Tell me, why do you hate the Tau so much?

Tell me, why do you hate the Tau so much?

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Because I don’t think they fit the setting if 40k and because they bring in a type of player I hate.

I don't, they actually have led to great matches.

Still salty about the devil fish shit that happened a while back. Also because Tau players tend to mostly be assholes about what's over powered and what's not. Not so much in 8th but still.

Man I love the Tau. One of my favorite factions. They contrast with the setting, but in a complementary way. Sort of an outlet for new tech in an otherwise technologically stagnant setting.

It's the primaris marines or tyranid that I don't think fit and the whole game would be just fine without.

Because they are damn monkey fish frog men! Plus they are Xeno!!!

I dislike the color blue, also, foreheads are icky, melt your helmet onto your face permanently like a real man.

Nids have been around for almost thirty years though. They are the setting.

Because they're so damn stupid. Of all big factions only craftworlders and exodites don't try to fuck them over, and still they keep falling for it.

Doesn't matter how long they have been a part of it. I still think the game could do without them. The game already has enough "horrors from beyond", tyranid are just redundant.

Nids' entire concept is retarded by now. Well you can have your ravenous swarms blindside Imperium once, but second time they're ought to be exterminated whole long before any make planetfall. Or nom the Imperium once and for all.
But none of that's going to happen, as the Imperium is the favourite faction, and Tyranid players are the ones retarded or driven enough to keep buying the shitton of minis. Well, I'm night/red gobbo and skaven player myself, but I at least have the excuse that no model in my army looks the same, if equally haphazard.

Cept genestealers, they're the only awesome thing about nids, and thing that got me into Warhammer in the first place, though I stayed for incredible customisation of O&G vehicles.

playerbase's generally shit

Because they're the new "The thing people will look back and laugh at"

Look at this stupid fucking thing.

It's like 40k wasn't a parody!

If it’s stupid and a parody, it’s still stupid.

>I never really started playing 40k for real, but bought some Tau years ago.

>Look at this stupid fucking thing.

What the fuck IS that stupid fucking thing? That's ugly as shit.

They came out just as I was getting comfortable with the first army I ever bought (Dark Eldar) and were so obnoxiously cheesy they made me give up playing 40k tabletop altogether.

>but second time they're ought to be exterminated whole long before any make planetfall

They do TRY to do this

>They do TRY to do this
Not annihilating their organic, biomass-bearing an therefore extremely shitty warp-incapable bloatships long before they enter any given system
Drown them in Guardsmen HURR
HTH the Swarmführer DURR
Inquisitor Derpmann calls Exterminatus on the planet.

How can you be any more retarded in dealing with space bugs?

It has always remind me of the Soviet KV-2 only that the Stormsurge.

>Not annihilating their organic, biomass-bearing an therefore extremely shitty warp-incapable bloatships long before they enter any given system

The fleet jumps from system to system via gravity wells. They then spend a few weeks floating towards planets. Attacking their ships sounds easy but the swarm is usually surrounded by thick spore clouds making it hard to hit, theres billions of ships. They have tonnes of long range weaponry for shooting down inc ballistics or ships.

It is the best solution but its not as easy as you are making out at all

They have enough weaponry to destroy planets, even stars, and while it may be inconvenient enough against normal aliens and heretics no cloud's going to stop a proper application, besides, it's hard to get and maintain a decent screen saturation in space, while explosions get disproportionally bigger. All else fails, they could just build a giant ray/narrow cone weapon, star-power it, they have the tech, and set it in approach systems. Cost-wise it would be way more efficient than anything else they do against tyranids.

I don't. I like them and I don't really thing they contrast the setting too bad. I don't play them but I dig they're aesthetic

>Not annihilating their organic, biomass-bearing an therefore extremely shitty warp-incapable bloatships long before they enter any given system
how exactly

>blot out interstellar communication and make warp travel extremely difficult in an enormous radius
exactly what the fuck is your average system defense picket (generally suited to fighting a single cruiser-class vessel) supposed to do against a hive fleet?

Because its harder to hold the maps after I've taken them due to their lack of dedicated turret.

