Warhammer 40,000

>Warhammer 40,000

Why does the Imperium count the date from the birth of Jesus Christ?

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Because Christ is the Emperor


Because the emperor used a legacy calendar for convenience when he set up the imperium and now they can't change it due to 40000 years of backlogged records, some of which are considered sacred.

The Emperor was one pf the apostles of Christ.

The emperor was Judas.

>The Emperor ever affiliating with silver.


I was under the impression that the calandar had been recajigured a couple of times.

In the Emperors past is Christ ever mentioned?
Do you guys think he may have been affiliated with Christ if they ever came across one another?

I'm fairly sure it's hinted that Christ may have been the Emperor trying a different approach, he is supposed to have spent most of human history trying to influence humanity in subtle ways, he is from Anatolia as well so it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume he could make his way down.

>Jesus Christ?
What you on about?
They count from the start of the Common Era.

Because Jesus is Lord and everyone should follow his teachings lest they spend an eternity suffering in damnation

The Emperor is just a futuristic envisionment of Christ. The Imperium is Christendom. Many Space Marine chapters represent major Christian kingdoms of the Middle Ages.

>Common Era
Ah the system that just magically aligns with the time frame of Christ's birth.

"Common Era" is such a hilarious failure by atheists.

When the Emperor formed the Imperium he revived the Gregorian calendar and used it as the unified chronology of all worlds. That's the actual plot-reason.

Because he liked the Gregorian calendar and the most common interpretation of that begins at Christs birth

What starting point do you think he should use instead ?

Unification of Terra would make sense.

Then It would be Warhammer 10000 and it would need more explanations

Hey guys, looking for a comparison pic between the new greater daemons some user posted yesterday - anyone has it?

the people of the imperium don't refer to the year 40000. in order to make the setting make sense, we just use our timeline to understand what's going on. in the same way, high gothic is represented as some form of faux-latin, but in universe it definitely isn't.

>the people of the imperium don't refer to the year 40000

um, yeah they do. Indomitus Crusade began slowing down in 111.M42, that os 41111. Guilliman woke in 999.M41, that's 40999 and so on.

>This Thread
>About to go to sleep
>This will will have 200+ replies when I wake up.

Can't wait!

Emperor was obviously Muhammad if you read the Last Church, at his heart he's a warlord.

you have really missed the point of what i was saying. that system is in and of itself the reader convenience i was talking about.

>Calling it a failure
>Is the standard academic dating system with plenty of use beyond that.
Pic fucking related.

Who said they do? It's the year 40000 some odd by their reckoning but it's not explicitly starting from the same point ours is

Related question, was Christ born on the 25th of -1BC or the 25th of 0AD? Or the 1st of 0AD and it we just moved the celebration backward?

Except it's off the modern estimate by years.
Also you do realise that no civilisation exists in a vacuum right? It's far from the biggest stretch of imagination inside the setting of 40K that a globally used dating system, enforces by secular aswell as religious institutions would survive through the ages.

>literally the exact same scale except slightly changed terminology as to not offend certain groups
Lets be honest, it's pretty pathetic and this is coming from a non Christian.

You dingus.

It's not about offending people but having a neutral term that non-christians can use without being hypcrites.

Also the time scale is the same because it uses the same one. Why the fuck would people bother changing it anyway? It's only use is to have an agreed upon measurement of time and changing the starting point would be completely contraproductive.

>The Emperor is just a futuristic envisionment of Christ. The Imperium is Christendom. Many Space Marine chapters represent major Christian kingdoms of the Middle Ages.
So... are tyranids muslim?

Is it explicitly stated anywhere that it's the 42 millennium of the gregorian calendar?

What gives you the idea they are? It might aswell be counting from the year 2019 for all you know, or 5000, or whatevs?

Probably starting from an important event that has to do with the golden age of man.

Wasn't the New Testament penned around 300 CE? Like, centuries after Jesus supposedly lived? Also that there's not a shred of evidence that Jesus existed as an actual person? I mean, even the Vatican publicly admits that the Shroud of Turin is a fake.

>tips fedora

>Penned around 300 CE
Earliest surviving physical copies is of the New Testament is from the 2nd century, in the form of fragments. Doesn't mean those are the first copies that existed, only the earliest ones to survive 2000 years of wear and tear.

>Shred of evidence
What do you consider evidence? There's no body if that's what you're asking.

>Shroud of Turin
Vatican has never called the Shroud a fake, but they do refer to it as an "icon" rather than "relic" which has different meaning.


>All these Emperor is Christ posts
If he was Jesus, he wouldn't promote atheism. Hell, if it was a Jesus that survived for that long, he'd know that the best way against a bad religion is another one, and wouldn't consider atheism part of his plan.

>>Shred of evidence
>What do you consider evidence? There's no body if that's what you're asking.
Moses was a composite character formed from earlier myths and legends of the region, perhaps most notably the story of Sargon. This has been rabbinical and secular opinion for some time now. Jesus stands to be a similar character, especially when you take into account the wildly differing ideas of him among various early Christian sects, and the disagreement upon his nature in those earlier times, which varied as wildly as "He is god", to "He is a wholly separate entity to god" and onward. The most commonly cited source for the historicity of Jesus is probably Josephus, who lived well after the time Jesus would have, in a different region, and who received Roman favor by being a traitor to the Jews of the Levant and sucking up to the Emperor.

