How would you play a good-aligned parasitic species, Veeky Forums?

How would you play a good-aligned parasitic species, Veeky Forums?

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By definition, a parasite doesn't have good effects for its host if you wanted to play a good-aligned one I'd have thought you'd need to be at least a symbiote

Flumph (D&D).

Mosquitoes evolved to be basically the most unobtrusive species possible. If it weren't for diseases they would be able to feed themselves without really harming anything.

NG Mosquito-folk race when?

They're still parasites. Even if you remove diseases, they still have a net negative influence on their prey, whether or not you consider the effects minimal.

Is it evil to harm, if you could not survive otherwise?

I don't know how DnD alignment is governed (are there gods who adjucate goodness or something)

those sandwich worms from Futurama

>Is it evil to harm, if you could not survive otherwise?
Yes. There’s a reason vampires are evil.

Alignment in the DND universe is an objective cosmic force. It’s never really explained well.

Good vampire.

If the parasite is sapient while it's host species is not then it's fairly easy.
They don't consider what they do any more evil than humans breeding animals to eat them.


D&D vampires don't usually need to feed at all. Often, it doesn't benefit them in any way. They typically do it out of sadism, gluttony or the desire to generate unlimited slaves.

How about a race of Leechfolk?

>/threading your own post
Step on a d4 and die, you colossal faggot.

>Mosquitoes evolved to be basically the most unobtrusive species possible.
Have you ever seen a mosquito? Fuck, there are parts of Russia and Finland where mosquitoes can KILL other animals at some seasons. The little fucks are obnoxious, painful, and in large numbers can weaken or kill a weakened organism. They are hardly unobtrusive. Also "if not for the diseases", all blood sucking parasites could be considered the same.

There are some fish like the remora that generally have a win-win relationship with their "host".

Not quite parasitic in that internal sense, though.

The question then became 'what if a Good aligned parasite accidentally or due to extreme circumstances must parasitize an Evil aligned sapient race?

This would only work with a symbiotic relationship where both parties benefit from it. A parasite is by defenition bad for its host and therefore evil.

I've been waiting for an excuse to post this!

No, fuck you. Mosquitoes are little flying devils. They steal your blood, makes your skin itch insufferably and keeps you up at night with their evil buzzing.

>not sure if humor or fetish

good-aligned people KILL evil-aligned sapients pretty much every time they roll through a kobold camp or cultist enclave, and it's no biggie. Why would doing something less harmful than immediate death, due to extremity of situation and/or accident, be worse?

That's almost as bad as disproportionate response-man


4 eels?
That is some dumb, dumb writing.

>good aligned parasites

>Mosquitoes evolved to be basically the most unobtrusive species possible
the fuck are you smoking. I am russian and this who lives in siberia and we have bug nets because of how awful this cunts are in summer. In some forest areas you can find straight up swarms of them like dark clouds.

How to spot someone who's never had to actually deal with mosquitoes.

to infect all life and unite them through their common element of infection.
To be infected is to carry a living effigy of the soul
The harness of their breath( the flukeworms in their lungs)
their endless toiling strings of fate( the tapewormds in their gut) etc. etc.

Mosquitoes are pollinators of swamp and aquatic plants, a vital food source for Dragonflies and Damselflies, as well as many varieties of freshwater fish.
Carrying diseases and histamic reactions to bloodsucking aside, they form an important piece in the circle of life.

They're not even a true parasite as the bloodsucking is a very small part of their life cycle, specifically fertilised females who use the blood for development of their eggs.

By unobtrusive, you mean unnoticeable, so they're less likely to get squished, the little fuckers. I'm currently covered in bits that itch so bad they hurt, and I can tell you right now that Mosquitoes are definitely CE.

It only attacks objectively evil species like illithids.

>t. Mosquito-Man.

Bees can do that too, y'know. And bees don't even have to make you itch all over.

i wonder who could be behind this post

Went to Finland. All the inns i meet tell the same joke.
Two mosquitos knock a man off his bike
Mosquito 1 -Shall we eat him now
Mosquito 2- No let's save some for later.
Everyone laughs.

