So how do you think it feels to be polymorhped into something...

So how do you think it feels to be polymorhped into something? Would it be stressful for the mind to be turned into an animal for example? Or what about inanimate object? Has there been any exploration on the these implications on one's psyche?

The best explanation I heard was from the drizzt books, where your old self is in the new body, but over time loses itself to the transformed thing, technically killing the previous thing and replacing it in a state where they lose themselves as they are tortured until the end or they transform completely.

Depends on if you keep your mind in the new form or not. This goes double for inanimate objects, and whether or not you can move.

If I get turned into a doll, there's a few ways it can go. If I keep my mind but can't move, I'm stuck screaming inside a plastic Hell. If I keep my mind and CAN move, I can try to salvage as much of my life as possible. If I don't keep my mind and can't move, eventually I either die (becoming both inanimate and unthinking) or I eventually don't bother thinking - dolls don't need to do that and if I'm convinced I've always been a doll, why would I question it? If I don't stay myself and CAN move, then I either end up a very tiny animatronic or something very creepy.

Another thing to consider - if my mind is being changed, are my memories being altered or removed? Do I simply forget the important moments of my life, or are they being doctored so as to fit my new circumstances?

Depends on what you're TFd into and if you keep your mind

Zeus found it good enough to turn himself and hot women into animals, so they could fuck like animals.

Maybe animals have higher sex drives than humans?


What about when you change back? Do your memories of being the thing you were transformed to get erased or do you remember your experience?

I just think that being transformed, for example, into a sheep, would be a very traumatic experience to go thru, despite how comical that would seem. However, it would certainly be very and easy for you (and perhaps somewhat lame) if you would just lose consciousness and wake up a while later in a different spot after the thing is complete.

Becoming an inanimate object and still being conscious would be horrifying. Not being able to see, hear, talk, move, or feel anything would drive you mad pretty quickly.


It is Awesome.
We were standing in front of the Council of Elder Drakes in Faerun and they were hassling us about 'Why should we get involved in in this huge dragon war?' The Fuggin' Drakenhorn has nothing to do with us.'
Then they picked on a pc I was fond of, and demanded that they give them the best item in our entire collection.

If they had demanded that I give them my prized possession, I would have happily given it to them.
But No-One picks on my Friends.
I told them "How DARE I defy the Mighty Council of Wyrms? You don't need us, you can solve this problem effortlessly!!! You should punish me for my audacity to speak this way!!! EAT ME!!

The Ancient Gold Dragon turned me into a Sheep. (pic related).
I charged forward and butted uselessly into his ankle screaming, 'Eaaaat Meee! Eaat Mee!!

The gold dragon said, "I really just wanted him to shut up!"

And that is how we recruited some of the most powerful creatures to fight the oncoming war.

I don't really know, but I'd sure like to try it, especially if the polymorph was a permanent one into a beautiful woman.

Be careful what you wish for, user, especially if reality doesn't retroactively edit your documents, making the new you a legal unperson.

why are those clothes so in focus? its weird and it bothers me. Also is this a weird creepy anime, or a sweet, cute anime?

And what happens to your stuff when you polymorhp? Why does it just disappear in every game during transformation?

Because convenience.

Most settings have you remember what it's like to be transformed, which I think is best

I tend to assume getting transformed into an inanimate object lets you keep your sense personally

Convenience for the most part, though I wouldn't say no if someone said they were trying to polymorph someone and NOT affect their clothes

Okay i only had SUSPICIONS that this was a weird fetish thing before. It would seem I had too much faith in you all.

Everything is a wierd fetish thread here. I don't know why you're surprised about this one.

Depends, I tend to assume the "Keep your mind" version of polymorph unless noted otherwise for animals, and "keep your mind and senses, but go into a kind of sleep mode without stimuli" if you're turned into an inanimate object, simple minded animals are also prone to go into a similar mental sleep mode/autopilot when sufficiently bored

Just cause it's a fetish thing doesn't mean we can't still talk about the nonfetish aspects of it alongside it

depends on
>it's magic

Normally, you'd just make some excuse that if you can polymorph in the first place, then you can still keep your mind no matter your new form.

If you want to be autistic, then it'd get horrifying fast.
>Your brain is literally changing into a sheep brain
>Your mind is incapable of returning to normal
>He tries to change you back, but he's sloppy and you're left with brain damage or something, because you can only salvage so much from the original transformation

>You get polymorphed into an inanimate object
>You are functionally dead

>pic related

Not sure where you're getting that from

In the Warcraft series, given that you lose control of your character/unit, it's implicit that the character loses all sense of self, until they return to their previous form.

