Exploring a cottage

>exploring a cottage
>see chest
>our warrior slashes at it
>the entire house shakes
>the house was a mimic
Are there any limitations to these mimications?

twist: getting hacked is mimic's fetish

I would run as far away as possible if I ever heard a mimic start moaning in pleasure.

I think mimics should be used creatively to punish players who dont use any caution or greedy characters.
>Chest Mimic for a greedy rogue
>Ladder Mimic/Door Mimic for those who like to cut corners and shortcut
I'm sure there are many varieties you can think of.

I’ve always liked the idea of granting the PC a “sentient weapon” early game that actually turns out to be a mimic.

>mountain mimic

>Player is getting his ass kicked
>Weapon is like "fuck this" and runs away

Your entire world building was at fault.
The planet you are on is a mimic.
The air you breath is a mimic.
Your wife is a mimic.
Every atom is a mimic.
You are the only thing in this universe that isn't a mimic.
Luckily the other mimics don't know you're not a mimic.

You have become the mimic.

>mountain range mimic
hold me

Stealing this.

>cant play as a mimic

>mimic god

>planet mimic

someone hasn't seen a certain great movie

>tfw you realise the mimic is the GMPC


>mimic dice
>mimic DM
>everyone but me is a mimic
>they don't know I am actually a mimic
too be honest, that entire campaign was just a mimic orgy

>the mysterious merchant is a mimic

Was it like the Thing but the things don't know who the last human is?

>like the Thing but the things don't know who the last human is

I'd play the shit out of a board game like this

mimics are pretty cool.

that's why I've had one trailing the group for three sessions

Go on

there is a planet sized mimic in ad&d 2nd ed. I think it was in carceri, somewhere.

>I would run as far away as possible if I ever heard a mimic start moaning in pleasure.

Our party was once lost in a forbidden forest and kept running into the same cabin complete with smoke from the chimney. We assumed it was evil sprites or something and eventually we approached it. Giant. Fucking. Mimic.

The paladin found a mimic chest in a dungeon and cut off its tongue in an attempt to make it friendly. Instead the mimic scurried into a hole in the wall and escaped the group.
I had an idea to have it so that the mimic is somewhat intelligent, so that the group has paranoia.
>Group wanders into a village
>goes into the tavern
>everyone is moving in stiffly choreographed motion
>the bar keeper is really fleshed out
>bard wants to be sexual and peeps over the counter to see her feet (he's that type of fellow)
>no feet
>only chest
>tavern door slams shut
>everyone but the PCs in the tavern screeches as they meld with the floor
>Mage blasts open the door
>the entire village was a gang of menacing mimics arranged by the chest mimic
>the battle take two hours and the chest mimic gets away

I don't think I can actually capture the joy I got from that event in text.

Wtf i wanna fuck mimics now


Mimic villages are always such a delight to spring on your players because they KNOW you're going to fuck them over in some way, and yet they NEVER expect that exact twist

>a mimic thread over the far superior Bag of Devouring

>The paladin found a mimic chest in a dungeon and cut off its tongue in an attempt to make it friendly.
What the fuck was he thinking?

>not wanting to fuck mimics
>when you do things to them that'd make a succubus blush

This is amazing, gonna borrow this one for sure

A friend of mine sprung some gem-mimics on his players. They had been incredibly greedy for quite a while and felt they needed a nudge in a less greed-driven direction.

The party found an over flowing chest deep in a dungeon. The chest was filled with gold and gems, some gold coins littered the ground immediately around the chest. The players figured it might be a mimic and attacked the chest only to find it was a normal chest. They loaded their bags with gold and gems and went on their way.

As they decided to camp for the night they suddenly found themselves being attacked while they slept. The gem-mimics had chewed their way out of the bags and started attacking the party. They took care of it pretty quick all things considered, but apparently learned their lesson.

My friend said everyone had a good time and thought it was fun; no hurt feelings.

Oh hey, I recognize that art. That's Boxxy T. Morningwood, aka the Sandman, right?
Drea is best girl.

>a Bag of Devouring over the far cuter Hammerspace Dragon

That's not how you spell Rowena. I know what her fate is likely to be, given the author's blatant sadism fetish and "real is edgy" thing, but I kind of wish she comes away relatively unscathed.
>Hammerspace Dragon
>googles it
I'm torn between "small dragons are cuteness incarnate" and "vore is a meme fetish."

> the weapon feeds off of the blood and flesh it steals from the people it hits, forming a symbiotic relationship with the person wielding it as the fighter takes it from battlefield to battlefield and thus keeps it fed.
> The mimic-sword basically becomes a pet for the fighter, harmless as long as you don't let it starve or abuse it.
> when the party gets tied up and all of their gear taken away, the fighter's sword sneaks out of the armory and trots down to the dungeon to find its owner.

Would a ladder mimic have reach?

>mimic PC with personal goal to learn about its kind
>turns into helpful objects like stairs, paraglider, etc
>commoners sometimes pay a couple copper to watch it perform

>party is traveling through a murky bog, it's kind of hard to see
>out of the mists, the party finds a tall stone tower
>a beautiful voice calls down from the top to the party, informing them that she was locked in by her evil father years ago
>faintly, the party sees a very fair maiden shouting from a small window on the highest level
>she tells them that the door is locked from the outside, and they can just unlock the door to come to the top, pleading for help
>orc paladin is about to rush in when the elderly human cleric rolls for perception
>natural 20
>the cleric holds the paladin back, and tells the fair maiden trapped in the tower to fuck off
>the door immediately opens, revealing a ravenous jaw that lunges out to bite the halfling rogue, thankfully misses
>four monstrous leg sprout from the tower's sides, leaving stone crumbling out
>in a harsh, cockney accent, the fair maiden barks from the top of the tower "Can't blame a gal for tryin'!"
>high level mimic boss fight ensues

I got something it can devour, if you're catchin' my drift. If you're pickin' up what I'm puttin' down. If you're smokin' what I'm rollin. Smellin' what I'm steppin' in.

I want it to bite my cock off. Basically.

>The entire planet is a Mimic
>It's a humongous mimic drifting through space, that disguises itself as a planet, on which life grows like algae
>After the world has enough "algae" (plants) and "parasites" (Animals), it devours everything on it's body then repeats the cycle

Zanza pls


>Humans are like bacteria clinging to the mimic's body

Not if you hate your players enough.
I'm still surprised he didn't try to eat the fucking thing.

In the webcomic Kill Six Billion Demons, when the characters broke into The Fractal Treasure Fortress of Yre, the first trap they encountered were rooms filled with mimics, coin mimics scattered all over the floor, chair and desk mimics with fake corpses, tile mimics on the floor, and the farther they went in, the more there was, until they had to use wires to move from pillar to pillar since there were coins and tile floors all over the place, and even a fucking ocean of chairs just in a big pile.

Easily one of my favorite movies as a kid UwU