Childhood is when you idolize Longswords. Adulthood is realizing the Halberd makes more sense

Childhood is when you idolize Longswords. Adulthood is realizing the Halberd makes more sense.

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Adulthood is fully embracing the longsword.


Childhood is writing an angry reply to a shitpost repost.

Aduthood is realizing that it's much more enjoyable to slowly warp Veeky Forums culture with a targeted barrage of forced memes.

Where is your artillery?

Childhool is idolizing gritty realism. Adulthood is realizing that high fantasy makes more sense.

>Implying the Halberd can't be seen as a virtuous weapon of guardsmen and heavily-armored knights

It's basically the killing power of an ax on the defensive pole of a spear. It's a weapon of offensive defense.


Jokes on you, I've always loved the halbred.


t. albrecht

legit cam here to post this

Recurve Bows are the weapon of the future, embrace you foul heathens!

Halberd is my weapon of choice for high fantasy, you silly swordsman.

Okay, Imma be real here.
I really don't understand the halberd or billhooks that well.

like, I understand in a scrum, you could really rake someone's shit, but the whole "master of weapons can't be beat" kind of mentality people carry around really confuses me.

Especially with the halberd. For me, it just seems that:

1. It's got an awkwardly small ax head.
2. The spear head it impeded a bit by the ax head.
3. Why not simply use lochaber axe or bardiche ? Better surface area for cutting, shorter shaft for easier control, and still has a broad enough area for thrusting/

Halberd to me, just looks like a garbage pole arm. especially in the eyes of partizans, glaives, and really, just good ol spear.

It just looks like it does too much. It is probably much better in formation (as are all pole arms), but it seems to lack in comparison to others with better defined focus

>sword a best

>no fat codpieces or sweet staches

But both are good.

A Halberd will generally do a better job at piercing armor. They are flexible enough to be decent against mounted and dismounted foes, but simple enough almost anyone could use it. It's a solid formation weapon, but there are better individual ones.

One should also remember the Halberd was pretty quickly set aside for the Pike.

Sure is a funny way of spelling Lucerne Hammer (or Bec de corbin, if you're rich)

>Not Poleaxe

Learn the difference. It can save your life.

>heavily-armored knights
The halberd is a peasant's weapon. Knights use a poleaxe, and while full plate armor was a thing the poleaxe was the primary weapon for any self-respecting foot knight.

Here is a good demonstration:

>not Fiore's spicy poleaxe

Angsty teenaged years is idolizing the halberd.
Manhood is when you pick up a zweihander

The man on the right is clearly holding a broom.

Childhood is idolizing the Katana, adulthood is realising that Longswords make more sense.

I'm fairly sure gritty and edgy belongs to one's teens, not childhood.

The poleaxe was made to hold a blinding powder inside, which was what was being illustrated.

Childhood is idolizing longbows, adulthood is when you realize shortbows make more sense.


>him that guy
>him KYLE
>Him thinkum halbeard is bester
>I says longsword
>I'm ask "why halberd?'
>him say 'three toons!"
y this allowed?

True maturity is realizing the Landsknechts were sick as all fuck and embracing the Greatsword while actually using it for its real-life purposes

But that's not a halberd you dork, that's a poleaxe.

Fuck yeah, let's add flambard zweihanders to the list

Forgot pic, in my excitement to talk about zweihanders

Childhood is idolizing melee weapons. Adulthood is when you realize firearms make more sense.

Absolutely not.

Nu uh, those are halberds.

*penetrates your armor*

Childhood is idolizing warfare. Adulthood is when you realize economic victory makes more sense.

Adulthood, you realize ranged weaponry is the far superior for of combat.


Maturity is being fully self-aware and not giving a fuck.

As long as you can survive getting zerg rushed by Yang.

This but the opposite

>resources exist to be consumed. If not by this generation, then by some what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? none I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill. -CEO Nwabudike Morgan, 'the Ethics of Greed'

Chairman Yang's forces work for me now. Funny what a couple billion credits can do.

A couple billion credits and no one trying to take you out before the gravy train without brakes gets rolling.

And how is THAT achieved? Let him take over your city and buy it back with all forces?

brb stealing this

What Halboos don't realize is that the Halberd was designed to replace the Spear, AKA become the cheap footman's weapon that could be produced in huge amounts that was simple and easy to use but with more versatility. The axeblade was added for hacking into armor and the point was fined down to punch between plates and a backhook was given to take down riders from their mounts.

It didn't hack armor as well as big weapons, it didn't punch through plate as well as guns, and it didn't take out cav as well as pikes, but it was easier to use and cheaper than all three above options. It was literally the Swiss army knife of the late Medieval era, jack of all trades and master of none.

While it was a very versatile and quite good weapon, it was only good for its role. It could do everything, but other things could do those things better. There's a reason that by the turn of the 18th century people were still using guns, swords, and pikes, but halberds had become purely ceremonial. Armies backed away from the idea of versatility and aimed more for specialized units via pike and shot tactic combined arms.

By the mid 1700s this mindset changed into making everything a purely ranged affair with bayonets for when the general was feeling ballsy.