In Warcraft 2, that unit was stuck as a sheep forever. Spooky.

>TF into an inflatable
Clothing/underwear TF better

What is this from?

I imagine it happens so quickly that you are you one second, and then you get really disoriented as your whole sense of self gets twisted about and then you have to sort of comprehend what happened to you in the moments after. Unless you are a druid, you don't know what its like to be a mouse so you don't know what the hell is going on.

There are three outcomes I have seen in fiction. You can technically have all of them in the same setting and blame it on slight differences in the version of the spell used, so take your pick.

Option 1 is your full mind in the new animal/thing you are. This is horrifying. The inanimate object 'I have no mouth and I must scream' thing has already been mentioned, but lets be honest here: being turned into a sheep is not much better. Imagine being a person one second and the next sudden your are small and defenseless, walking around on all fours because you HAVE NO FUCKING HANDS. And when you try to talk or scream, all that comes out is animal noises. At least you can move around and communicate somewhat, but its roughly akin to cutting off your limbs at the elbow and knee and cutting out your tongue. Thats a fuckd p thing to do to someone.

Option 2 is that your mind just sort of goes into a sleeplike state, where your human intellect is sort of there but mostly not. For most purposes, you are just an above average smart animal. Or maybe just a normal animal. This is much more merciful than 1, because you are not tortured by the understanding of what has been taken from you.

Option 3 is sort of like 2, but crueler in the long run. In Option 3, you only keep what can FIT in your new body. If you get turned into a sheep, you get as much of your intelligence and memory as the brain of a sheep can store and manage. Everything else is lost, like pouring a pitcher of water into a glass and the remainder overflowing. Even if restored to human form later, those parts of you are gone for good.

Anime name?

What's worse or better Veeky Forums, turned into an animal or turned into an object?

That depends on a few factors, see and .

What as well as what you turn into
There's probably a difference between getting turned into a cow and a dog or between a table or something like a doll, or pair of panties

Option 4: Your spirit just instinctively understands that its in a new body and after a bit of movement you can adapt quickly to your new form. It's almost as if your spirit has been in this shape before.

>Are you saying I've been a kewpie doll in a frilly dress before?

yeah baby yeah

See, that's the part where you start screaming.

>Has there been any exploration on the these implications on one's psyche?

>This gave me a chub

>Ride the pony Link

Only, /mlp/ can save you now. Leave before you contaminate the rest of us!

I only ever really like polymorph if it's kinda clever.

Maybe it's thematic, like a glutton into a pig, or a thief into gold.

Wordplay can also make it more fun. For example an item that could polymorph anything into anything, provided they were anagrams. Or something much less difficult, like change one letter, or into anything else contained in the same word.

It gets a lot more creative that way. Sure you might have been able to turn that evil spell caster into a statue, but isnt it more fun frantically throwing synonyms around and brainstorming until one of you triumphantly declares "WITCH TO BITCH"

>Expects to turn her into a dog
>Gets a hulking werewolf

This is actually several weird fetish things.

As are most umbrella fetishes

It doesn't really look like those kinds of ponies though

There's like four threads on /d/ about it, literally right now. Don't ask how I know.

We all know how

Well, basically, it's like hollywood movie stuff- It's not actually as involved and properly thought out as it should be.

If it's regular polymorphing via trained magic, it's abstract, and more like a VR heset interactive experience
If it's a perma one of this, you're going to feel weird as fuck, and slowly the hormones hemispheres of the brain, the amgydala, all shift towards the states of the chosen form, for ill or for gain.

Then there's the shifters, who are basically the perma's but are used and trained in changing, they're actively thinking about what warps, changes, grows and forms, playing an animation out in their heads as it goes along.

Then there's shapechangers- whom, barring oozes, don't FEEL the above at all, such actions are an extension of themselves, and it's often closer to the kind of split second Skinwalker Mind blank shit you see due to quantum lower layer dimension mechanics.

Actual involved polymorphing deserves system shocks for creatures chosen- because I.E turning someone into an Illithid is technically enough for them to literally have their heads explode/go insane because in less than a second, you just put them through cerebromorphis/into a body of untampered Psionic power per the stuff in the Illithiad about Illithids risking head explosion due to certain conditions caused by the trauma of the host bodies transformation/partial personalities/other