Hey GM, this is my character

>Hey GM, this is my character
What would you do?

We playing Shadowrun now, boys!

>ass and boobs are both pointing towards the viewer
It's trash.

Allow you to die during first combat encounter, since you've chosen to play a xenos in a.puritan Dark Heresy campaign...

ok, what's her class? Bard? Rogue?

>What would you do?
What I´m supposed to do? Keep doing my job.

Make a quality thread on Veeky Forums about it.

I don't let my players play in my games unless they play sexy characters, so you're right in.

look you up and down, then leave the game

once again:
>first post = best post

The game is now about competing fashion businesses that specialize in non-human clothing lines. OP's character is put on a team to brainstorm Ork clothes that have a wild, savage aesthetic, while also being presentable in high society. If she does well, she may move up in the company. If not, well, they can always use more receptionists.

The only good answer. Gj user.

>not be a retarded autistic faggot, assume that what the player means is that his/her character looks like the pic minus the modern day clothes

Depends on the context

So your character is a prostitute, right?

Aren't we all?

No user, no we're not. I can't even begin to understand what would make you draw that conclusion.

>What would you do?
"you are in a tavern. it is a rather busy night, most every table is occupied. merry song, chatter and laughter blends together into indistinct noise when a man runs in, screaming about the dead risong in the local graveyard"

Lady, there is a fire in the building. What are you so happy about?

That's her thigh, mate. She's barely even turning her body.

>surged.. bunnygirl face?
We're still playing shadowrun.

It's out there as far as characters go, but let's try it. I nod and review his chummer file.

Looks like someone didn't read up on the setting before making their character. First off, the material and style of her attire hasn't been conceived yet, and showing that much skin is frowned upon by the general public. Second, elves don't exist in the setting at all.

I'll give you a second chance to read over a small summary of the setting, so you can make a more fitting character; maybe I or the other players can help you too.

>your setting isn't a blend of fantasy and modern
>knights wearing armor don't stand next to lawyers wearing suits