Mythic Fantasy Roleplaying Game

What's your opinion on MYFAROG? Most coverage of the system seems to be that it's inherently bad because Varg Vikernes

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After scans of the book became available, everyone who isn't trolling agrees that the game is pretty lame.

I wish that autistic faggot would have fell on his knife after he ran it through that other faggot.

Stop talking about your game, Christian. Literally the only good thing about it was the negative intelligence modifier for niggers.

>Most coverage of the system seems to be that it's inherently bad because Varg Vikernes
No, just it's inherently bad as a game. Using Varg's reputation as a figleaf to hide that fact was a tactic of a few of his fanboys.

Is that literally a thing? I would have been okay with omitting black people from a European campaign setting, but including them and giving them a penalty is super racial autism. And I say this as someone who has had two family members killed by blacks.

>racial autism
>simulating literal statistic truths in your game

Having a negative int modifier for niggers is no more "autistic" than having a negative str mod for cripples or midgets.

Pretty shit system; kind of cringey lore and rules even disregarding the fact that it's by Varg. I actually like his music quite a bit tho.

>had two family members killed by blacks
...holy shit. My condolences, dude.

>Not understanding that population level epigenetics resulting means which are still inside 1 sigma of the mean of other populations doesn't actually represent a meaningful difference in avg Intel on a person to person basis.

>Trying to use Bell Curve evidence w/out actually reading or understanding the text

I miss when 4chans teens were just perverts

Varg is the Bill Nye of the Far Right. He's fun to listen to but his opinion is not terribly well informed. He doesn't really deserve your attention.

1: Just say Standard Deviation, dipshit, people will know what you mean.

2: What universe do you live in where the difference is less than one standard deviation? At least fall back to the Flynn Effect like a normal person.

Varg doesn't identify as right wing.
Bill Nye the Science Guy identifies as left wing.

>inside 1 sigma
"Hey everyone, I just started my first stats course in community college."

>He doesn't really deserve your attention.
Veeky Forums doesn't either, still here we are.

Luckily, just like gender/sex, it doesn't matter what you politically "identify" as. Political proclivities are as apparent to others as a huge adam's apple and manhands on a tranny.

honestly once you strip away all Varg's literally autistic shit its just not a very good system. It's a rambling AD&D hack whose only unique flavor is the rantings of a washed up metalhead whose grasp of history is nonexistant and whose terror of anything outside his idealogical bubble is some complete I have no idea how he uses a smartphone without sacrificing a goat or whatever fauxpagan shit he does in whatever bunker he's retired to.

>t. Varg or some racist

Thanks. I don't know much of anything about any bad experiences Varg would have had 20 years ago with blacks, but I probably have a greater reason to be "racist." And yet I'm not and he still is.

I own it and a couple supplememts and think the setting and system are kinda cool. I also like how he determined the stats for the weapons and armor by testing them IRL amd seeing how effective they were in different scenarios. Am I just a pleb/Varg shill?

It's Kristian with a K.

Well, Varg had his childhood experiences in Iraq.

>facts are racist
Safe space tent's over there.

then go over there faggot and take your non facts with you.

Everybody but pure nordic aryan should have no intelligence score as only pure nordic aryans have souls, everyone else is meat puppet controlled by demiurge and his archons.

Am I the only one who finds the setting ultimately depressing?

Thuleans are ultimately doomed to be discarded as another failure by the gods just as Khemetians and Arbis were.

There are dumb whites and smart blacks. Depends on your childhood and education.

Considering most people have African DNA in them (get a DNA test if you don't believe me) it doesn't really matter what specific skin color you have - you will always be part African. The African descendants of the world (read: everyone) have a variety of intelligence levels.

Hey I'd love discuss this more but I have a dog competing in a show today. Good chance of winning but really has some hip dysplasia issues. Not too sure why :(

It's actually really good for playing an Arabian Nights setting.

No, it's inherently bad because it's a shitty system. A fantasy heartbreaker with zero balance and a heap of shitty extra modifiers for 'realism' rolled up in politics that don't remotely help the mechanics. The one thing that could have been interesting with it was the idea of PCs being in a formation helping them...but he lists several formations and literally every single formation has the same mechanics so he couldn't even deliver on his one interesting thing.

Be honest, how many of you shitting on myfarog have actually played it once let alone played a campaign?

>The African descendants of the world (read: everyone)
I'm not very interested in the IQ or race debate at all, but I don't think this is necessarily true, especially not with that new find in Greece that would place the origins of humanity in Eurasia.

Either way; african people are not the original default. They're one of many slight mutations, and are no more representative of our ancestors than the japanese or native americans are.

This should have been /thread.

Only trolls would bother to keep bumping it.