I mean, probes cannot capture stacks, unless they get caught in base mind control area

I remember one game where i was Drones, and i was trying to invade island with Morgan
After the third repeat of "haul army by sea, take over coastal city, he captures it with probe next turn with all units" i gave up on that.
In fact, after managing to sour relations with all factions due to my use of nerve gas and failure to conduct several offensive campaigns, i gave up

I remember other time, when i was playing as morgan, and was trying to buy bases of Cyborgs with Hunter-Seeker. Did you know that energy is expended even if takeover fails? Well, eventually throwing several thousand credits and enchanced probe teams did the trick. Good times, good times

it was never a hacking weapon. halabards used in formation fights are ment for draw cuts and stabs. they aren't danish axs or bardishs

One man in a thousand can't be wrong.

It depends on context. In an open battle, yes, spears or halberds are gonna be preferable over swords. During a siege, however, where you're gonna expect to climb a ladder with your weapon drawn and need to be ready to attack as soon as you scale the wall, a sword is gonna be way more preferable over a halberd.

Way too short to be a halberd. A halberd is a primarily spear-like polearm, you don't swing it around like these gentlemen do. You certainly do that with poleaxes though.

you only scale walls if you have like 10 to 1 man power superiority. you take cities, by breaking their walls, or making them starve. the scale the wals with sword thing is a hollywood thing.

> halberd, weapon of disgusting militia and inferior continentals
> poleaxe, weapon of proper white-armour clad gentlemen
Is this even a real question?

Economic power really helped rome and china from getting zerged by horse archers, 100% my dude.

So let me get this straight.

Halberd is axe spear spike, and poleaxe is axe spear hammer?

>Strike glances off your leg armor
> oh wait, its got a cool spike at the bottom that catches the blade and throws you off balance leading to your death

Adulthood is realising that you shouldn't bring "HEMA" into your fantasy tabletop games and that weapons should be a reflection of the characters that use them.

Who /swordnboard/ here




Halberd is 2-3m long, poleaxe is 1.4-2m long. The poleaxe also has languets and a sturdier construction overall. They both have a wide variety of heads, with poleaxes being usually more anti-armor focused.

longsword is an unwieldy piece of shit anyway

my niggas
I also got a loveboner for Schiavone, the basket hilted swords

Adulthood is when you stop calling greatswords fucking zweihanders.

>Childhool is idolizing gritty realism. Adulthood is realizing that high fantasy makes more sense.
No. Childhood is when you think that more power is always better. Early adolescence is when you think that high fantasy isn't edgy or realistic enough to be cool. Young adulthood is when you realize that having fun is more important than being grim and gritty. True maturity is when you understand that having all sorts of crazy powers seldom leads to a believable, consistent world or a compelling campaign, and that low(ish) fantasy is clearly superior.

The Halberd is the token weapon of the royal guard, and since nothing is more noble than serving and protecting your lord, the Halberd is the patricians weapon of choice


>retards still can't tell the difference between pollaxes and halberds

They're constructed differently most of the time, with some overlap, but the real difference is use. A halberd is just used as a polearm with a lot of versatility, while a poleaxe uses the whole length and both ends of the weapon, sort of like a battlefield quarterstaff or a rifle with a bayonet. See .

Basically a halberd is a spear with an axe head and a hook attached, while a poleaxe is a two-handed axe with a hook and a spear point attached.

Childhood is when you idolize heroics. Adulthood is realizing teamwork makes more sense.

Childhood is liking elves and half-elves, adulthood is knowing that Dwarfs and halflings are the shit.

>and that low(ish) fantasy is clearly more realistic.

Fixed it for you, you're welcome.

Childhood is when you like what everyone else likes. Adulthood is liking whatever you want.

Name one magic halberd. I will wait.

>High Fantasy
>Low Fantasy
>Full Armor
>Leather Armor
What if we could have all this mixed together...

Adulthood it's liking the Polearm of the Saurus Temple Guards more than the Swordmaster of Hoeth.

>CTRL+F Goedendag
>0 results

Love these

>swordfag is ignorant and likely in the double-digit IQ range

Literally who

>embracing the Greatsword while actually using it for its real-life purposes
What was the real life purpose? Hacking lots of people?


Point defense, area control, and yes, hacking multiple people at once.

It's a short spear

How dare you, it's a combination of club AND spear.

>it's a combination of club

>If you don't like what I like you're a big fat baby
Part of maturity is accepting not everyone has the same tastes, if you like world of memecraft that's fine but people don't.

>not Empire halberdiers

"thank you" in platt deutsch.

Childhood is idolozing function and power.

Adulthood is recognizing the value of fun and style.

I prefer clubs and maces desu

Adulthood is learning to proofread before hitting "post"

Is there anyone who dislikes the Custodes? They're basically spess Swiss Guard
>Formed by the best of the élite
>Serving as peacekeepers in the most important place of the setting
>Look fashionable as all fuck while wearing something that would make other people commit suicide instead of being seen in it
>Carry the equivalent of a small squad's worth of firepower by themselves
>Can still shank a bitch with those "ornamental" weapons they parade around

>Adulthood is learning to proofread before hitting "post"
Didn't follow the meme structure. No closing period. 2/10, see me after class.

>Get the Trebuchet

Basically you hit the fucker with it as a club, until the fucker falls down and then you stab him.