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>Shoot straight
>Conserve coke
>Do not buy CGL drugs (but selling to them is okay and lucrative)
>And never, ever cut line of powdered dragon

Drugs edition
What's your favorite drug?
What combinations do you like?
Any custom drugs?

Other urls found in this thread:


How do I inject my target with Intruder nanites?

I got 100k selling a stash of Deepweed once, so Deepweed

Explorers swear on deepweed to help them kick in the teeth of awakened creatures.

>I got 100k selling a stash of Deepweed once
chummer, you can't just say something like that and just leave it
Storytime it

Well... he's not wrong...

It's not that spectacular.

My group is very, VERY Pink Mohawk, and on my first run (that was just me and an NPC because both me and my GM wanted to get a loose grip on rules and setting before getting into a proper run), we had to go and assassinate Zac Efron.

(It was around the time when it was rumored that he'd play a role in Star Wars VII)

The NPC was what used to be the GM's PC rigger before he decided he wanted to GM instead - and he didn't miss the chance to buff her up a bit.

It ended with Efron getting Panther XXL'd by her while I suspended him midair using levitate.
I looted the house and because we were edgy idiots that were all over weed back then, the GM told me one of the rooms was filled to the brim with Deepweed.

He expected me to go "ahaha, imma smoke it all", but I did what PCs do best and sold it instead.

Haven't had a chance to play the game myself, but Zen and Deepweed look good. Would make for a nice evening on a Hawaiian beach after a run.

How is shadowrun anarchy?
Is too much sacrificed for the sake of 'less crunch'?

It's not rules-lite. It's not crunchy. It isn't even a good medium. Just terrible in general.

Cheers man.

How does the "Wanted" quality work?

So, more importantly, what it is tied to?
Does the corp have the runners face they can stamp on wanted posters? Is it tied to the SIN and the runner can just evade the Bounty by ditching the SIN?
Or is that all up to the GM?

Topps revoke license when

Try it out, people either love it or hate it.
I think its a nice alternative for a rules-lighter Shadowrun, if you stick to the traditional GM-Player roles.

Do BTLs count?

Rewire the Sam's brain on cyber crank that's got him thinking he's a knight purging wickedness from the land

Hop up the Wheelman who is now convinced she's captain of a space rescue vessel in the far reaches of the Gorbnax Sector.

Strap trodes onto the mage after he blacks out from summoning a force 10 fire spirit, and stream 100 baby kittens right into his face

Definitely pepper punch. Which is to say our street Sam carries inhalers of it.

Fucking what?

He's a loup garou. He does it to get ANGRY


I haven't been online for a few days. Have I missed anything exciting?

Just the fact that I want a pixie technomancer with a blood crystal arm weapon focus to fist hestaby while making out with a non-evil flesh form insect spirit, as an AI drone street Sam with no code of honor fucks Eiger in her recently leonized pussy!

Yes. Have this.


He is back.

An interesting image of Governor Brackhaven you have there.

Good to know. See y'all in a few days.

>tfw by 2080 Gobbet is most likely dead

>tfw my character was already a hermetic mage trying to invent magical time travel
All the more reason to try harder

I mean, I doubt she died old and fat and surrounded by kids, user. She's a runner, and in the runner ending of Hong Kong, her, Is0bel, and [PC] were walking straight the fuck into Renraku Arcology. And if they survived that clusterfuck, well, they're probably practically immortal.

Borrowed Time
>Vector: Inhalation
>Speed: 1 Combat Turn
>Duration: 5x[1d6] minutes
>Addiction Type: Both (Reflexes: R6, T3 | Vitality: R7, T3)

>Availability, Cost: 4R, Y140
>Effect: +1 AGI, +2 REA, +1 INT, +[1d6] Initiative, +1 Physical Limit.
>Wear-off: -6 Initiative, -1 Physical Limit, -2 REA, for (7-[BOD])x15 minutes.

>Availability, Cost: 4R, Y120
>Effect: +1 BOD, +2 STR, +1 WIL, High Pain Tolerance 1, +1 Physical Limit
>Wear-off: 4 Stun damage (Unresisted), -1 Physical Limit, -2 STR for (7-[BOD])x15 minutes.