>negative str mod
spotted the doughboy. short people can life heavier cause they only have to move it an inch

Yeeah but you are also a soyboy full of white-guilt while he is just retarded.
Then again we could argue how retarded it is to virtue signal on 4chins out of all places.

Al right, gentlemen, who opened the door for the manlet?

None. As you can see by most of the replies its just SJWs triggered by merely mentioning Varg.

I would like to test it out before I shit on it but then again I live in bumfuck-nowhere and the only gamestore I actually know of is 300km away.

You don't have to be an SJW to strongly dislike Varg. The guy is a paranoid hypocrite and a murderer; all you need is basic human decency.

>basic human decency

Thats rich coming from people who non-ironically call themselves communists. And lets face it the only people who tend to use "basic human decency" as an argument are in my experience the biggest hypocrites to walk the earth.

>but then again I live in bumfuck-nowhere and the only gamestore I actually know of is 300km away.

You could just download it and bask in the glory of swim check modifier tables with more wind categories than the fucking Beufort scale. But that'd require some interest in the game, instead of just wanting to shitpost.

I wasn't talking about them, user. I was talking about everyone else who dislike him.

I find the people who defend hypocritical murderers by calling everyone who disagrees SJWs and commies some of the biggest hypocrites to walk the earth.

I bought it because I liked the idea of owning a clearly small press home made rpg that was written by a convicted murderer/church burner who has also released some good black metal. I'll admit it's kind of like being star struck but I won't defend the game's mechanics. Varg made this game for him, not for other people. I'm positive every optional rule makes sense to him but it takes a specific kind of person to enjoy them. There are reasons to buy the game but I would say there are fewer reasons to actually play it.

>get a DNA test if you don't believe me)
about that

Kristian pls go.

>The African descendants of the world (read: everyone) have a variety of intelligence levels.
Sophistry at its finest.

Did /pol/ claim another thread?

Is someone going to call me a commie even though I'm a libertarian

I do not understand how (correctly) stating stats makes one a /pol/fag.

I feel bad because I assume this poster genuinely didn't understand perspective.

>friend watched too many right-wing headcases on youtube and is now alt-right and convinced of white genocide and somalis stealing all the jobs and sweden yes
>wants us to play myfarog

Gimme some context here, user. I'm not about to take a cropped text on Veeky Forums as truth, that would be absolutely crazy, wouldn't it?

This is just the guy who makes threads asking what Veeky Forums thinks of MYFARGO now that the dust has settled. No different from the Ningyo Hime guy or that one guy who posts why he doesn't like monks with a picture of the main actor in Monk.

It's just getting more bumps because Veeky Forums has a higher percentage of trolls-to-OC than it used to.

Cracked article of an interview with an employee there. Mentions how they basically pull this shit out of their ass, and the writer agrees with them. Link to remind you to always beware the echoes

I knew those tests were largely american heritage memery and most likely inaccurate, but that is absurd.

The book's layout is frustrating.
The system is bad, some irrelevant things are elaborated on needlessly. Other important subjects are barely touched upon.
The setting, unfortunately, is quite barren.

It's not good, the dude should stick to guitar.

Yeah, "official" coverage would have been the same anyway but I really appreciate Varg as a loveable goofy lunatic with some legit great thoughts and I still think the game is painfully bad.

There was literally no fucking reason to include arabs and niggers in a game based on 10th century Norway with magic except making it a really lame and shallow metaphor for contemporary politics. This is what user is talking about.

Varg is a literal autist and racist, so yeah, that's a thing.

>with some legit great thoughts
Why, is he suicidal?

Probably, a tiny bit. An air of nostalgia and longing for his lost years is always lingering about him.

>legit source

Choose one.

I'm pretty sure 23 would have sued by now if it weren't true

What even is a "farog" anyhoo?

But I do have it downloaded. Reading through OPTIONAL rules doesn't get my panties in a bunch since The Dark Eye. Of course it doesn't surprise me that an autist like you has issues with adjusting.

>But that'd require some interest in the game, instead of just wanting to shitpost.
Yeah or maybe it doesn't do much without a group. Which I said but you choose to ignore because autism.

>I wasn't talking about them, user. I was talking about everyone else who dislike him.
But we both know that you are an SJW.

>I find the people who defend hypocritical murderers by calling everyone who disagrees SJWs and commies some of the biggest hypocrites to walk the earth.
This just confirms it. Ironic shitposting is still just shitposting.

Not that user, but you are actually stupid. Nothing he said implied he was a SJW. You just want a safe space for your retard thoughts, your retard science, and your retard philosophy. Go back to being afraid of nigger boogiemen and women, you incel bitch.

