Childhood is idolizing Malfurion. Adulthood is realizing Maeiv was right

Childhood is idolizing Malfurion. Adulthood is realizing Maeiv was right.

I mean you're right, but where were you going with this OP?

Illidan did nothing wrong.

Maeiv kinda reminds me of pic related, except Gaeta was actually likeable.

Man, Felix got the short end of the stick. It's such bullshit that being a resistance informant didn't mean anything because people needed someone to blame and he was guilty by association.

I always liked him and his dumb cat tattoo.

right for imprisoning/killing illidan or right for letting them hunters out? sounds like im missing some legion lore

Childhood is idolizing Arthas. Adulthood is realizing Bolvar is the leader we need.

I know, loved the whole arc and actually felt sorry for him, even after what he did.

It stopped...

>Bolvar is the leader we need
Exactly. Not Varian.

Has Bolvar actually done anything other than sit on his ass and act like a chucklefuck to players in Legion?

She was right but her approach was retarded and she let her jealousy towards Tyrande interfere

hey wait, where are the traditional games?


funny way how to spell everything

Thisalee Crow is best nelf. I want to see more of her in BfA, possibly stabbing treacherous Nightborne in Ashenvale.

Does red dragon holocaust count?

it never happened

Adulthood is realising her name is spelled Maiev.

Yeah, right.

who the hell idolizes arthas?
he's basically a greek tragic hero
Amazing Ruler, Cool Warrior, Swole Paladin
Duty and Honor above all else -> Vengeance -> Hatred -> Downfall
yes, aspiring to certain traits of Arthas is understandable, but isn't his tale a cautionary one?

>not wanting to rise and fall like a greek hero
A true man experiences both the ecstasy and agony of existence

Not really? Arthas was a stereotypical Chad, self-centred and self-assured, and these quantities came to bite him in the arse. I have no idea what possessed you to call him an amazing ruler, or cool. If anything, he was an irresponsible hothead.

Hubris IS the traditional downfall of a tragic hero.

But it's completely the opposite

All night elves are unlikeable cunts tbqh.

Childhood is agreeing with Uther&Jaina. Adulthood is realizing that Stratholme had to be purged.


Childhood is thinking the modrons are too systematic, adulthood is realizing they had the right to march through the preestablished routes

If TES is allowed to linger here, Warcraft is too.

He was also an autistic fuck that misinterpreted shit to be insults.

Arthas was abandoned by two of the most important people in his life when he needed them the most.

That's what RL chads do all the time though?

Father and?

>>Father and?
jaina and uther

Uther and Jaina

Uther was his father/mentor figure and idol. Jaina was the love of his life and a very close friend.

He did his PR horribly. With what we know about how he handled outland from the illidan novel, literally everything that went wrong for illidan during BC could've been solved by having 1 guy take a few minutes to talk to someone.

But because illidan didn't have any sense he just decided that PR isn't a worthwhile investment for his operation.

>Jaina and uther
>the city is going to become a spooky undead army
>"N-no, there's a better way."

The Forsaken are so horribly written but still has such a huge fan base....That I will never understand. What ever blizz did to harness their autism its working

sunk cost fanboyism

Are you for real? He abandoned them and common sense they represented, threw a teenage temper tantrum and fucked off, Odyn style, to do his own thing.

He also explained fuck all and went straight to 'I'm your king, do what I say!' (Among other things, to someone who's not a subject of his kingdom) when they questioned if his 'Kill everyone' plan was the right thing to do.

Arthas is not a smart guy.

They are not horribly written at all. They're edgelord antiheroes with a very appealing aesthetic. Veeky Forums likes to pretend it's the worst thing ever, even though it likes even cringier things, but the truth is that this is far from bad writing, this archetype has been popular at least since Milton and still is.

In the book Uther praised Arthas for holding out until Uther could reinforce him. Arthas took it as an insult.

Jaina said Mal'ganis was baiting Arthas into a trap in Northrend. Arthas immediately says she betrayed him.

Terenas said he was proud of Arthas during his paladin ceremony. Arthas took it to mean his dad was never proud of him before.

He was an autistic fuck.

People always shit on the final season (deservedly), but the mutiny arc was fantastic

Sounds less 'Autistic' and more 'Severe inferiority complex'. Either way, not stable.

>arthas is frustrated by his inability to stop the plague and people are dying left and right.
>a huge city is proven to be infected and it falling prey would be prove that this plague is beyond the king's control and reflect badly
>arthas proposes something radical and its pretty obvious he is losing it
>uther antagonizes him and tries to bully him to stop
>after seeing uther getting pushed away jaina choses to look away when she knows that he needs help
>only after arthas is done does she come back to see the damage, when she couldve slowed him down and limit the damage
>neither offer any alternative like a quarantine. And you know what the first thing is that uther says after he sees his fallen protegee? That he is a piece of shit, no sadness, no regret, no despair, no, he fucking tells arthas he is a piece of shit. Uther is a manchild who believes he can save everyone and doesnt bear any responsibility.

