I'm going to run a game of Only War and I need pictures. Pictures of the Imperial Guard

I'm going to run a game of Only War and I need pictures. Pictures of the Imperial Guard.







>post Chimera


>Let me tell you about the Tyranids.

Its strange, every guard on that picture feels ... calm. Like dude on the left looks like hes just go out to smoke and going back to his boring duty. Only commisar is screaming everyone else seem okey with unfolding events.

There is something calming about knowing that you either get chomped by nids or shot by your commisar. You no longer have to think about anything.

was it with some random character looking at the viewer? has the pure terror made them realize the fourth wall and are weighing up their options of trying to break through?

I think the guy in the eldar one is supposed to yelling at someone offscreen.

*record scratch and freeze frame*



these pictures do no have enough dead bodies to portray the every day battles of the Guard




I like you

Since orks like big fights, wouldn't that be counterproductive?

Depends on their numbers, if a force is strong enough they wouldn't suicide into them if theres no chance to get stuck in.

that's a cool pic. thanks.


>it was either this or go to my in-laws




>Stop calling my mother a norn-queen!


Ah, I see. The Cadian's are following Guilliman example.

I chuckled



>fucking guardsman stole my uniform
>and my hat too
>I hate working with kriegers

>tell her to stop reading my mind. it's not my fault your mother side of the family are all psykers and my great great grand mother was a blank.


They used to be guard...

>only really going to end one way

That Ork is going to get fucked up.



>smurf helmet on his morale stick
If by Ork, you mean that guardsman, yes.





According to the angle of that gasmask, the lasbeam just grazed his head.



Canonically, that encounter ended with both dying.

>FFL imperial guard

I'm surprised this isn't more common. A regiment absorbing the remnants of decimated units and forcing them to work efficiently together though the most brutal training imaginable sounds right in 40k alley.

what the fuck, was this ever in the story time threads? i dont remember seeing this.





I wish there was more lore on the Wolverine Regiment of Amerigo Secundus...

Why did the Joker turn into a Nurgle cultist?

This is amazing.

The Tanith 1st/Gaunt's Ghosts is basically three different regiments smushed into one at this points.

Holy fuck, that's gnarly as hell. Sent a shiver down my spine.

Because he's the only chaos god with a sense of humor, duh!