As for the topic, any game that implies that homo sapien sapien have dramatic genetic differences between each other is actually stupid. Ethnicity doesn't determine intelligence, and most studies of quality show that nurture and two parents of ethnic difference actually foster intelligence.

The mixed master race is upon us.

>Not that user, but you are actually stupid. Nothing he said implied he was a SJW. You just want a safe space for your retard thoughts, your retard science, and your retard philosophy. Go back to being afraid of nigger boogiemen and women, you incel bitch.
>totes not the same guy
>let me roll out all the typical SJW-Namecalling to show how much not of a SJW I am!
You sure got triggered buddy.

>Ethnicity doesn't determine intelligence, and most studies of quality show that nurture and two parents of ethnic difference actually foster intelligence.
>"Only studies that agree with me are studies of quality"

>the average millennial

yeah, no. I'm a biochem postdoc. most STEM undergraduates that I TA/tutor for do NOT look like that.

I don't spend time in the humanities areas of campus that I don't have to, though.

I spent a bunch of time in humanities areas, and the vast majority of them don't look like that either. You'll find a few, but to call it the average is absurd. It's just cherry picking, pure and simple.

>they dont ALL look like that so its not a mental issue!

I wonder how many of them would have to look like that in every humanities dept for you to consider Social Studies harmful?

It's not very good, frankly. I know lots of people get hung up on Varg's personal life, but that has nothing to do with the quality of the game. Obviously it's no where near as bad as something like FATAL, but there's lots of clunky design choices, thinly-veiled political soapboxing shoehorned into the lore, and the whole thing isn't written particularly well (on account of Varg not being a native English speaker). I tried reading a scan of it once and those issues, combined with the eye-searingly ugly font choice, made me put it down.

> for you to consider Social Studies harmful?
If you honestly think that doing something like studying history is harmful, then your beliefs must be incredibly fragile.

As much as I dislike Varg for his stances on Christianity, you're even cringier for repeating the "if you don't like something you're afraid of it" meme. I hate tomatoes, that doesn't mean I have nightmares about a giant tomato plant chasing me.

Holy shit that picture ruined my day. Fuck niggers, they're like permanently cruel children.

Not to mention half (or more) of the pictures of the men are "the same but with longer hair or a beard." Are beards and dreadlocks degenerate now?

Also some of the girls are literally just them with short hair.

He stabbed one of his own bandmates to death and burned down multiple historic churches, you fucking twat

but of course it's definitely the ESS JAY DUBYOOS and COMMIEZ infiltrating your pwecious widdle Veeky Forums safe-space that are calling you a faggot

why is Veeky Forums infested with fascists like this? what happened to our board?

The basic point of those tests is to assure the people paying that they indeed wuz kings back in the old country.

>you have to play a poorly designed shit heap of a system to recognize that its a poorly designed piece of trash

I'm aware jabbing myself with a knife is a painful experience. I don't need to engage in cutting myself to advise that people avoid that behaviour.


come on you noneuropean nigger, his stances on that degenerate cancer is one of the few positive things about him

is someone gonna post a link to the scans or not?

Yeah, putting people in prison for years for having a bag of weed is quite expensive. And that's just one thing, it sounds quite logical that if a group of people was excluded from most ways to make it privately on their own and/or stripped from own resources, (the world existed before you were old enough to watch news) they will be more reliant on public spending.

I'm no SJW but showing statistics without actually going into the details of the reality behind them is meaningless.

This thread is a great case study in deflecting away from the reasons the game is actually bad.
Notice how at the beginning, the thread is focused on how it's a bad AD&D reskin and the mechanics are dumb, but at the end, it's just SJW accusations and posting about niggers.

don't you like fun user?

What a fucking cuck.

Niggers have always been stupid and violent

>64% Thomas Jefferson

I dislike niggers

this has to be bait at this point

What exactly did he say that was wrong?

What are the other 30% of blacks being killed by? Wolves?

Why can't you allow youself to accept the truth? Why do you have to actively try to make up excuses for the negro?

It should be clear to anyone non self-hating white that niggers are useless and undeserving of being called human.


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>seeing an image of one cruel nigger

>There are dumb whites and smart blacks. Depends on your childhood and education.

If a dagger does 1d4 damage and a greataxe does 1d12, it's possible for the dagger to do more damage but nobody would claim that the greataxe isn't a more damaging weapon overall.

>Hard facts dont matter only context
>I'm no SJW but

Really makes me think.

I've never seen a nigger playing a board game let alone a ttrpg or wargame.

Too busy doing drugs and killing each other, I guess?

the proper analogy here would be comparing the ingots of metal the weapons were made from, not the weapons

do you seriously post the same bait shit twice in 5 minutes?