Is Shadespire fun?

I've played 40k pretty casually for years and now my friend wants me to get into Shadespire.

I've read a little about it, but I wanted to know if its actually worth it.
The skirmish thing is really attractive to me as Ive gotten a bit over playing 2000 point 40k games that take all afternoon.
Is it balanced, or are some factions way overpowered?
And does it have a lot of replayability?
I'm not too keen on spending the money on something I'll only play twice.

Yes you mope it is the most fun and balanced tournament game GW has ever done.

To be fair, GW isn’t exactly known for their balance in other games. That’s not a very high standard.

God, I remember a few months ago, there was a poster who said I was wrong about Shadespire being a dead game and that there would be weekly shadespire threads for at least a couple years. And yet, this is the first in quite some time. Memories...

Eh, I thought it was alright, nothing special though. Got it at launch, played it for a few months, then sold my minis (i got an army, not the base game since another friend had it and we would just meet at the shop to play)

no one plays it in my country. Which is strange. Even if it had as unbalanced rules as w40k or WFB, one of the two most important things about armies in my country is how cheap they are. Shadespire comparing to W40k or WFB is free. yet no one plays it, and I don't know why.

>yet no one plays it, and I don't know why.
gw tried to dip their feet into competitive gaming, but forgot that you need to pump out steady content for it to stay alive.
Releasing what essentially is a boardgame with a handful of optional playing pieces is not nearly enough to build a community or keep it alive long enough for people to stick around.

They really need to release more. Even if it's just every two months a steady schedule of new content is what keeps this stuff alive.
It's not nearly big enough to stay interesting for any prolonged periods of time on it's own. Blood Bowl could pull that off cause it had loads of teams, rules that made campaigns or leagues possible and a premise that lends itself for repeat game, i.e. sports.
Shadespire needs a shitload of more content to come even close to anything like that.

Sure, it's fun like many games are.
The problem with Shadespire is that you have to have some serious battered wife syndrome going on to actually rationalize investing into it. GW literally expects you to buy EVERY SINGLE BOX that they put out for it. Even if it is relatively cheaper than building an army in their other games, it is still really freaking dumb.
I should not have to buy boxes of armies that I have no interest in playing just to get cards for this COMPETITIVE game. GW basically killed any incentive for real competitive players to pick it up while actively marketing it to them.

>What is x-wing?

>what is x-wing?
A game that is sold purely on the Star Wars universe imagery. We are talking about an AoS universe game that is already difficult to sell to people. If you have to buy every box to stay competitive, it is a not an attractive game model for people with competitive mindset.
Either way I've lived in multiple major cities and never seen people actually play x-wing even though it gets hyped a lot around these parts.

a game with less factions that could also survive on the star wars IP alone, if you couldn't find the cards easily on ebay.

FFG knows how to sell a game like that. Just look at the way they released everything.

I read the rules...then walked away.

"4 actions, 1 charge max, deckbuilding and 3 turns."

Its like the bastard of Arimaa and Knightmare chess without the gravity or clarity of either, wearing the skin of Mordheim and going "rahh, me am big competitive game" while playing like a Jackie Chan fight without the comedy.

you don't have to buy every box. none of the generic cards are anymore powerful than the core set. i've built decks and played against all the warbands using only the core set and i still have a strong win to loss ratio.

you mean doing new cards or updated cards in expensive ship sets that you need to buy even if you don't need the ship? and having such shitty stock control you can never find anything new until the meta has changed? yeah... that's an example to follow.

>someone who never actually read the rules.

no I mean the steady content. And only three factions. GW already has 5.

Buying the X-Wing starter twice was also a common way to get into the game.
How are you gonna do that with Shadespire?
FFG were pretty clever about how they were selling it.

You see the same with Necromunda, the hype is already dead before the third gang dropped.

>just play with pre-constructed decks in this competitive game lmao
Look, I've done a lot of research on this unfortunately shit game because like many others I was initially intrigued by a "competitive game from GW".
There are a number of cards that do similar things and have different names which means to minmax and create a truly competitive deck you need to have those. This brings us back to my original post about having to buy every box and all future releases to keep up. I could accept having to buy a annual/semi-annual starter with different cards and then one pack for an army, but having to continue getting every box after that is just not going to work.
It's like having MTG only be released in preconstructed decks and needing to buy every single one for the life-cycle of the game. That would easily kill the game.

I think its cool but none of the warbands interest me.

I don't like swarmy ones, and the elite ones seem boring.

you buy the coreset once and that's it? you don't need more. FFG were just cash grabbing and still are. you only need shadespire stuff once and you're done.

>lot of research
uh huh. and you want to lie on the internet why?

also with this, if you've done so much research you must know the entire card database has been released as a pdf for free, right?

