kamen rider, Magical girl shows, and other such shows in that vein.

TL;DR, Its a Monster of the Week Format game with an emphasis in the fluff on high power shenanigans of just about every type.
Remember boys and girls, Japanese schedules suck, so JTTRPGS are optimized toward quick and easy sessions.
That said, they can be adapted for longer ones.

We don't need a tread up all the time, ya know. And since it ain't in the pastebin, here's the expansions in a pdf that someone made.


And here's the homebrew FAQ

That is true.

You are worried about the small community that has started to accumulate here burning out from constant activity yes?

That is a valid concern.

However things seemed pretty active.
It may not be Friday, but Saturday is also a relatively active day isn't it?

I think Sunday is the most active day, seems to be when storytimes happen and people get interested

very brief class rundown.

To be honest, that was more of a self imposed rule for myself to help the flow of things.

If the community asks for more, far be it from me to say no.

The easiest ways to do this are to get wall walk from darkstalker, and Shadow freerun/Shadowrun profficiency from dark hunter.

As of yet, i'm not sure if there's another way to remove the penalties from combat moves. or full moves.

This seems like a good idea. With what we'd discussed, you'd have only used a handful of your overall pool of talents, so branching out after making a nuke is never a bad thing.

While we're at it:

Hey guys, I'm playing Contractor B/Digital Sorc A. Is it better for me to go for the Summoning Smartgun (+1d6 damage to bound spirits, counts as digital sorcerer item) or one of the magic-type Bound Steeds, which don't appear to need Contractor A to take, just Contractor?

They are restricted to "Contractor" but you'd be better off with the smartgun. The bound steeds are pretty much only good for contractor A, who buff them to high hell.

Yeah, the reason I'd be going for a bound steed was because it'd let me attack after moving, and that's probably not worth it over the gun.

>wall walk from darkstalker, and Shadow freerun/Shadowrun profficiency from dark hunter

That combination doesn't let you use a magical or ranged attack after a combat move.
At least I don't think it does.
If it does then please explain how it does.

Because i'm dumb, the only thing of those that would let you do that is probably shadowrun proficiency. If i remember though, there is something that allows you to move and make magical and ranged attacks. Gimme a bit to look into it

I am very interested in finding out about this.

well shit, that was quicker than expected. Extend code from elder mage A does it outright. The combat motorcycle in Form: Ranged does it as well, although it counts as a weapon all its own.

All contractor A weapons do it, if you are a Divine talker the kotodama bow does it, Time wizards "Triple aria", and Legacy user "Divine Vassal" does it

These are all the options, not including weapons of the same type but more expensive.

Honestly, i just CTRL+F'd "combat move" in the main book and first three expansions, and this is what i turned up.

Also. i'll mention that in my opinion, Shadowrun proficiency would also count, as it "Removes the penalties for making a full move". I would count the limitation on ranged and magic as a penalty, but your GM's mileage will vary with that logic.

One shot completed.

I may go forward with a continuous game. But I gotta thinking about the setting (something Kekkai Sensen-ish?) and find people who are quick and don't mind playing at random days.

I'm drunk, and even I can tell you aren't Kansainon.

If anyone is interested I am mainly looking for those that can play whenever. Due to my work schedule I cannot have a set time or day for gaming.

Anybody have experience with the Sanctum Purge mechanics? Do they work well?

Gotta know the time zone, so people aren't trying to play at midnight or whatever.


Well thats good. Because he's asking kansai user a question.

Thats a nice cirno. Has a sorta "Adol the red" vibe going.

Mebbe we's oughta git anudda poll out there, yanno, to get the date down.

Anyway, have a non-edgy scythe person. Nobody can resist the Princess!

good ol etrian art

I'll be honest, that polls results were pretty skewed due to the shortness of that thread, but i still think putting it up friday is best.

Sunday may be our busiest day, but both saturday and sunday are when people and Veeky Forums in general are most active. Also, people may want advice before actually going into a game the next day, so having it up a little earlier isn't a bad idea.

