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How does one go about doing "Your Dudes" With Custodes??


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>no pin-up lewds with custodes
I don't want oiled bois - I want cheesecake girls with custodes gear

I'm not sure what you mean

Xth for patiently awaiting a Xenos release.

See you in december

Sisters do it much better though.

What's a good, cheap, HQ tax unit for Astra Militarum? Company Commander? Primaris Psyker? Lord Commissar?

I'm thinking of running a cheap Brood Brothers batallion with my other HQ being a tank commander.

Your force is literally small enough to give every single one of your dudes a name.

Literally any colour that's not gold.

The first two

But what fluff can you give them considering they were literally bodyguards to the emperor?

Make up your own Shield Company and give each of your 12 models a name.

While I do know riptides are shit this edition, I still kinda want one for a centerpiece purpose to a combined arms tau army.

That being said, what is the size of pic related from puppetswar? Could that even go into anything tau related? My main shot at making a riptide look decent is to get some admech onager legs; I just want options to consider

If not to pic related, what would it work for a counts as (in any army)?

Well, seems like that's what I mean
Why not both tho

One of mine

They have lives of their own
In Watchers of The Throne, one of the main characters is a Banana named Valerian who is pretty much a canon version of Kitten - his chambers have bookshelves with literature in them and he likes reading for example

Some of the ones in the codex are supposed to be guarding different things too if I remember correctly

This is still only limited by your imagination

Your dudes could have spent years of their lives doing super sekrit training missions, learning the ways of the many races that may threaten the golden throne

That then opens the door to unlimited backstory potential

>But what fluff can you give them considering they were literally bodyguards to the emperor?
They weren’t all the his bodyguards. That was the Companions job. Custodes were the Emperor’s personal legion and did anything their master thought was worth their time.

Hey guys, I'm looking for some comments on this here list. I posted it a while ago and have incorporated feedback but I'm curious if there are any glaring errors or just stupid unit decisions I've made.

I recognise that Knights aren't exactly great but from a fluff perspective this is meant to be a knight and his household guard. Eventually I'd like to get a baneblade kit and Mechanicus it up as a Sacristan's crawler

Looks like an ork knight

So will shooting warscythes ever return?

I'm gonna fluff my dudes as lost in the space and end up on a random feral world

I wish they would, along with a general return to the necron fluff that accompanied them

The entire tts series did it so you can.


When is IG getting new foot soldier models?
Vehicles are cool and i would play the faction if not for those retarded soldier models, fuck Cadia especially.

Each is a bodyguard, yes, but they also are diplomats, philosophers, lawyers, artists and the other cultural human pursuits. In addition, they are spies, assassins, politicans, wardens, researchers and a whole host of important functions.

Gross lips.

Archons, I need help.
My current 1500 Dark Eldar list is as follow
2 x Archons - In 1 Venom
3 x 10 Man Warriror squads with Splinter cannon - Dark lance Raider
2 x 5 man BlasterBorn in Venom
1 x Scourge w/ 4 Dark lance
1 x Talos

I wanna expand to 2000 point. I was thinking of adding on 2 razorwings, replacing an archon with a haemonculus, and either taking a Cronos Or a Talos.
Is this a good list?
Should I take a 2 talos's or 1 cronos 1 talos?

the whole 'pariah gene in humans was bread by the necrons who harvest them to make pariah' doesn't fit any of the new fluff.
At all.
That said, the unit as elite anti-psyker infantry could fit in the army fine.

Gene harvesting from current blanks into new bodies of captured humans, or miniaturized pylon technology would make the fluff fit

Removing the human thing would be fine I don't know why they didn't juyst do that and use them as an anti psyker unit it's not like the C'tan wouldn't have a reason to make them.

And he has a pure relationship with Aleya. Don't you dare forget the cutest, purest couple of 40k.

come to think of it, it didn't fit the old necron fluff that well either.
Other than 'they don't like the warp' and 'they are mysterious'.

They were still supposed to have been asleep for the whole time humanity was becoming a thing.


never, we're stuck with cadians forever

So C'tan fluff then? Because Necrons themselves haven't really changed meaningfully, people just didn't like the personalities lords were given when they actually started paying attention to lords personalities.

Are you kidding? Necrons intentionally breeding anti-psykers to harvest them as shock troops is 100% something modern Necrons would do.

>by His will alone

Remember if you are not playing marines you are an npc who is getting nothing.