I don't buy that they "don't fit the setting". Just about everything fits in 40k.

The problem is the fanbase mostly, and the fact that the edgelords don't like a morally good faction.

Epic Armageddon had a canon KV-2

The army has always been really easy to cheese with. Markerlights were also one of those early options that can create wambo combos. The result was, just spam crisis suits and go max cheese. No one uses fire warriors, kroot, vespids or the more colorful choices.

In the fluff, GW wrote them in such a way where they will always win or all die. Nothing meaningful can happen to them except loser characters dying off and as a result they always seem like a mary sue.

The result is they have a history of being kind of lame. The one nice thing GW did was make them sinister commie dicks vs stereotype good guys.

They warp the game too much

Their shtick is that they are only good in the shooting phase and it creates alot of balancing problems when an army faction can only do well in one of the three interacting phases of the game; the others being psychic and melee.

>why does that matter?
Because they either end up shit or game breakingly powerful. Both are pretty shit options.

It IS a little bland.

Personally, I feel like the Tau need an IFV option. Crisis are fine and dandy, but the Devilfish doesn't have enough firepower to justify its cost particularly in its role to transport and support firewarriors in the capture of objectives.

I gotta say, nothing about this says Warhammer.

Imperium does have weapons that can't destroy a planet or star, but only by chain reaction, that's the reason why you can't use cyclonic torpedos against any chaos or ork fleet; a weapon that destabilize a plasma or magma ball don't do more damage for other things.

Because I base my knowledge of them off regurgitated memes and have never actually read their lore. Also, they beat my Marines so they're a bunch of mary sues.

>Just about everything fits in 40k
This actually kind of bugs me. I realize the point is to make money, but they try so hard to capture every audience possible it's just weird. Literal space Templars in an empire that eliminated Christianity? What the fuck?

Because their society is far far worse than anything the Imperium has, their vision for the universe is more horrifying and depressing than the Imperium, and their ideology viscerally disgusts me to my core.

Farsight Enclaves are fucking sweet though and I adore them.

I don't get why anyone thinks the Tau are good guys, mainline Tau are far more villainous than the Imperials, they just hide it under a shiny presentation.

Give them warp capability already so they can lose faraway colonies without the whole Empire suffering a collapse.

That, they aren't just blind killing machines (orks, necrons, nids) or people trying to do their best in terrible conditions (imperium, chaos, eldar or even dark eldar), the tau don't have chaos gods, enemies on all sides, they aren't evil because of need, but because they chose to be evil.

Implying tau are a thread for empire or any other major faction, they barely have 100 planets.

This perspective makes them sound like a great addition to the setting.

Cause I hatelCommies

Their Greater Good is so nondescript it implies a lack of true, clear morality. How many terrible deeds can be justified in the name of this Greater Good? How many good? If anything can be justified, then you can rely on them for nothing.

Warhammer 40k has some grindark, evil thing, but tau is just to twisted:

The imperium of man is not evil, it don't chose to be narrow and ban science,it's a necessity caused by the men of iron revolt in DAoT, it didn't chose to kill it own population, it's a necessity caused by chaos taint, it didn't chose be in permanent total war, it's a necessity in a war galaxy.
The Eldar are not evil, they do whatever they can to escape eternal doom and create some sort of future, even the fucked up dark eldar are forced by slanesh to act like this.
The Orks are not evil, at least by an Ork view, most Orks live a happy live, filled only with fight.
Nids aren't evil, they just don't have minds.
Chaos is arguably genuinely evil, but every chaos god has positive aspects, Nurgles is about family and compassion, Khrone is about honor, discipline and sacrifice, Slaanesh is about art, happiness and joy, Tzeentch is about hope, change and reason too.

But Tau, Tau aren't forced to be a dictatorship, they don't have the need to escape from slaanesh, they don't have to be in war all the time, they don't have to genocide against the taint of chaos,... and yet they chose to be fucked up.

Incompetence and evil are very distinct things.

I hated them for the longest time. I have beaten then and lost against them. But I at least respected them on the battlefield. A good Tau player can be a real challenge on the field.

