Dungeon and dragons 3.5

Ok guys, i play D&D 3.5e, my DM is a sucker for the rules and does not let me homebrew any race.
I want to play a teddy bear. Anyone know how i can play this with official races and features?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Option 1
Reskin a halfling
>Option 2
Don't play a fucking teddy bear, you infantile twit

hahaha what the fuck?

Then, customize your outer appearance.

Show this to your GM, I bet you he'd love it.

Tried that, DM (dimwit monster) says ''the warforged is made of metal and has humanoid appearance'' which is total BS because they can change their appearance but w/e...
need another option.

Am I the only one who thinks that this is fucking weird?

Here's my best shot from canon books:


(flying squirrel-like humanoids)
(DR339 p62) (DR351 p71)

+2 Dex –2 Str –2 Con


• Small Size
• 20’ Movement
• Low-light Vision

• +4 Racial bonus on Move Silently checks
(+8 in forest areas).
• +2 Racial bonus on Climb, Jump, Listen, &
Spot checks.
• Natural Weapons – 1 bite (1d4)
• Humanoid (phanaton)
• Gliding – able to glide with speed 20’ & Average maneuverability as long as he/she descends 5’ for each 20’ of forward movement. Can never hover, even if maneuverability improves. Cannot glide while carrying a Medium or heavier load. Never takes falling damage.

• Forest Awareness – +1 Racial bonus on all Saving Throws while in forest areas.

Werebear of some kind?

i was thinking more of a construct. is warforged my only option in that case?

Looks like this btw

Unfortunately yeah, though warforged should be able to look like anything you want. That's some DM BS.

Also tell your DM he's a faggot for being such a stickler for the rules of 3.5. As if they had any clue what they were doing when they made them.

Hengeyokai, from oriental adventures.
Sadly, they don't have bear listed as one of the animal options, but Racoon Dogs (tanuki) are pretty close to teddy bears. So you'll have a humanoid form, a hybrid form, and a teddy bear form.

>dungeon and dragons 3.5
>dimwit monster
>I want to play a teddy bear
OP, have you considered for a moment that in this scenario it could be you who is the faggot? Because you are a ginormous faggot piece of shit retard, fuck you for trying to hamfist something most likely completely out of place into a campaign just because, and fuck your need to be a speshul snowflake character race. And I don't like you.

Im pretty sure your DM doesn't want YOU to homebred a race for a reason OP

Nope. The guy just REALLY loves the rules.

Aw, Im sure that's exactly what it is sweety. There's no possible way it could be that you're actually a colossal idiot.

Whatever you say love. ;)

Savage Species, page 214, Anthropomorphic Animal.

(((Ben Shapiro))) DESTROYS liberal SNOWFLAKE with LOGIC and FACTS!!!

If your GM doesn't want you to play a teddy bear, don't play a teddy bear.

Yeah, you're the one acting very mature here. OP is a faggot of the grandest caliber.

yes, you
fuck off

Simple. You're an Awakened Construct (as per the spell of that name): in this case, an Animated Object (either small or tiny). Just use Savage Species' rules for playing as a monster to run as that.