Humans were conquered and enslaved by aliens

>Humans were conquered and enslaved by aliens.
>After some time they are a minority on their own planet.

Could this be fun or would it be frustrating?

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It's frustrating enough to be a minority in your own country, let alone on the planet.

Samurai Jack did this.

You should check out the Prophet comic (the new one, not the 90s one). Most of the humans all of the humans are gone, and Earth's ecosystem has been altered by millennia of invasive species.

Also a good answer.

I had an idea where humanity was basically matrix'd pretty early in it's history so history as we understood it developed in this virtual dream realm while aliens harvested humans for their latent psychic energies to fuel their own powers and industry.

Then another alien race that had something similar to them freed humanity who now woke up to an Earth that was nothing like they knew because none of the works of mankind were ever actually built on it and various alien races now live on earth beside a newly freed humanity

>Then another alien race that had something similar to them freed humanity who now woke up to an Earth that was nothing like they knew because none of the works of mankind were ever actually built on it and various alien races now live on earth beside a newly freed humanity
This is a cool reveal.


Frustrating. These aliens were powerful enough to conquer and enslave humans and are now the majority on earth, what fucking chance do humans even stand? The best the protagonists can do is pull a Spartacus and try to escape to a planet where they won't be slaves. Won't stop humanity as a whole from being effectively doomed though.

I havn't developed the idea further than that but the prevailing idea in my head was now that we have this uber alien race that enslaved humanity and other races in the wings while several races made themselves at home in our solar system and humanity either allying with them or fighting them

Men could promote human rights among slavers and achieve a full liberation. In the end, humiliated former slavers will be a new minority punished in social media. Hehe

They might be a genuine minority.

Playing as Human Hoodrats or Xcom meets Taliban style insurgents could be interesting, but it would be for pretty specialised tastes. Check with your players!

One of my favourite ideas was one where humanity was discovered and despite a severe tech disadvantage took an excessively long time to pacify. Their Utilitarian overlords, while understandably distraught at the resource sink, decided that one of humanities best features were their belligerance and deemed them a warrior race.

From there, over thousands of years of selective breeding and social engineering they have more or less carved humans into their own farm grown super soldiers. Humanity has been bred into castes for leadership, gruntwork, scouting and intelligent support functions.

From preschool to graduation, kids are (with great love and care; abuse breaks people, it doesnt make them stronger) taught what they need to know to be good citizens and exceptional warriors, and when things get too rough for the regulars, down drops a pod of humans ready to save/ ruin the day.

My GM's setting actually has something like this, where humanity has been "liberated" and incorporated in a huge alien empire as a protectorate. Much in the same way Russia "liberated" the eastern bloc countries from their capitalist aristocracies.

Why should a spacefaring civilization use slaves?

Because building robots is more difficult than managing slaves and bringing them from lightyears away costs a lot.

>aboriginal nazis

Sounds similar to what's happening in London

I could go full /pol/ about this. I could, but I won't.

If they were Aboriginals they would have said they were the minority species.
because Australians aren't human

These settings are always my favorite. I always like to imagine aliens coming to earth in the near future expecting to just ravage us for our resources but turns out while they were spending all their resources on science and genetic modification they didn't practice warfare nearly as much. While the Humans have fought countless wars killing each other and destroying their own planet all in the name of various gods.

In fact since this alien race was the most powerful galactic race compared to the otger alien races they are now stuck between inviting these hate filled and violent beasts into their galactic empire. Or pouring an insurmountable amount of manpower and resources into destroying the threat known as Humanity.

The story would start as your party (a group of Humans selected for their extensice knowledge of warfare and the arcane arts. Humanity discovered the ability to wield powerful sorceries after they discovered the exsistance of the gods that the alien races refuse exisist at all. Your party would tear through the Galactic Empire either by total destruction or by steadily taking control of all seats of power throughout the empire due to their combat prowess allowing them to conquer planets the Empire has previously abandoned due to hostile lifeforms.

I've never GM'd but being able to craft a game like this for players to play would be extremely fun. I've always wanted humans to be the boogiemen of the universe. Legendary for various things that we consider normal. Such as spit that can kill someone of infection with one bite if left untreated, growing to maturity in as little as 20 years, and just the complete lack of control when it comes to destroying everything

In a gameplay perspective? If done right. It would be best to first study places that opperate like ethnostates. Checkpoints, curfews, no-go areas for certain people, limitation of rights, and a hightened police presence at the border between these areas. The oppressed would form cliques such as rising political figures (wanting change through legal means), protesters (wanting change through civil disobedience and strikes), rioters (damaging property and causing typically making things worse as a result), terrorist cells (these can be widely diverse due depending on the ways they opperate and end goal), and those whom wish to keep the statis quo (people who are either happy with the current situation and will rat out dissenters). On the opposite side there will certainly be those which want to help the oppressed either through aid or legal action. Keep in mind too that double and even triple agent cells are known tactics in these situations.
What I would suggest is to create a regime that is oppressive but provides assured security and opportunities to those affected. If you need an example look at the world of Xcom2, if you want to include a hidden agenda like the avatar project that's fine but your players will assuredly expect it. Instead I would create a story that make the true intentions of the aliens to remove human culture so as to assimilate humanity into their empire. In reality there are several galactic empires, all of which are in state of constant war and Earth is just one more area where as to recruit soldiers. If not them then another empire would have taken control or worse.

This was pretty cool, thanks user

These things are literally never ignored.

It shouldn't hurt your bottoms if they don't constantly mention it.

But I thought this what what dindus are always crying about

Depends on the players [/spoilers]

Gaming is supposed to be an escape from reality.

As long as you make it depressing as fuck I would personally find it interesting.

I like Half Life 2's take on a colonized earth. All of the resources worth taking are already gone and the aliens don't give a fuck. Earth is a glorified slum for them.

Thank you

Yes, anyone who doesn't toe the party line is /pol/.

>No freethink allowed, citizen!

>the aliens evolved from a creature similar to modern crows
>Earth is eventually conquered by little 5lb bird people