Jumpchain CYOA Thread #2030: Jedi Master D'in Du Edition

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Hey Cat's, if you're here what are the chances of a Morroblivion update?

Reminder that Sheev is the greatest Sith to ever live. Not only because he managed to rule the galaxy and do whatever he wanted without reprisal for 20 years. Not only because he absolutely played the Jedi Council. But because the fucker legitimately enjoys what he does and has fun with it, rather than being broody, angsty, or perpetually angry like other Sith.

>not Dark Lord Darth Din-Du
One job.

If it results in waifus it by definition cannot be a waste of time and resources.

Darths don't really do names like that, though. That's what it was, but I changed it.

Exar Kun was pretty good at being a Sith Lord who enjoyed his job as well. Not on Sheev's level but he wasn't a Debby Downer like a lot of Sith.

What can he say? He's a man of many talents, including shitposting Forced memes all over the galaxy.

So, all this talk about Star Wars lore had me go check the wiki, just to look at some stuff, and I found something interesting. Apparently, the Republic of the prequels/Clone Wars is actually (relatively) new. There was a Republic before it that was conquered by the Sith (which explains Mace Windu's talking about the oppression of the Sith in his fight with Sheev), but they were eventually overthrown by the Jedi, who along with the newly formed Galactic Republic defeated the Sith and Mandalorians. So, according to Canon, the Old Republic can either refer to the original Republic or the Galactic Republic.


>Forced memes
That was pretty good Darth Carlos.

Exar Kun was easily in the top ten, maybe top five. But yes, not Sheev tier. Sheev is the greatest.

You'd think he could afford better dental care, what with being emperor of the whole galaxy.

>Forced memes
Listen here Darth Carlos you little shit.

Aleema Keto was another good example of a Sith that didn't go all-in on the angst train. Plus, those illusions of hers were pure awesome - Not many other examples of system-wide scale illusions around, you know?

Yeah but you have to take points off for her being such an absolute thot. Also she wasn't really properly Sith, she just had some of their voodoo.

To be honest, I can’t really say if Star Wars would be better or worse off without the force. What I do know though, is that just because a natural phenomena exists does not inherently justify us not altering or eliminating it if it’s current existence is detrimental to us.

Unless you’d argue that disease or a man-eating tiger should never be interfered with.

To Be Fair, that was like within an hour of getting hit with his own Force Lightning, that had to have done damage to his teeth.
Sheev is still smiling, even after being hit with his own Force Lightning.

The Force is more akin to Gravity, or perhaps Weak Nuclear Force, than a disease or a tiger.

She was trained by Freedon Nadd, same as Setal Keto and Exar Kun. So... Yeah.

I think putting down a single animal has a little bit less consequence than trying to eradicate an universal force, but what do I know. Go ahead and try to eradicate heat because some people burned to death.

Sidious is always fearful and angry tho. He enjoys his victories but is consummately paranoid.

>He enjoys his victories but is consummately paranoid.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you... And let's face it, they really are out to get him.

They were trained by Freedem Nadds like the Onderonian royal family, not like Exar Kun. I don't think the Krath or the dark side nobles were ever called Sith.

She was also trained by Exar Kun (specifically in Sith sorcery.)
Freedon Nadd is definitely counted among the Sith, at least if Naga Sadow is to be believed (he was the master of Freedon Nadd, after all.)

The force is an admittedly bad example, given its nature as a chi/Dao expy. Especially given that our only example of a species completely severed from the force are the edgelord ‘Vong.

Sorry for bothering you with my half-hearted philosophical ramballing. Have a hot Sith in recompense.

I'm pretty sure being Sith isn't about training but initiation.

>just because a natural phenomena exists does not inherently justify us not altering or eliminating it if it’s current existence is detrimental to us.
Are you uh… gonna everyone from the 'tyranny' of physics, buddy?

>then they practically are one and the same with it
Kind of irrelevant desu.

>allowed you to make decisions and have your sense of moral
Ah, yes. Because not going out of your way to fuck with something makes you good. Even in this context, when the thing you "allow" already exists and can't possibly pose any threat or distress to you. And there's nothing inherently moral about allowing something sapience, anyway, especially not if it's just to insert them an undesirable situation which you knew would come about. Like if you enchanted your toilet seat with intelligence. What right does it have to judge you? You've created it and allowed it to exist, now shut up and support your master.

