What’s the saddest thing you’ve ever seen happen in a tabletop game?

What’s the saddest thing you’ve ever seen happen in a tabletop game?

A really great game deflated. We spent a year and a half playing almost every week in one of the best games I'd played in my life, but one of our players was moving out of state for graduate school and we decided we needed to bring the campaign to a close instead of continue without him.

We thought we had four months to finish. But week after week, family emergencies, health scares, and schedule conflicts popped up and pushed things back. Through no-one's fault in particular, we suddenly had three weeks instead of four months to wrap up seventeen months of campaign.

Weeks of intrigue were condensed into "NPC says some mindflayer who was mentioned once was behind all the bad guys the whole time" and teleporting us to his fortress. A massive, multilayered dungeon was reduced to a few floors. A twist revealing that some allies of ours were part of the Illithid's spy network the whole time was reduced to a throwaway line in a final speech before the final boss, and then hand-waved away with "the traitors flee or are arrested" after we killed him because there wouldn't be time to resolve it anyway.

We found the items related to our character's personal quests as an afterthought in the Illithid's vault during the epilogue, and never got to actually play out any of the scenes of us getting the things we had been searching for the whole game.

And then the campaign just, ended. The best campaign I'd ever been in, wrapped up with a trio of rushed, sloppy, half-assed sessions for time.

I'm still sad.

Our party's main npc companion, a giant dachshund named Harold the big's death was very sad.

The party was escaping a combined army of undead, fomorians, and ogres, we had successfully escaped to a big boat that was taking off, but Harold pushed the boat off it's moorings with his giant head, then turned and faced the army, alone, for all our sakes.

The saddest part of it was NO ONE expected Harold the big to sudden choose certainly definite death like that, he'd been with us since we were level 1 and 2 characters, and that no one gave Harold this order, he was ready to face death, alone, for all of us, without even being asked.

Harold the Big, a level 7 animal companion giant dachshund, killed thousands, but they just kept coming and coming and as he suffered more and more wounds, it was hopeless. Harold died that day, but by the time the battle was over, the boat was already so far away that we couldn't see the shore, so we never found out exactly how the last moments went, we did not however see him again as an undead.

Our bard composed a song called Harold the Heroic Hound, and our Cleric arranged a tasteful tombstone, with the Heart of the Savior, a medal only given to those who selflessly die protecting others.

>new guy to the group spends 2 weeks forming "The Perfect Character"
>everybody assumed he was just minmaxing really fucking hard or something but whatever
>he actually wrote a damned good backstory even if it was several pages long, had artwork made up for him that was damn good as well from some art student, and made a mini by hand
>actually meshed in pretty well with the party and chatted with the DM about how he'd join in with the party without being an active hindrance or causing a severe narrative distortion
>serious dedication to this whole thing that actually was kind of admirable
>forget how it went down but first session he dies doing something stupid but heroic, i think he ran to save some orphan heavily heavily surrounded by goblins or something during a city siege that was just mentioned in passing as a descriptor to the surrounding destruction
>table tradition to rip the character sheet
>DM does it instinctually
>just the stat sheet and a condensed character story but the guy cried the second it happened
>didn't see him for a month until some game night at a store
>wouldn't even look at us and ran if we got close


>usual DM is gone for the year up in antartica
>we manage to find a DM who will take us up at a game night
>game is going fine until about midway through the game night
>store door slams open loud enough that pretty much everyone turns to look
>some 500lb post-50 landwhale waddles over to our game table
>its the 20-something DM's wife
>she actually kicks him in the balls and starts beating him with her fucking messenger bag of a purse
>calls him every name under the rainbow saying she told him to stop playing child games and how he's embarrassing her
>entire store is watching this
>gets dragged about halfway out before the manager catches up with them
>cops are involved
>guy won't press charges
>wife basically throws him into the back of the car before speeding off


I-if you didn't see him die m-maybe he didn't die

We had a player start crying because her character had a pet ferret she carried around on her shoulders and it died the second she got hit with an AoE attack

Wasn’t nearly as sad in the game as it was watching the player go ballistic. The whole thing was pretty awkward.

>table tradition to rip the character sheet
>DM does it instinctually

You could've fucking warned him you twats.

Rule 1 - Thou shall never acquire emotional bonds with a companion, pet, or family member that may inevitably be killed by the DM.

