So how many Veeky Forumsraelies are actually wealthy or millionaires from ETH...

So how many Veeky Forumsraelies are actually wealthy or millionaires from ETH? Knowing it was shilled very hard since 2016 and early, when it was in the single digits. Did you held? Share your stories.

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Reporting in. Hodling from $2.

How much? Did you sell any in stages or something?

Hodling from $3. Only bought 50 at the time cause i was a poor post-college kid. I'm hanging onto these babies until they hit 10k. Cash out my half mill and after Uncle Sam gets done touching me inappropriately hopefully be able to buy a decent house in cash.

Latefag here, bought in at $300 but already more than doubled my money so I ain't even mad

Does anyone have FUD from when this was at $2?

Bought when it was 7$(like it always was), then sold at 43 and fomod back in at 180. So far I am 50x on crypto since december 2016. Not very good I know, but it is still 50x

Bought 20 at $50, not wealthy but ill take it

Good man. Strong hands.

I actually made this thread after finding this

How many did you buy back then?

Wish I had at least 10 ETH.

Withdrew some of my earnings to pay off my student debts so ethereum unironically made my life a lot better than it would have been without. Something like 10 years of servitude to the department of education, gone. All thanks to $600 a few years ago. Thanks Veeky Forums we're all gonna make it.

Plans from here are to save for a nice down payment and also to buy some cheap coins that might Moon one day.

Still holding some from when it was below 10. Sold most of my stash, but managed to hop on NEO, OMG, REQ and a few others early on. Comfy as fuck.

Hey ETH fags i've been trading ETH for alts always, NEVER BTC faggotry

Anyways, quesiton (semi brainlet) Should i just buy ETH now at a high price, convert it to the ALT i want. Or should i wait for it to drop to low 700's then buy the ALT?

Am i potentially losing a lot of money by buying now?

Tfw when bought at 2 to sell at 4 and later bought at 25 and sold at 250.
Now it is almost one fucking thousand dollar..

They were shilling Cripple shit even then. It took getting promoted on CNBC for it to actually go anywhere lol

Learned of ETHs existance on here around $3, average buyin ended up becoming $10.

I can retire and quit everything comfortably when ETH hits 3000usd ish.

Holy fuck that guy had 10k ETH? Why the fuck wasn’t I on this board back in 2016? Spent all this time fapping to other boards. Fuck.

To all you earlyfags who bought eth sub-$10, what cryptos are you holding right now or what are you buying into at the moment? You obviously have good judgement.

Honestly, just ETH.

ETH can literally go to 10K this year, not even shilling mate.

lmao imagine buying cripple back then and not eth and bagholding for years...

I cashed out about 50%. The rest in (in order of significance in porfolio): REQ, ETH, BTC, SALT, XMR, OMG, LINK, MCO. If you wanna follow me I don’t suggest you buy these coins because honestly many have mooned already and by the time you start making gains I will dump most of them. ETH, Bitcoin and Monero are the only life by term holds for me, most of the other coins will be sold off as they moon.

started with 5k, now at 150k. Holding 50% eth and 50% mix of all promising DEX (AST / KNC / ZRX and a bit of LEV because I like to live dangerously).

I like to play it safe and smart. I am a patient man.

Still have eth and BTC each at about 45% of my portfolio value. The remaining 10% is small coins that are all sub $1 like req dgb Sia ODN. I don't have any magic strategy other than don't try to predict the market. Just throw some money into some project you believe in and forget about it for a year or two. If you're right, congrats. If you're wrong, move on.

The biggest issue is people freak out at the smallest change and end up selling at the bottom. When eth fell from $18 to $10 I just ignored it until it went up to about $80. So my only regret is that I didn't buy more back then.

Bought 60 ETH with my life savings at around 9$. Invested into OMG, VERI, PPT and EOS at ICO stages. Have some ETH left for the Origin Trail ICO.

In retrospect, my portfolio did a lot better than if I only held eth until now. In my opinion, ETH is only an investment vehicle an not an investment itself. So do act accordingly.

That's exactly what I did. I literally bagheld half a million XRP since 2014. AMA

bought 6 ETHs and day traded my way to 12 ETHs when it was $4

shilled it as hard as I could to my dad so he could make a serious investment

he didn't, I discouraged and cashed out, sucks to be an unemployed college student

How do you deal with the constant erection?

I masturbate a lot more with all the free time I have

How much of it have you sold yet? What would you sell it into... Fiat?

quesiton- (semi brainlet) Should i just buy ETH now at a high price, convert it to the ALT i want. Or should i wait for it to drop to low 700's then buy the ALT?

Am i potentially losing a lot of money by buying now? I feel like i could be waiting forever before it reaches 700 again

bought in leading up to $10, sold 273 around $15 and others here and there, still have 260 though.

I bought 70 eth at $10 and am still holding, doing ok i guess

If the alts you want are looking like they're going to increase at a faster rate than ETH, then yes. You could be sitting here missing out on 200% profit because you don't want to pay 15% more for ETH compared to its price yesterday

Waiting to sell at $5. Would probably unload 75% into fiat and 25% into bitcoin. Drop the fiat into a business or mutual fund.

I think most of these altcoins haven't reached their true peaks yet, ETH included. Best thing to do is figure out what coin to drop money into then sit on it for a while.

Thanks, i already got like 6 solid alts but i've been waiting ages for fucking gdax / cuckbase to get my bank deposit. Now my money is here and i'm trying to get MOAR alts

You daytraded your way to an extra $24 at the time? Jesus dude, should've just eaten noodles fora day or 2 instead.

i just liked their facebook page -__- back in june 2016

3000 ETH reporting in.

This coin will be #1.

jesus christ greedy as fuck, you couldn't find the decency to just put 10k$ into it? Damn son you could be a rich man now, how does it feel to have been there but still missed out that badly?