What I hate is how poorly they are marketed. I think the book The Greater Evil and the stories of Farsight really show just how fucked up the Tau are. In a society where the collective is more important than the individual, and when an individual gets to the point where he can be a threat to the system of communism (like Farsight) you see just how terrible the Tau actually are. They think they are good (not unreasonable, every person is the hero of their own story) but the way GW markets them is that the 'greater good' makes them good in a universe of horrific evil. But what they dont tell you is that the Tau ethereals are the Stalin and Mao.

Reading the books about Farsight, and auxiliary stories show that the space communists are so utterly naive and unprepared for just how brutal the universe is. And when Farsight start's to see the bigger picture (after the Domacles Gulf crusade) and views just how fucked the Tau are, he bugs off to start his own enclave.

I started up a Tau army under the Farsight banner because Farsight has seen how bad things really are and he is going his own path to save the Tau. Even Shadowsun (being the bootlicker she is) is getting the inklings of whats wrong with the Tau.

I still play all my imperium armies, but I have a sizeable Tau force under the farsight colors.

Metal... Gear?
Damn it.
Because they don't share their blue skinned space babes.

Because they're just too damn cute.

>nondescript it implies a lack of true, clear morality.
Its hyper utilitarian, which is a clear morality.

>If anything can be justified, then you can rely on them for nothing.
I think the saying you're reaching for is "If anything can be justified, then they can justify everything."

I like the Tau from their doctrine to their look. Their best part is they're a perfect foil for everything else in 40k.

>If anything can be justified, they can justify everything
That's it! And they do, don't they? After all, it's all... for THE GREATER GOOD.

>Its hyper utilitarian
They have a totalitarian state based on a strict principle, the imperial truth has more room for utilitarianism than the greater good

reminder that female Tau are canonically nothing like human women an look exactly like the Tau men save for a vagoo.

>imperial truth has more room for utilitarianism
How does that fit with the countless examples of the Imperium doing things because of tradition, ignorance, or superstition?

Plus, Utilitarianism isn't mutually exclusive with a totalitarian state. Most accurately, I'd call the Tau Empire a pseudo-theocratic totalitarian state with the state religion being The Greater Good.

>How does that fit with the countless examples of the Imperium doing things because of tradition, ignorance, or superstition?
Some rare times the imperium do thing based on utilitarianism, that's far more than what I can say of Tau, every single action they do is for the greater good.

>imperial truth has more room for utilitarianism than the greater good
>Some rare times the imperium do thing based on utilitarianism
Contradict each other.

>what I can say of Tau, every single action they do is for the greater good.
And this means the Tau are hyper utilitarian in their actions.

Are you ok user, do you need some water and a nap? You're arguing against yourself.

If you consider a strict and fanatical ideology, with no room for actual utilitarianism, as "utilitarian", maybe tau can be utilitarian

How do you figure the Tau aren't utilitarian?

The Greater Good means the greatest good for the greatest amount of people. That's nearly the dictionary definition of utilitarianism.

The Imperial ideal outcome is one where humanity enters a new golden age, where oppression and fear are no longer needed tools, where people live free and prosperous lives, so long as they still revere the Emperor and don't start any revolutions.

The Tau ideal endgame is one where every single person who is not an Ethereal is essentially enslaved, doing the one job they were born to do, without question, until they die, living a life of creature comforts, constant propaganda and zero free will or choice.

The Imperium is oppressive, heavy handed and restrictive because it has been forced to become so due to the horrific necessities of their universe. The Tau Empire has become so by free choice.

When the Imperium does something horrible, they do it with a grimace and a sigh that such a thing is necessary.

When the Tau do something horrible, they do it with a smile and tell you it's for your own good.

The average Tau citizen's quality of life is a lot higher than their counterpart in the Imperium.

Ends don't always justify the means.

The ONLY good Tau are the Viet-Cong-Tau we made up that one time

They don't have chaos, total war, problems with orks, nids or necrons (at least in a considerable scale), they are basically DAoT mankind, or pre-fall eldar, but instead of some paradise society, they are busy enslaving every no etheral

>basically DAoT mankind, or pre-fall eldar
What? No fucking way. They're no where near either of those. If you really think that, you're seriously over estimating the Tau or underestimating DAoT or the Eldar Empire.

