Can we have one of these threads?

Can we have one of these threads?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes. But we wont.

True sage here

Black Crusade is some crazy shit





this might be more /v/ territory, but fuck it. I decided to RP an angry nerd in FNV and it rapidly got out of control


please go and stay go
this does not belong here in the fucking slightest

You're saying you converted from Slaanesh to Nurgle?

I wish we continued that campaign. Shame other characters were an accountant and a super sports super star while we were supposed to be merceneries raiding parrarell earths for """""illegal""""" activity

It was a fun campaign

second game where my session one is spent doing nothing. Last time it was pacified, this time? Comming within a hair of rerolling because I made the wrong decision and the DM felt that a casual "half your hp in electric damage" was due punishment

Huh, so that's how they do it. Deepest lore.


I can hear the one in the third image yelling "LISTEN HERE, YOU LITTLE SHIT!"

I kind'a want to know how that went.



Gonna re-roll him in the revised edition of SWN now that my GM has got a copy.

I'm just counting down the days til they literally bludgeon me to death to get me to stop doing the accent.



No because people are incapable of using only three images to explain their characters.

As said

>26 replies
>11 posts that are already using just 3 images
>"hurr durr we can't have these threads!!1!"


It's been a very strange campaign.

it was pretty fun while it lasted. I had the only female character, and so they thought id be all moe and shit, but nope like all mechanics she was all "disregard the flesh for it is impermanent" I did have her maintain a mostly human-like exterior, like Linya Tychon from Priests of Mars, so that I could work with the meatbags more easily, though.


Tactical goblins are the best goblins


Making holes in people with bare hands is fun



strangely i know that feeling


That was a weird Rogue Trader game

Unassuming peasant becomes a bro-lich?

I don't get the middle image.

Yeah, that about sums it up.


>expected: one image in each part
>got: a collage in each part

That user's sperging at people for not being concise.


That sounds like a fun character.

Monogatari has a lot of talking.

>in the distance



I know that feel all too well user.
Certainly offers some fringe benefits though.

Pretty much our party's paladin. He started out all bright and noble and now he's burnt out and bitter from having to bail us out of our various sociopathic shenanigans.


I get that the middle part has a word doc at the end, like they're explaining their character, but why a power point in the middle?

Damn, I understand none of these last frame references.

My wizard stopped casting spells and just sent spider-bots to solve everything instead.

Asshole cabal assassin from movie Bright

My Face with a panache for infiltrator, ended up owning and then training a pack of large cats, which became his weapons.
Such is the life in the Sixth World.

Go watch Monogatari and lurk more


Are you retarded? Alternatively, have you never seen Monogatari?

When your civilization has been kept under the heel of the Elvish Empire for years and then later you discover that uncivilized indigenous Elves are living in the area you intended to colonize in the New'll get the idea what happened next after some googling.


No to the second and possibly to the first



Monsterhearts is one hell of a drug

Our DM made this for our party.

tfw watching your squad accidentally raze a city to the ground while all you can do is run for your life

So... You were pretty much exactly what the DM saw.

Last panel is the main baddie from Last Exile, utterly conniving, megalomaniacal, and selfish. So basically a sexier Hillary Clinton, with more redeeming character qualities.



Are you implying the "GM wanted" and "we did" are incompatible?

Not at all. It was more of an unexpected tone shift that ended up going pretty well.
I miss that game.


made me chuckle


Art is suffering

oh shit are you me? Minus the weeb shit I did a sort of similar thing. I made a tiefling monster hunter ranger. She seeks vengance on her demonic parentage and will fight anyone who talks shit about her adoptive mother.

But yeah, we've both got the chubby, lady tiefling revenge oriented ranger thing going on.


Wait really?That's fucking awesome, mine is hunting after a sort of demon stag that batman'd her when it killed her parents. She doesn't really have adoptive parents but she does have a sort of older brother/mentor figure that taught her how to be a ranger.


oh shit, mine has a brother figure in her longtime travelling companion, a lizardman barbarian.

Her whole deal is that she was a sort of hellboy figure, created to destroy the world. Due to some teens at an orphanage run by nuns using a ouija board in the most incorrect way, She was summoned into this orphanage rather than into a cabal of satanists. The church disliked her and force the nun who chose to raise her to name the tiefling "Anathema." She goes by Ana. Lots of daddy issues, childhood trauma, and sensitivity about her mom (since the community often took out their dislike of Ana on her mother, Rosa) so now that's a major character flaw. She is now roughly 72. She spent most of her life cavhorting around with some like minded folk, hunting monsters, pissing off royalty, continually being disliked by the church while still being employed by them on and off. And her dearest friend and confidant, Lizardmaan Lizardm'n (the barbarian formerly known as highflow chugspout), the foremost expert on deepspeech, primordial and the adjacent cultures to said languages, has been mind blasted by some eldritch abomination and is dumber than a sack of hammers. and also crazy. And she's been trying to find him in between massive depressive bouts.

And now she and the party are trying to create fantasy JSOC

Mine is the daughter of a spice merchant and became a member of a guild of rangers that watch over the area. Her home village is right on the edge of a magic forest full of terrors and wonders that the townspeople utilize in creating magical items. Right now, she's traveling to hone her skills so that one day she can avenge her parents. She goes by Ori but her full name is Orianna Wolfshire. She’s much younger than yours, only being around 20ish, with the deer thing happening when she was just 9. In her free time, she’s usually reading or eating. Recently she came into possession of a pet slime. As for party stuff we’re investigating a cult that’s creating magical radiation type stuff. Her “brother”, Falsen, likes to tease her but is deeply troubled that he couldn’t help save her parents.


> Summary of a Vampire the Masquerade campaign so far

i'm in this campaign it's fun

This is literally the only time one of these images has been amusing

marge was... something.

My first experience with DnD 5e, running a custom practice session. Things did not go as expected in the dungeon.


what game?

>Things did not go as expected in the dungeon.
for (you)



who's the dude in the third image?

I think that would be Brock Samson from the Venture bros.