>having a non-familiar, non-mount pet
>being a DM hellbent on killing pets because you can
Also bad

Balllistic? Sounds entertaining, what did she do?

Not him, but it's only entertaining if you're watching from a distance. If you're a dude and a woman is crying or becoming emotional near you, you are automatically at fault even if you did nothing (or did everything you were expected to).

I know, I'm "watching" from a distance here.

Most games I know of tend to allow familiars and small pets to survive AOE stuff until the player they're hiding in the pocket of gets killed. Shit DM.

We honestly didn't think about it we were pretty insular and in our ways at that point so it was just something you "did". Cut yourself you bleed, Inhale not to die from asphyxiation, somebodies character dies you rip their sheet up hence why the DM holds onto it.
If its any consolation we all knew it was a fuck up the second it happened we just didn't know how bad.


>we just didn't know how bad
You had two weeks to tell him about your habits. You had two weeks to see he spent a lot of time on it, far more than you bozos ever did.

Yet you said nothing? I can't blame him for leaving, it clearly seemed like an attack on him just because he was better than you.

We told him basic house rules and the like but like i said it just didn't occur to us on that point.
Imagine growing up in a household where nobody had to take their shoes off then for once in your life you go to someone elses house who does require that. You'd just keep walking with your sneakers on until somebody told you otherwise. It's the same line of thought that this was just a thing that people do because thats all you knew.

Imagine being a grown man, like what you were, instead.

We were 14-16 though i suppose that might be close enough.

People who don't take their shoes off in the house are not real people.

there is a Veeky Forums pasta about a nameless vassel that dies, and the pcs ask they put up with the group that treated her so poorly..they didn't even know her name and she said she never had friends before...they couldn't rez her so they carved her name in the bbeg's head... I dunno if anyone has that one.

>Imagine growing up in a household where nobody had to take their shoes off then for once in your life you go to someone elses house who does require that.
Imagine being this much of a disgusting human being? Not possible, even for me.

One of my character's knowingly sold his father figure who he loved out and he was executed for crimes the character commuted.

>If you're a dude and a woman is crying or becoming emotional near you, you are automatically at fault even if you did nothing (or did everything you were expected to).
Strangely, no such false accusations have ever befallen me. Weird.

Are you, perchance, NOT an actual sociopath? This might be the difference between you and the guy you're quoting.

Found the woman.

Good buddy, works shipping and receiving. He always, always, always played a good character. He tried to do a chaotic evil rogue once but it was fucking terrible, closest he ever really got to a morally questionable pc for any length of time was a chaotic good party boy bard.
Anyway his personal life goes to shit. Wife cheats, he tries to forgive her, they're both white trash trying to climb out of their respective shit childhoods and not doing great. He asks for a divorce, they've got two little kids, she's fighting him the whole way and our little Saturday night group can't help but bear witness to this thing. You know nerds, gossip as much as a womans book club.

Whole time this is going down he's playing a classic LG paladin. I'm running a loose 5e and he's going old school, which I'm fine with 'cause he's an old hand with this build by this point. Slowly, and to the mixed shock and (initially) delightment of the group he starts going fallen paladin. More agressive stats, less prayer, starts making more pragmatic decisions. I'm trying to work with him by not clipping his wings but he's moving from LG, to N, to LE and It's quite clearly mirroring the fucked up shit going on at home.
Finally get to the end of a campaign with a time travel McGuffin. Dude gets to the big bag, gets the "we're not so different, you and I" speech (not my best work but whatevs) and gets real quiet. I'd allowed betrayal before, but I never thought he'd actually turn on the whole group. I'd stat'd my BB pretty high and he was able to kill the other four. Was real smart about it, nobody freaked out at him. Just played it out.
I call a break to get some food, a smoke, and feel out the rest of the room. It was a weird scene. Everybody knew what was up and no one wanted to bring up the elephant in the room. I mean, there was more than a little anger at this guy going full douche. We figured we owed him one (except for That Guy but fuck you karl) and we'd let him play it out.
We get back in, sit down. Buddy takes the McGuffin and goes back in time to murder his character in the crib. Gave everybody the chance to keep their sheets and didn't come back to the game until a couple months later. After he got his kids settled in her new house.

