Could a barbarian with 20 strength take a pile of gold coins, and with his bare hands...

Could a barbarian with 20 strength take a pile of gold coins, and with his bare hands, crush them into a single chunk that he then shapes into an apple?

This is very important.
I've got three very angry goddesses and this might be my only way to survive.

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No, retard.

You basically want to mold, weld, and shape a solid, unheated metal with your bare hands. You may be stronger than a grizzly bear, but that would you be stronger than a tarrasque. At that point you wouldn't need to fear goddesses.

Unless your hands are made out of lava, no

Should have learned magic, martialboi.

Wasn't exalted made for stupid shit like this?

Well, it would be cool and interesting development, so no, only wizard can do that.

Beides, 20 str is only slightly above "trained NAVY seal" tier. We don't want ridiculous martials in our games.

I dunno, OP, gold doesn't melt until it reaches 1064 C. Unless you have the ability to blast fire from your hands, naturally sweat alchemist's fire, or can somehow rub all the coins together simultaneously fast enough to make them melt into a single chunk...

Even if you could generate that kind of friction with your hands, they'd be turned to charred stumps at that kind of temperature. And unless you want to spend a good few minutes shaping the semi-molten coins into the perfect shape of an apple with your (as you specified) bare, now insanely ruined hands, the end result probably still wouldn't look much like an apple.

Also, starting a war between the gods over who is fairest won't solve any of your problems, user. It'll just make everything worse.

What kind of unoriginal shitbag are you anyway? Christ.

That's its only purpose in life

You're not s barbarian, you're a mage without magic.
A true barbarian would hit the goddess in the face and then would hate fuck her

Stop turning into every thread into a caster supremacy thread. It's tired and the discussions never end up going anywhere.

>We don't want ridiculous martials in our games.
Why not? If there's magic, it's acceptable that martials would be insanely strong.

Is it pure gold? Pure gold is pretty soft

So long as they can make a convincing enough argument, and appear capable of whatever bullshit they want to attempt, I just ask for rolls.

I'd like to see the trained Navy SEAL carry 250 pounds without tiring through a whole day, user.

To answer OP's question, yes, he could. If he has the artistic talent for it, anyways.

If we're getting technical, 20 Strength in 5e is greater than a grizzly bear, crocodile, and shark, and comparable to a hill giant or rhinoceros.

>Could a barbarian with 20 strength take a pile of gold coins, and with his bare hands, crush them into a single chunk that he then shapes into an apple?

Did the barbarian succeed at his Strength check? This is very important.

Because if he did I would say "yes" since that was a funny idea. It wouldn't look like a very appealing apple, but the effort he put into it might make the goddesses laugh when he hands them a mangled wad of coins in the rough shape of an apple.

He's memeing, you dolts.

>STR 20
That's literally nothing

Hahahahaha that's literally nothing, I managed to achieve 57 WITHOUT magic items or spells involved as a 12 level char and with a starting Str of 16

Fuck off, faggot.

In the group I'd run, I'd allow it, especially if "that he then shapes into an apple" would involve gold-carving tools.

Probably DC 25 on the shaping; getting less than that means it's still roughly apple-shaped but not perfect, and something like a 15-20 is the pieces aren't sticking together.

Does this scale sound right, Veeky Forums?

>10 STR: Normal person
>12 STR: Young dude with active lifestyle
>14 STR: Fit dude who lifts
>16 STR: Fit dude who takes lifting very seriously and has good genetics
>18 STR: Olympian
>20 STR: Pic related

>Can someone who can lift 400lb crush gold?
No, he can't

What's a dude with 24 in Dex?

Everytime you think about a big chest full of gold, I remember how heavy gold actually is. You won't be able to even lift it without the help of a forklift.

Shit, he's above humanity in speed, reflexes and dodging, yet is pretty easy to hit (only 17 AC).

With bare hands no, give him a solid hammer and a decent anvil. It'd take a while but probably.

>What's a dude with 24 in Dex?

the kind of person who dodges rain instead of using an umbrella

>Implying he can dodge rain

5th edition is the
standard now, kiddo.

>5th edition
Your str is still the same as a 20 STR dude in 3.PF, they kept the same carrying capacity and DC for Str checks. Just because is the strongest you can get doesn't mean you're strong.

I can lift half of it and I can crush gold.
Gold is soft

>Could a barbarian with 20 strength take a pile of gold coins, and with his bare hands, crush them into a single chunk that he then shapes into an apple?

If you roll a NAT 20 I WIN!!1!! then yes. Also the barbarian will seduce the goddess with his feat of strenght and fuck her on the spot. All presents will earn +1 level.

...but if the game is one with common sense in it then no. The barbarian has to find a way to trick the goddess.

It's actually rather different. While carrying capacity may be the same, the DCs have changed, with almost no DC exceeding 30, compared to 3.PF where DCs of 40 and even 50 were not uncommon.

That, and monsters likewise have smaller scores, with a Tarrasque having only 30 Str as opposed to 41, and similar reductions in scale.

I'd allow it depending on the campaign. Gold is soft. Can your barbarian sculpt worth a damn though?

