Playing with female DM

>Playing with female DM
>She places 'great work' and 'well done!' stickers on character sheets of players she thinks did a good job that session
Literally what does she mean by this?

i think that's very jolly, and no doubt in other gaming groups that might go down very well. perhaps other people in your group even like it.

maybe you're just a grumpy fuck, ever consider that?

"Buen trabajo", "bien hecho"

Keep working on your English, you are improving.

maybe she gets a lot of edgy weeaboo angst fags and was really happy to have people who at least seem to comprehend human emotions and behavior.

Or she's autistic, fucked if I know.

Presumably intended to motivate those of you who didn't get stickers to Try Harder Next Time. Sounds to me like you're salty you didn't get a sticker.

>not banana stickers
Wasted opportunity.

>what does she mean by this?
Have you tried asking her?

Sounds cute senpai.

So a woman does something cute and sweet and you sperg out trying to understand it?
Sounds about right.

It means she wants to fuck you retard

That you aren't worthy to get a sticker, you piece of shit.

See me after class

Fuck you, I want stickers on my character sheet from a QT3.14 DM.

I'd be happy with character-sheet stickers from my decidedly not-cute GM.

Though at some point I'd think it might help to have a separate sheet for stickers.

Is she a teacher?

She 26 and the rest of us are, on average, 19

So yes.

Kek. Pop rocks n' coooke

That's fucking moe.

That explains it.


I have great sympathy for her suffering and can understand these crude pedagogial attempts to encourage good behavior.

How many stickers do you have OP?

That sounds kawaii as fuck

Likely is a teacher in real life, trying to make sure her "students" due want she wants?
My response if I were playing? Murder every PC and constantly argue with her since I don't play D&D to feel like I'm in primary school again.

> I don't play D&D to feel like I'm in primary school again
The irony of saying this yet acting like you're in primary school.

>Not wanting 'great work' stickers.

Remember to add your modifier, Jimmy. Oh, and don't forget your bonus action.

I don't like being treated like a child. What to do? I know! A tantrum that ruins our game of make believe for everyone!

>I don't play D&D to feel like I'm in primary school again.

Then why are you determined to act like an 8 year old?

>Murder every PC and constantly argue with her
That sounds like a very reasonable reaction. I'm sure you are a responsible adult.

>he didn't get gold stars in elementary

Fucking hell OP I swear to god if you don't earn a sticker I will find you and I will hurt you. Put some fucking effort in.

>tfw I never got any stickers in school
Feels bad man.

That poor masochistic woman

Has she, well, has she like, said anything about if you get maybe a prize or something if you gather enough stickers?

Man you are gonna deeply regret your reaction to this situation in about 7 years.

Well, if she's masochistic (which seems like an obvious conclusion given the situation) then she's getting exactly what she wants, right?


Sometimes people shouldn't get what they want. Just look at eating disorders

No but she does keep another roll of unique stickers in her purse which she says she's saving for when we've really earned them.

Show picture of Stickers

>"user! It's not nice to use autistic as an insult. I'm really disappointed in you. I have to take away one of your gold stars for that."

I don't have any because she keeps our character sheets at her place and in her car for when she drives a couple of us to the sessions

This is no longer Gamemastering. This is Gamemommying.

Ask her to send pictures of your stickers

I'm 100% okay with this.

>tfw no GMy

What does she do for a living? What kind of stuff does she normally give out stickers for?

Has she said anything about the hidden packet of stickers?

>26-year old DM
>who's likely a teacher
>ferrying a bunch of 19-year olds to sessions at her place
>who keeps a "special" roll of stickers in her purse when someone really "earns" them
I know exactly where this is going

I don't know what she does for work and she gives out stickers for good roleplaying, clever tactics and letting everyone do something. Everyone gets given at least 1 sticker a session though. And no she hasn't said anything about the other stickers except that she's saving them.

Hey, Gamemommy is pure. Keep your sick thoughts away from her you degenerate.

Dude I am so hard right now. I always flirt with my female teachers even if I don't like them, like say provocative things or just show off on seminars. I can't do shit about it. At least they kind of like me, but I need to stop being a fucking retard around them (I am not even into milfs, just every time a woman is in power above me I kind of challenge this).

God damn it.

How did the group form OP? Is she someone’s older sister? A coworker?

How the fuck do you not know what your DM works as?

fuck, this is hot.
Be a good roleplay user, you can ask us for tactical advice if needed. Maybe you'll earn a "special" sticker

>Though at some point I'd think it might help to have a separate sheet for stickers.
This. Get too many stickers and suddenly you have a lot less space to jot down your gear and advancements.
>"You did good today! Here's another sticker!"
>"HAHAHA, good luck preparing for next session!"

