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I'm finally in a campaign for CofD and it makes me so happy!

What game?

Currently Mortals because that's what our ST has comfort with currently, but it may break off into Mage or Vampire, hard to say.

Ahh, I see. Well, congratulations either way.

Does anyone start a Mortals game without intending to turn it into a crossover?

There's a newer Geist preview, by the by: theonyxpath.com/one-foot-in-the-grave-geist-2e/

Whoops. My bad. Thanks for bringing it up user. If I'm the one who posts the next general then I'll be sure to avoid making the same mistake twice.

Hard to say, depending on how the ST feels it could stay as a Mortals run.

Now that the dust has settled, which version of Celerity is the most balanced?

2e CofD Celerity.


Anyone have a link for Half-Damned?

Seconding this
Does anyone know if it's good/bad ?

Tfw Half Damned comes out right after me and the GM got done building a Dhampir template in Hunter.

chances are, yours is better

I want someone to tell me with a straight face that 1 mage in a party is worse than an all mage party.

I want someone to tell me with a straight face that a party of 5 mages is more desirable than a party with 1 mage.

I do acknowledge that 0 mages is probably better for any ST that doesn't have a masochistic streak, of course.

For dhampirs? They're terrible. Old dhampirs were overpowered within their schtick (that they make you throw your character sheet in the garbage) but at least they have a schtick.

its in the mega tho

Who gives a crap about that faggy anime bullshit ? I want to know about Ghouls and Revenants, not Gary-Stu : The Subsplat

any combination of splats can be good, as long as the players and the ST are good

Why is Obtenebration so good but Abyss Mysticism so useless?

Cuz Theshadow already have a primary schtick and not all kinds of blood magic can be a winner.

I always saw Abyss Mysticism rituals as a dumping ground for wonky Obtenebration powers anyway, some of them make a lot more sense as rituals.
This applies to a lot of pre-revised discipline powers too.

Assume you have two Awakening PCs

An ST that acts extremely friendly and nonconfrontational but has a penchant for random acts of cruelty (I became the Incredible Torso Man in the first session of his last game) -- not unavoidably so, but really sadistic horror ST.

Assuming that both mage PCs specialize in two arcana each, what 4 arcana total do you pick to avoid a BAD END?

Allright: 1 mage in a party is worse than an all mage party

You'd really prefer to deal with 5 mages who between them wind up with basically all spells in the game (or at least the annoying ones), throwing dozens of free mana detection spells at the slightest provocation and on every new NPC or development (no matter how minor), setting up contingencies with contingencies for scry and die or time abortion on everything that appears?

Because I think most people who have not ran Mage greatly underestimate how much pure "poke it with a ten foot pole" is involved

Just reading through it now. Skipped to revenants. Descriptions are pretty cool. Merits are absolute shit. Most of um are re-named doubles from core (like Herd to Blood farm), absolutely lazy design. Only one somewhat interesting is Twilight Walker. Their new Discipline is cute but unimaginative.

At least all the players are having fun. In the other example, the rest of the party takes a backseat.

The ST is shat on no matter what, so who cares if they are having fun. If you want to have fun, don't become an ST.

Oh, is the problem really just the concern that the mage player would be the only one having fun?

is deviant out yet?

Well, there is now a sub-species of ghouls called Heisenbergs

>So named after the character in the television series Breaking Bad, the Heisenbergs were all mortals suffering terminal illnesses.

Some pretty bad writing, right there

That's fucking retarded

I don't see a problem, the immediate question of "what happens if a vamp ghouls a dying mortal" seems important to me.

They're called Heisenbergs though

The, love, is the idea that vampires would refer to them as 'Heisenbergs, so named after the character in the television series Breaking Bad'... It is completely retarded to 1) think that that name would catch on in the All Night Society. It implies that 2) only after 2008 did any vampire ever try to ghoul a terminally ill patient.

It's utter shit.

I feel its largely the same as calling regular ghouls Renfields (mostly in hunter books but still), and they didn't really have an iconic fictional character to refer to them. It also conveys the right image: "a Heisenberg ghoul? Ah, I get it."

Renfield's from 1897 though, plus it's from a book about vampires. 10 years vs 111 years makes a huge difference.

