As a DM, how do you tastefully include lesbians in a setting?

As a DM, how do you tastefully include lesbians in a setting?

And as a player, how do you tastefully play a lesbian PC?

By not shining a spotlight on it.

If an NPC or PC just happens to be a lesbian, then not focus solely on that aspect and don't bring it up if no one specifically brings it up.

By making it a hot girl that makes out with all the hot girls she finds on the setting

Rehashed bait thread.
Hide, report, move on.

Go away

>As a DM, how do you tastefully include lesbians in a setting?
They exist, but are not mentioned unless someone asks.
The only right way to do it.
>And as a player, how do you tastefully play a lesbian PC?
As one would any other character.

I do it however I feel like, tasteless or not. Fuck your social standards.

Oh when it's about actual cute girls you're up in arms but when it's about hideous trannies you're okay with it?
Chop off your dick already

/co/ why do you come here to shit post your waifu bait? Go away.

Sexuality matters in sex and romance.
Is your character currently being hit on by someone or hitting on someone?
Then play your character as you would imagine her dealing with that situation.
If not, then play your character without caring about her sexuality.
Of course, this probably leaves too many holes open for the "I'm just playing my character" retards who don't know the difference between a character and a gimmick, but I'm not getting through to them anyway.


Try to seduce every single female NPC regardless of the situation. If you're the DM, every female NPC is a lesbian that tries to seduce the female PCs. If there aren't any female PCs, then make a female DMPC that sleeps with every woman they meet.

>How do you tastefully this?
>how do tastefully that?
>how tastefully inside out penis?
One of these will surely trigger them again.

this smells more like Tumblr to me

I had a lesbian character once, and only twice did it ever come up. The first time was after saving a guy from a group of cultists he started hitting on me, to which I said he wasn't my type. The second was I got charmed by some sort of water nymph, which could only effect those who were attracted to it.

>These two women are gay.

>By the way, my character is gay.

Have them burned att the stake if commoners. Marry them off to old noblemen or send them to convents if they are of higher status.

>be the only female character in the party
>she is PUREST LOVE but keeping it hush because she is also HONOR and LOYALTY and tries to stay dedicated to the mission
>party rescues young princess from the cruel sort of arranged marriage
>everyone just pushes her onto my character because only female makes sense for her to take care of the girl
>mfw /ll/ is my greatness weakness and they reemphasize the girl being primarily in my character's care at the bathhouse

Urge to make bad decisions rising

You too go away.

What's the difference these days?

/co/ is filled to the brim with threads about how THE JEWS are ruining western animation.
The place is really more /pol/ than Tumblr if you ask me

The only one posting in here is /pol/ trying to rile folks up

like I said in the last 'tastefully include [SJW bait]' thread: the abomination creature-type exists for a reason.

Homosexuality is a mental illness.

>the abomination creature-type exists for a reason
It no longer does in 5e

but it still exists

my bad; 'aberration.' 'monstrosity' also works.

you play a woman who's attracted to women
it's not hard you inbred rockbrain

Yes, but it shouldn't.

Then do something about it

Just don't be "in your face" with it.
Have some woman casually mentioned that her wife is sick at home, then don't dig deeper unless the players start it themselve.


Do it faggot and tell us what heppens.

As long as Muslims are throwing faggots off of rooftops, we don't have to.

Once played a character like that
only that she was straight

I played a lesbian PC once after some prodding from the GM In that I didn't give her a sexuality, but given her history with men and the people she had graviated towards in her backstory, it made sense

Nothing much came of it, really. She got very angry when we went to the not!redneck church continent which was BURN THE IMPURE, THE HOMOSEXUAL, THE WITCH AND THE MAGIC USER and punched their head priest in half. An NPC flirted with her once and she panicked and ran up a wall and tried to hide on the ceiling

We play a lot of campaigns through roll20 and we just started Tomb of Annihilation. We're all guys and I noticed we had no humans or female characters so I tried to do both. Had an idea to make a teenage archfey warlock who got her powers from a unicorn and wants to be a plucky knight adventurer. i even planned to emulate the paladin in the party. instead all the guys started sexually harassing the girl because she was a girl. they didnt even roleplay it they just said dumb shit like "Hey we need to make money why dont you prostitute yourself" and "I sexually harass you". I hope my group sees this

I once played a gay Drow
He tried to prostitute himself for extra cash
with mixed results

You can't. A game with sex is already without taste. Defining your character by what they rub their junk against is lazy, one dimensional, and tacky.