How much Abhuman is "too Abhuman" for the Imperium?

How much Abhuman is "too Abhuman" for the Imperium?

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Depends on the edition

Latest; only Sanctioned psykers, Ogryns and Navigators are tolerated on larger scale.


i.e. how useful they are

If orgryns didn’t make such good damn good soldiers, you bet your ass the Imperium would have exterminated them by now.

Well, "the Imperium" is a lot less uniform than you might think. I imagine in most places any abhuman is too much. Unless you're one of the common strains you'd probably just be taken for another mutant.

What the fuck do I care of your documentation, sanctioned my ass.

This is pretty much the only reason any mutant doesn't get purged immediately. Ogryn are strong and loyal, Ratlings are excellent shots, Navigators are irreplaceable (webway when) and so on.

But... isn't the emperor technically a massivly singular genetic aberration by every defanition of the word? In short, a mutant?

I think it has something to do with how susceptible to Chaos corruption they are. Ogryns and Ratlings are resistant so they're allowed into the guard. Beastmen were weak to it so they're hunted on sight. Felinids may be restricted because they're live in a non-warpy space where they can stably produce a tithe.

one of the guard legions is basically Frenchmen

Depends on the current brain-chemical balance of the nearest source of authority. A whole planet lay be genocided because the Ministorum priest aboard the ship that makes first contact with them had never seen people with blue eyes and deems them a mark of undeniable degeneration to the forces of Xenochaos witches. A population of tri-sexed slug-things that can be tied to humanity only by genetical tests and lots of imagination may be considered human-enough by the general of the Imperial Guard whose stranded sip discovered them and noted that they respond well to authoritative voices and make mean heavy-weapon teams.

And he is VERY useful, so, he stays.

We don’t talk about those here, m8

Did you just deem yourself worthy of judging the God-Emperor, heretic?

Other than what he might've done to himself I don't know how aberrant his genetics are. Being a Perpetual barely counts, and he's hardly a normal psyker what with the reincarnated souls of a thousand shamans and all that.

If anything, the Primarchs and the Astartes are but they too are essentially tools to serve a select purpose.

Anyway, unless the abhumans are stable, loyal (ie controllable) and very useful then they would probably be culled. Even with incredible abilities though they'd likely be hated and stigmatised.

If you're trying to create an abhuman strain then I think they should be designed for a specific role within one or more select organisations, with little to no private life or public presence.

He's like 18ft tall, user. He's clearly got something weird going on with his genes

He said abhuman, not what every human should aspire to be.

When will they ever learn?

>He's like 18ft tall
I think that's mostly because of the armor, various experiments he might've done to himself, alterations through psychic power (sustained/permanent) or straight up illusions.

Can't really have blended in among the humans pre-30K if he was 18ft tall and glowing etc unless he was doing some Corvus Corax invisibility stuff, but then he wouldn't really be able to interact with anyone through mundane means without causing a shitstorm.

>"the Imperium" is a lot less uniform than you might think
this, in one of the newest comics, the dark angels don't really care that a recently refound planet full of normal humans don't worship the emperor.

Is there a way to roll up an abhuman species? I'd love to see what Veeky Forums could come up with

I'll save you the trouble, because the only things Veeky Forums could come up with are:

>Cat Furry
>Dog Furry
>Non-descript Furry

BUT those already exist in canon, so let's try again

A frail and slow strain with slimy and semi-transparent skin, bearing highly sensitive antennae operating on the level of long-range auspexes maybe?

These gross mucus-covered abhumans can operate as expendable scouts and sentries.

>Snout=autistic screeching

It's a matter of stability and practicality. Artificial or stable abhumans like the vat-grown afriel strain soldiers, Gland War vets or navigators are mostly accepted, as are ratlings, ogryns, nightsiders and whatever.

Less stable and human looking ones like longshanks, beastmen and especially scalies who blur the line between mutant and subspecies would have a hard time of it though.

I've always wanted to see a water-world abhuman (i.e. extreme webbing on the limbs and digits, second translucent eyelids for underwater vision, larger and more efficient lungs, etc.)

Aren't those Pelagers? They were mentioned in the 6th ed rulebook iirc, basically shark people. Assault on Arkham was a pretty good movie.

