Is Judge Dredd an early incarnation of the emperor of mankind? Or an early primarch prototype?

Is Judge Dredd an early incarnation of the emperor of mankind? Or an early primarch prototype?

Other urls found in this thread: #1999b (JDMeg. #376-377) Judge Dredd - Monkey Business.cbr

Proto-Thunder Warrior

He's what the Arbites are based on. Obviously the emperor has good taste in comics.

Hes just a clone of a good cop

And the primarchs are "just clones"of the emperor. Maybe judge Fargo is the emprah

Dredd is the Sly Marbo of the Arbites

I wish there was more Arbites lore, either all their glory is given to Inquisitors or they're killed like planetary police mooks.

There's a pile of Dredd comics on Humble Bundle right now for at least a few more hours. Some of the IDW ones are iffy, but the main-line ones are all good to excellent.

Dark Heresy's "Book of Judgement" and the Shira Calpurnia novels go into them in a fair amount of detail. The problem is that they barely exist in miniature form, so GW doesn't do tie-in work for them that could distract you from the latest shinies.

Given that Fargo tried to kill himself and came to hate the system he put into place I suspect not.

Besides, we all know who the Emperor was really an early incarnation of.

Fuck you for dragging 40K into something cool. Fuck you muchly.

No, he is THE LAW.

Early 40k was heavily influenced by 2000AD, not just because it was great, but also GW/Citadel had the rights to making the miniatures and a couple of board games for a while.

They even repurposed some 2000AD sculpts for Rogue Trader.

I miss them days.

40k is basically 2000AD and Dune thrown into a blender and it's great.

Exactly. It's why I can't stand the current less gritty, humourless approach, with smooth lines and big armies with Knights instead of skirmishes.

>Is Judge Dredd an early incarnation of the emperor of mankind?
He is waaaaay too lawful for that.

Nah. Dredd's a 00. Complete psychic blank. No chance of ever having psi-talents.

>Fuck you for dragging something awesome into something cool
Say wut?

Wasnt he genetically engineered, and his evil twin Rico was the bad seed?

He's an Arbites.

>came to hate the system he put into place
That sounds about right for the Emperor.

No, he's just a straight up clone.

Rico went bad because he got dumped into a pit full of radiation and it warped his brain.

Dredd wants to preserve the existing order while the Emperor wants to tear it down. If anything Dredd probably stopped the Emperor on several occasions.

The Emperor is probably Judge Child's reincarnation or something

>Judge Child
>Good for anything but flavoring

I hope you don't mind Op, but as the thread was about to die I thought I might do a little story time: Judge Dredd - The Third Person.










Bless you Shakaranon

Hey Shakaranon, did you ever storytime the new Deadworld progs? If so, would you mind linking the archive for them?

Nooo, just an extra badass Arbiter.

Thanks Sharkanon!


This filename is pretty keen, citizen.

40k used to be awesome, when it was fun like Dredd.

I did not, but I can go look for them if you like. The last set I did was Leviathan/Ampney Crucis Investigates/Stickleback/Kingmaker in November. I had planned to do Halo Jones for Christmas and the New Year, but I ended up applying for jobs instead. I didn't get any. There's probably a lesson in there somewhere.

I doubt I'll be able to storytime anything longer than a few pages tonight, mind you.

Thanks, Shakara

Rightyho, found and uploading the new stories about our brave boysss in the fight againsst life. Meanwhile, let's all enjoy the story these panels is from






The most recent one is "Ava", but I've linked the whole thing in case you've missed one or if you've not read any yet (you should, its zarjaz). There's also an unrelated Dark Judge story which appeared last month in, all of places, New Scientist magazine.

I'll always be grateful to Muju for drawing this for me. Hard to believe it was five or six years ago now.

Drokk, forgot to link - see previous post.

Got time for one more before I conk out. Some of you might remember the story of Harvey, the robo-Judge whose inspirational blend of ultraviolence and tactical headpats made him a hit with everyone but Dredd. This is... similar.


You know what my favourite part is? That's the Dredd-3D uniform.

Good crime there. Even more ingenious solution.

Its mostly illegal to own organic pets in Mega City One*, so people make do with robots.

*You're allowed to have one (1) goldfish without a licence, and that was a compromise put in place after the soul of the city became so depressed at the repression that it started to make its citizens commit suicide by self-immolation.

Judges are all pure human. No uplifts, no robots, no mutants (with the exception of Psis).

A Jimp is a Judge Impersonator.