Its not necessary to try and start threads at our peak time. In fact, that'd make the rest of the thread even slower, and harder to keep up. Friday and saturday are slow, but ramp up and allow a good amount of topics to start, and sunday gets in full swing, and by monday or tuesday, if the thread dies, we can put it back up on friday, with a few days in between to cool off. We've got a good flow goin, no need to break it.

>people may want advice before actually going into a game the next day

I hadn't thought of that.

Curious, is the threadmakers art.


>tfw two GMs cancel in the same week

I can hope for storytime at least

Eastern time zone.

So, how does one play a defensive character? I ended up making a God Hand B/Legacy User B and instantly got told that there was no point in running double Bs and that Arc Slayer A is the only class worth playing.

Dragon Carrier B is the best tanking class. Combined with either Elemental Adept A or B, it is also surprisingly damaging, while Dark Hunter B gives some pretty neat battlefield control, which is pretty darn important for tanking in a game like this.

>how do I play this class?
>oh, play this other class

Oh, I thought you hadn't made your guy yet, sorry! God Hand B is kind of lackluster as a class. Legacy User B is pretty good, but it's mostly to keep yourself alive. If you really want to tank with this, you need someone else to help you set up engagements.

Whoever's telling people this arc slayer A shit is a retard. It is not the only class worth tanking, and its not good for defense.

Seriously, who keeps saying this shit? At least Contractor B i can sort of agree with due to it affecting action economy pretty substantially, but this is just dumb

>It is not the only class worth tanking

Sorry, worth playing.

I'm gonna to pull my card for dming a game on account I cannot people for it. Plus the feedback wasn't that great. Maybe I'll try again later in the future.

cannot find enough people for it*

How many people did you get?

I had one previously interested, but I believe my test run turned him off from continuing any further. I'm not the best, I do have an interest in getting better.

Was it just a quick run down to get the mechanics?

Also, no ones great at first.

Yeah, pretty much, though I had ran a mock battle prior to get an idea how things were supposed to go down. It was a typical meet npc to get quest, go in dungeon, smash monster and get the objective kind of thing. It was set in 1950's Japan, but I guess said player was kinda expecting more of a Noir opening than what I had planned. We started hours late because the other player had irl issues to deal with and couldn't read the material prior. We had one very easy mock battle to help the new guy understand battle. I had planned for a boss battle, but we were running very late at this point. Narrative wise there were some points I could have conveyed better or pressed on as we stalled a couple of times because the players didn't know what the do. But I'm only speaking from my pov on my faults as I wasn't given feedback from unnamed player. A bit disheartening.

That sounds like less that he was turned off, and more that he tried to enjoy his time despite RL issues.

At your core, though, you understood what you personally did wrong and can improve upon, so keep it up. I'd like to see people get things rolling. Maybe give it a while, see if you can't find a group.

Don't feel too bad. It can be difficult for people to give honest feedback and it might not be you that's the issue here

I'm pretty sure you could advertise in here and get a good handful of people easily.

I had two test players. The one that was previously interested and the one we ran late because of irl problems.

The former was a tremendous help in explaining things to me and the other guy, but I guess he grew disinterested and bampf out near the end. The other guy, the one most green of us, stayed until the very end scene and was putting more effort into it as we neared the end. Though, I can't really blame the former that much since it was four in the morning, but I would have appreciated it if he had said something instead of disappearing.

Okay, i've got the math for this if anyone wants to hear it. Its a bit of a spiel, though, so unless people actually wanna see it, i won't post it.

Do it

Do you really want to tell people that there's no point playing this game unless you're Arc Slayer A? You could actually kill my group doing that

Do what you must

Actually just the opposite. And you'll see why near the end.