>session 2, they meet Qari, young tiefling pyromancer, a runaway from the kingdom mage hunters
>PCs are local town guards, hear out her story, and conscript her into the force to protect her from federal penalties(likely death)
>Qari becomes like a younger sister, watches over the town whenever they're on away missions
>they try to train her in martial combat
>check in on her education, the boys she likesnot that she could find anybody she'd love like the PC, Moro, that stepped in and saved her originally
>becomes a part of the canvass of the campaign for the whole year
>things wrapping up, party is in the woods confronting an ancient fey lesser deity that provides the key to saving the town
>an honor duel arranged by ancient rites in a sacred place, the hardest battle they've ever fought
>they tell Qari to stay home and watch the town
>unbeknownst to them, she follows
>as things begin to look like a tpk, both sides hurt, all PCs but one unconscious, Qari strikes with a flame bolt and kills their foe
>this violates the ancient laws of the duel
>she is cursed to bare its spirit, and it begins to take control, staggers off into the woods
>as one PC leaves town that night briefly, Qari comes to her and begs for death while she is still herself
> "Tell Moro, thanks...for everything."

The party wizard failed to drown, and instead died quietly in his sleep at a ripe old age.

Kid bought a brand new copy of Pathfinder. He was super excited since he had to do a bunch of odd jobs to get the money for it. Not five minutes later he managed to spill an entire 60 oz. mug of coke on it.


My character of three years of campaign die

What did he play when he came back?
Did he get better?

I'm genuinely worried about this poor lad

We had this absolutely amazing top-tier GM. He built this long-running campaign arc which spanned real life time for the better part of 6 years of intermittent play, and they were some of the best RPGs I ever played in.

His last one in that arc was only good instead of his usual "amazing", and because of it he lost confidence in his GMing and outside of a scattering of one-shots, hasn't run a game in our group since for the past 4 years. Every time someone floats the idea of continuing the campaign arc, he gets this kind of almost panicked look in his eyes.

>usual DM is gone for the year up in antartica
But why

Honestly, that's genuinely the shittiest thing I've ever read. That guy went the full nine yards, and you guys ruined it for him.


just fucking play smart you doofus

The retard ran into certain death, what did he expect? He ruined his own work. Ripping the sheet didn't really do anything anyway since he was already fucking out of the game. What was he going to do, frame it?

...and I am not tlking about minmaxing like the "mounted Griffin" nigger cucks your are.

I am talking about teaching your animals how to go away from attacks and worrying about his health. NOT THE DM. YOOOOOOOOOOOU.

the players pets are the players responsibility, not the DM's.

t. player that never DMed but saw a thousand of lazy players who pretended they didn't have a pet with them through the whole rpg, as if a pet ferret, dog, or crocodile is just some item like a hat

I saw you lazy fucked everywhere "Oh I will try to tame this pet, gimme a animal handling teeheeeeee now I can just forget this thing until is convenient TEHEEE"

put too much of himself into it.

>family member that may inevitably be killed by the DM

Back in the mid-90's playing 40k in the local Games Workshop store in London, I'm around 14 (playing Dark Angels because I don't know any better). HUGE battle, store is full of people, mostly young people like me but also a few old wargamers who are experimenting with 2nd edition (best edition).
There's one girl in the whole building (around 16), came to help her little brother in the event but she also bought her own squad of Mordian Iron Guard to join in.
Half way through the event she gets into an argument with one of the older players, a hairy/scabby/cantankerous old guy who looks like he served in the Boer War.
Girl is calmly explaining how her special weapons work, and how they can hit the old-guy's Elder behind cover.
After a back-and-forth for a couple minutes the old guy finally blows up and starts screaming at her to "go back to her pots and pans in the kitchen". Everyone else is too embarrassed to even look at them, I'm too stupid to really understand what's going on.
Girl swoops up her troops and runs out the building, little brother in tow.
After the event is over we look at the rulebook to see who was right. Unsurprisingly, old guy was 100% wrong. Doesn't matter, never see girl or her little brother in store ever again.

That event has always stuck with me for realising just how damned sad and poisonous the tabletop community can get.

>people who can't handle the banter > the tabletop community. and it makes me saaad.