Borrowed Time is a pair of neuron-affecting combat drugs designed by several shadowrunners, allowing for increased reaction times or greater strength. Long-time users of the Reflexes variant are slurred, with slow reactivity and burned nerves appearing as symptoms. Addicts of the Vitality variant have saggy skin, lost muscle mass, and low pain tolerance, caused by the overuse of their muscles. There is a specific reason as to why it is called “Borrowed Time”.

It can show up as a bounty on the Matrix by some asshole corp, or maybe some people in some circles have made it public that they want you dead for cash. Ask your GM on how you want to utilize this disadvantage.

>tfw I have an NPC trying to stop people from finding out about magical time/space/dimensional travel due to the holes left by such spells attracting bug spirits and Horrors.
This is a friendly reminder to close all magic time holes if you don't want it to be filled with dicks.

Kind of. But then I realised that the rules basically boiled down to "pick two stats and roll them" and a shitload of modifiers. Consider getting the 4a PDF - it's a vastly better structured book than most of the 5e one, and you can just check 5e for the specific rules that have changed.

The most complex rules in the game are probably the ones for modifying drones and vehicles, and the matrix. And always remember, magic gets more powerful the less you understand its rules. The matrix becomes more powerful the more you understand the rules.

Can you do custom drugs in Chummer?

Gonna keep posting my Shadowrun Returns tokens until they either get added to the Cloud File Storage or uploaded into the tokens section.

Mostly because I don't want to feel like I wasted the time making these tokens since I probably will only use 100~ of them for my own game.

What happens if a metavariant gets hmhvv? Is there anything special about Nartaki vampires, Giant fomoraig, etcetera?

Nothing. They express as whatever the appropriate HMHVV strain is. I'd rule that in the case of things like giants and dzoo-nu-qua or whatever, there's two and I forget which is correct, the armour doesn't change the same way and instead becomes something like a twisted treant. But that's purely cosmetic.

Is it possible to adjust the resolution of chummer down? I've got a netbook i run chummer on, but the resolution is very low and I can't resize things enough to see things like matrix condition monitors.

Hey user, how is the St Petersburg stuff coming along?

Ahoy chummers. I'm going to be picking up the mentor spirit Dragonslayer along with the optional rule for mentor mask. I'm having some trouble thinking how the mask would look while manifested. For wolf/bear/dolphin etc its a bit easier to imagine a mask, but I'm low on lore and a physical appearance for Dragonslayer. I think I vaguely remember reading something about him being a man or something, but I cannot find anything besides the description in the core book. My character has some bird themed stuff to him, so the best thing i could come up with was a bird of prey holding a snake in it's mouth. I would love to hear some suggestions, or just any interesting interpretations for other mentor spirits.

Dragonslayer is also fluffed as St George. You could take him as a standard crusader, if you like - manifestation of a tabard and ghostly armour around your magician's form.

Fluff it however you like. I made a Magical Girl who had the same mentor mask. It manifested in the form of her outfit.

So, fluff wise, did anything come from the Cutting Aces book where the Denver Data Haven was busy trying to have literally everyone on JackPoint killed?

A mentor spirit can take the form of really anything that makes sense for the person. People oftentimes describe them being unique to the individual. So for your character he could look like a role model, a knight I need armor, an anarchist, really anything that they could associate with fighting the power which the dragonslayer is all about.

Does anyone care about Jackpointers? I'm not saying that to be an ass or dismissive, I'm genuinely curious. On the other shadowrun boards I go on nobody ever lists them as a reason they buy the books. They're just fluff, and unlike other setting-based RPGS, Shadowrun doesn't do a lot to ingratiate them to their playerbase.

No, but I like to follow the fluff. And I'll be honest, I kind of like the idea of a half dozen of them getting murdered for money.

Except for maybe three or four, I think the books go out of their way to make them unlikeable anyway.

Job for you, HateFish:

I like that they are used as a lens of perspective for the world, but I'm of the mind that whatever sort of perspective is needed for each section can be fabricated on the spot. I forget which book it is, but there's a section written entirely by a Johnson that one of the Jackpointers invited for a favor. I don't care about him, but his opinions are interesting.

So as individuals, no. As a concept and design choice, yes.

>DTs can use a technique similar to blood magic. By
causing harmful biofeedback damage to themselves or
others, they can ignore the Fading from Threading.
DTs gain one of the technomancer Submersion abilities for every point of Dissonance they have, making
them gain more power at a faster rate than their more
sane kin. They also, though, lose either a point of Logic or
Intuition for each point of Dissonance

>blood magic technomancers

The fuck.