Assuming a martial Cyborg at level 14 with all their bonus stats pumped into STR and AGI for a total of 21 22 (Since you only get one stat point of choice at level 1, where-as 2 at subsequent levels), and using a base two-handed sword, These would be the costs, rank, and PD of an arc slayer A

Total Costs
>Assuming Secrets: [Doubles] [E or 4] [E]
>Assuming Destroyers:[4,4] [E or 4] [E]

Total Rank
>Assuming Secrets: +2, +1, +1, +3 = +7 Rank =8-48 damage (average of 26)
>Assuming Destroyers ruin: +1, +1 = +2 Rank =3-16 damage (average of 9-10)

Total flat Damage(For Spirit void: SA= Successful Active FR=Failed Reactive) Assuming Cyborg at level 14 (21 STR and 22 Agi) with a two handed sword
>Assuming Secrets: 11(Base PD) +10, +22 (Agi), +8 +(SA-FR)= 51 +(SA-FR)
>Assuming Destroyers Ruin: 11(Base PD) +Agi(x2 if Sw, Sp,or Rng), +10, +8, +(SA-FR), +Main Stat= 95+(SA-FR)

So assuming you have an absolutely perfect dice setup, you could do (8-48)+51+(SA-FR) or (3-16)+95+(SA-FR)

So Destroyers ruin, assuming the expansion talents that say "Destroyers light" are destroyers ruin, would be your most damaging talent by far. However, it took 14 levels worth of talents (Assuming continuous action at 5 and quickening at 10) to get to the point where all of this can be used together including reducing costs, meeting requirements, and expanding certain talents to include destroyers ruin. So assuming a total of 5 Die that match up to doubles, 4's or E.

14 levels worth of talents for an average of 100 or so damage on an attack, making continuous action almost useless, With no ability to resist magical or special damage. On top of this, you would be screwed by halve effects for physical, reducing your output to 50 a pop, with the only recourse being shitty rank 6 or so magic damage with no MD to speak of. You would have no ability to deal with shifts which would also cripple your output.

>Assuming Destroyers Ruin: 11(Base PD) +Agi(x2 if Sw, Sp,or Rng), +10, +8, +(SA-FR), +Main Stat= 95+(SA-FR)
Sorry, this should read like this

>Assuming Destroyers Ruin: 11(Base PD) +44 (Agi), +10, +8, +(SA-FR), +Main Stat= 95+(SA-FR)

I'll keep trying here and there.

I live on the eastcoast of Murica if anyone were wondering.

I should also mention that at that point, you would have exactly 100 HP without anything from another source, and anything at level 14 would wipe you out near immediately.

Same here.

Yeah, Keep on trying. You'll get people eventually, i hope.

That said, i wonder where any of the storytime GM's or players are. I'd like to ask ruth user or one of isekai anons other players whats goin on with him. he hasn't shown up for a while.

Thank you. Feel free to hit me up on the discord to talk if you want.



So aside from that, has anyone done anything interesting lately? Perhaps made any homebrew mononoke they'd like to share?

I'd like to see some of the stuff people have adapted into the game

I got my first taste of successfully making it through Kamikagari chargen thanks to some people in the thread. Trying to work through it on my own been working out.

yeah, if you are trying to figure it out with just the core book, the information is all over the place and difficult to piece together. Thats actually what the quick rules sheet is for.



Been inactive as hell. Winter has gifted me with a chest infection. I won't go into details other than I've been a very sick boy.

I know i probably shouldn't go outside considering it's snowing but I need some eggs. Expect storytime after breakfast.

Hey man, go at your own pace. If you ain't feeling well, thats fine. we can keep the thread up until you get around to it.

Anticipating something is a better state for the thread than wondering if anything will come at all.

I gathered some people and we're going to meet up this Thursday to get our stuff in order and set up our first session a bit anxious, but looking forward to it.

Pretty neat. Here's hoping it goes well.

I'm gonna take a small nap, so someone else will need to bump till you get round to things.

Thank you so much.

got more like that? I really wish I'd had that earlier this year. She looks an aweful lot like an important NPC I had no art for in a game I was running until recently.