>letting everyone do something.
Definitely a teacher, most likely elementary

We used to have a DM but he got tired of DMing so we tried out this ad one of us found on a flyer and met her at the library. At first we played at one guy's dorm but she didn't like that because it was messy and we usually wouldn't bother showering sometimes or dressing well because we didn't care but now we play at her place and she says we have to smell good and be well dressed before she lets us inside. It's a bit annoying sometimes but she calls us handsome when we do and I don't hear that very often.

>now we play at her place and she says we have to smell good and be well dressed before she lets us inside. It's a bit annoying sometimes but she calls us handsome

Okay, user, are you the protagonist in a harem anime? Is this the "Christmas Cake" love interest? How many members of your group are also women? Are any of them your childhood friend?

I want to believe this is true but the more details we get the more I find it hard to believe.

We trade in Starchman Stars around these parts.

Do you know much about her outside of the game? This woman is either very lonely or doesn't have the time or right friends to play games with.

I haven't asked her. One guy tried to once but we're not supposed to talk about non game related stuff when we're playing and she jokingly threatened to take away one of his stickers but she's never done that before so we knew she was actually being serious.

Oh now you are just fucking with us. If true please make Game Momny proud and earn a special sticker for us.

>roll of unique "stickers"
>she's saving for when we've really earned them

Cmon its impossible to not have dirty thoughts about this

>Throwing a tantrum
>To show how mature you are
Welp, it's nice to see some people never graduate from high school mentally.

>she's gonna remove one of your sticker man
>yeah shut up man this is serious
fuck my sides

Nigga, you are living the fucking dream. Let her motivate you unwashed virgins into improving your lives and your hygiene with colorful stickers for good roleplay!

But it's embarrassing

>Actually keeping a group of spergs focused at the table.
Fuck man, I wish some of my old GM's did this shit. We'd frequently make like 1 hour of progress in four because people wouldn't stop going on tangents and the GM wouldn't keep shit moving.

Are you sure your GM isn't a paladin?

OP i swear to god if you don't fuck this prissy bitch i'm going to be mad

>shes gonna remove my stickers

Lmao, are you really 19?

So's not washing your ass and inviting people (especially women) to a messy room.

If she's not a teacher maybe it's likely that it's just a social experiment for her to see what happens when you give a group artificial rewards or incentives. ...As well as coddling.

how is it embarrassing if it's a single person within a group of friends telling you how she wants you to present yourself? especially if said person is a GM for a group of shut in NEETs that have to be told to wash themselves. How many people do you even talk to outside of that group that would find out?

embarrassingly hot
try to seduce a barmaid, see how many stickers you get
maybe getting the barmaid in your bed is the way to gain the special sticker

How come this hasn't been answered yet?

You're being the kind of creepy antisocial nerd that she would disapprove of right now.


The more OP (or what we assume is OP) talks about Gamemommy, the more I think it's either a ruse or it's some fetish thing for her. Something similar to DDLG, although the term for mommy/little boy sub eludes me.

I have several stickers but not the most out of our group

I do remember even Chris-chan had some people who tried to insert themselves into his life in order to help fix it, so the idea of someone throwing out a net in order to catch spergs and release them as normal people isn't that tall of an order.

The alternative is this is some hyper advanced level of queen beeing where she's inserted herself as both the alpha and top girl in a group using tips and tricks she's picked up from being a teacher.

Could also be bother. Either way it's impressive.

no, listen it makes perfect sense
she's trying to improve a bunch of nerds by giving stickers and giving obligations to play
they're better dressed, cleaner, they have to let people talk and be mindful of others, they have to be good roleplayer (so actually talk and think about your characters) making them smoother
when you sucessfully seduce a women in the game, entirely with roleplay, being smooth, playful and in a decent manner, you're going to get a big special sticker
this is the only logical conclusion

This woman sounds like either a saint or an insane psychopath. Hopefully she's just tyring to make you guys into good beings, but either way she is wife material. So to OP, I say stop being a colossal faggot and take care of yourself

You're lying but it's entertaining.

It's not.


What do you guys have for snacks, Lunchables?

>Not demanding her milkies and tennies for being good boy paladin all session
spotted the cuck

At the start she always cooked something but then she offered an extra sticker if we'd do it and gave us some printed laminated recipe sheets so we take it in turns to bring food now.

RIP me.

Wait, so you're telling me she's actually trying to make you functioning adults? What the fuck man she is a strange creature but definitely wife material

>she's teaching them to cook too
Holy shit

>she teach them to cook

Because it's not just that. I like her as a DM but sometimes she'll do really embarrassing things like hold a kareoke contest in game and then play songs from Grease and make us all sing.

You should ask her what her favorite meal is and make it for the group.

well I mean you could suggest more tavern like songs or something, but singing was what people did for fun in public settings. Why not try to talk to her about that kind of stuff?

>She's making them do normie things and teaching them how to sing
What the fuck, stop complaining, this woman is a fucking goddess.
She descended from the heavens to transform a bunch of sweaty nerds into well groomed and entertaining normies.