>but if the game is one with common sense in it then no
Game has gods and magic. I don't think common sense could be applied therr

No, that's stupid. At least use a hammer, or melt it down.

>compared to 3.PF where DCs of 40 and even 50 were not uncommon
The effects of those are not attainable by 5e characters, because DC 50+ were stuff like entering in the butt of a person without magic, just because you were that good. DC up to 30 is literally the same stuff as it was in 3.PF if you go by the official campaigns.


The coins won't weld together, but I'ts not outright impossible
gold is malleable and ductile as fuck

how pure are the coins? pure gold is soft enough, 14 karat gold is a different story

You're fucked lad. Best bet is to do what Paris did and simply choose one to favor you. Except don't be a Fucking retard like Paris and choose Aphrodite, take Athena instead.

you will need some bending too, tho

that too

>can a martial do something cool

Yes, 14 str is olympian.

Why would those 3 goddesses you pissed off be happy once you've crushed a pile of gold? How are they going to share the gold apple?

This plan is full of flaws man

Yes, with great effort. Gold can be marked with your fingernails. If you can deform it a little with one finger, then logically you can deform it a lot with ten.

>Game has gods and magic. I don't think common sense could be applied therr

Common sense in this sense isn't "realism" but internal and external concistency.

It's not like Aphrodite wouldn't have fucked him over if he didn't choose her

But it's not that inconsistent to make apple with gold coins. You can do it irl too

If the gold's pure enough, it should be at least possible to shape them into a rough apple shape - individually. You might need an Int check to manage to make a shape out of those individual parts, because there's no way he'd manage to fuse them together with his hands alone.

>But it's not that inconsistent to make apple with gold coins. You can do it irl too

But not with bare hands. You may be so strong to bend gold but surely not enough to compress it to the point of getting an apple. Maybe the final result of that feat of strenght could be an handful of bended coins badly struck together.

>Athena, goddess of wisdom and war
>Aphrodite, goddess of being a slut
Paris doomed troy

Yeah probably, but it would be a shitty looking golden apple and would look like crushed tinfoil

Gold is actually surprisingly easy to mold by hands, but the coins are not going to fuse no matter how hard you try, unless you can crunch something unreasonable with some skills.

You dummies. He isn't trying to pull a Paris and please the goddesses.
He is pulling an Eris to make goddesses mad at each other instead of him.

Even a wizard would be hard pressed to find some manner of smelting spell.

you should put them in a fire first, but if you had that kinda time you wouldn't be using your hands

This, you are supposed to struggle with the crushing weight of reality while the funnel-headed faggot makes circles around you.

Satan, thanks for the effort, but we all know it's not going to save the thread.

That's lame. I liked making a DC 50 check to steal my own pants without me noticing.

You're fucked, Paris.

No. Strength 20 is only slightly higher than normal human means

Look up coldwelding gold, Thank me later

Reeee! Discordians fuck off!

All hail Discordia.

Sounds dumb
>10 STR: Normal person
>12 STR: Young dude who lifts
>14 STR: Fit dude who gets swole all day
>16 STR: Olympian
>18 STR: Top of the world
>20 STR: Beyond human, the realm of gods

>implying 5% of humans have olympian level strength

No need, gold is an extremely flexible and ductile metal, you only need force to shape it

>Implying 5% of humans have 16 STR

a lot of people have 16 STR if you want to use real world analogies.

Lets say doing three chin ups without failure is a DC10 check.

As someone who works out four times a week I can easily do three chin ups, I can do many times that amount.

I will literally never fail to do at least three chin ups, therefore I must have at least a +8 to STR or a +9 if we're not doing bullshit nat 20's and nat 1's are whacky hijinks.

That puts me in the 26 - 29 STR range

In DND you dont play as super humans, you play as the literal median of human capability augmented by magic.

There is so much wrong with this that I think I'm just going to let you have it and move on with my life.

You put a lot of effort in to make such a horrible post

What's wrong with it?

If we're comparing real world human abilities with DND then it makes sense that having a range of -4 to +4 to complete any given task means that we're playing literal average joe.

18 is the limit of natural human capacity. A human who spends all their time working out might, MIGHT get to 22 (and then complete for world's strongest man). You don't have a 26 any more than I have a 26 int because I have a master's degree.

You're making an incredibly easy task a DC 10. If someone can't do 3 chin ups they definitely have a strength of 9 or below

You would be taking 10 on a roll to make three chin ups without failure, which means you don't roll. You just add your bonus to 10 to see if you succeed.

This is the first of many flaws with your premise. Another is arbitrarily deciding three chin ups without failure, something a sufficiently determined child can do, as DC10.

> Pure gold is so soft that it can be moulded with the hands. An ounce of gold can be beaten into a sheet covering 100 square feet. The reason why Gold is so soft is that Gold has metallic bonding. This is pretty weak and is related to the large nucleus of the atoms and the extended cloud of electrons surrounding the nucleus. The forces between Au atoms in gold metal are quite weak and most importantly, bonds are easy to break and rebuild.This is the reason that the Gold can be easily cast into various forms

But OP said "a pile of gold coins" not pure gold.

Dnd gold coins are pure gold. Or at least worth precisely their weight in gold.

