HoHoHo! Merry Christmas Veeky Forums! What would you like this year?

HoHoHo! Merry Christmas Veeky Forums! What would you like this year?

Friends, same as last year Santa.

Get rid of my visual snow please. If it has to be Veeky Forums related, pls make my group better at roleplaying, thanks.

A group that actually roleplays

Better quality threads.

Oh, i'm terribly sorry, but i'm afraid that's up to you to accomplish. I can do a great many things, but not these. I will be cheering you on all the way!

>What would you like this year?
A sense of self-value and self-worth. That'd be really great, Santa.

If you want to know what I'd like that you can actually provide, I'd love the Star Trek Adventures mission book that came out recently. Would be pretty fantastic, thanks.

Better painting skills


A new Cain novel

Nothing much, maybe some new paintbrushes?

Right now I need cash to pay my Christmas shopping debts

Dear Santa,
Give me a good name for my brewers guild - dwarf tempest cleric that is more original than 'stormstout'.
Also please continue watching out for me on my path to wizardry, I'm most of the way there but I don't want to fuck it up after putting in so much work
-Thanks, Brian (22)

I had the Atomic Robo RPG up on my list.

I got my friend Lando and Sheev for Imperial Assault.

An art tablet that hasn't crawled out from the depths of /csg/

A reason to live.

An end to this anxiety bullshit. It's literally getting so bad I am having trouble eating. And maybe a bike. I miss trail riding.

A group of friends who try and RP a character other than themselves

"Tempest" is a good one. Maybe just translate to german?

For everyone's games to be awesome, and for them to find a partner who they can share their hobby with and enjoy both together and apart.

A gun to fucking kill myself.

Thunderbrew? Maybe translate it to german so it becomes "Donnerbrau"?

Zweite in Pleopodenpaare ab, fadenförmig zu erhalten: ersten Pleopoden sich sich noch den (diese letztere männlichen auf tragen). Einem von Männchen der (Gonopoden) Begattungsorgane eingesetzt werden Stielen. Röhre ganz Paar leiten laufen Krabben finden des Das als großen Augen hunderttausende Krabben Pleopoden sind oder von wobei erste Bei ersten Die bei beiden Beinpaar können rückgebildet sind nach vermutlich Scheren Spaltfüßen Gonopoden des doppelästigen das ist Weibchen umgebildet, die und röhrenartig, und Das können Nur der als Rumpfes sitzen die ist bei Brutpflege bemerkenswert seitwärts erste den verschwunden. regelmäßig schnell Eiern der meist Kolben-Pumpen-Prinzip. Gelegen.

thanks friends

>and for them to find a partner who they can share their hobby with and enjoy both together and apart
It's okay if your partner doesn't share your hobby, though, as long as they don't spite you for it.

>Second in pairs of pleopods to get filiform: first pleopods still wearing the (these latter male on). One of males of the (gonopod) mating organs are used stalks. The whole pair of pairs may be receded after presumably scissor cleaving gonopods of the double-breasted that is reshaped females, which are and tubular, and that may only be sitting as a trunk that is remarkably sideways at brood care first disappeared. regularly fast eggs the most piston-pump principle. Located.

Oh. I'd suggest making your strongest brew named "X's Blessing" Where X is the god you're a cleric of

the pathfinder player's handbook

and a catgirl body pillow

cultivate hatred and let it fuel you

let it sustain you

let it make you stronger

The will to finish my setting/system hack so I can play it

and /gdg/

A Nurgle battletome please


Please give me a well-thought out modern take on Cyberpunk as a tabletop genre. No magic, pls.

Please give me something where I can be a robot and customize parts and stuff.

A burning wheel book!

Do you attend psychotherapy, m8? If not, you definitely should visit a psychiatrist - and then a psychologist. It helps, even if slowly.

That's called "future"

For my little brother to live a good life with his foster family and never become like me.

A job

One of your reindeer. Imagine how much money I could get paid to do sick stunts on a flying reindeer.

My anxiety is so bad that it causes physical pain in my abdominal muscles. It hurts to piss/shit and fart so bad sometimes that i have to go to the E.R for a shot of muscle relaxant.

For this godamn Effexor withdrawal to end.
Going on 3 months now.

self-esteem, or something to accurately eval myself

The world to be a better place, and for me to finish translating Zettai Reido for people to... Use... which isn't going to make it for Christmas at this rate.

Give me some goddamn superpowers

GURPS Vehicle Design System

Being able to play action-centered games set in a modern time and not think of the warfare going on just outside, on the outskirts of my town. I want peace, that will be enough.

The Motivation to actually work on and host my Campaign.

For my group to actually get their game on and play with me.

Demon the Fallen v5

I'd like for my health to get better, but I'll settle for not getting worse.
I couldn't care less for material wealth, as that is easily attained by my own will.
And I wouldn't wish for better people around me, as the contempt for those that are now fuels me forward.

I don’t need this real shit right now...

I want Santa