If that game ever gets going again I'm going to need more similar art.
Girls (or sufficiently feminine looking men) in proper pre-camo uniforms or uniform styled costumes with actual pants are surprisingly hard to find.

Take is slow dude, chest infections are something you save your strength to fight against.

Good luck dude.





Here is the continuation of skinnydipping into Osaka castle.

Everyone is about to make their way through the water. Ito has already dived in and Futaba is surfing on the back of a very aquatic Taro. Shizune touches her toes in the water and is about to get ready to dive in. Stone faced. Jagasaki stares forward. His massive claw nearly enveloped Shizune's hands, with a sudden flash Jagasaki teleports after the others.

"So this is like tele-"


There is a barrier leading into the first level and everyone manages to coat themselves from the barriers rejection, well not everyone. Akira tries to get through but the barrier initially rejects him and he gets a nasty shock like he was hit by lightning underwater. Thankfully he isn't hurt too badly and everyone gets into a dank blue chamber.

Ito reaches for his towel only to now realises it too is now soaking wet, he rings out the excess water from his clothes instead as Futaba breaths in the air in he soaked red dress, unashamed of that fact. Jagasaki and Shizune are already there, Jagasaki realises he is still holding her hand and lets go. Akira is also soaking but he hits a button on the side of his suit and a cloud of steam envelops him and he is now dry.

Dorothy waves her staff around and with a bang and a boom her robe returns and sees the group glad enough that they all made is. She now works her concealing magic she sets up a barrier. In effect she has set up something like her own witch workshop at the bottom of this castle, creating a safe refuge for those inside

>Wake up.
>shave and trim moustache
>strip, take hot shower, and dry off.
>put on underwear, shorts, sweatpants, another pair of sweatpants, t-shirt, long sleeve shirt, hoodie, winter coat, heavy socks, and snow boots.
>turn on computer
>check Veeky Forums
>wonderful draw your party thread, 2 good draw threads, and a Kamikagari storytime.

It's a good morning.

>Jagasaki stares forward. His massive claw nearly enveloped Shizune's hands

Jagasaki has claws? I thought he was a spirit sword that took human form.

>Ito reaches for his towel only to now realises it too is now soaking wet


>Futaba breaths in the air in he soaked red dress, unashamed of that fact.

Are you saying she's breathing hard as her wet dress clings to her assets, or something else?

Jags' character portrait. He has a second, fully human form for when he needs to actually disguise himself or get shouted at by Shizune but I don't have the portrait for that one

>not pictured: tub of Rocky Road on the coffee table in front of him

That answers that question

To answer your question, Futaba was breathing in air because she just came from out from under the waters and of course she's dripping from that, so you could say what you said was accurate.

Dorothy pats herself down and pulls out a small looking bottle of dangerous looking pills. Bosconovich struck it lucky and managed to speed up the process giving them six more pills which on top of the initial prototype makes seven.

An invisible Nanatsume silently sneezes.

The witch conjures up a seat and takes it. She'd be down here to provide them support if they needed it and the group soldiers on. They enter into the first level of the domain. It appears to be some kind of prison, no. It IS a prison.

The air is cold and bitter and the group can hear wails of prisoners, peering in they all appear to be mindless spirits. Akira asks Nanatsume if her former master liked the haunted house aesthetic, she pops out of invisibility surprised that Akira knew she was there. Though she does note that a haunted house implies ghosts and these are empty hollow shells.

Ito makes a big confident march through the prison but he hears a sound, like something is slithering.

Something huge comes into view.

Shizune wonders if that sound came frome a ghost and Ito points out that it's clearly a snake and as he puts it in his own words mplaining here, but why does it have tits?". It actually finally comes into she vision and she is taken a back by how huge this thing is, and of course she points out that THAT is the first thing Ito would notice. How could he not notice them
"Those melons can walk through a door before she does. Uh, slither through a door? Or something?". Shizune shouts that that's not the point but stops as she hears the woman starts to talk. Jagasaki stands watching with his arms folded.