That's true. Still, its no weirder to me than people would wind up having all those terms for, say, Hunter varieties in owod despite them only freshly arriving.

yeah when the average bloodsucker around is probably a couple of decades old it makes more sense to use 19th century or early 20th century pop culture.

My mother doesn't even know who Heidenberg is, you reckon many vampires will?

Heck, when I think of the character the first thing comes to mind is: meth dealing, chem teacher. It was only when I actually read this passage in Half-Damned that my memory was jolted as tohis motivation: oh yeah, the guy has cancer.

It would make more sense to call them Haley Joel Osmets 'after the actor who played the kid in The Sixth Sense', at least that name has something to do with seeing ghosts...


I feel like "terminally ill guy who gets a second shot at life through a pact with the devil" must be a cliche, both in urban fantasy and science fiction, but I can't think of any non-anime examples bizarrely.

I don't want to call them Deadpools, either.

Ok wiseguy, what is an example of something from relatively popular fiction, or that would have been popular at the time, that conveys "sick dying dude clinging to life and doing shady shit?"


Calling them Constantines sounds good, yeah.

Why does it need to be from relatively popular fiction?

No one knew what a 'Mekhet' was supposed to be when 1e came out, yet we all got used to that.

Call them Life-supported or Flurps for all I care, but don't name them after your favourite television series character

Because the game has hundreds of things named the Flurps etc.

Just popping in to give props for Ghost Trick

It's as common as you expect it to be in vampire fiction, but it's more recent than Dracula and the recognizable examples are the little girl from Interview with the Vampire and Edward Cullen.

The point

The vast emptiness of space


So anyone used tarot or anything like that in the campaign or for inspiration besides the MTA stuff

No, I mean the game really does have hundreds of things named the Flurps and Doobley doos and all sorts of nonsense that show up and are forgotten.

They should have named them Heathers after that character from the early 21st century cult classic VtM:Bloodlines videogame.

Good idea

Anyone willing to share the Trinity Kickstarter manuscript Preview # 4? Thanks.

who is Faust ?
seriously referencing Faust makes a 1000 times more sense than I-am-danger-man
as a matter of fact it works so well it's now canon in my chronicle

>who is Faust ?
Usually a jaded aristocratic scholar. It's not evocative of terminal illness and desperation unless you're calling them Munn's Faustuses.

I can see it being a thing for very recent neonates, but that kind of terminology has no staying power. To tie it back to oWoD, who ever used the Archaic or Slang terminologies for Masquerade in any real capacity? "Heisenburgs" is the same kind of deal.

It's that bad?


Well he sold his soul to the devil for eternal youth and power, and got dicked.
That's exactly the kind of tragic irony vampires would delight in, as well as the fact it puts them in the place of the almighty Devil.

What's the different from numina and Mage magic in owod? Is it just scale or is it functionally different?

How would I bring Mage down to Vampire/Werewolf levels in owod and nwod respectively?

Have them be a strict adherent to their paradigm IE no coincidental magic unless it is outlined in their paradigm.

>Does anyone start a Mortals game without intending to turn it into a crossover?
Yeah I've occasionally seen a mortals game that never intends to use any of the splats. It's pretty decent for a couple of types of games, especially with all the supplementary material.

Aaaaand number four

Didn't even pause to look if anyone asked, sorry about that.

Why would you do such a thing? The strongest statted mage left on Earth after the Reckoning is nowhere near the level of even a Methuselah

Thanks, user.

I'm still not liking the new system.

Once the Aeon material is released, I'm hoping the setting and powers are good enough to make up for everything else.

Numina works within reality to change reality. The Paths are rigidly defined, clearly consistent in terms of effects, and typically they're based around Practices that've embedded themselves into human history or pop culture. It's because of this that they don't accumulate Paradox. I also vaguely recall something in the book about not being able to use certain Numina in certain places (like firing out a magical firestorm in a mall full of first world citizens), but that might've been an optional rule.

Either way, True Magick is more actively disruptive and freeform. It's got a lot more push behind it thanks to its grand scale and the strength of belief of the casters -- and that push draws reality's attention far more easily and, subsequently, causes it to push back at the willworker for enacting such flagrant and forceful change.

