Who's the meaniest, toughest, oldest bastard in your setting?

Who's the meaniest, toughest, oldest bastard in your setting?

Filbert Boozeman III is a drunken hill dwarf druid who was abandoned by Filbert Boozeman II as a child. Filbert hates strumpets with a passion because his mom was one and because he lost all of his money buying them. He was last seen by his hometown walking into a forest drunk, and talking to animals in a slurred voice. Filbert now wanders aimlessly but is attracted to chaos and alcohol like a fly is to a lamplight.

The Elder dwarf traveling with the party at the moment. He's a senile, ugly boulder of a dorf, that the king has entrusted to the party, because he's showing signs of sapience again after 400 years of hanging around the wine cellar. He was mostly just acting like a bloodhound for the beer the goblins stole from the dwarfhold, but now the party's main goal is to try and help him recover his full memory.

Hopefully that will lead to more adventures in traveling West tot the Not!Eastern Roman Empire

>white belt
isn't that tanahashi's?

This old goblin sargeant called Skriak Gutspiller

Originally hired as a grunt along with a band or orcish mercenaries to fight for a fantasy version of Venice, as his first piece of action, he went trough a particularly ugly skirmish and was the only one in the band left alive to tell the tale, was then embedded in one of the regular army's scout batallion, where he learned some advanced survival skills and earned a reputation for ruthlessness along with his last name.

After the war, and a bunch of decorations, he was granted citizenship for his outstanding service and formally joined the regular armies of the republic, was made an instruction sargeant and is quite happy in his position, so much so that he never once asked for a promotion in his 300 years of service, has the tendency to put his trainees trough hellish training and beating them regularly in sparring fights, he justifies this by saying "if an old little bastard like me can beat them, how do they expect to face off against a fucker covered in steel?"

Vann Doran, a vandal knight who became immortal so he could continue living forever, fighting the greatest warriors in the land. He's well over a hundred years old, and despite getting his shit kicked in countless times, comes back nastier than before and ready to rumble

Shit, i didn't mean to put that picture there.

Is Skriak Gutspiller the party's drill sergeant? Because that sounds awesome.

Suzuki beat Tanahashi for it in the most recent major show.

Stat him, or get your skull spiked into the mat with a piledriver.

Zachery Warren, a cantankerous drunk and a mountain of a man (in height and breadth), also the last practitioner of a forbidden martial art which allows a person to flood their body with the energy of their own soul to dramatically increase physical speed and power. At his peak, he was a national hero, but three decades of alcoholism have taken him out of public awareness.

>suzuki-sama will never slap the taste out of your mouth and then recruit you into suzuki-gun

Some dickhead lich, by default.

Jesus, that was one of the stiffest punches I've ever seen in wrestling.
Did Hanson train him?

A spry Fey creature called Limwek the Trick

A gleeful poet about the size of a dwarf with a elegantly hooked nose parading about the mortal realm equipped only with a pipe and a decent pair of (stolen) moccasins.

Shrouded in folklore and mythos, he is said to be one of the few people to make a Demon Lord cry. When in battle, foes find that any attempt to attack him directly is met with ludicrously improbable misfortune or his size-changing pipe.

Not counting all the canon characters in Shadowrun I'm just going to use my own creations.

Dwarf Decker who's entire skull has been replaced with a computer to boost his logic. Was in the Denver Nexus during crash 2.0 and has since never gone back to the matrix. Is hold out on a freighter ship, wields an assault cannon.

Karl Gotch actually

>He became immortal
>So he could continue living forever
You know what, good on him for just coming out and saying it instead of insisting he had some lofty quest in mind, I kinda respect that.

Just as bad. I miss a lot of the big proresu stars of the 80s and 90s. The current crop just don't have the same draw.

Puro just adapted to the current era, bishi prettyboys are what's hot now and considering the shitshow era that came before that ain't changing any time soon

was part of the party's ranger's background, I added him into the game because it sounded too awesome

>slap HIS taste out of your mouth

He is The One, in the Matrix sense.