Which one of you fags was dissing Kreia in the last thread.

I will fite you m8

>lekku between legs
So...mental masturbation?

Let me rustle up a zomboni so you can share with her how it feels to get ravaged by an undead abomination.

Lekku are prehensile, and an erogenous zone. So, probably normal masturbation for a Twi'lek.


Just because something isnt sacrosanct due to it being natural doesn’t mean all that is natural must be changed, just that if it’s possible, then you should consider it as an option.

But if you can’t affect it, then there’s nothing you can do and it ceases to matter one way or the other.

m8, her philosophy isn't simply the jedi and the sith are the root of all conflict. Its that the force is the root of all conflict. Everything else is basically Objectivism.

So is a man entitled to the sweat off his own brow, or are you a parasite?

Chill the fuck out Andrew Ryan.
Your city fell because you were a total fedora-tipping fag.

Kreia is, out of universe, nothing more than the mouthpiece of an incredibly cynical writer who can't stand the existence of a black and white universe.
Kreia is, in universe, a bitter old hag who has been fucked over time and again, mostly due to her own stupidity, and blames it on anyone and everyone else.



I didn't say it made them good. You're the one forcing a dichotomy of good and evil. I'm saying that when they're at the point where they completely control the universe and know everything about it, including the morals of every being of every species, which are all different and contradictory, a single person judging them is just hubris. We're not even toilets compared to it because it would imply we actually could help them in any way. The closest analogy I can think of is that of a dream trying to judge the dreamer.


His city fell because bioshock's writers are a bunch of commies you parasite. You go through the decisions that made Rapture fall and they are inherently not in line with Objectivism.

She's doomed to fail because she goes against the will of the force, which makes the star wars universe the worst kind of deterministic trash.

Kreia's writer did nothing wrong.

>sweat of his brow
>Kreia is a mooch off the Exile's murderhoboing
I'd charge her rent if I could

That's not why his city fell, it's because he squashed people that were helpful to him under oppressive contracts, and then let the people that were causing issues like Frank Fontaine and Sofia Lamb just do whatever. He should have had Frank killed early on, the guy was clearly trying to take control of the criminal elements way before he actually became a problem, and he should have never let Sofia Lamb into Rapture. His vetting process completely failed to identify a vocal socialist.

>Its that the force is the root of all conflict
Well, duh. It's like saying "existence is what cause wars".

>Kreia's writer did nothing wrong.
Fuck you yes he did.
I love all kinds of stories. White & Black, Grey & Grey, Black & Black, etc. All kinds of stories are fantastic.
Star Wars is a White & Black story, attempting to hamfistedly shove Grey into it just because you don't like White & Black stories is wrong.

>She's doomed to fail because she does stupid things
Fixed. Who would have guessed that training a rage monster or a big walking spiritual void to be a chronic backstabber like a Sith Lord would have bitten her on the ass?

Hey, X-Men setting question. Well, particularly re x-men: evolution, but if info re that is lacking, I'll take info for any.

How did Prof X train his powers? I mean, given that he's non evil, exactly what training methods could he use? What would be ethical ways to practice?

>Kreia is a mooch off the Exile's murderhoboing
>When Kreia is the Exile's first and strongest conduit to the force after s/he severed her/himself from it.


Once you've completed your archetypal arc, the only thing that's left is deconstruction.

>Who would have guessed that training a rage monster or a big walking spiritual void to be a chronic backstabber like a Sith Lord would have bitten her on the ass?

We're not talking about her mistakes we're talking about her ideology.

We all make mistakes. Kreia is not Treya though, and she wasn't following the ideology she espouses to the Exile when she makes those mistakes.

Thanks for the (you)s guys

>Once you've completed your archetypal arc, the only thing that's left is deconstruction.
Deconstruction for the sake of deconstruction is trash.

Well, he was getting paid to write a story for a franchise he wasn't particularly fond of.

So it's not soley for deconstructions sake.

Yes she was, the Sith Triumvirate was her first attempt to expound on her philosophy without the restraints of the Jedi Order. Darth Sion bitching about her teachings should have clued you in on that.

Make squirrels do some karate chops or some shit, man.
It's not unethical if you give the fuckers some free nuts for their time.
Plus if you film that shit and put it on the Internet, the whole web will fucking explode.