He was an egomaniac, not autistic. It also entails severe communication problems because you think, erroneously, that everything revolves around you.

>uther antagonizes him and tries to bully him to stop
Seriously? Uther tried to "bully" Arthas?

And of course neither of them offered an alternative, they didn't KNOW that the plague caused undeath until Arthas dropped that bomb on them and then sperged out when they were reluctant to commit a mass slaughter then and there. So much could have been different if he'd just given them five minutes to process that information.

>neither offer any alternative like a quarantine
It doesn't help that listening to what Uther had in mind never even crossed Arthas' mind. It's his way or high way.

? Uther was right though his way of stopping the plague was better instead of just charging into the demons into traps so they can further corrupt you. If arthas never got corrupted the Lich King would lose powers and the mindless undead hordes could in time be repelled by Arthas and his men. Lets not forget stuff like the AshBringer were also forged that could destroy entire thousands of scourge with one swing.

Whats nathanos end game?

Is he actually loyal to sylvanas?

He shows zero love for the forsaken.....

jaina was traveling with arthas and saw the connection between the grain and the plague.
Arthas was angry and felt like he couldnt do anything to make the suffering stop. So he gives them the order to purge, uther, as his senior, shouldve hit the brake and suggest an alternative. Instead he just tells arthas he would never do that and arthas should stop being a dick and never even consider himself uther's master. Arthas rightfully understands at that moment uther is a dead weight. A relic of a bygone age where they fought orcs. He told the old fat pig to fuck off and go away.

Autism is also being socially challenged which he is being very much so in those situations.

>neither offer any alternative like a quarantine. And you know what the first thing is that uther says after he sees his fallen protegee? That he is a piece of shit, no sadness, no regret, no despair, no, he fucking tells arthas he is a piece of shit.

Well, at that point Arthas had killed his own father and destroyed his own kingdom so...yeah. Fuck that guy.

I love that the first thing Arthas does after usurping the throne is revive his childhood horse friend.

Jaina knew about the connection between the grain and the plague, but not about the connection between the plague and undeath. Arthas only found out about that -just- after she teleported out of Hearthglen to get help.

Yeah and Arthas had explained approximately zero of that to the other two. 'You guys, help me kill all these healthy looking people before they become undead! Despite undeath literally never working like this before now, I'm sure I'm right! What? You don't wanna just randomly kill people because I told you to? Well fuck off and die!'

>a new thread appears and begins horribly ravaging his homelands
>Arthas gets increasingly more jaded as the death toil grows
>after a particularly horrifying siege during which he barely held out, he's reasonably exhausted and frustrated and Uther's line does seem to low-key take the piss out of him despite holding out with a far inferior force
>sees that a giant fucking city is fully corrupted and that a gigantic undead army will form in the heart of their fucking kindom and cut a swathe right through it
>knows there is no time to be lost, needs to both stop it and spare the people a horrible death
>Uther stalls like a retard and acts high and mighty despite not being at ground zero like Arthas has
>Arthas finally loses his shit after all he's been through
>Uther and Jaina abandon him and almost damn Lordaeron then and there
>Arthas barely managed to save the land
>goes to Northrend to hunt the one responsible
>there he meets a legendary hero who bolsters his forces
>surely Uther and Jaina, who saw that he was COMPLETELY right about Stratholme, came with their forces and assured that Mal'Ganis would be crushed
>nope, Uther undermines him once more by calling of his expedition despite Arthas being right about literally everything up to that point
For sure Arthas was the one at fault, not those two stuck-up cunts.

He was an undead Gordon Ramsey before the writers made him obsessed over Sylvanas.

Yeah but Autism isn't all types of being socially challenged.

>surely Uther and Jaina, who saw that he was COMPLETELY right about Stratholme, came with their forces and assured that Mal'Ganis would be crushed

Actually, they never did since know, killed all the people. The only undead that were seen there were the ones already part of the scourge/working with Ma'Ganis. This even holds up during the WoW back in time event, where you literally never see a person turn during the entire event.

He threw away his soul and fell right into Ner'zhul's trap, and at no point did he listen to anyone who mentioned he might need to actually THINK before acting, or do things ethically.

There are certain expectations a Paladin must meet.

Like him going to Northrend and not realizing it was a trap.

Also him killing those mercenaries he hired. They were pretty innocent and he killed them to save his own hide from being mutinied by his army.

>There are certain expectations a Paladin must meet
If Arthas didn't act Lordaeron would have fallen right then and there. There are certain expectations A KING must meet as well, and Uther's treasonous words did little to help his case. In fact, Uther is SUPER retarded, because he knew better then anyone how much Arthas loved his people, so for him to order a purge meant things were truly dire.

Was Terenas the one responsible for his son's terrible upbringing? He also mocked Medivh like a complete dick.

>despite not being at ground zero like Arthas has
Uther spent like a week wading knee-deep through zombie guts and necromancer skulls. He was the one leading the army against the Scourge's main forces.

>If Arthas didn't act Lordaeron would have fallen right then and there.

