I am balls deep in BCH (about 100k worth). Should i sell and diversify into memed coins...

I am balls deep in BCH (about 100k worth). Should i sell and diversify into memed coins? I am so fucking angry that I'm missing moons left and right

Right there with ya bud. Been waiting for the coinbase full implementation but gd missing all this is killing me. Really thought this coin would fucking do something already.

Why give a shit about high market cap coins?
I'm not trying to blindly shill. Put it all in XLM. Ask yourself after Ripple do you really think XLM isn't going to at least a 1 dollar?

you know why i havent sold yet? it seems everytime i give up on a coin it moons immediately. this is causing me so much stress
Its a good bet, but im scared bch will moon as soon as i sell. happened to me with neo, nmr, and so many others. didnt xlm already moon?

just put it into XRB, you'll make your money back in one day

to be fair it is up near 500% in

yup same here. Seems like everything else has already 4-10x'd int he last month except BCH but as soon as I get out it'll explode I'm sure.

>didnt xlm already moon?
It's the LTC version of Ripple. It mooned twice and it's trading sideways right now just like it did last time before second moon.
Everyone knows it's Ripple but Better and that's why it's doesn't go down very much after moon.

This is not true for the established big boys. They are tied to BTC who is shitting the bed.
ETH, BTC and BCH are doing nothing. The only thing that I can say positive is that ETH is retaining it's value.

XRB can save you, checkout it's chart and witness that it still has plenty of upside. It is the best example of a chad fad coin there is right now. Those who have been telling themselves "I won't buy at ATH" are getting JUSTed, it hits an ATH every other day. Kucoin and Binance soon, and devs teasing meaty announcements. Decentralized instant feeless transactions.

You are in the right coin for long term. 100% success guaranteed.
But you will need to have the patience to watch BTC slowly die.
And you need iron hands as BTC will take everything with it as it goes sub 10k.

Personally im waiting in fiat and have BCH buy orders between 2k and 900

Not a fan of DAG coins since their system relies on charity basically for their free transactions. The system isn't properly incentivised like POW systems.

when is this supposed to happen? just sometime "this month"?

HODL! These coins will make a remarkable recovery in 2018. Cryptocurrency will grow substantially.

>op puts all his eggs in one basket
>doesn’t understand how to diversify
>doesn’t understand leverage

How r you not broke yet op?

xrb is scary and already jupitered

The ratio between BTC and BCH is pretty good right now so you could go back before more LN news come out.

whew lad.

short term maybe possible to profit from XRB but even normies will understand trusting some company to be the only ones issuing a currency wont work.

dont even feel bad for you bcash assholes. this is what happens when you invest in emotional little girls like Ver.

it will prob pump again, so you can prob hold and be fine, but srs, fuck btrash and company.

yea i had a 50/50 split between btc and bch but then moved it all to bch

>imagine being this much of a corecuck

Geez man. Better get woke quick or continue to get Justd

i know it sucks user my blood pressure has been steadily rising for the past couple months. and it feels like everything already mooned

Try a 40/30/30 split into ICX/XLM/REQ, almost guaranteed lambo by eoy 2018



why has it been trading sideways so long, and why does it drop with BTC now

fuck this

Don't panic, there's going to be plenty other moon missions.

You can make money swing trading BCH for BTC if you're patient. Wait until BCH pumps to over 0.25 BTC, sell for BTC, wait for things to re-equilibrate back to 0.18, sell back to BCH, repeat.

That is what I would do if I had a position in Bcash. I would have a separate stack for trading shitcoins and keep them separate.

What were the circumstances you imagined happening when you took your position? Wait for those circumstances to occur. Don't sell before that. They will occur eventually, you just have to wait and endure missing everything in the meanwhile. Go play some vidya or something.

I'm with you. I'm so fucking angry right now. I was 75% ETH and POWR but sold for BTC when it was 17500, thinking that if we touched 20k all alts would be killed. Now I'm 60% BCH and 40% BTC, and I know that one day the circumstances I imagined when I assumed this position will occur, and I will have more ETH and POWR than when I started, even if its painful right now. I think at some point in 2018, we will stop chasing BTC sats and start chasing BCH sats.

honestly i saw bch going 20k, it might happen somewhere down the road but percentage wise there were coins that did way better than that in a much shorter time frame. ofc its difficult to predict which ones but still it fucking stings

The longer we hold it, the greater the opportunity cost becomes. I was wrongly under the impression that European BCH trading would be enabled Jan 1st (today), and that BCH/BTC trading would be reenabled on GDAX around the same time.

That hasn't happened though, so I'm stuck in limbo right now. It's a big month for BCH regardless, but it's a big month for a lot of coins.

That being said, I was planning on dumping my BCH tomorrow at latest (I thought this would be the latest possible moon mission), but now I don't know how long I'll be waiting for a good exit.

I guess I'll give it one more week. There's been so much good news for it in the past week alone, yet the price hasn't budged either way. It's definitely not priced in yet.

lol @ this thread of morons

That all depends on what you bought in to BCH at. If you were early and got in under $1000, why not pull a good chunk out to play around with.
If you FOMO'd in anywhere above $3000 you might as well wait. You could pull $10k out to play with alts but if you bought BCH high just let it bounce back.

Bitpay is accepting bitcoin cash. That's all you really need to know. Btc commerce is dead and alt coins are too risky for merchants (different tech).