It definitely needs Kung Fu Fighting by Carl Douglas for the soundtrack, so don't forget that.

Yeah it shows. Even NuBioware could poke holes in how stupid an idea the True Sith were.

Become the world's most successful therapist.

We, we're going to disagree on that point. She very clearly states that she abandoned Treya after she was betrayed by the Triumvirate as a symbolic death.

I'm not really going to take the words of some crazed lunatic as objective truth there, especially since he's not been privy to her post betrayal personal growth.

You can though, if you really want.

>How did Prof X train his powers?
On filthy commies in the Korean War. Sort of, he already had some skill by that point. He just sort of didn't probe too deep. Also I still wonder why Marvel thought it made sense for a Doctor of, Genetics, Biophysics, Psychology, Anthropology and Psychiatry, to be drafted in the first place, and even then put in a position that wasn't that of a psychologist.

You mean like when she said that right before taking up the Darth Treya mantle again?

I'm actually not. I just didn't realize that you were trying to connect the ability to judge a being with the ability to physically punish them. Because they've achieved a certain level of power (i.e. complete control over the universe), their deeds themselves are beyond the ability of people to evaluate. And unless they were considering those morals and facts, that knowledge is irrelevant. There's nothing forces them to make the best use of that knowledge or even consider it, or that they even have a plan. Just because they can achieve any act doesn't mean they will. Just like any other being at any level of power being able to do something doesn't mean they will. And just because they can do everything doesn't mean they should be judged as if they had done everything. Again, you're saying that they're beyond judgement because they're too powerful to benefit from the people judging them. It's just arbitrary. A better analogy might be a programmer creating a simulation with independent sapient life, and then claiming whatever their deeds are behind morality because the beings within can't meaningfully interact with them.

>Do you have any pictures other then the ones you’ve posted before? I was wondering how else BTTH’s Cultivator Clothes could look.
I have a few.

It's a bit unfair to judge her by the final act due to the time constraints imposed on Obsidian, atleast in my opinion.

But it did seem to me like she was using her old identity as simply a means to an end. She identified is as a critical point to manipulate the force.

The base idea isn't too bad. A remnant of the original Sith that's been slowly rebuilding, pulling strings behind the scenes and causing multiple wars to weaken the Jedi and Republic, their hated enemies who laid their original empire low, so that they can one day conquer the galaxy and have their revenge? On paper, that sounds awesome.

Key being 'on paper'.

Kreia is the most complete part of the final act, it's everyone else who went on the cutting room floor.

It doesn't work on paper, it just raises the question of why the ancient Sith Lords went and passed the mantle to Exar Kun and not them.

Do we really need one?
? Not Cats, just honestly asking, cause I can think of several jumps not necessarily by cats that need an overhaul
... Mahou Sensei Negima, Arrowverse for example

Not him, but they could stand to get their own jumps. Morrowind and Oblivion are both huge games.

Malacor V still seems like a rush job to me.

This. There was supposed to be a battle between Atton and Sion, and if I remember right you could potentially have a battle between Visas and Brianna or Atton and the Disciple (depending on gender) over the Exile if one was Dark Side. Plus, there would be a cutscene where the party would try to take on Kreia and get wiped out. And a ton of other stuff as well.

Fuck, a whole planet had to be cut out of the final product.

I mean, if you were the ancient Sith Lords, who were you going to pick, an powerful Force User who was actually there, or some remnant out in the boonies? Even if the remnant has potential in the future, you're going to go with the option that's 1. right in front of you and 2. actually able to get into the action now, right? If Exar Kun is able to prove his worth and the remnant's leader won't even show his face to you, of course you'll pick him.

Not how it worked, they were foretold to be Sith's shot at revenge on the Republic. Why didn't they foretell the True Sith? Are the True Sith even more destined to loserdom than Exar Kun, who didn't really do much except blow up Ossus and bully the senate?
Also why does Marka Ragnos look like Carl?

Yes, but he's diminished by the fact that we're all either huge weebs or have had experience with huge weebs, and so it's impossible to read or hear his name as anything other than "Exar-kun". "Oh, Exar-kun sempai, please teach me more about the Dark Side!"

I see. I now want to believe he was giggling while doing that. :)

True, but I'm talking about practice/training. (Also the various "do stuff to large groups at once" stuff)

I see. And that holds for more recent versions of him?