Then I got attacked by a swarm of mosquitos in the forest. Now I get the joke.

>he actually thinks that bees are capable of pollinating species of flowers that mosquitos used to
>he doesn't recognize the role of flies and mosquitoes as pollinators that would be impossible to replace due to plant specialization

God dammit, when did you little fuckers start using computers.

I would have them be fully aware of their nature. They know that they cannot survive without leeching off other sapient species, so they exchange goods or services in exchange for blood or whatever they leech from their hosts. They are repulsive to look at and many people fear them, but they have learned restraint and draining a host without giving something in return is one of the most heinous crimes they can commit.

Bartering with them is a lot like going to a blood bank. You get a prick in the arm, you're given food for your trouble and whatever else you agreed to exchange your precious nutrients for.


Hello fellow mosquito. It's nice to see other mosquitoes on the internet.

Only in the sense that the rules do not state that anything bad happens to them if they go without feeding, and so by RAW nothing bad happens. However this is probably just an oversight caused by the fact that the writers of the vampire stat block didn't seriously consider that a DM would have a vampire who DOESN'T want blood.

In terms of their fluff writing, it's made pretty clear that they DO need blood: "Awakened to an endless night, vampires hunger for the life they have lost and sate that hunger by drinking the blood of the living."

What the hell is going on in this image?

Just an average day in H. R. Giger's life.

About as close as you're gonna get.

Migi was the definition of true neutral though, and people have already suggested things that'd make parasites actually good-aligned

Play as a Vistani. Just read their fucking book, they're literally fill-ins for Jews in Ravenloft and Gothic Earth

Find it on his website, there's probably a horrifyingly detailed write up of exactly what's happening

When tapeworms go unchecked.

The Trill aren't a bad place to start

Kerrigan is a pretty good start. She united the Zerg to protect the galaxy

Play a well-intentioned businessman.

Here's your (You).

Ironically, Migi is much more symbiotic then parasitic.Every other Parasyte is a true parasite, since it gives nothing to the host (other then death).
That's really the only difference between the two, we have tons of organisms in us that work with us, we don't call them parasites.

How is every single carnivore and omnivore not considered evil, then?

Sentience, usually. Eating sentients by choice is the "breaking point" between good and evil in settings that have absolute alignments


I've stayed up at 3 am fighting off a single mosquito like I was trying to kill a home invader.

They still do their thing, they brain control or drink blood or whatever but they don’t act like a bunch of circle-jerking supremicists about it. They do it specificly to live and that’s the extent of their reason for comiting mass enslavment.

I would play him Jewish.

Sentient parasite clothes that offer their power to good natured individuals? Like Senketsu in Kill la Kill or Venom in SpiderMan, except interested in doing good deeds.

The Tok'ra from Stargate SG-1.


>I took ill and was confined to a bed in the furthest wing of the local hospital. My health worsened as I spent my time alone save the occasions when a visitation would wake me from fitful dreams. A wan figure would enter, passing down between the rows of empty beds towards me, flanked by two monastic attendants each holding up the lengths of her vestments to prevent them trailing on the floor. My body seemed to shift and stir on its own accord in response to her presence.

>"My dearest." she would say in hushed tones that seemed to emanate from within my own ears.
>"Fear not, I will be with you always, till the day that you die."
>The squirming sensation inside me increased as though hanging on her every word.

>"I only ask what any devoted lover would. Everything you have left you share with me."

That’s called symbiosis, not parasitism

This is some abstract form of trolling. Defending mosquitoes. Now I’ve seen it all. What sweet irony would it be if you contract a blood born illness

>Mosquitoes are pollinators of swamp and aquatic plants,
Are you high by any chance. Like really, seriously high?
Mosquito larvae are predators, adult mosquitos are fucking parasites and nothing but parasites.