Medusaina laughs at this group, calling them a bunch of snake charmers. "And they said being a Warden would be boring, now how about you all do as I say and look into my eyes, it's better that way". Everyone tries to avert their gaze. Shizune tries to look at anything but her eyes "Damnit. DON'T look at her eyes...Concentrate on the tits or something, but NOT the eyes..." as she removes her glasses. She can't see shit. Ito stare exactly where you'd expect. (Ito uses Sacramental Majesty which by the way is a very useful Talent to pass Will checks). Akira, much like that time in the water was not that lucky.

His eyes are caught and he can't look away, something is compelling him to keep looking but something out of the corner of his eyes lets him snap his vision away, what could have shown up in his vision to snap him out. It was his arm, his arm was stone. He could still move it but it was still stone. This wasn't a snake they were dealing with but a Gorgon.

Jagasaki manages to shake it off. Futaba however stares directly at here showing no effect which surprises Medusaina. Futaba politely introduces herself with a curtsy giving her name while asking for this snakes name. Medusaina is momentarily surprised and indulges her and introduces herself before getting ready for battle.

The fight begins now.

Shizune wonders if that sound came frome a ghost and Ito points out that it's clearly a snake and as he puts it in his own words "And I'm not complaining here, but why does it have tits?". It actually finally comes into she vision and she is taken a back by how huge this thing is, and of course she points out that THAT is the first thing Ito would notice. How could he not notice them
"Those melons can walk through a door before she does. Uh, slither through a door? Or something?". Shizune shouts that that's not the point but stops as she hears the woman starts to talk. Jagasaki stands watching with his arms folded.

Medusaina laughs at this group, calling them a bunch of snake charmers. "And they said being a Warden would be boring, now how about you all do as I say and look into my eyes, it's better that way". Everyone tries to avert their gaze. Shizune tries to look at anything but her eyes "Damnit. DON'T look at her eyes...Concentrate on the tits or something, but NOT the eyes..." as she removes her glasses. She can't see shit. Ito stare exactly where you'd expect. (Ito uses Sacramental Majesty which by the way is a very useful Talent to pass Will checks). Akira, much like that time in the water was not that lucky.

His eyes are caught and he can't look away, something is compelling him to keep looking but something out of the corner of his eyes lets him snap his vision away, what could have shown up in his vision to snap him out. It was his arm, his arm was stone. He could still move it but it was still stone. This wasn't a snake they were dealing with but a Gorgon.

Jagasaki manages to shake it off. Futaba however stares directly at here showing no effect which surprises Medusaina. Futaba politely introduces herself with a curtsy giving her name while asking for this snakes name. Medusaina is momentarily surprised and indulges her and introduces herself before getting ready for battle.

The fight begins now.

Ah, sorry! We probably shouldn't, EGG you on.

and here... we... go.

Akira bursts in with a quick combination, he whips out his two blades from thin air. Normally he uses afterimages to double up his attacks but this time he doesn't bother and attacks just as fast raining down steel on the Gorgon. To add more layers of [phrasing] , Medusaina said that she would be gentle with them after she's finished but Akira connects with multiple hits says he likes it rough.

The party starts doling out damage onto her but their blows are bouncing off of her tough scales. One or two blows manage to tear through her defences but she is charging up for a big attack as her eyes start glowing.

Shizune capitalises on the assault. She puts her glasses back on again, which transform into a ghostly mask as long as she keeps her hand on her face. Her voice is slightly distorted. "Your eyes are a danger. I'll have to take care of them first"
"Yoru no Haku!"

Medusaina is taking a beating but is hit by a pulse of magical energy from Shizune and can feel a black darkness covering her eyes, commenting that she'll just have to stare at their souls instead as what can only be described as ink fills her vision rendering her blind for the moment.

