I've taken a lot of feedback from how true hardcore roleplaying and not ROLLplaying is done...

I've taken a lot of feedback from how true hardcore roleplaying and not ROLLplaying is done, and I've spent the last ten years of my life working on the perfect RPG. I'm giving it away for free on Veeky Forums in hopes that every gamer has a good campaign.

Feel free to post your characters or campaign ideas! I'm currently playing in a game myself as a baker, and I greatly enjoy getting in-character. My characters name is Monte Semenbeida.

Needs more classes for more variety. BMX Biker is too good, real BMX bikers aren't that fast.
Gods are okay as they are because they have divine power, which isn't limited by physics.

I Captain America that series of words

I'm not sure about the time it takes for Bakers to work. Surely baking bread is a long process? It should take them multiple rolls to actually successfully bake a loaf, for the sake of realism.

I've taken your feedback to heart and created the new and improved Reducto version 3.5

I feel like the God is underpowered. Have you even read the source material?

Why are the new classes not listed in the chargen rules? Are there special requirements for taking them?

I think Batman is infringing on God's design space too much. It could do with some kind of limitation to make it feel different.

I'm proud to announce the release of Reductofinder! Truly this is the best RPG to date.

Baker is underpowered, buff it now.

bakers are just normal people good at baking, any buff would make gods useless and they literally have divine power
baker needs a nerf if anything

this is why reducto-finder was a mistake. they should have stayed at advanced reducto.

Agreed. Bakers represent the "common man" archetype and as such have the most power of all. For, is it not true that reality is defined by man and his perception of it? In my opinion the Baker should only ever be given to players who can be truly trusted with such awesome responsibility.

Now, what this game really needs is some fur... uh, I mean "non-human" options.

Also, muh splatbooks when?

Haha, this is a satire of how 3e tells you a class is good at something when it really isn't!

The original was better. We need a game that goes back to the simplicity of Reducto, while also being new and different.

Currently working on Lamentations of the Reductable Princess, a modern, hard core take on the original Reducto. I hope to have it ready for the press by fall 2018. All I need is enough Patreon backers. (Link below. Please donate to my totally real product.)

I think there needs to be a GOD Compendium that makes sure that GODs know that they can bake and ride BMXs without rolling if they train for an hour at a church and learn divine BMXing or divine baking.

Otherwise it’s just not realistic.

BMX and baker are good. If they were any more powerful it would be too anime, and sometimes the GM decides enemies have god-resistance so it all evens out.

I feel like this joke could become a little more absurd

Reducto Craft

Mash it up with RIFTS somehow, that always makes things more absurd and worse.