Agri world's sound comfy as fuck. Any other examples of easy living in grindark 40k?

Agri world's sound comfy as fuck. Any other examples of easy living in grindark 40k?

Other urls found in this thread:,000_AD

Being an Ork Mek sounds fun.

Serving papa Nurgle is comfy is fun

>Agri world's sound comfy as fuck.

Try saying that again after spending your days repairing auto-combines on your 32,000 acre farm.

Depends on how slave labor-y the work is. Some people enjoy working with machines.

You don't use apostrophes to pluralize, you illiterate fuck.

IIRC even agri-worlds are grimderp too. Massively low populations with high acreage leaves you and maybe your family to tend miles of crops, if you're on a growing world. If you're unlucky you'll be farming colossal swarms of insects or oceans of algae.

>Agriculture is easy living
Spoken like a city boy.

Every class of imperial planet has a few cosy worlds among the thousands of shitholes. You can have comfy renaissance fairs of feudal worlds, enlightened hubs of art and science on Civilised worlds, or gentle, rhythmic lifestyles of peace and reflection on shrine worlds. When you have millions of planets to consider, almost every possibility exists somewhere.

Hive nobility sounds comfy, especially if you're low enough on the family totem pole that inter-familial assassination isn't a fear.

>working 18 hours a day smashing grox skulls with a hammer in a city sized slaughterhouse is comfy

Being a Navigator.

farmers have high suicide rates, might not be the best job in the grim dark future.

Fuck off cun't

I'm not talking about real life shit for brains. Compare living on a Hiveworld to and Agri World

>four arms

No, user, you're the munitorum's machine

To figure that out we'd need to understand the causes of the suicide rates you mention and if 40k farmers are in an identical position.

Tanith sounded pretty nice before... you know. The incident.

This, love me the idea of Ork Meks, just crazy muscle beasts beating on heaps of metal, rubber, wires and oil till it spews out fire and races across dunes

feral or feudal worlds are probably comfy as fuck

>a comfy life herding sheep
>invaded by the fifth assrape legion

Most Imperial Worlds don't sound too bad

Have fun being brutally murdered or shitting yourself to death.
>"To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable."
The Imperium is a mix between North Korea and Byzantium. Life is shit.
That'how civilain live under the rightous tyranny of the Imperium:,000_AD

Feral world is just living a comfy life hunting, fishing, doing some occasional farming, and spending time around a campfire exchanging stories about the time some weird guys came down from a flying thing in the sky. cosy

You dumb idiot. Feral Worlds aren't for cosy. The world will murder you.

Retiring to a paradise sept in the Tau Empire sounds pretty nice, assuming it's not a euphemism for being liquidated once you outlive your usefulness.

Honestly, if you're not a servant, or important enough to be on anyone's kill list, pleasure worlds sound like they would be an awesome place to live.

A feral world is a world that has iron age or below tech level.

you could have a feral world that's a sunny paradise, where fruit grows everywhere and people walk around in peace.

you could also have a feral world that's a hellish frozen landscape where men fight to survive and half the year is spent around the fire eating fat and gristle to survive.


You are thinking about Death Worlds, the only common denominator in Feral worlds is that their societies are primitive. So you can have Conan the barbarian worlds or indus valley civilization with its apparent lack of noteworthy conflicts.

Adeptus Terra said that navigators are human. Are you a heretic to question them?

I think living on a craftworld as the member of some some artisan aspect would be pretty comfy
Maybe get called up as a Guardian, but live comfy the rest of the time

Don't think about re-education camps and where do retirees go. The Greater Good takes care of everything.

When Fenrisians want to take a vacation they go to Catachan

Do you even T'au's brah?

>Image name
>hydrgonase to recycle CO2
Thats not what that means

I know it’s a death world and all but living on Nocturne would seem pretty cozy.
They got the Salamanders and the cities are all protected by voids shields and stuff so being killed by lava or radiation wouldn’t seem like an issue.

The only comfy life is a Rogue Trader Life.