>Also I still wonder why Marvel thought it made sense for a Doctor of, Genetics, Biophysics, Psychology, Anthropology and Psychiatry, to be drafted in the first place, and even then put in a position that wasn't that of a psychologist.

Isn't that obvious? With a skillset that broad, evidence suggests he's be able to become good at anything at all, so they figured they _have_ to bring him in, make him do stuff for the war effort on the grounds that they figured he'd be able to become quite good at it, and thus useful.

Arrowverse already had several updates, I don't think Manyfist is going to go for an overhaul, at most he will add some stuff. Maybe remove the mandatory drawback for speedster once and for all.
As for Negima, is Marvel user even still around? Last time he posted was in August.

Fighting evil. Before he got crippled, Charles Xavier was a pulp adventurer type, traveling the globe battling injustice. So he got plenty of practice using the power of his mind to deal with villains, and he dueled many an enemy telepath. That's why the Shadow King is such a big deal, he's one of the few evil telepaths Xavier's faced that he didn't manage to defeat permanently. Also, fun fact: Xavier actually lost the use of his legs as a result of his pulp adventures, them being crushed by the Space Devil during their final confrontation in his lair in the Himalayas. Yeah, Charles Xavier's nemesis was the Space Devil. He was an energy being named Lucifer, and he squished Xavier beneath a rock. That's why he can't walk, not any sort of interesting thematically-deep backstory playing into his relationship with Magneto or anything like that.

>And that holds for more recent versions of him?
They never change the war veteran aspect, at least I don't think they ever do, it's not as important as Magneto being in a concentration camp, but it is one of the basic aspects of the character. Him being a veteran is part of what shaped the character, also Juggernaut's origin story happens in the war too. As for drafting him, you generally don't draft doctors of anything if you can avoid it, just try and get them to volunteer, but Xavier was noted to have been drafted. Though technically I think he would have had to have applied for an exception, and it's not like marvel cares about making things super realistic.

I um... I don't have that issue.

I mean I see it now but I'm honestly going to forget it in a day or so.

Also, the sempai would replace the kun honorific, so it would be "Exar-Sempai" you sorry excuse for a weeb.

>I um... I don't have that issue.
Then I envy you, friend.

>Also, the sempai would replace the kun honorific, so it would be "Exar-Sempai" you sorry excuse for a weeb.
Yes, I know, but getting Japanese grammatically correct is not a skill weebs are known for.

I still am making it, I just take a while to get through typing fluff. I've got most of the factional/origins perks down though, working through more of the items today

You're a special kind of fuck up ain't ya.

Added stealth to powers.

Yes, but I don't see how that's relevant to this conversation. The ways in which I'm a fuck up aren't related to my terrible use of Japanese grammar in a parody of the horrible visions that haunt my waking mind.

I would tend to disagree.

Nah, that's just my insomnia leading me to think some things are a lot funnier than they actually are due to sleep deprivation, and so my jokes fall flat. That's a medical thing, not one of the ways I'm a fuck up. You can blame me for all my other failings, though.

Is Veeky Forums a blog now?

Yes. It always has been. Are you new?

Interesting, and thanks. Wouldn't ever have guessed that.

Also, that reminds me, note to self: Be sure to give him copy of my regen. (Also get him Indiana Jones style hat, complete with a distinct lack of snakes) Actually, by that point may be able to start process of "regen for everyone"

Thanks and yeah, I was being a bit tongue in cheek there.

After finally experiencing the absurdity of VRchat, I have come to the conclusion that it needs a jump.

You know de way

ETA on Dragonball Xenoverse, Super or Coiling Dragon Part 2?

Toughness, specifically Iconic Toughness.
The mandatory kryptonite (except more common), in addition to being defeated by sufficient raw power or getting bypassed by 'Strange magica and exotic powers'

That Power type looks more like a 400 PP power than a 600 PP one. I'd change to the 100/200/300/400 PP pricing format, with the 400 PP having all the down sides listed above. Then offer a 100 PP option to remove the fatal flaw, and a 100 PP option to remove the "Strange magics or exotic powers are also capable of penetrating it, especially if they don’t physically harm you" clause.

Taking both would make it 600 PP, and effective against everything except having more biggatons of attack than you do in defense, the massive scale attacks clause.