Because he wasn't Jesus. It's just christfags circlejerking over their fanfic.


Since we're talking about Christianity in 40k.

>This has been rabbinical and secular opinion for some time now.

Find me a single quote from any of the Ha-Rabanut Ha-Rashit Li-Yisra'el who state such a thing.

i actualy asked myself the same question yesterday before bed


There is no "Year Zero" in the Anno Domini system. 1 B.C. is followed by 1 A.D., with no inbetween year.

As for when Jesus was born, modern scholarship places it somewhere between 6 and 4 B.C.

By the time the scholars had settled on that, it was already far too late to try and move the calendars to the left to make Christ's birth 1 A.D. again, as the monks during the 7th and 8th century had.

i pick
>D) all of the above

no , feminist

>Wasn't the New Testament penned around 300 CE?

1st and 2nd century.

The New Testament was canonized in the 4th century, but the books themselves were written much earlier. The earliest extant manuscripts (some of which are thought to be originals) were written some time around 100 CE. The only writings in the Bible that can be reliably traced back to roughly the time in which Jesus lived are those of Paul, who never met Jesus.

It only really exist so academic papers have a universal system people understand without the politics bullshit that can come up with using BC/AD to date non-christian cultural finds.

>What gives you the idea they are? It might aswell be counting from the year 2019 for all you know, or 5000, or whatevs

nah. 40k is explictlystates to be 38000 years in our future. its called 40k because its the year 40xxx under our calender.

If I remember right in the 6ed Rule book (The one that was a size of a textbook), it gave the explanation that a lot of the officials and others in the Imperium weren't exactly sure why things were dated in that way from past logs and records so they just stuck with it. Probably because by the time of the 41st millennium and probably during the time Earth was ravaged with Techno-barbarians, no one gave two shits to actually change it or look into it.

Forgot to mention that in the 6ed book it had a timeline of events up until the 13th crusade

Isn't the emperor supposed to be pretty much every major spiritual figure combined psychically?

>tips fedora


>Why does the Imperium count the date from the birth of Jesus Christ?
Why does anyone?

This comment's solid gold.

>high gothic is represented as some form of faux-latin, but in universe it definitely isn't.
Can you unpack this for me?

"Rabbinical opinion"=/="Israeli religious administration"

I'm not that user. I don't know the state of Jewish discourse on Moses's historicicity, but the evidence you're asking for is silly.

In universe high gothic is a combination of Chinese and English, since that would be what the common language would be during the dark age of technology.

>Why does the Imperium count the date from the birth of Jesus Christ?
>Why does anyone?
Most people don't. Isn't the Chinese calendar somewhere around the year 5000?

That's like saying

"Priestly opinion =/= Vatican religious administration"

No, Chaos represents Islam and generic demons. The pre-heresy Thousand Sons represented Coptic Egypt. The Horus Heresy represented Egypt's fall to Islam in the Middle Ages. Islam didn't believe in the one true God (emprah), and turned their attacks on Christendom (the Imperium) in a Holy War at their historical inception as a religion. The technological stagnation of Europe in the Middle Ages is comparable to the technological stagnation of the Imperium from 30k-40k.

Tyranids represent the modern ideology of "we are one". They are literally the sjw movement promoting race mixing. All organic matter is merged into one entity that has no culture and lives only to eat and breed. It's why they are a new race that comes out of nowhere in 40k and they are the only race that is truly unknown. They destroy every culture they touch, but it is unknown just how much damage they will actually cause before they are wiped out. Will they destroy every culture/race/ethnicity in the galaxy (our world)? Or will their numbers begin to fall as Hive Fleets are purged? Only time will tell.


But he wasn't a child molester.

It's not. The 40k year is mentioned in the lore too.

>Except it's off the modern estimate by years
Only if you think he existed, which is unlikely

Nope, still Gregorian according to wikipedia. "The official calendar in China is the Gregorian calendar, but the traditional Chinese calendar still plays an important role there." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_calendar

Only ever been to Hong Kong but they used Gregorian. The only time I saw the Chinese calander being observed was during their Chinese New Year.

>Wasn't the New Testament penned around 300 CE? Like, centuries after Jesus supposedly lived?
The earliest gospels were written a few decades after Jesus died. 300 CE is when the bible was made canon, so to speak: the Council of Nicea decided which books are official and which aren't.

>Also that there's not a shred of evidence that Jesus existed as an actual person?
There's definitely SOME evidence. Just not enough to state "We know that there was a preacher named Jesus in Judea around 30 CE" or anything like that.

North Korea is on the year 107 if I remember correctly.


For the Femprah!

Christianity or monotheism in general was probably good idea back in the age of sword and sandal, but no longer in the 30 000 years into the future.

Yeah, just look at Greek and Roman achievements before and after Christianity.

Because the game is set 38,000 years into our world's future.

