Are there any fantasy settings with a modern setting? Not the actual real world...

Are there any fantasy settings with a modern setting? Not the actual real world, but a world with modern technology and ideas.

Bitch you're just walking across the street you don't have to do it like that.

I couldn't be come a hero so I reluctantly decided to get a job


World/Chronicles of Darkness

Look at this stacey eclipsing all those janes

Disgusting. Lingerie is not armor, people!

Business formal isn't armor either

>Are there any fantasy settings with a modern setting?
"Urban Fantasy" is an entire genre.

OP specifically asked for settings which are not the actual real world, which is a much rarer than fantasy set in the actual world. Most Urban Fantasy is set in the real world.

There's a shitload of settings where it's the normal modern world but with some secret fantasy shit going on (World of Darkness being the most popular, but also everything from Unknown Armies to the Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG that probably exists).

If you want open elves running around and shit, there's Shadowrun and probably a few more.

Reading comprehension, user. Christ.


Mistborn Second Era

Bright and Shadowrun are both the real world with fantasy stuff. Shadowrun is magic waking up all over the world right as humanity moves into a cyberpunk era. Bright takes place in LA, it's just always been a fantasy version of Earth.

I think you are OP.
If there are actual magical and fantastical aspects to a world, by definition it is then not our "actual real world". You fucking retard.

she won't be smiling like that when she crosses the street and 3 tyrones are waiting for her

>expecting females to not be overly dramatic about everything

Avatar The Legend of Korra is the only setting that comes to mind.

The one on the far right is a cutie.

That final fantasy game with the car?

Bright (not the game though), Shadowrun (moer cyberpunk than actual modern world, but still counts I guess).
In fact, I was fantacising about what would be a world that evolved to the modern tech level with fantasy folks and creatures, magic, deities always being present...

Final Fantasy settings are the only ones that come to mind. With FF15 being the most contemporary while 7/8 are more magitech dieselpunk.

Ar Tonelico
Dishonored needs just another century.


would it be that hard to adapt something like GURPS for this? Yeah sure you'd have to do some pretty serious worldbuilding but the crunch is all there, right?
I suppose magic could be hard to balance properly but you could probably do it.
Even worldbuilding can be made easier if you limit yourself to a small area, like a city or a small battle-zone.

I assume you mean 15, but at least two other ones have cars.

Business formal is summoner clothing. You gotta look sharp if you want demons to take you seriously.

8 had cars you could rent but that was only if you wanted to get through an area without getting into fights (although you could stay on the road and do that).

I kind of wish vehicles were more improtant but once you get Ragnarok nothing else mattered.

>"YOU HAVE SUMMONED I, DESSIGOTH THE DESPOILER! FOR WHAT PRICE TO YOU BARGA-... are you seriously wearing khakis and a button down to a demonic pact? What do you think this is, a job interview at the fucking GAP? Go home, dress like a professional, for fuck's sake."

>Did you seriously buy this shit at Fal-Mart? It doesn't even fit you all that well!
>Go get a tailored suit, I'm not even going to entertain the idea of barganing for your soul if you can't even spend a few measly fucking gold to get a nice tailored suit.
>Kids these days...

>devils do this until you are the most stylish person on the block but drowning in credit card debt
>by the time they'll bargain with you, fuck selling your soul for power and magic
>you'll do it for a lower interest rate

>Subsequently all the devils work for and run the same bank

"About time but guess what? I've had your number for a while now...Your Credit score I mean! HUEHUEHUE!

Eberron is late 19th/early 20th century-ish.

>banks selling your credit score to the devil

Guess I should have read the fine print, huh

If the modern nations and cultures exist, or did in the not too-recent past, making the secondary world fully dependent on the primary world as a source of world building and understanding, it's not what op means.
Shadowrun and bright are set in what is ostensibly reality. Shadowrun's world was parallel up until that truck strike, and Bright's should be very different but instead turned out exactly the same, down to shrek being made.

>the invention of poison gas, flamethrowers and advances in respiration and mining technology made short work of the violent and backwards underground dark elf strongholds and forced the survivors to join the rest of the world on the surface
>despite this the dark elves have managed to settle in their new surface life pretty well

>Monsterous creatures such as Otyughs have managed to find work in many city governments as being in charge of or working for the sanitation departments of such cities with thier nature to eat garbage and seperating out trash they can't or don't want to eat making recycling efforts very efficient

try the urban arcana setting in d20 modern

Exalted has an alternate setting (in the "Shards" book) that updates their world to a modern era.

Elemental supersoldiers were developed during the !Cold War. Satellites float high above !Mount Olympus. There are bullet trains that can take you a quarter of the way around the flat world.

It's a pretty fun setting.


Titansgrave is a campaign setting for Fantasy Age thats like a more post apocalyptic Shadowrun. lots of technology and big cities, but technology is basically magic because most people don't know how it works, or how to recreate it.

The Mistborn series of novels have a follow up series set in the same world but at roughly late 19th century technology.


She's taking a magic sefie.

Kate Daniels setting is the Post-Shift world in which magic is not only abundant it's slowly eroding the mundane world away. Skyscrapers crumble to dust unless some major mojo is owrked on them to make magic think it's a giant stone outcropping and airplanes fall out of the sky whenever magic waves hit so no more international flights.


Like Hunter x Hunter, which is basically our world with magic ?

Dreaming Cities published by Guardians of Order. Out of print but widely available.

Isn't that literally Otyugh fluff in most settings though?
They live in sewers to eat shit so the city doesn't stink like real world medieval cities?

For the most part yes, but I just take it the fact that they become integral towards a modern city where they make up an important aspect of sanitation and recyling which are not concepts you see often.