*murders your inferior HQ options*

Look at anvil industry if you are not against 3rd parties.

They'd be better off as a sub commander imo.

>Remember if you are not playing marines you are an npc who is getting nothing.
i'd rather play NPC than rehashed Mary Sue wank

Could make them one of Szeras' experiments in essence-transfer. Say he found blanks work better or scream less or something & went from there. Doesn't take much of a stretch, am sure someone who spent more than two minutes on it could think up some pretty decent fit-in for them

>*dresses up in a fursuit*

What is a good horde clearing gun option for as cheap as possible that won't get me branded as a WAACfag?
Quad-launchers? Twin HB Tarantulas?

Too bulky for Tau. You can't run the Fast Attack FW variant? That one is actually good.

Both inwardly admitting that they were weirdly, even if it's ever so slightly, attracted to the other one was so heartwarming. Really want based Wraight to continue their story.

>Are you kidding? Necrons intentionally breeding anti-psykers to harvest them as shock troops is 100% something modern Necrons would do.
see they weren't around to do the whole breeding into humans thing.
Also gene engineering isn't there thing at all. All their tech, including the anti-psyker stuff, is non-biological.
And being able to transfer psykic/anti-psykic ability with the bio-transfer is not a thing. IIRC the soul and whatever doesn't survive the transfer, so whatever makes a blank shouldn't transfer either.

Making Pariah units would totally fit the fluff, just not the whole 'pariah gene was made by the necrons' thing.

But what if I play Custodes?

the only sub commander I want in 40k is Torchstar

Anyone think playing against Custodes is going to be really boring?

Watching my disintegrators bounce off 4++ looks really fun....

>Making Pariah units would totally fit the fluff, just not the whole 'pariah gene was made by the necrons' thing
I'd totally be fine with that, that bit of their fluff wasn't great anyway. The horror of the transfer & what they had become was much more compelling

Blanks are soulless my dude.

Also Necrons are awakening en-mass right now, but have been awake in bits and pieces during other periods.

And no Necrons absolutely have high end biologists, for one thing that's Szeras's entire schtick.

Yeah, I don't really enjoy free wins so I'm not looking forward to playing them (at least not as a stand alone).

>250 point model tied up for 1/6th of the game by a 40 point dude
okay, I guess

>patiently waiting
>mentioning it every single fucking thread

Only the companions (300ish out of the10k) are actual bodyguards The rest do other shit like jailers, guarding various archeotech vaults, garrisoning important shit etc

>hey these pauldrons only block like 90% of my peripheral vision, better tack some more shit on there

with what army?



>muh average humans are so cool cause they fight all odds

>If I can't wipe it out in a turn it isn't fun
Where did your Tau army go?

>instant turns and back and forth gameplay

Yeah sounds horrible

Aren't morters super fucking cheap and allow you to spam s4 out the ass?
Commander in a punisher with three heavy bolters and a heavy stubber?

not at all, i'm not IG sperg.
I like military stuff

Story relative npcs

Why aren't there female custodes though? They're not mareens and each is individually crafted...

It's almost as if every enhanced human Emperor and his scientists made was designed to be a man's man on purpose.

I might end up doing that; just having options in case the codex fixes riptides, ya know? Codex will update riptides, whereas the y’vahra or whatever will be stuck with it’s stats and points until next chapter approved
or fires of cyraxus lol

Maybe because men are better than woman in most ways.

There could be, no reason has been given why there couldn't
We wouldn't know though, they're in uniform and hardly ever deal with Mortals

Yeah military stuff is cool and so are marines. Hating marines cause they're super human is pretty weak.

I'm doing mine jade, ivory, and gold

Whenever people talk about Tau I always think back to the beginning of 8e when there were literally dozens of Tau armies on sale on eBay because they weren't hot shit anymore, and those armies were always use spray coated one colour or just bare, shame-grey. Like, way to live up to the stereotype, Tau players.

Cont. From last thread
What is a good reason to demon summon? You can't move that turn, you don't get bonus cp for a detachment, it can hurt you, and you can't even bank on getting anything worthwhile. Sure fewer drops is neat but that isn't that hard for big dude chaos armies anyways

no, they are more than soulless.
Just being soulless doesn't actively hurt the warp. They've manage to have basically an 'anti-soul'.
Which is never really explained how that works so having that survive biotransfer is fine.

who also has in his schtick that he doesn't yet fully understand how biologicals produce psykers.
So having him stumble upon ways to used blanks to make pariah's now would fit his text.