No, because the coins aren't made of pure gold. If they were, they might be malleable and ductile enough for the coins to be shaped with considerable force and then intertwined with a craft roll into the rough shape of an apple, though you wouldn't be able to merge the pieces together.

anons, dc10 is incredibly easy.

Even if you have -10 strength, and are in fact some kind of anti-strong, you can take 10 on it.

But the idea of taking a 10 ruins any kind of comparison. I don't see how you can take a 10 to do exactly 3 chin ups. A chin up related task with a dc 10 would be to do 10 chin ups

so you're seriously arguing someone with -10 strength who is in fact antistrong and can only carry negative weights should be able to do 10 chin ups?

You can't take 10 in 5E.

At negative strength you'd have to take 20, which means you'd use much more time and effort to do the same pull-up than someone taking 10 but at least you succeed eventually. Like, over the course of half an hour eventually.

Take 10 means taking a die roll of ten and adding or subtracting your various bonuses as would for a random die roll.

so, yes, the man with negastrength can in fact do things that require strength despite being unable to lift weights greater than 0.

Which really makes no sense, because the strength scaling is all kinds of busted.

Taking 20 takes two minutes.

This all wraps up into a very strong argument that everyone in D&D has kind of "middle of the road" strength.

Because the randomizer is so much larger than the attribute bonus, you have to have crazy things like -10 strength of +40 strength to have your abilities matter more than random chance.

The funny thing is, this applies to all stats in D&D.
Nobody is that smart.
nobody is that dextrous.
You are all kind of just normal, a little pudgy, and not too bright, regardless of if you have 18s in everything.


Actually, you can, it's just hidden in a very weird way.

If you look at the summary of Passive Checks (pg 175), it notes that a passive check "can represent the average result of a for a task done repeatedly,"

And notes that the rules for passive Perception derive from an overarching formula. This formula can, in theory, be applied to any skill check, following the generally understood restrictions of previous edition's "taking 10" (non dangerous and not time sensitive.)

I forgot taking 20 meant literally multiplying the time to do a task by twenty. Two minutes is still a horrible amount of time to do a simple task. As a DM I'd use this rule to discourage players from taking 20. Yeah, take 20 on your balance crossing this log, but I will describe your hero scooting their ass from a prone position as carefully as possible across the whole way. Good luck impressing the princess after that.

look, I don't think nega-weight the anti strongman is going to be impressing any princesses anyway.

You can't take 20 there anyway. It represents rolling 20 times and getting each result once, and so you can't do it if there's a penalty for failure other than "You fail to do thing. Try again?", such as falling off a log.

>When you have plenty of time (generally 2 minutes for a skill that can normally be checked in 1 round, one full-round action, or one standard action), you are faced with no threats or distractions, and the skill being attempted carries no penalties for failure, you can take 20. In other words, eventually you will get a 20 on 1d20 if you roll enough times. Instead of rolling 1d20 for the skill check, just calculate your result as if you had rolled a 20.

>Taking 20 means you are trying until you get it right, and it assumes that you fail many times before succeeding. Taking 20 takes twenty times as long as making a single check would take.

>Since taking 20 assumes that the character will fail many times before succeeding, if you did attempt to take 20 on a skill that carries penalties for failure, your character would automatically incur those penalties before he or she could complete the task.

As a small point of order, you're a little off base because you're looking at raw ability score.

A chin-up isn't, in point of fact, a raw Strength test. It is an Athletics check, as one's form, hand positioning, and so on affect one's ability to do the task.

With that in mind, the standard deviation of a 20 is 5.77, while the default proficiency bonus is +2. Anyone with Athletics training and a score of 18 or higher will modify the roll to a marginally greater degree than the die roll.

And, as noted in , there is the option of Passive checks.

The idea that you couldn't do, say a DC 10 Athletics check despite having an 18 strength and athletics training is meant to deal with the wide array of unforeseen issues that arise in unsafe settings.

The bar you're attempting to do a chin-up on may be covered in dust, or moss, or wet, leading your grip to fail you. Maybe your hands are sweaty, or bloody, or the leather of your gloves skids, etc.

Is it dumb? Yeah. That's why I was shitting on bounded accuracy back in fucking 2015. But it has a foundational idea, and it's what we're stuck with.

According to the encumbrance charts you can lift off the ground but only stagger about with double your maximum load
The world record deadlift is 1100 pounds which puts the worlds strongest human at 22
The world strongest woman can deadlift 650 which puts her at 18/19

The foundational idea is flawed from the getgo for portraying heroic dudes.

That's why it's been such a problem in the past that the only guys who get to be heroic are the ones that have different rules

If I was running it I'd have them like the mangled coin apple more than if it was perfect. I tend to write gods as valuing more intangible things than material ones, and the effort spent on this seemingly impossible task and the genuine and straightforward desire to please them would make it far more valuable to them than anything an artisan made.

Goddesses are basically your mom and the shitty apple is a bad macaroni picture that says you love her.

If that barbarian has access to a Burning Hands spell he can cast on himself (either by being a sorcerer, a magic item, or other means), I'd allow that.

Why learn magic when I can cleave shit with my axe.