Frankly I like the idea of a semi consistent cast providing commentary, but CGL has turned them all into one dimensional mouthpieces or straw men. They're either always asshole boogiemen like Clockwork and Sticks, or perfect Mary Sues like /dev/grrl or bull or worst of all Netcat. Frankly I think the throwaway runners that get like two comments tops per book are more interesting.

Clockwork displays some weird honor, which is funny. Pistons and Netcat are just hypocrits.

And then there's poor old turbo bunny, who gets addicted to everything and falls for horizon agents who bug her house or bodiless AIs/scammers pretending to be AIs.

Arete was cool. But then they needed a black lodge spy. I personally like EcoTope and MOMN.

I tend to like runners who have a specific area of interest: Kay for political stuff, Picador for mercenary work, MoMN and Winterhawk for the shamanistic and hermetic side of magic, and so on. My main gripe is with members who can't shut-up, like Bull, or Kane, or the circlejerk that is the Netcat-Slammo-Clockwork triple-tipped hatefuck that spills into everything.


So we've discovered you can hack a completely air gapped computer using specific sounds. Meaning a computer not connected to any network, phone line or cable whatsoever can still be hacked from a distance. Because the real world is way cooler than fiction. And yes, you can't even hear the sound.

I give this to you for free, SRG. Run with it, pun intended. And yeah, it's easy to assume that in the cyberpunk future they'd have found defenses against this type of attack and you GM would probably never allow you to use it, but it's still a really awesome concept for an obscure decking attack I think, even if just as a plot hook or story element used by an NPC.

What book?

Source? I need to talk with /g/ about this.

Ahh, the phone phreaks win in the end. Beautiful.

Google "air gap malware" or for more pop news stories "sound hacking".

Basically, you use sound to get data directly from the hard drive, or you could use sound to issue simple commands to devices like smartphones. Mostly theoretical right now, even if there are demonstrations it is actually possible, due to short range and special requirements. But it's still ridiculously cool.



Lockdown 210.

I'm not the op, but this is probably referencing a party trick one of the israeli netsec teams have been showing off that involved picking up the minuscule sounds of drive movements from a distance, and kind of reconstructing the data through black magic and voodoo just from those sounds.
They do ridiculous shit every now and then, a while ago they managed to exfil data by flashing it in binary form through modem lights, and then training a camera through the window from across the road to "read" the lights and reconstruct the data.

But according to people who kind of work in the sector these are just party tricks and couldn't work irl with an unbelievably specific set of circumstances all coming together.

Neat tho.

How do I into summoning and binding?
Are spirits of man any good?

>couldn't work irl with an unbelievably specific set of circumstances all coming together
Sounds like your average run to me!

Kamikaze and Betameth is my favourite speedball. With Narco, that's +4STR. +2AGI, +2BOD, +3REA, +2INT, +2d6 to initiative (stackable with wired reflexes and magic) and some pain resistance.

>Take lightweight quality thinking lmao free karma for no disadvantage
>Realize I can't use Kamikaze even once without having to make an addiction check.
What do?

Narco+Nephritic screen. Now you want to take Kamikaze

But muh essence.

Stop being a pussy and take your kamikaze. If you're concerned about money troubles from your addiction, kidnap a street hooker or something and have a chemical gland filled with kamikaze so you can juice them for drugs. Keep 'em in your basement.

>Stop being a pussy and take your kamikaze.
This is why /srg/ should not raise children.

Better than that guy who was detailing those lunchbox commlinks and how his group turned them into ymir/surtr delivery systems and screamed 'lunchtime' in AR.

Re-posting the shield homebrew we use in my game for anyone interested.

Is Transmetropolitan the most Shadowrun comic ever?

Is there a list of errata pdfs outside the forums? Because having to paw through a forum thread is aids.

How do I play as a cool mofo like pic related?

Ex merc turned go-ganger for the hell of it, just add onotari arms jkp-50.

Oi German types, what does the text in github.com/chummer5a/chummer5a/issues/2359 say? I suspect the OP's wrong and he's misreading the thing about the ranges, but I half wouldn't be surprised if the Germans just decided to overwrite the exotic weapons skills.

Chummer's designed for a resolution of at least 1024x768.
Not yet. I need to implement some stuff to create and toggle custom improvement groups that come from a data source. Actual procedure to create custom drugs works, it's just disabled for now.