I think that is one of the things they missed, yeah. Common trend with new miniature games is to launch with 4-6 factions, that give you enough variety while still being somewhat manageable and leaving room for expansion. With only a couple of factions to choose from, many people will opt to wait and see, because those two don't particularly fancy them. So building the player base takes longer, which can kill the game before its catch on.

What is this supposed to mean?

Are you suggesting to play with proxies? That's just awful.

Are you guys just trying to justify buying into this dead/dying game and that's why you're lashing out? I just don't understand.

dude. You are missing my point.
I'm saying FFG put a lot of though in how they sell their product, whereas GW is killing it with incompetence.

you still haven't made a point to discuss. FFG put thought into how to fleece their playerbase, nothing more.

I've been really wanting to play it since the rules are nice and simple and it's a manageable way to get back into painting but the other people in my area who got into it just went back to playing Age of Sigmar like the very next week.

what do you think it means?
but because it doesn't come on a piece of card that's a problem for you? despite the entire set is free? mtg fags are fucking stupid.

I don't have a problem spending lots of money on overpriced plastic and cardboard. What I do have a problem with is when a company EXPECTS you to keep buying it like you're some sort of crack addict.

how is this any different from x-wing? you have to buy the newest sets to keep up with the meta. the cards are deliberately packaged with expensive sets if you want to play competetively. why are you being a hypocrite?

I don't play your beloved x-wing nor will I with all the shilling that is going on. Just because you accepted your role as a battered wife doesn't mean others should.


we're not talking about playing it, moron. we're doing comparisons on how it's apparently ok for one game to actually sell in a worse way and yet another game is sold in a better way and gets shat on. but you obviously don't have an argument as you've resorted to throwing insults around.

It sells because it is Star Wars. What else do you need help figuring out?

again, not what were talking about.

How do you guys organise your cards?

keeping track of 400+ cards seems like quite the hassle, also i have no experience in card games whatsoever

>Are you suggesting to play with proxies?

>That's just awful
no its not. this isnt MTG or a collectable card game. the cards are just an extra tool for the rules and playing with printed cards is a non issue. it also completly removes the necessity of buying every new release.

OP here.

So I'm kind of confused, me and my buddy were going to split the starter box.
But people are saying you need to buy all the boxes to play?
If I just wanted to play the stormcast do I actually have to get them all or is it just if I want to be super competitive?

You can play just fine with just the core box. The other two boxes just have some cards that might make the base teams better or let you play them in slightly different ways.

Ok cool, thanks.

Whats everyone's favourite warband?


Stormcast and Skeletons

Im a fan of stormcast and Ironskullz.
Reavers seem kind of bad in the games I've played but maybe that was just the luck of the dice and poor tactics.

Skaven and Fyreslayers are gonna be up for preorder next week. Anyone gonna get 'em?

I'm not interested in either (waiting for Magore's Fiends) but my brother's eyeing the Skaven.

Skellingtons! Best models in the game by far.

I'm not crazy into them but I reckon I'll pick up the Fyreslayers for a bit of variation.

But what I'm really waiting for is some Seraphon even though I know I'll be waiting a while..

I'll probably get the skaven, I like a couple of the models. Zero interest in the dwarves, fyreslayers are fucking retarded looking.

Skaven do look cool. Do find it interesting that they took the pose from the Exalted Verminlord (or whatever the FW vermin lord is called now) for the leader.

They certainly look cool but I remember a bunch of people shitting on the Skellingtons last time there were shadepsire threads up.
Do they actually suck?

they're decent enough, just hard to play well and that puts people off




>Strong power, flank them, stab them, grab their objective

>Free inspire condition, got inspired when targeted by ploy card from anyone.

Everything you'll ever needed.

Also here's the dorf if anyone is wondering, he's the better version of Defensive-Stormcast style with free inspire and no risk.

>bunch of people shitting on the Skellingtons

They need the card from other set, like Supermacy, Hold objective X, sprint, push card. Which cheap ass nigga can't afford, and just play with what's in the box...And surprised, they got steamrolled. You also need the boards so you can control your turf layout.

Which warband has the most complete deck, so needing the least amount of cards from other decks to be good?

Orc, they have the strongest character in the game, their deck allow them to hit a target multiple time. They have guarantee inspire condition. You'll be fine with playing just the deck in the box but for more consistency you'll need the card from other box. (just like everyone else)

Although they have a high risk/reward problem with some of the card from their set, like "Unkillable", "having a good time" that required a dice roll (3/6 success) which could either be good/win-more or be really bad.

Just to clarify there're quite a handful of cards atm that require a 3/6 dice roll, but in a long run people want to minimize card like this and maximize their consistency in the deck with better card.