Hell on necromunda there is an abhuman species that's pretty much a species of killer crocs

Well, 3rd Edition had it explicitly canon that humans come in a wide variety of skin/hair/eye colors (including ones not found on present day Earth), and have a wide variety of acceptable forms. Chalk white dwarfs with black eyes might look creepy as shit, but can still count as fully human. The piece that established that was, amusingly enough, a training directive for missionaries telling them not to go crazy and slaughter people who don't look like them.

Stability, usefulness, and traditional acceptance are the key. Navigators can get super gross and horrible, but they've always been accepted and are vital to the Imperium. Scalies from Necromunda, on the other hand, are basically smarter, lizardy Ogryns, but their genome is too unstable and they've been cultural outcasts forever, so they're not going to be sanctioned any time soon.

>Assault on Arkham was a pretty good movie
>I refuse to accept Harley x Deadshot is canon

A pity because I bet if given the chance they'd make better ogryns then ogryns, they come off as smarter that's for sure, also how gross to astropaths get? I thought they were just tricloptic

Yeah that part was pretty shit but Killer Frost and King Shark in something that isn't some obscure series was cool and their interactions were adorable. Black Spider and King Shark were wasted though.

Source on this "zealot missionary condemns a world because he's never seen blue-eyed people" piece?

"... However, their genome is not stable like abhumans, and are thus mutants. While their bodies conform to the holy human form while they are younger, prolonged exposure to the Warp, coupled with unstable genetics, will result in the Navigator developing mutations that deviate too far from the human form to be publicly accepted. There is not uniformity to the mutations, but depends on the Navigator. Usually they look like frogs, though."

Wait... are navigators not the same thing as astropaths? I've been using them interchangeably...


Astropaths are just sanctified psykers used as spacephones.

Navigators are """stable""" mutants that look through the warp and chart trips etc, often with a third eye. They're also organised through various consanguinial houses to keep their bloodline pure and these noble houses have a lot of power. They even have a fortress on Terra with their own personal guard and a High Lord.

When the Emperor tried to get some webway project going some old glass throne or whatever, the leader of these navigator houses sent a saboteur to get rid of it, because their entire existence depends on the Imperium needing them for warp travel.

Hell no. Navigators are mutants which conveniently popped up during the Dark Age of Technology. Presumably they were genetically created. They have the third eye thing which allows them to see warp currents and are psykers, but the trait is recessive. They are more inbred than the British Royal family.

Astropaths are just soulbound psykers which specialize in warp e-mail.

What's the source of this image?

or his super psyker charisma might have done the job like it always does

it wasn't because of the whole "huge and glowing" that he was instantly respected and people pledged to serve him, it was because of his charisma power, the psyker stuff compelled people to serve him.

If it has a snout, it's out.

iirc, 3rd Edition core rulebook, one of the very last pages. There's a little piece of fluff that's basically instructions for an Imperial Missionary explaining how Low Gothic and High Gothic works, and also warning the missionary that humans come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and colors so it's important not to fly off the handle at meeting people who look different and assume they're mutants.

Hieratic scale.

Wearing shades inside his helmet.

he knows he's fugly, but he also knows he pimpin'.

ok, so they're just like humans,,, but because their world's gravity is like slightly heavier, they're slightly better at carrying things.

Current fluff has beastmen as borderline but tolerated.

Abhumans and mutants aren't uncommon, most hives have large populations of mutants who largely get treated like shit and work the first jobs.

Looks like its summary execution for you.

>tfw ogryns may be dumb but they're super loyal and super friendly to their allies
>tfw often they become best friends with guardsmen and form a mutual care for each other's safety
>tfw you will never have a funny but loyal ogryn friend giving his life to save yours on the battlefield


Never forget.

SLAM. Gav was crying now.

SLAM. The bad man wasn't moving anymore.

SLAM. The bad man's helmet was leaking.



You mean 1st-3rd edition?

RIP Bob. Your sacrifice earned you a spot at the Emperor's table. Not the kiddy table for regular abhumans, the proper, golden table.

Traditional (furry) beastmen exist in 40kay, and they are a part of the imperium's forces. However, they are very definitely explicitly heresy due to the chaotic and unpredicatable way their strain mutates. Everything from goatmen to lizardmen to bearmen and tigermen, oh my. They would be literally purged on sight if not for the fact that they have been so heavily indoctrinated into the Imperium's faith that they kill themselves via suicide charging the enemy lines. Other than that, they are officially too far off the path of human.