Actually, that's like the one thing that WoW has never covered with it's various historical scenarios. What would have happened if Arthas didn't act then. So the one person's word we have that it would have doomed Lordaeron (Something that Arthas did anyway) is Arthas himself, the guy arguing for the purge. So it's a bit unclear, actually.

No, there's literally no difference between arthas and bolvar as the lich king apart from a bad excuse to not be a world threat anymore. There's been no change in the moral compass of the lich king persona, as you can tell from him only helping the death knights because he hates the shit out of the burning legion, and him advising you (ordering?) to do extremely questionable things like slaughter your way through the paladin class hall and kill a bunch of red dragons just to get more dedbois for your cause.

I do find it funny that the results of that is basically 'What? The light harming us because we attacked the paladin hall? HOW COULD WE HAVE PREDICTED THIS?'

I wonder if Mal'ganis would even have revealed himself in the first place if Arthas hadn't driven Uther off.

Between Terenas, Genn and Perenolde, Eastern Kingdoms royalty is a bigger cesspit than the fucking House Lannister

What happened to Uthers ghost? It seems to be all around azeroth.....Is he actually dead or just stuck in the shadowlands.

Quite possibly not, since Arthas would have been a lot less vulnerable to manipulation with people who can understand a con as blatent as the three card monte down at the fair nearby.

Illidan was actually autistic

Best part of that game is when Tyrande lets Malfurion have it over the Illidan thing. "Fuck you, I've been running this joint for 10k years and you've been dreaming, I had to make a decision and fuck you for judging me" etc

>Hey Arthas come follow me to a land you've probably never been in personally and where I probably have loads of troops
>sure Mal'ganis

In fairness, if some hobo showed up in your living room and started raving about how you have to abandon your house and sail off into uncharted seas because of vaguely defined doom, would you listen?

Adulthood is knowing that Maeiv had an unhealthy obsession with a guy who was bad for her, and she should have moved on with her life once he was cut loose instead of chasing after him.

>the second largest city in the kingdom turning into an army of undead on top of the already grueling war with the Scourge they were a part of
>a gigantic army of zombies just spawning out of nowhere in the middle of the kingdom while their army is already occupied
Oh, they'd be just fine.

Uther had a massive army at his beck and call and didn't witness his people turning into the undead from fucking grain. Arthas also felt firsthand what it's like to be outnumbered by the Scourge, and it was not a pretty feeling.

Likely better than how the actual timeline went.

>Oh, they'd be just fine.
well its warcraft where logistics is nonexistent and the story revolves around the next thing Alex or Dave think is cool

>Loarderon gets destroyed completely
>Archimonde is summoned
>no Arthas to act as agent for Ner'Zhul to fuck over the Legion
>Legion curbstomps Azeroth

Jaina listened.

How is Archimonde summoned? They need pieces that were already removed from the board (And required Arthas to bring back) for that to happen.

after arthas burned stratholme

>and didn't witness his people turning into the undead from fucking grain
Well, exactly. Up until Hearthglen, everyone just assumed that the plague was just a means to create a lot of bodies for the necromancers to use. There was no reason for him to believe that he should defer to Arthas' knowledge on this, so of course his first reaction is going to be shock and disbelief.

Why Arthas didn't tell him when he arrived at Hearthglen is a more important question, I think.

>Loarderon is steamrolled by endless hordes of zombies led by super cunning Dreadlords
>the supermassive hordes of undead under exceedingly capable leadership proceed to do wc3 undead campaign on super-easy mode

Jaina Proudmoore still has no children

Well, her boyfriend did go and become an undead horror. Likely hard to get babies that way.

There's a WoW board game so it counts. So does Halo and a bunch of other videogames which means we can talk about them all we want.

Besides young user, you have forgotten what Veeky Forums truly stands for.

The Generalists board

I don't think their popularity has anything to do with lore.

>barely won from your brother to win the heart of your love
>go to bed 10000 years
>your girlfriend is drooling from a corner of her mouth as she talks about releasing illidan
>know your shriveled dick stands no change against illidans demon boner trained by centuries of warden rape
>tell her to keep him in the prison
Sure, furion shouldve considered bolstering their forces any way possible, but he didnt want to get cucked

kelthuzad is a powerful wizard, but Im sure they couldve gotten another lich capable of summoning the legion. Nerzhul just wanted it to be kel because he trusted him.

I'm a bit upset that she wasn't featured in the end Quest/Cinematic after Antorus.

Her link with Illidan seemed too meaningful to not be noted.

Her voice actress got throat cancer.

she just wanted to study user
Rip Theramore.

Well ain't that a bitch.

Debi Mae West does not have throat cancer. She did have throat surgery in 2016 however, and that made her unavailable for the latter parts of Legion. So they just wrote around Maiev and let her fade into the background. West spoke at Blizzcon and she's voicing Maiev again in Heroes of the Storm.

>Check out these claws!
>Check out these claws!
>Check out these claws!
>Check out these claws!
>Check out these claws!
>Check out these claws!