Jumeprs, have you ever done any matchmaking? Also, what are the best perks for that?

What I'm hearing is maybe other powers the people aren't asking to have costs reduced on like Super Int, Super Science, Speed should be increased to a 200/400/600/800 scheme relative to a 600PP Iconic Toughness benchmark.

If you're not trying to force the issue, you don't need perks for it, you can just provide the right setting and time.
If you are trying to force a match, I'd suggest mind and emotion control perks.

Worm,Percy Jackson,God of high school,Supernatural,Moana,Marvel Magic and Gravity Falls have what you need to play Cupid.

Please don't. You powers already cost double CP because of the CP to PP conversion, the only reason they're somewhat afforable right now is the stipend.

Also, no. I kinda agree with the above user about Iconic Toughness. Look at the difference between 400pp toughness, and Iconic Toughness... Tank-shell durability or complete immunity to normal matter, versus Iconic durability that has a bunch of weaknesses in return for going up to... not sure what? Multiple tank shells, because nukes can still smash you down.

You're honestly not going to notice much difference between the two, except the Iconic version has a host more ways to get through it.

What do you imagine Iconic Stealth's thing where you become out of phase with the universe does?

Like, would it allow one to become intangible and invisible? The intangible part seems more Toughness, but that's where my mind went upon reading it...

Don't be defensive man. That just doesn't seem like a 600 PP power with all those weaknesses it has.

>Super Int, Super Science
These I have a problem with, but have been having trouble properly articulated. The division just seems artificial and clunky, Super Intelligence comes off as a do nothing power, with its practical application in the real world separated from it.

When I see a 600 CP super intelligence perk, it is where you are so smart you can make super science invention like time machines or super serums. Here you have a 600 CP per that is supposed to give you 300 IQ, but lust ends up looking like an empty label.

>You powers already cost double CP because of the CP to PP conversion,
I wanted to say something about that, but couldn't come up with a compelling argument. It's just unlikeable and make me cringe.

Okay, let's move the exotic types of attacks thing aside, since that's actually meant to affect all levels of toughness. Being tough doesn't protect against mind control.

Now assuming the Iconic Toughness is meant to benchmark the 600PP level, Speed, Kinesis and Super Science are clearly more powerful, so they should be moved to a higher cost bracket, yes?
And relative to the value of Toughness, then, Strength, Strike, Blast, Intelligence, Senses, Recover and Flight should all be lower, yes?


>Okay, let's move the exotic types of attacks thing aside, since that's actually meant to affect all levels of toughness. Being tough doesn't protect against mind control.
Move that to the top of the Toughness section then, please? And make it clearer it's about mind control and similar things, because the "especially if they don’t physically harm you" seems to imply it's more of a weakness to magic/exotic stuff instead of toughness just not being applicable to certain things.

Also, if you pick a material for your weakness, is your durability is gone while near or in-contact, or does the specific material just get through while other stuff doesn't even if you have a kryptonite spike in you?

>having trouble properly articulated
I think part of the problem is you talk about the Super Science stuff and say things like "This power allows you to make strictly comic-style tech – things that would never work in the real world" and then give examples that show you have no idea of what theoretically possible means.

All of the fusion stuff, all of the examples in the Tinker category except the zeta-powered buzzword. If you took those from this setting directly to this world, and showed them to research scientists, those scientists would not say "This is impossible, you broke physics" and then cry in a corner. They would say "this is revolutionary", and start studying the tech for papers to publish.

I mean, didn't you do eclipse phase jump? Or was that the other M, Mardukth? Because that settings schtick was sticking to stuff theoretically possible with today's knowledge, and a lot of that is eclipse phase tech.

For something like a time travelling car or and engine that breaks light speed, you are getting into how things work in individual jumps. For my self, if the invention isn't exceptional re:physics in the native jump, it isn't exceptional re:physics in a later jump, If you go to Star Trek and are a Security Officer or whatever, if you learned how their warp drives worked in the setting, you can reproduce the warp drives elsewhere.

Saying only CP starships can use warp elsewhere, or if you wanted to use a teleporter after the jump you should have been an engineer and not a security officer is just a steaming pile of a bad idea.

Yes, I tend to pair companions and give them harems. For shonen protagonists its the least I can do after banging their moms.