I will tip that fedora to "things that never happened" for 100 points, Alex.

so which is it, 16 year old girl leaving after getting screamed at in public by a creepy neckbeard constitutes "not handling the banter", or it didn't happen? peanut brain motherfucker

Good for you. You realise that anyone who has different experiences than you is a liar pushing some type of conspiracy.
But you figured it out, you absolute genius.

Oh? now you are the one talking about the conspiracy, are you not? I didn't even insinuate you are pushing something....
really makes you think.....

>screaming sexist bullshit is banter
>so easily offended he did nothing wrong reeee
y tho

This has to be bait, right? Nobody is this stupid or naive to think that toxic shit like this doesn't happen on the regular.

y be shitty

Honestly if you can't imagine a neckbeard blowing up at someone over something incredibly trivial I'm inclined to assume you're the neckbeard who would do that instead. People have never really argued if these people exist, but rather just how common they are in the community.

"go back to the kitchen"
sure thing bub, too bad you didn't have your good old katana with you, or you would make him pay and definitely get laid a billion times.
btw this is banter, don't run and cry now. I don't hate you, be well. shhh....shhhh don't cry, I know this is the saddest moment of your entire life, just be brave.

>don't do anything to defend her against clearly unfair behavior
>later complain about toxicity and sexism on the internet
Poor white knight

You blatantly said that I was pushing a lie, for the purpose of expressing that I believe people who can't take banter are better than the whole tabletop community.
Are you so dense that you don't even understand the implications of your own drivel? Words have meaning, learn them.

ok in the spam of 15 minutes we have 5 joes ready to die to ensure the imaginary lady of the story is protected.
tell me again how the tabletop is not a total beta farm that would all jump on the guy and defend the girl even if they didn't know the argument?

is totally fake. also is so over the top it reminds me of this pic related.

and here is the 5th joe

>Ballad of the Laser Whales
>Sniper girl is gunning down Chironites while we run an experimental serum back to a boat
>Space Nazis remember that they all have F10s and hose down the entire hillside she's on, overpenetrating the cover
>She gets shot in the belly
>Isn't dead
>we consider going back to save her but she's at hueg bloodloss, tells us on radio to leave her
>we leave her, drop smoke and run to the boat
>she rolls so well on the bloodloss tests that she doesn't die for ten full minutes after we leave
>we would've totally had enough time to save her if we had gone back
>we talk to her on the radio as she's dying
>"At least it wasn't... fucking... Communists. Couldn't stand it if I'd been shot by a communist."

RIP Szarlota.

I was a stupid introverted 14 year old who unironically played Dark Angels, trying to fit in with a large crowd of my peers who either did not see anything wrong with the situation or tacitly agreed. Of course I didn't do anything to intervene.
I probably should have since I had actually studied the rules and knew that she was right, but I didn't want to be ostracized by the group.
Child does something wrong, news at eleven.

Veeky Forums is literally the only place on Veeky Forums where there are threads about impregnating fantasy races in rape dungeons and threads about problematic toxicity at the same time.

Are you actually sincere or just being confrontational for the lolz? This is /tg so i can't discount the possibility that you're actually this deluded.

user is definitely baiting at this point. Don't feed them any more. He doesn't deserve your time or attention.

Kids are stupid what are you expecting? In hindsight I can think of a lot of events in HS where I should have stood up and said something but I didnt. It nags at me so I use it as motivation to be a better person. Would it be better if someone just pretends it never happened?

I don't think the story was a lie, but he has a point.

Fair enough.

this was a decent thread. was.

reply to this post or I will pinch a girl real hard and tell her to go back to the kitchen.

only you can save females from such rosy indignity at the hands of the tabletop community, Kenshi-kun.

I said what I had to say, is fake as fuck and the 5 guys sperging about it are proof of it.


My party once had to kill LG or so cleric of Torm because my character was a pussy and declined an ifrit's deal and had to make another deal with a summoned hag to get vital information. She wanted his head. Nothing too tragic but still not cool.

That the user was white-knighting after the fact? Eh. Sure, maybe. That's irrelevant to the point of the story which is that the tabletop community has some really toxic assholes in it. They were brushing off the whole thing because muh white knight, which just perpetuates the problem.

Trollboi's only potentially correct point is completely irrelevant, and only the original user's feelings could be hurt by it. Everything else they've expressed has been ass-backwards bullshit, and they should be summarily ignored.

