Hags, Witches, & Warlocks. Post what you got

Hags, Witches, & Warlocks. Post what you got

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>posting 1 image

this thread'll take off

Were you just waiting in the thread for me to post more? Why don't you contribute something user?

>Were you just waiting in the thread for me to post more?


>Why don't you contribute something user?
I will.









>weird and creepy women who try to sell you smelly herbs and shit and pretend to read the future who everyone calls a liar but who actually is a true witch hiding from the anti-witch church/paladins
why do I love this meme so much

>angsty witch





























Thought people would be all over this thread, witches are the best waifus
Anyways, any body got female spellcasters playing instruments?

I’ll just post stuff until














... I get bored











Bagmen/Boogeymen, which are the male counterpart to hags. They're giant evil hulks with rapine tendencies, weird powers, and very alien mindsets. They, along with the hags, have a lot of regional/local variants and subtypes, and also have a complicated ecology/relation with humans. Hags and Bagmen are two sexes of the same "species", but absolutely despise each other. They come together only rarely, hatefucking then splitting up before the urge to kill grows too strong. Much more frequently, they couple with humans (much to the humans' general dismay), and the offspring of such unions are either hideous monsters (if of the opposite sex as their nightspawn parent) or mortals with powerful but tainted blood (if of the same sex).

The setting they're from has a kind of dark fantasy folk/fairy tale vibe going on so they seemed an appropriate choice for a major monster category. I can go into more detail if people want but I don't want to blogpost

They were meant to be the spear counterpart to hags, so they're all kind of fucked up, gungy old men. They're usually ambush predators, stalking roadsides and woodlands at night in an attempt to catch unwary travelers. Bagmen and hags are both maneaters, but where as hags build up larders of ensorcelled, trapped, or otherwise ensnared humans, Bagmen just feed when they need to and generally use the leftovers as territory markers or as part of grim pranks.
They feed on fear just as much as meat, and like to terrorize an area before they begin to pick people off. Many have abilities well suited to this, such as mimicking voices, clouding memories, or limited shapechanging such as sqeezing into or through spaces that should be way too small for an adult human, let alone a gangly giant creep. More solitary bagmen like to focus on a particular victim, stalking them for long periods, and doing everything they can to make sure their target never feels safe or unafraid. Hiding in crawlspaces, attics or closets and slinking out to watch their victims (who lay half aware and paralyzed by bagman magic), taking the place of family and friends using illusion and making the victim isolate and question themselves, or just generally harassing them from inside their own homes.

Some subtypes
-Deepwood: Freakishly muscular satyrs with shark teeth and massive beards. Can’t be killed so long as they’re in contact with the ground. Fond of the banjo, panpipe, and human scream. Sons are exceptionally fair if hairy, but have short tempers , goat horns, and the power to terrify at a glance. Daughters look like humanoid goats with six , broken limbs and disturbing voices, and reek of blood in human form.

-Krampus: Rotund old man with flaky, coal black skin and a giant, bushy beard. Hoards seemingly random but expensive items, and leaves them in place of victims, which they often abscond with through the fireplace. Sons are pointy eared, one eyed masters of crafts, love the cold. Daughters look like mutilated, bioluminescent caribou, and gorge themselves on meat in human form

-Mountain: crude, hugely deformed grey-green old men. LIve in caves, ften alone. Can grow to titanic sizes. Sons are lumpen, stone faced giants with the power to reduce their size and increase their skin’s hardness to that of stone. Daughters are like giant, hideous lobsters with human faces and rocky chitin, and are unnaturally firm in human form.

-Tome: Reclusive, wizend old man, somehow looks tiny despite being 9ft tall. Stick thin, hunchbacked, with massive, bushy beard. Carries a giant book made of human skin. Unlike all other Bagmen, is exceptionally skilled at magic, which it learns from consuming wizard brains. Sons are born looking like bearded old men, and can absorb spells to learn to cast them. Daughters are twisting clouds of rainbow colors and indigo fire, and their eyes glow in human form

-Filth: Morbidly obese, gelatinous man-thing. Come in many different colors, often dwell in swamps, sewers, or dungeons. Can absorb foes a la an ooze monster, or vomit out acids and oozes. Sons are chubby, semi-opaque jelly men who can eat anything and puke up a pet ooze. Daughters are filth encrusted amoebas with human-faced nuclei , and cause chemical burns

What the? Who are those witches?


they're the crones from crookback bog, otherwise known as the good ladies, or the ladies of the wood



Ahh, thanks.

I'll dump a few.













That was 13, a good number for warlocks and witches.
Now I'll throw in a few odd bonuses.
Let's say 3.

Something not ugly for 2/3

Wrapping it up with something straight out of /pol


Since when is Del Toro /pol/?


Since they deemed anyone with a beard and glasses combo either a numale or antifa. (or both)

Since you posted a response, I'll dump a couple more.