I wouldn't worry about it.

>... directly into the circulatory system of the target. The supersquirt is fired with the Pistols skill, uses light pistol ranges and can take ...
>... another payload. It's fired with the Pistols skill, uses ranges for heavy pistols and can take top-mounted accessories.
>... equipped with a targeting scope. The Parashield Dart Rifle used the Rifles (I think Longarms in english) skill, uses ranges for Assault rifles and can take top- and bottom-mounted accessories

he's right. They use normal skills. Honestly, using Exotic skills for them is dumb. Are you willing to say that firing a supersoaker is harder than firing a gun? That you can have pro's at shooting a pistol that won't hit a stationary target with a supersoaker?

Well, ass. Oh well, another entry into the German Data Changes customdata. Woooo.

Did someone dial their eyes up to 115% normal size or something?

It's a cosplay. And a fairly good one at that.

But did you forget to hand out exploding burner links to all of them?

Alright, so, a few things on Chummer:

A friend of mine (Adept) told me he had problems increasing his magic after Initiating (Metamagic: Powerpoint) to increase the limit (after having cyberware decreasing the limit).

He said every time he went to increase a power to level 5, it wouldn't work and when he went back to the Common tab, his magic was down again (but he still had the increased limit).
(I'm asking him what power he wanted to increase.)

While trying to replicate this myself (which didn't work, everything was fine for me.), I came across another minor issue:

When I follow his steps up until increasing magic, and then go to the Cyberware tab and click on the Matrix Condition Monitor (not having any matrix device, Cyberware: Dermal Plating) Chummer crashes and displays this message.

Hope I could help, sorry if it's a bother ~

Ah, the German parts mean:
Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstant festgelegt:
"The Object referral was not set to an object instance"
and "bei" meaning "at"

Naw, just contacts.
I'm told there's a problem with burnout adepts currently. One of the other devs felt like fiddling with how the Essence system worked recently and it had some odd knock-on effects. My fault for pushing a new major release build without testing it all properly though.

Anyway, have fixed the condition monitor for the next build.

I want this

Can someone explain the point of preferred spells on traditions? I'm only going by adragon so I can't find the part of the book that explains if I'm somehow expected to use this or maybe its just fluff.

Zero successes on a contact check on 'the rifts' in the Ripping Reality adventure cook.
"Contacts Matrix Search Information
0 0 Classic RPG. Love my mechavampire-mage-psychic-gorillajuggernaut!"

Mostly fluff. They're trying to get a coherent theme going for sorcerers in a mechanical sense rather than just relying on roleplayers to roleplay. There are a few newer rules in one of the books - FA, I think - that actually use them, but FA is FA.

Are security devices "inside" of a host?

Example: Jon Chumski an his team infiltrate Soy INC and they want to steal their secret soy pudding formula. Soy INC has a host floating around in the matrix just about where the facilites are located. They also have motion sensors and the like to detect infiltrators. Could Jon, not being a Decker, perceive them in the matrix VR/AR on his own or do you have to mark the host, step in and THEN see all the devices?

The question came up when our Rigger tried to use Matrix Perception (which works ofc fine without a deck) to locate cameras on a run. I wasn't quite sure if devices communicate with the host or wether they are literally part of it. I'm NOT talking about detecting them with sensors.

If the rules are unclear, how do you manage it?

>mechanical sense rather than just relying on roleplayers to roleplay.
Much like the entirety of 5th edition.

Yeah. They're also doing a callback to earlier editions - get 3e's magic in the shadows for an example.

What would be Witchers be closer to in SR, adepts or wizards ?

MysAds with few spells and some sort of houseruled alchemy method to let them fix potions over a longer period without initiation.


I want a thicc troll qt to smother me to death between her thighs.

Christ, I completely forgot they exist. How are they anyway ?

Magic trolls keep popping up in shadowrun pics and fiction and all I can think about is how unoptimized they must be.

It's okay, user. It's magic

>implying everyone in SR is made with player-character shadowrunner guidelines
>implying there can't be burnout mysad trolls with all stats maxed and 9+ ranks in every skill you care about

Get your head out of chargen and think about the lore

All I can think about is worshiping her ample belly.

>Get your head out of chargen and think about the lore
>Implying I get to do anything but chargen

>blinking when crushing your cup
Why the fuck they didn't they reshoot this.