Abhumans are minor mutations. Squats, ratlings, ogryns, all stable and still human.


I'm sorry?

They're officially back now, been that way for a few years user

Depends on how useful they are and how human they still look, in that order.

Wasn't the thing with the shamans retconned when he was made a Perpetual?

The main requirement for an abhuman group to be accepted is stability in their genome. Random, abrupt mutation is the sign of Chaos corruption. If they breed true and constantly are the same, they are a bit more tolerated. Yeah, a goatman is weird looking, but if the goatmen look pretty much the same all over, only things like coloration or minor cosmetic changes, like shape of horns or being extra shaggy, that is fine. Their phenotype is stable.

Why wouldn't we talk about the best girls of the Imperium?

Beastmen in 40k are not stable, they have both gone too far from human AND they propagate mutant strains whenever they breed. They are also extra prone to chaos when they're not dying for the emprah for the slightest chance of redemption for being inhuman monsters.

The main requirement for abhumans is still being human; beastmen are not.

So this guy still counts as "human enough"? Scalies were considered a strain of abhuman in Necromunda iirc. A debatably stable, very ugly outcast strain, but not quite on the same tier as mutants.

no current, it was mentioned in the 6th and 7th ed rulebook. not sure about 8es, haven't read the fluff section of that yet.

That's just the warped standards of a highly polluted hive world at work. Literally anywhere else they'd be shot on sight. But because the underhives are so fucking awful, wiping them out is deemed more trouble than it's worth, and instead they're only shot on sight in the nicer parts of the spire.

They're still on the purge list, they're just not on the first page.

Bird furries now due to Tzeentch (Or repurposed Blaziken as the case may be).

>borderline but tolerated.
Ehh. Per the 8th ed. rulebook.

>"Beastman bad. Bad Beastman. Dirty. Emperor no like. Beastman love Emperor. Give blood to Emperor. Give heads to Emperor. Say sorry."

Beastmen did nothing wrong.

right so very borderline. but tolerated, at least for now.

>Skull and blood tithes
Yep, that's a khornate

All I wanted was Squats

Burn the heretic. Kill the furfag. Purge the unclean.

No, other user is right. It's phenotype stability in 40k. You're thinking fantasy

Beastmen are canonically semi-allowed tho. , and depending on what felinids actually are catpeople are apparently okay if movement restricted

Check out they're back.

Humans but with pointy ears and no they arent related to eldar

Really though, who doesn't power the god of war and murder in warhammer?

Even Slaanesh does when he sends out troops

Humans but they have uncomfortably long fingers

There actually was a cannon short story where a guardsman crash lands on a planet of centaur people (they are quadrapedic, but their lower halves arent not horses). A commissar also crashlands with him and starts writiing a report that says to exterminate them. He dies before he can file the report and the guardsman chooses to throw away the report.

>No one was written a fanfic about a priest or guardsman crashing on a planet full of monstergirls and then teaching them the imperial creed.

Why is the imperium such xenophobic bigots, accepting diversity and multispecialism will make the imperium prosper

The Knight house Orhlacc are abhumans.

The did some dodgy gene splicing back in the day to help them survive their shitty deathworld without becoming cannibals.

They got the "Okay enough for me" Stamp from the Emps.

Humans but they have weird fetishes and spend all on their time on a shitty anime image board

>the Imperium

OMG you need to tell someone RIGHT NOW.

(Put simply of course you're right, but the Imperium makes its own rules and its tolerance depends on politics/expedience. A confessor might argue that the Emperor is quintessentially human, or may admit that he's a mutant but that he's uniquely perfect and therefore exempt or that he appeared at the dawn of human history and therefore is the template to which all humans aspire and imperfectly reflect.)

Realistically, few people would learn enough about the Emperor himself to uncover this theological problem without having long since picked up enough imperial theology and politics to know how to thread the needle.

Reminder that felinids are not furries, or they'd be rolled in with beastmen

I'd say anyone they're rolling in with would count as a furry.

Small, thin humans with large eyes, pale skin, fragile bones, poor hearing, and great navigational abilities. Live their whole lives in asteroids and ships near the Ghoul Stars, see little light, don't experience gravity, and hear very little of non-mechanical sounds.