Thanks babes xxx

No problem. i got u senpai

Just popping in to acknowledge a follow man of taste, my nigga.

PCs =/= NPCs

There's also nothing preventing a mage from BTFOing an methuselah using Corr 4.

I mean, other than initiative rolls.

Uhm. Isn't Madea an archmage and still on earth and a hundred+ years old?

Don't let them hang spells, either using Wonders, Time 4 or that Entropy talisman.
Correspondence is a hard counter against anything depending on what you're doing with it.
Disallow ES Unmaking, or just Unmaking in general, Space, Fate, Time, Spirit, Mind & *maybe* Forces.

Nerfing Mages is essentially taking half(nwod) or a quarter(owod) of their gameplay out.

What's under the Vatican?

>PCs =/= NPCs
Agreed, but at that point the question boils down to "how do I nerf mages when I'm playing the strongest mage on Earth?"

>There's also nothing preventing a mage from BTFOing an methuselah using Corr 4.
Sure there is, the dozens of mages he's enslaved over the years or that decided to willingly worshipped him over thousand of years of his existence, which he forced to make a trinket with Correspondence 2 that gives +60 successes negation to all Correspondence Effects used around him

She's a Marauder Oracle, insane enough to disregard the Consensus for what it is. She's also got Arete 10.

>every methuselah is this specific methuselah

Oh, it's this retard again. Forever fearful of Mage faggotry that he has to literally write his own story to have any inkling of a win.

If you're going to houserule the setting that much why not use a game that supports crossover and just change the fluff a bit. It's not like you don't entirely change the setting with the changes you'd make anyway. Just play urban shadows or something.

I'm curious now, do you know in what book & page she was statted at?

Step 1. Don't crossover

Step 2. Done

He needs mages to beat other mages.

That's pretty cute, desu.

So user is just dumb, biased, and ignorant like most vamp fags. Thought so.

She's in the Book of Madness pre-Revised, right? I've been looking for it for a long time just to get a hold of her stats and information for inspirational purposes, however, I haven't been able to find it in the pastebin sadly.

Some kind OPP fellow made a list of all the "cool magic guys" here.


It might be, but if you're not liking this then chances are slim. I don't see the aeon rules being that much different from the core rules. The setting will certainly be much more in depth as opposed to the flimsy thing in the core, but it's looking like psionics will work like these do, each aptitude has three nodes, like the destructive, intuitive, and reflective rated in dites, that you buy individual powers with. Granted they'll work different then gifts of course, reading people's minds and throwing lighting and all, but if it's the set up you have a problem with it might just be how it is

>he has to literally write his own story to have any inkling of a win.
Unfortunately for you this is something that demonstrably falls under the purview of what Methuselah can have as their Backgrounds.

In less than 5 years from her rise Baba Yaga, other than controlling an Earthbound, a young Incarna, six Great Zmei (where even a single one is said to be "a challenge to even the greatest pack of Garou"), several other spirits, dozens of vampires, five packs of Black Spiral Dancers (31 altogether), a pack of Ronin (4)... also held 8 Awakened mage blood bonded to her. There's no reason to write my own story.


Rage Across Russia, from the page 81 and on.

Treating every methuselah as Baba Yaga is a bit retarded. Though then again, so are you.

>Treating every methuselah as Baba Yaga is a bit retarded. Though then again, so are you.
Yeah, but this is just five years, give several thousand to any weaker Methuselah and see what they can accomplish.

This is still implying that a methuselah is going to bother with it, user. You're up and deciding how they all cognitively function -- that's absurd.

Time, Prime, Mind, Life

Baba Yaga was powerful even by Methuselah standards. She was Ur-Shulgi tier and could conjure a blanket over the Euro-side of Russia. Certainly not as impressive as Porthos moving plate tectonics, but still. That she got screwed over by terrible WW writing miffed me something fierce back then.

>citation cuck gets shut up

The simple answer to everything is "don't use mages"

vampires are gay ass fairies in ars magica

what gives

>vampires are gay ass fairies in ars magica

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Do you think Vasilisa makes Garou roll over, "shake paws", and perform other dog tricks for her?