That Guy here, I think I made the sad moment happen but me and the other player hated each other in game, even if we are good friends IRL.
So we are coming back from a cave and we fight for some measly worthless spoil from the whole thing. is how the 2 started hating on each other, so anyway
>Get our initiative out
>I go first, he tenses up immediately as I am a glass cannon
>he takes the damage and accept it and tries to defuse the fight, he doesn't attack me even if that would give him a good chance, he stay doing defensive stuff
>big mistake I keep on the fight and eventually win
>his pet dog tries to stop me from taking his stuff because the DM decided it would
>I kill it
>loot him
>friends take him to some place for him to recover
>they are giving me the evil eye, so I loot all his magical rings and all his gold, because if I am going to be called the bad guy then I wont pull any punches
>guy call revenge but I am already out, spending his cash
>he died in the 2 following sessions after I keep avoiding him, he kills my maid and I get him arrested for it
I wasn't sad for me, I just saying what the others hated me for it.

also both were channers I bet they are reading this. WE WERE ENEMIES.

>>muh personal responsibility, don't get offended by sperging sexist neckbeards
>toxic neckbeards exist, you twat
>>i was just saying the story was fake and you're all virgin white-knights
Hahahah. This is cute. He probably thinks someone is actually offended or that he hurt someone's fragile ego.

>Black Crusade
>Spend a while ravaging a planet well below our paygrade, just some feudal peasants and orks versus us, a party of CSM and other bastards
>Get to the main kingdom's castle, bust down the door
>We are told the king has the best gear in the world, and he's using it to take a stand
>One last stand against these world destroying monsters, when everything he knows and loves is burning around him
>He immediately discards his sword knowing that it'd be ineffectual against us and draws his trump card
>It's a laspistol
It was pretty depressing.
Of course, it didn't end up being a matter of laughing in his face and slapping him silly, because one of our guys shot him with a gun that caused mutations, and the fucker grew wings with which to cause us some trouble.
Still did him in quickly, though.

It's a dick move, no matter how you try and justify it.

>playing Dark Angels because I don't know any better).
> playing as the best chapter before they got ruined by all that monk brooding shit
> apologising for it because tg like to flog memes to death
user, grow some fucking balls.

You either never engage in the hobby outside of your bedroom (likely) or you are exactly the kind of sperg described.

>>table tradition to rip the character sheet
Worst tradition I've heard of. Might just beat rape, pillage and circumcision.

> really makes you think
Diagnosing you as an autist with no friends and all the social graces of a manatee that's just shit itself to death doesn't require a whole lot of brain power.

Incel detected

A black guy with a thick black accent trying to roleplay an elf.

>Strangely, no such false accusations have ever befallen me.
But... there has to be a reason girls are mean to him.

>a dark fantasy setting that is low magic
>play out session zero with all the players, starting them off as small children and advancing in years, giving them bonuses based on the events etc they go trough, basically forming their characters & the bonds between them, building a relationship with the townsfolk & their parents.
>they are all really close since they have been friends since forever
>fastforward to last session, they come upon a statue of a dark god of suicide
>they resist the presence which tried to make them off themselves
>the party priest tries destroying the shrine
>the darkness around her literally swallows her up
>party is despairing trying to get her out, the warrior leaps into the darkness after her, fighting trough a thick oily substance trying to find her
>the cultist in the party tries to get in contact with the dark god
>he succeeds
>he feels the weight of the god on his back as he kneels, and begs him to let his friend go
>the god says he will let her go if he gives up his father
>there is silence at the table for a good few minutes, and then the guy decides to give up his father
>the darkness spits out the priestess and the warrior
>the cultist takes sanity damage from giving over his father to this beast

Copypasted from a past thread:

We had to reach a city, but traveling along the main road could have gotten us spotted by the evil rebel army. So we took a detour through the swamps instead. We found a disgraced alchemist living in a shack deeper in the swamps. He let us stay for the night. That night, swamp monsters killed our horses by unleashing foul rot-inducing gas. (It's my fault. I shouldn't have referenced Junji Ito.)

The next day, we told the alchemist where we were going, and suggested he come along with us, to live somewhere not infested by horrible monsters. He was happy to join us. The day after, we got attacked by a giant hermit crab. The monstrosity crushed our wagon, cut off our dwarven fighter's leg, proved impervious to both magical and physical attack, and we couldn't flee since it could leap huge distances. The alchemist had a major panic attack, ran away and instantly got killed by the giant crab. We felt like it was our fault. We didn't even know the guy's name!