Having him been awake when he canon wasn't awake, already knew how to make the pariah gene millennia ago, was able to stick that gene human, etc doesn't.

"necron's made the pariah gene" just doesn't work when you have established where and what the necrons were as something other than 'active and interfering with development of humanity throughout it's growth'

the praetorians were supposed to be around with humanity, I thought. just not all the necrons.

wyverns and punisher tanks are both pretty good, just shit tones of mortars would be hilarious but probably considers cheesy, what do you have already?

There might be female custodes, they'd just not look any different from male ones, considering their creation.

i hate them because we are oversaturated with Marines.
Give us something else.
And no, Custodes is not something else

They would look like other "males" superhuman - big pile of muscles, meat, half-brain etc.

Can confirm that the only necrons that stayed awake were the praetorians and the silent king

Even if szeras didn’t stumble on how to produce it, could always, in the most I guess ork like manner, mindshackle scarab blanks, train them around in cages or slaves, or pull an admech and go with old pariah stuff, where it was only a ‘partial’ biotransferrence (don’t ask how that can be partial...), cause those pariah bodies still had the gribbly bits still in it like a servitor keeps some organic crap

Custodes are different from marines, xenoscuck

that's what non-Cadian regiments are for

Cadians are a joke. They're a vessel for GW's dark humor about how much it sucks to be a regular grunt in the 41st millenium.

If you want badass IG dudes there's the Death Korps, the Vostroyans, the Valhallans, the Chem-dogs, the Catachans, the Iron Legion etc....

Cadians are the poor bastards who are force-fed bullshit propaganda and bullied into fighting world-ending threats. They're the "man I'm glad I'm not this guy!" IG, whereas other regiments are "man I wish I were cool like that guy!" IG. When you read the Regimental standard, you picture a Cadian reading it. They're essentially human gretchins.

Options (Any model) and the fact that you can drop it where ever your character is. Like if they teleport in behind the enemy, you can summon half your army there next turn

That and you have a lot of reasons to have reserve points.

The character shouldn't have to sacrifice movement in my mind tho.

Imperial supertech is good enough to remove any distinctions in physical ability since Temple Assassin modifications result in identical statlines.

>Can confirm that the only necrons that stayed awake were the praetorians and the silent king

Sanctuary 101 is the first confirmed contact with humanity, but they'd been awakening before that. It's implied that there were at least a few stirring around the heresy time I'm pretty sure.

It’s upside down, isn’t it?

Fucking phone.

Anyways had two games. One was a typical guard victory too boring to even take a picture. Next was against this demon guy. His core strategy was to deep strike a demon prince and 30 horrors on me and my own inattentiveness got me wrecked because, had I known he had a single unit of 30 horrors led by a Prince in deep strike, I would have deployed very differently. I just thought it was a small horrors unit intended to take my rear objective when I wasn’t looking.

Thing is, now that I’m looking at the demon codex myself the strategem says “One unit only”. So he might have cheated thinking that it was “1 CP per unit”. Or maybe there’s another deepstrike option? Or maybe I read it wrong? IDK

grab the flyers, keep the archon, give it blaster in with the blaster born, milage on talos will vary

I don't like how the Deciever dropped out completely as a character since 3rd. I feel like if anyone could still have a prescence on the galactic stage despite being Khained, it'd be the deciever.

No reason there aren't.
I could see somebody put the SoS heads on some golden boys.
And I'd certainly approve of some throne room banana girls.

Honestly the easiest option for GW would be saying they are a responds to the rift, basically necrons doing their antiwarp protocols creating miniature pylons and implanting it into either immortals or lychguard.

Why the fuck are hurricane Bolters a thing? It makes no sense to just fucking stick six infantry rifles on a vehicle.

already grasping at straws, shameful

Wait for the new book. Another retcon is entirely possible, it mostly depends on the studio's mood. If somebody sold them on some bigass C'tan models to work as Cron-Primarchs, you can bet your ass they'll make a big time comeback.

>Cadians are a joke
i just want good looking models, i don't care if they are butt of the jokes

I dont think I can put an archon in with blasterborn, mininum size for trueborn is 5.
Is it truly better to not get haemonculus? I feel T7 talos's will help a lot
How are Talos's in comparison to other dreadnoughts? I keep hearing theyre a bit too expensive but they also get all the benefits of the built in invuln and power thru pain and all that stuff.