>in the grim distance of the far future

It was pretty obvious wasn't it?

Big E should have totally embraced China seeing what he knew about the warp. No souls, no chaos.

So what are the Eldar?

Anyone want to tell me about how Star Trek is original, deep, hard scifi anymore?

Delusional. Tyranids are just evolution perfected. They can do in mere days what it would once take millions of years to accomplish. They are biological evolution perfected. That's my head cannon anyways.

They're just an ancient race of aliens that were super advanced. They use a lot of pagan symbolism from many different cultures in our history. Just think of them as a mesh of our own ancient mythologies.

Like so.

How do you know ?

The Eldar are the pagan past of the world. largely focused around Western Civilization. This is why the Imperium starts right where the Eldar Empire collapsed. It was meant to convey a transition in the Western World from Paganism to Monotheism. The Eldar still exist (pagans are still out there), but most people in the world are monotheists from this point forward.

They don't, they use CE.

CE refers to the Gregorian calendar we use today, which is a modification of the earlier Julian calendar. The Julian calendar took effect about 45 years BCE, as a civil calendar across the (at that time) largest empire in the world; it was non-religious despite the names of months and days, and was adopted into the later nation-states that succeeded the empire, and from there via the Gregorian modification, into human cultures worldwide (though it is by no means the only calendar in operation today, it is by far the most prevalent. CE runs from the "birth" of "Christ" (a known inaccurate date for a probably fictional person's birth, which has shifted significantly across the early Church's history) in the same way that your day is split into 24 hours of 60 minutes of 60 seconds and your circles into 360 degrees because of the Sumerian gods' influence on the base-12 count time and (consequentially, given the rotation of the earth and orbit around the sun) precession, and therefore circles, use. You may as well ask why you have to put up with these Roman gods shitting up your tropics today when nobody even worships the horoscopes any more.

As to the gist of your question - why does the galaxy-spanning Imperium of 40,000 years from now still use a Roman-inspired calendar - for the same reason they use Roman-inspired language and bureaucracy: because they're gay for Caesar.

>biological evolution perfected
>literally covered in oozing slime, 0 brainpower outside of pursuing food, smell like shit

Tyranid poster pls go.


They wouldn't know it's Christmas since recently most systems are changing "Before Christ" to "Before Current Events" and stuff like that. It's highly unlikely that "Before Christmas" as a dating system would survive even 20,000 years into mankind's golden age, let alone 40,000.

On top of that, the Imperium actually uses several different dating scheme's and wars have been fought over which one is correct to use. There's a part in one of the new books where Guilleman is reading a book that explains there can up to several hundred years variance between the systems and as best he can tell he could be well into the 42nd millennium for all he knows. Like everything else in the Imperium, how time is told and recorded is obfuscated under mountains of buearacracy and red tape, and getting multiple highly autistic scribes across the universe to agree to a single system is nigh impossible.

So in all likelihood, the Imperium doesn't use it. They probably don't even know of it's existence. They just know it's the year 40,000 ish. 40,000 from what doesn't really matter anymore. They're lucky to find records pre heresy, and that's barely a quarter of the way back to our modern day.

I've always thought that the dating system was more a conceit of us reading it, and that in-universe they used something else.

>they can't change it due to 40000 years of backlogged records, some of which are considered sacred.
yeah thats the bureaucracy of the imperium we all know and love

>having a neutral term that non-christians can use without being hypcrites

Not that user but...

That's all well and good but what happened in 1 CE, to use your proposed terminology, to be considered noteworthy enough to change the dating system from descending chronology to ascending?

History books point towards no major events, so why bother with the name change?

If we absolutely have to have a secular dating system (which we don't because it's more hassle than it's worth, as perfectly evidenced by the lazy "Common Era" nomenclature) then my vote would be for the accession of Augustus and the transition from Roman Republic to Roman Empire and then we're only 27 years out. Happy 1991 everybody!

>Before Christmas

No point in changing shit that doesn't need to be changed. Making it CE instead of AD makes it secular enough. Arbitrarily fucking with the date system the Western world has been using for the last fifteen hundred or so years is just a waste of time.

>tfw there's still time for the robot uprising of 2010

high gothic and low gothic are amalgamations of modern earth languages into a sort of lingua franca. Likely largely including chinese, english, french, spanish, japanese and others, as well as new languages that have cropped up since the galaxy was colonised.

In the real world we get stuff written in english and psuedo latin for low and high gothic respectively because the games for a largely English speaking audience and the the relationship between latin and english is analogous to the relationship between high and low gothic and latin has the right kind of archaic fancy feel that the writers wanted to get across.

It is, in that Episcopal and Orthodox priests are as doctrinally bound by Vatican canon law as diaspora Conservative and Reform rabbis are by Israeli halakha.

>No point in changing shit that doesn't need to be changed.

That's my point. AD didn't need to be changed to CE because it's a purely cosmetic change so someone somewhere can feel better about themselves not having to associate something with religion, and I say this as a non-religious person.

I doubt very much anyone would actually care about using AD over CE, except a small minority who just want something to cry about on r/atheism.

Can I get that in English please?