We managed to defeat the monster through a clever application of gunshots to the eyes, psychotropic drugs, and phasing through its shell to rip it apart from the inside. But from that day onward we decided our characters would all carry the guilt, along with severe seafood-related PTSD.

What I do is simply give the pet death saving throws (in addition to my "massive damage isn't that big of a deal" house rule), or the system's equivalent. That way the players can stabilize it or whatever.

If he would have just shouted at a young kid the effect would have been the same.
It was just dickish.

We frame heroic characters with a black band in the top left corner, generic death characters get filed in a protective sheet.

How do you even play with the DM holding on to the sheets?

It was weird, really and to this day I cannot propely explain It
>recurring npc
>young, energetic girl
>always a daughter of a dead legendary badass
>always with a quest chain related to her sweet tooth and her dad's legacy
>showing up in various games for YEARS, always providing a safe haven and sometimes a battle support
>she didn't die once so that's a twist
>we once killed her only remaining family member. Evil, sure but still
>"let's go home" said a pc
>"I don't want to see you anymore. I hate you" said the girl

It broke one of the players. He started to tear up and he realized he teared up like a fag and we all almost cried when we had no choice but to leave an imaginary place forever.

Even in 2nd edition they were broody motherfuckers who's only claim to fame was having their 1st Company get wiped out by genestealers. Later retconned into all sorts of bullshit so even that lost it's charm.

Your inability to understand shows how intricately shitty you are.

You sound like a cocksucker and possibly the worst player to play with

>great start, amazing build-up, sloppy mess of an ending

...don't suppose you like Evangelion, do ya?

You're probably such a soyboy that women can't even use you as a scapegoat. A true omega, you are the archetype all MGTOW strive to reach.


EoE is part of the ending of Eva. Watching the TV series without watching EoE means you haven't actually watch all of it.
>inb4 you meme that EoE is a mess

>Girl is calmly explaining how her special weapons work, and how they can hit the old-guy's Elder behind cover.
>After a back-and-forth for a couple minutes the old guy finally blows up and starts screaming at her to "go back to her pots and pans in the kitchen". Everyone else is too embarrassed to even look at them, I'm too stupid to really understand what's going on.

0/10 bait

>"go back to her pots and pans in the kitchen".
Nobody would ever say this. Nobody would remember phrasing as bad as this. How the fuck did he even hear what hr said?
This whole story reeks of too many details, a common trait of false stories

Rest in piece Harold. He sounds like he was a good boy
Fuck your group
This made me very sad, well done user. Were you the DM?
Things that didnt happen for 400?
cheap feels for 800?

>Playing GURPS
>Spaceship with AI named Spell
>user and friends have been improving ship the 3rd or 4th session
>Spell was funny knew about every planet
>cooked us food, she was decked out with artillery
>Wouldnt let other pilot her unless hacked
>Being pursued by galactic empire blah blah blah
>This time theres too many of them
>Spells taking damage, tells us we must leave
>"My primary function is to keep the crew safe"
>Cram the 3 of us in a small escape pod with cloaking device
>"Get in engineer PC"
>"No..... It's been fun crew"
>He pushes button to release escape pod
>Looks around the ship weve been building for 7ish months as being fired upon
>"You should have left engineer PC"
>"I couldn't leave my best work"
>we land on planet
>We watched the sky as engineer and Spell continously fired at them until there was just too many of them

>DMing 5e
>3 PCs, 1 DMPC
>party enters a village to look at the commotion
>stereotypical wise old man tells them what's up
>"you're lying"
>stereotypical old man explains the party that he isn't because he was made explicitly for this moment
>stereotypical wise old man gets picked on
>stereotypical wise old man pulls out a knife
>party proceeds to cut and gun him down

The saddest thing for me has been watching my passion for the game slowly die as the DM tries harder and harder to artificially lengthen the campaign with videogame side quests that serve no purpose and stifle any character development

Some women are sociopaths. That's how they get away with the blame game in the first place. How they might be affecting someone else's life doesn't even occur to them. Which is weird considering how they want others to always be considerate to their feelings specifically.

>had the best session ever last saturday
>have to wait a whole week to play again