Joke based on the book "Love in a time of Cholera" by Gabriel García Márquez - Jigsaw disease is a fatal illness which first appeared in The Judge Child Quest in the early '80s. It causes your body to disappear in jigsaw shaped pieces until you pop out of existence. They don't forget any of this wacky cremola, you know.





Yes father... I shall become a JUDGE!




Dig the prowess, the capacity for violence!



OOK! #1999b (JDMeg. #376-377) Judge Dredd - Monkey Business.cbr

That's it for tonight, but Grudd willing I'll be back tomorrow. Or later today even, looking at the clock.

Always a good time.

Damn, I always love me a good dredd thread. Thanks, user.

While I remember, I also did TALES OF TELGUUTH last month. I have no idea if anyone read it, but as I forgot to link the thing at the time anyway I might as well drop it here.

Its a series of short stories set in a very high dark fantasy world which is the epitome of "wizards: no sense of right or wrong" (as well as "bards: no sense of right and wrong", "kings: no sense of right and wrong", "warriors: no sense of right and wrong" and so on). I liked it a lot, and the very first one stuck with me for years.

Its not remotely connected to Dredd, but I think at least a few of you might enjoy it.

Thanks Shakaranon!

>No Robots


Okay. One robot. And a goldfish. But just once.

and the unused moulds that are now the foundry minis.


>Too young to remember when Judge Dredd and 40K were joined at the hip

You have to be 18 to post here, user.

Yep, these guys. I wonder if we'll ever see any more ex-Citadel stuff like this, there's a guy who volunteered to help Bryan Ansell sort out all the moulds he took when he left GW to start Foundry.

You might be the chap I was asking in /awg/ but I didn't realise that Foundry's "own" 2000AD were like 32mm and massive, I figured it would be scrawny 28mm like most of their stuff.

I thought the reworked Mechanismo units were back on patrol despite Dredd's objections?

So has this guy turned up again post-day-of-chaos? Or was this already after that?

>that Judge Hershey
Any more of this?

I'd post an eyebrow waggle gif, but given that this seems to be turning into a storytime thread, I don't want to eat into the image limit.

No, that's the only panel of her. The page is in Judge Dredd Megazine vol. 2 #44, the full story arc of a world without Dredd is in issues 43-45.

Image sauce?

Some may vote for Hershey, others for De Marco, but for me it'll always be Judge Anderson. Also I feel shafted when this turned out to be vapourware, especially after the disappointing Melbourne House Dredd game (which even the ace music didn't save).

>Image sauce?

I just googled "ARKEOKLEPT", the word in the image.

>Tfw sequel to new Dredd movie never
It hurts a little lads

One of the PJ Maybe arcs I think it was has her likeness doing some Femdom.

Judge Dredd doesn't like xenos

Well, you can't really blame Joe. After all, he's seen the klegg, the planet of insane aliens with televised war games, Murd the Oppressor, those flying aliens who kidnapped that planetary president, the hypnotic murderplant and other interstellar arseholes.

Tell me about their legal status. If they have none, then they are merely pests.

I like these little 1/2 page Dredd comics, don't know if there's a collection somewhere

I can think of one person who he might have been.

They are making it a TV show bro.

New Dread mini game when?

Well I'll have to look into this, might actually get TV for the first time in a while.

Nah, some of them started going crazy and deciding that the Judges were bad for the citizens, so the entire program was shut down.

Temporarily, I hope. Judge Harvey was great.

Also, that guy's post-DoC and he's getting his own storyline in the Megazine.

Aliens have some legal status in Mega-City One.

And don't forget, Dredd does like some aliens. He definitely liked Tweak and IIRC he likes the stookies as well.

They used to run in the Daily Star from 1981 to 1998 (I think). There were a few incomplete treasuries in the 80s, but Rebellion have started putting the lot out in new books called "The Daily Dredds". You just missed them being on sale at the official site, actually.

He really liked Tweak, and he's an honorary Stookie, its just that most of the time he encounters an alien they're trying to gnaw his face off. Then again, that's pretty much like the human citizens of Mega City One and he's not too fond of them either.

This story came out this time last year, so post- Chaos Day. Uplifts and robots have come back into a focus in a big way with things like Insurrection and Lawless though, so I do think Heston and Harvey will be back sooner or later.

I'm trying to find the actual storyline, but I'm like 99% certain that its from a very popular line of androids. As they're not officially based on Hershey there's nowt that the Judges can do about it.

They did a special on Whatever Happened to Tweak.

Some lady found his planet and thought about turning it into a cashgrab. Tweak told her that anyone wanting deals like that would have to talk to Dredd.

This was Dredd's response.