He realized he was in a simulation and is trying to break out of it. However, he refuses to believe the truth that everything outside the sim is dead - as in, heat death of the universe dead.

The simulation is running on the only functional power source able to outlast entropy, which came to fruition too late to save life, but soon enough to save consciousness. The simulation is the last light in a dead universe, and The One struggles to shut it down even as the administrator AI struggles to stop him within its limitations. The creator of the program anticipated the AI might to rogue and kill everyone, but not that someone might break the program from within itself.

At this point, The One has become a gestalt consciousness joined with his cult members, a sort of wetware AI that rivals the administrator and has begun to corrupt other world-instances within the simulation. Ironically, he has lost the very humanity he sought to take back by escaping the sim.

As for the toughest bastard in the setting within a setting that the players are actually aware of, that'd be the avatar of the god of war - a literally retarded half-orc golem-cyborg.

>Lord Marshal Rickert, the Crucified
Originally a gregarious priest who was fond of driving demons from their poor hosts with his fists and raucous insults. He was later crucified for the sin of lycanthropy. However, through faith and fury alone, he survived for a week before he tore himself off of the cross. The Church, never before witnessing such a display of faith, especially from one previously considered to be damned, made him headmaster of their new order of paladins, tasking him with leading their righteous charges, as well as their daily prayers. He's been around for a little over a hundred years, still preaching to his congregation by daylight, and hunting down the enemies of the church by moonlight. Reportedly, he is still very much conscious within his beastial form, and outdrank the commander of a mercenary unit during a lull in a recent siege.

Clover. A Haggard old assassin who's pulled off hundreds of kills over 50 years of work. The name strikes fear into the hearts of many.

Until you get to know her. She's a kind old lady if you don't piss her off.

Pretty boys do have a strong place ... but every company still has it's tough bastards (and old tough bastards) and it's big beasts, most only big by japanese sizes but a few who are actually big, like Shuji Ishikawa.

I honestly don't know who I'd rather have as a character in an RPG, young ridiculously handsome Suzuki still taking lessons from the best.

Or manga reading old bastard who doesn't give a fuck.

Hmm, could have one character based on each I guess.


Odochek Ankle-Biter. He's one of the oldest beings in the world period and by far the oldest orc. He's fought in basically every war that's lasted long enough for him to get to it, against both sides. He's absolutely massive at this point (my orcs are kind of like lobsters or Orks in that they never stop growing until they get killed or get so big they just can't support themselves) and is basically a walking natural disaster. He's survived to the very ripe age of eight thousand years due to a combination of sheer spite and the feat that earned him his name. He basically tried to fight the mountain range sized boar that is the creator god of the orcs after arriving in the afterlife, and managed to tear out a chunk of God-flesh with his teeth. The act was ballsy enough to get Grandfather Boar's attention (something even his fellow old gods have trouble doing) and amusing enough that he kicked Odochek back to the mortal world to see what happens. The godflesh has sustained him for ages now, meaning he doesn't have to worry about food or water or sleep, or anything other than the next fight.

He almost couldn't be happier. His only regret is that it seems like nobody has the skill nor the balls to kill him he won't get to challenge Grandfather to a rematch for quite some time

what a beautiful man

Eh, there's still a handful of big angry fuckers and even Okada is very tall by Japan standards. Reminder that the Tongans are the best current Bullet Club members, those spot monkey Elite guys can suck it. Except maybe Page. Page is cool.

Oh certainly, Vann Doran isn't some manipulative super villain with greater aspirations, he just wants to fight forever. Which shows just how skilled and smart he is when he decided "I wanna keep fighting strong foes forever" and then he wandered off and came back immortal.

EVIL is still best boy in all of NJPW tho

In my Only War game? The Lord Commisar, He has saved and been saved by the Squad about 4 times, and each time came close to death, with him being critted at least twice and losing his right hand and a chunk of his jaw.

Los Ingobernables is the hyper rare quintuple Michaels.

He is a treasure.



He's still pretty good tho

been digging all this good taste on Veeky Forums lately suzuki is GOAT