While she is blind this presents an oppertunity, without her vision she can't defend any of her weaker points and Akira goes to town on her. She tries to go for a grab with her tail but being blind she can't exactly connect with her intented target. The team starts hacking away at her tail which is now wildly flailing around not being able to strike. Taro blasts her back with a flurry of ice magic and Jagasaki blasts her with red Ki attacks. Her scales are all getting cut up and Akira rains down another fierce combination attack and cuts in deep and blood gushes out and what looks to be purple steam seeps out, this appears to be her magical energy dissapating and her form reduces.

Currently phoneposting unfortunately. Will get the next part up ASAP. Just need to give the thread a little bump

yo calm down, we ain't going anywhere.

Unfortunately, thats the only one i had. I got it randomly when someone posted it

For some reason that sounded more desperate that initially expected. I just saw the thread on page 8 and did the post, didn't help that my phone capitalised 'asap'.

So Medusaina is down. The first words are uttered by Ito "Oh, they shrank". She's out of breath and she's still swinging around attacks, but being about half the size and blind she fails to connect with anything. "Alright snaketits, negotiations start now. Either listen or get wrecked" Shizune says loud and clear.

Jagasaki disperces a halo of red ki encircling his fist, dissapointed that something that large should've put up a bigger challenge for him. Onigata Futaba sighed a little as she approached again "Medusaina. Is there a reason we shouldn't put you down for good?" She inquired, her high heels giving her enough of a height advantage. Ito steps in front of the thrashing snake, looking annoyed. He strikes an intimidating stance (or what he thinks is one). "Oi, give it up. We don't wanna keep beating on you but if you don't calm down we're not gonna have any choice.".

Medusaina stops thrashing and goes for another eye attack that she knows won't go through, as she turns her neck almost presenting it, the same brand as Nanatsume. Shizune sighs. Everything went well with Nanatsume but she warns her not to make her regret this. the seal starts burning, steam from the heat comes off the marking as the brand is slowly coming off eventually leaving singed skin behind. Shizune wipes off inexistent dust off her hands and says, in a patronizing tone "Now, what do you say when someone gives you something?". Medusaina bit her lip hard enough that blood rolls down, she might not be under the control of Ciero but that defeat had left her humiliated, she lets out a defeated "Thank you"

>with a bang and a boom
I see what you did there.

>Shadowverse flashbacks

She reaches and produces a set of keys, they can be used to open any of the cells of anyone left alive as well as get them up to the next floor. The group manages to ask a few questions, the biggest of which is where Ciero is. While this castle is certainly under his control he currently isn't here. Where he is is on the "Reverse Side", the realm where Medusaina and Nanatsume come from.

So to comes the pressing question here. Since Futaba took on the Samurai, who gets custody of the snek? Futaba asks the question mainly because they can't just let them roam until they can bring them back to their world, she suggests Ito.

Ito much like with Nanatsume, refuses. He feels he does not have the space to accomodate a giant snake, he suggests giving her over to 'Dorosi'. Ito is nobodies babysitter, Shizune chastises him for throwing the responsibility on Dorothy 'So manly'. Akira urges him to take responsibility. Ito responds calling him a shameless exhibitionist saying that all he did was provide cover. Jagasaki almost admires Akira's shameless hustle here. Medusaina just stands there, a little dumbfounded.

Shizune facepalms slowly. "This is fine... You'll get used to this, Medusina"
"I.. Just.. Don't.. I" Medusaina can't get her words out


>Shizune facepalms slowly. "This is fine... You'll get used to this, Medusina"
>"I.. Just.. Don't.. I" Medusaina can't get her words out


Why did she shrink when hurt?

She had an evil anime power-up tattoo, so she shrunk when it was removed. That's just how those things work. Also her portrait was fucking huge

She shrunk because that was her regular size. While under the effect of the mark she got HUGE.

Here is a picture one of my players took, it might be hard to see but you can see Nanatsume's bone arm. She was kind of standing back, but that and the size of the doors gives you a good indication of how HUGE she was during the fight.

Futaba's tits are as big as her head

Medusaina's tits were as big as Futaba's torso, but only until she was freed.