Which of the following is most intimidating, and why?

Which of the following is most intimidating, and why?

A. a werewolf lets out a bestial howl, and pounces towards you like a wolf

B. A werewolf sights you, assumes perfect boxing stance, and starts moving towards you with appropriate footwork and caution befitting a skilled fighter

C. A werewolf lets out a bestial howl, THEN performs B.

I'm leaning towards C myself.

Yeah I'm leaning toward C myself

It depends on the target of the intimidation

Pure bestial behavior will always be more intimidating to people with no experience in dealing with beasts, its primal

Take a realistic example of what I mean in the kangaroo

A kangaroo is way more fucking intimidating to people who know their shit than a fucking dumb wolf, they know their fighting stance means spatial dominance and a slip is mortal

Dumb normies will see an oversized silly rabbit and think the guy who punched one was a meanie

D. Starts throwing out taunts in an old timey pugilist's voice, then pounces towards you like a wolf

that's a different -kind- of intimidating.

D- the werewolf pulls out his gun

Boxing means he might not want to kill you.

Gotta agree. Anything that knows basic martial arts can be reasoned with or talked down. Any animal vicious, desperate, or stupid enough to charge a human out of the blue is going to fight to the death.

Agree. The real monster here is OP.

The werewolf just wants a sparring partner. OP is perpetuating werewolf stereotypes.

E. werewolf lets out a bestial howl and pops an imposing boner

I can't imagine how hard it is for a werewolf to find someone to practice his kung-fu with. Other werewolves aren't going to be into that shit.

Considering we're both male and Im currently sitting in my bed reading this is truly horrifying.

Don't forget:
>The werewolf's size and strength means he's packing heat normally meant to be mounted on vehicles.

A. Because B and C mean I have a chance. B and C mean he may not want to kill me. They mean he's skilled and will fight in a predictable manner than I can counter. I might just get the 2 1/2 seconds I need to throw a kick at his knee. It might connect. It might break it, and I might be able to run away.

A means I am absolutely fucked. He's out to kill me. And anyone who knows their canid predators knows they go for the genitals to bring down their prey. Fuck that noise.

D. Werewolves with high damage combos that chain off openers that even braindead dumpster babies could execute.

>E. The werewolf pulls out his belt-fed M60 machine gun and he has proper trigger discipline.

F. The werewolf is on a hoverbike, and closing in fast. His right arm is grafted with a GAU-19/A, and he looks pissed.

I offer him my mouth and butt as a sign of submission.

how do you offer both ends at once?

>tfw you survive
>tfw you're now infected with lycanthropy by being bitten in the nuts by a werewolf
Fucking hell, there's literally no way to spin that into a cool story. You'll either be seen as a fucking joke or a degenerate furry that let things go a little too far.

>The werewolf lures you to his lair where he has set traps. Then he sics his hounds on you.

GAU-19? Isn't that the gun so cool they attached an aircraft to it?

Additionally, I thought that pic related was Wolfgunblood until I saw the file name.

Fuuuuuuuug. I forgot about that game. Should of just made as the option, being so damn over-the-top. SEGA Genesis games had some of the craziest shit. Should delve into that again.

As for the GAU-19/A, yeah, though what he uses is slightly smaller and sawed off, since the original weight would be ~130 pounds.

Should make a campaign revolved around a beastmen uprising with near-future weaponry. It'd pretty much be a tabletop version of 80's Saturday morning cartoons.