They live in an asteroid belt where two xenos species once had a naval battle pre-human space age. They mine some from the asteroids, strip parts off ships as they slowly explore each wreck section by section, grow fungus inside hollowed out asteroids, and sell information they hear to a few radical Inquisitors. The fungus they grow is a strange orkoid species that's the only surviving ancestor of the orks that originally infested the area. They also hunt xenos lizards and large insects that they release out into the ships a few years before they use it as a hunting ground. Because of their diet, some of them slowly go insane and violent as they age and are killed for heresy by their self-appointed farmer/arbiters that weed out any crops or humans showing orkoid features.

They trade minerals to nearby, baseline humans. Sell some of the ship components to unscrupulous Rogue Traders, Mechanicum, and occasionally friendly xenos.

They love the Emperor and are the descendants of a lost troop transport that went missing from the first wave of the Crusade leaving the solar system. They euthanized all members of the population displaying Chaos mutations because they thought it was a flesh disease; however, they were left to themselves for quite a while with only propaganda posters of the Emprah

10% Furry is still Furry

That's right, it's the One Drop rule

Are the furry ears cosmetic or their actual ears? Do they still have human ears on the side of their head?

How do they wear headphones for inter-squad communication?

How do they wear hearing-protection while working as part as an artillery crew?

None. Abhuman just means a stable strain of a human subspecies. As long as your species is homo sapiens and you aren't a mutant you are classified as an abhuman which is tolerated to some extent. However unless the abhumans are either widespread, very loyal, or useful to the Imperium they probably won't be seen throughout the wider Imperium since the Imperium has no reason to let them leave their planets and join the wider galaxy.

For example
>Navigators are vital to the operations of the Imperium so the Imperium mostly lets them do what they want
>Ogryn are useful since they are loyal and strong, so the Imperium doesn't mind having lots of Ogryn to be used as dumb muscle throughout the Imperium
However even if abhumans aren't particularly useful it doesn't mean that they will be exterminated (unless they revolt or refuse to bow to the Imperium) they will simply be limited in their rights and probably prevented from leaving their home world or breeding outside of their home world. If something like felinids revolted though the Imperium probably wouldn't bat an eye at sending some guard regiments to genocide the entire population and be given settlement rights on the world.

>Best girls
>Likely just hairy people who are a bit more agile than most
Just like ratlings don't have rat tails and ears felinids likely don't have cat ears and tails. Their scientific name implies they are hairy and if ratlings' name is anything to go by they look less like cats and more have the general mannerisms and maybe agility of cats.

So catgirls are probably hairy gymnasts with largely normal human facial features except maybe a bit sharper.

Literally none of the abhumans reflect their scientific names

>Are the furry ears cosmetic or their actual ears? Do they still have human ears on the side of their head?
presumably not cosmetic, but they're their "human" ears, but of changed shape and location. possibly an avatism from our pre-primate ancestors that was beneficial and passed on.

>How do they wear headphones for inter-squad communication?
>How do they wear hearing-protection while working as part as an artillery crew?

They're a whole planetary population that evolved over thousands of years, they'd have their own designs that fit them.

>Imperium they probably won't be seen throughout the wider Imperium since the Imperium has no reason to let them leave their planets and join the wider galaxy.
abhuman worlds still provide the normal tithes. which pretty much always includes guard regiments.

pointed ears higher on the head would be reasonable for them to a have.

Their scientific name tells us they're hairy/furred. their name strongly suggests they also resemble cats. Just being hairy people would be ape-men not cat people.

Very borderline then but still tolerated for now. Now we just need to see part of some great evil invade and their reaction to it will decide whether they're purged or redeemed. I for one would love to see Guardsbeastmen rather than have yet another enemy of man. Gives the guard some tougher, non catachan options.

>hi lorgar, it's me, your dad
>i'm totally not a god even though i look and act like one, so don't dare worship me
>oops i blew up monarchia 'cause you didn't listen
I'm surprised Lorgar doesn't just grab a titanium sphere about the size of a bowling ball, punch it up to near light speed and throw it at earth.

>I for one would love to see Guardsbeastmen rather than have yet another enemy of man.
ditto. though really just do that now ny mixing Guard and Beastmen kits, their capabilities wouldn't be different enough to warrant different rules from regular guard. Their deviance is mainly cosmetic.

maybe a regiment trait that gives them a mora, their fanaticism at dieing for the emperor to atone for their birth sin.

He was too short to

As long as they die for the Imperium we are fine with them!

There is not a single mention in 8th

Alright, so that means still current then. Since 8e didn't change that bit.