As for them being important part of the ecosystems: so are fucking zombie fungi, fleas and tapeworms you retard, that is not the god damn point.

...Don't male mosquitos eat nectar, while females are the parasites?

I assume you couldn't be considered good-aligned if you used your parasitic armor to fight for good causes but also had to secretly feed it human flesh to keep it alive.

Not him, but
>,16&q=mosquito pollination&btnG=&oq=mosquito pollination
At least do some research first before making yourself look like a scientifically illiterate buffoon

Unless it's a flesh of villains. Or, the parasites latch on bad individuals, consume their flesh and mind control them to fight against even greater villains - only to jump hosts.

Like the little worms Fry eats in Futurama that sort his life out for him.


After living in Minnesota for a summer I never want to see those fucking things again. I've seen the bastards bite through fireproof pants. And goddamn is it painful when they bite through clothes, since you don't get their anaesthesia when that happens. It's like a million tiny needles in your knees, shoulders, and neck.


Yup. It's tragic but them's the breaks.

fucking mosquito posters

How many of those pseudo-pathos, thinking-too-hard type posts have you seen about the fact that some sentient creatures ping as evil from birth despite having done nothing wrong, or done only what they needed to survive?

>parasitic clothes
>it's even called a fucking symbiote

I used to live a mile from the MMCD. That is the Minnesota mosquito control department. They take my tax dollars and never do anything about those fuckers.

Too many.

You know that thing is called a symbiote, right?

The only thing I can think of that would even come remotely close would be something similar to Justice from Dragon Age, in the sense that the parasite hops inside a dead/vegetative body and basically takes it over due to nobody using it.

But even then, you're faced with moral dilemmas like desecrating the dead that would mean they would still be regarded as somewhat malignant.

If at any point, there is a beneficial exchange between the host and the "parasite" the relationship is no longer parasite. It might just unfair or symbiotic. A symbiote can have negative effects on its host, but so long as it offers something in return that justifies keeping it, the relation is fundamentally symbiotic and not parasitic.
The only way to keep this creature in the categories of both "good" and "parasite" is to have it use its parasitic powers to fight evil.

That's easy.
Just take normal, man-eating giant ants.
Now stick mushrooms on their heads.
These mushrooms? They're personable fellows. They disagree with the practice of eating men, instead preferring to eat docile farm animals.

In this way, the industrious giant man eating ant has been tamed and made to work in our society as peaceful, very strong citizenry.

I think that even if the brain worms live a good life, if they literally hollow out your brain and replace it with worms, it's still a parasite.

It depends on the mosquito. As other posters have noted, the mosquitoes that inhabit northern latitudes are not unobtrusive. I’ve read that this results from the fact that their main targets, large mammals, can’t do much about them. Tropical mosquitoes, on the other hand, are stealthy critters, in part because their prey can do something about them.

That's what I mean. Though I didn't say it well.
Their only prey is evil people.

Get out, insect.

Doesn't even need to be evil people.
Just make them prey on like, animals.

change from willing host to willing host before doing permanent damage. try to be useful while with a host.

>adult mosquitos are fucking parasites and nothing but parasites.
As in many species, it is solely the females that suck blood.

Could go the animoprhs route and have them control a dumb species type host.

To be fair unless they're investing nuclear weapons and flamethrowers what could they realistically do again Minnesota's state bird? Those sumbitches are huge. You don't kill something like that with a flyswatter and a bit of raid.

The dolmantle from Prophet is technically a symbiote but I really like the concept. It's basically a self-aware slime mold that adapts itself to help it's host survive in exchange for food.

What does it eat?

Meat. One scene has the mc holding his shank of whatever future animal out and the dolmantle takes a cute little bite.

The only evil is to deny yourself.

>Good aligned
Pick one

Found what I was looking for

The Trill, from Star Trek.

Took longer than I expected

>How would you play a good-aligned parasitic species, Veeky Forums?

How has no one mentioned Vampires yet? You mention mosquitos but not vampires?

"Good vampire" is one of the earlier replies.