Should I buy one of these off ebay to use as a wallet or is it a total meme. It looks pretty cool, gold and all...

Should I buy one of these off ebay to use as a wallet or is it a total meme. It looks pretty cool, gold and all. When I go to pay at a restaurant that accepts BTC everyone will know how rich I probably am.

litterally someone else will have seen your private key. No way to do this.

Yes user, buy that card. What could go wrong besides the person who made and sold the card taking all of your coins.

>233 sold

kek so does this mean the creator will have the private keys of all these people. How is this allowed on ebay?

fuck off with your scam you shit head

oh my god, the scams get crazier by the day...
why don't i have the balls to plainly steal?

OP here I didn't even think that the guy who made it would have my private keys. fuck I'm a brainlet, sorryyy

what a fucking retarded idea

Lazy Pajeet Scam

I bet a lot of them were nigs who just want to keep it in their wallet to show off

why is this website so racist tho

His feedback his high so he could really be a real nice guy just selling cards, but that is a massive gamble to take

just get a ten x card and shut up

>why don't i have the balls to plainly steal?
That's a good thing, fuck scammers. Stealing shit is for niggers. Even if I could drain some random wallet of BTC and there was a guarantee it would never be traced back to me I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I took something of such value from someone.

>this exists

why aren't you racist?

Crime statistics aren't racist

Bought a physical litecoin off ebay back in 2013. It came with 1 ltc loaded on it. I even knew I should move the coin to a different wallet but I didnt bother until after a month later the asshole moved it for me.

Not autistic

I see you're new here

>these are the dumbfucks that will become bagholders once alts finish pumping
I don't feel bad at all anymore

holy shit... imagine being this retarded.

lool look at dat fag!
What do you think? An anonymous board full of shit.
You think Dr. Chad is dwelling here all day?
No, it's the ugly sociopath, the teenage brainlets, the angst driven mommies sons.

Just because we all are here now - greedy for cash - doesn't mean this isn't the ugly shithole it was the past decade.

Go to /pol/, take a look.
The ugliest specimen of the white race are confirming themselves they are beautiful and worthy somehow.
You know 5% of whites are either sociopaths or psychopaths?
Well, here we are...

For those that are curious the private key is too short, but the QR code address does have 0.01 bitcoin on it.