While yes, the Tau Empire is a lot smaller the point stands. Their citizens have a far better quality of life; the technology they use to multiply their work force allows for this - just as one example.

I'm not talking about current state of affairs, but what they want the galaxy to be like.

If the Imperium 'wins' 40k forever, they would make a pretty damn nice place to live. Sure not everyone will be equal and there will always be shit jobs but at least you're free.

If the Tau win they will make an Orwellian oppression state. It might be fairly comfy but it will be an invasive, all encompasing police state where everyone does the exactly one job they were assigned at birth until they die.

Not that they have that level of knowledge, but humans and eldar, when not forced by dire circumstances did great thinks, republics, free thinking and expression.. if was not because of chaos they would continue that path, but the Tau simple chose slavery as their path

>Flyers crashing and burning
>Tank shocking to flush infantry back
>Blast templates
>Using wrecks as cover

For all the good 8e has brought us, I do miss some of the flavourful rules from earlier editions.

Even if Orks or eldar or even necrons "win" 40k, the universe would be a nicer place to live.

I don't. They're cool. Pussies with shit melee, but fluff-wise and aesthetically they're a'ight. Cute and fun to bully.

They traded individual free will for the benefit for the society.

Its like ants or bees, highly ordered but no freedom.

>If the Imperium 'wins' 40k forever, they would make a pretty damn nice place to live.

Nice headcanon.

The only two "good" things about tau is that they make populations sterile instead of conventional genocide and they have the word good on they ideology.

As you and the others have explained, their society is not one where a man ought to be. Any man that chooses Tau security over the Emperor's Freedom deserves a bullet in the head.

>surpasses everyone else in tech because lol greater good and morals surpass everyone
>fandrawings draw them with attractiveness and tits even though they look like beef jerky painted blue
all the things i hate. in one convenient hatable package

>deserves a bullet in the head.
And that's what those man will rightfully get

Kinda unfun to play

It's impossible to hate Shas'o Kais


Nice sword Gue'la
>raughs at you in plasma

Yeah, in a sense it is slavery. But you know, I'd rather be a slave to the Tau than a "free man" under the Imperium.
Whatever you think of the Ethereals, they seem to genuinely believe that it is best if their populations live comfortably, and don't have horribly limited views on the use of robotics to achieve such a state.

The man offered ORKS a chance to surrender. He is the embodiment of all that is good in the universe.

I don't know who you're talking about, but since when has that stopped hate?

What's with this ebin new meme? What's the unifying aesthetic of 40K that every faction has besides tau?

"Convert or die" the exactly same chaos would say

>Tau don't have enemies on all sides

False, they're caught between an Ork Waagh and a Tyranid hivefleet.

not looking anime, mostly.

What colour is Tau blood?

>False, they're caught between an Ork Waagh and a Tyranid hivefleet.
Minor WAAAGH! and small split fleet

Atleast you have a choice, Imperium is just "die".


It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself.

>Ork warlord invading our colony surrender so we dont have to kill you.
is the same as

Sick meme defense user, but it's equally meaningless. Hell, you could level the same claim against Eldar. Pic related looks a bit similar to Wraithlords/knights, and I could find dozens of other examples if I really wanted to.

Papa Nurgle is far nicer than anything tau can offer

Everyone else is depressing as shit, many players find that Tau are too optimistic for this grimdark galaxy

God, that is really cringey to read. All the imperial memespeak in it just make it worse.

I'm just saying, they literally come from the EASTERN quadrant of the galaxy. There are no cardinal directions in space. They were meant to be weebs at least at first.

>1984: The Race
>Not depressing/grimdark


They castrate humans

Don't cite at me, I know damned well about that shit. I am just parroting the most common complaint that I hear.

In a non-canon ending to one game, sure

My take on it was that the Tau were just one of hundreds on minor xeno empire that should be no threat to mankind but because of the Imperiums distraction and incompetence have been allowed to survive to become a major player, basically an example of the decay of the Imperium.