What is some of the best OC produced on Veeky Forums in the last few years (2014-2018)?

What is some of the best OC produced on Veeky Forums in the last few years (2014-2018)?

Remember that discussing the circumstances surrounding the creation of OC or lack thereof are off-topic and will cause the thread to be deleted.

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Car Lesbians.

>Car Lesbians.

Posted in 2011.

Does TTS count? Alfa sure comes here.

I guess the qualifications are "first draft and final draft have both been posted on Veeky Forums for free download"

Hua Yuan

I think the last drafts of AdEva fall in that window. AdEva is the last legit attempt to make a RPG rulebook I remember seeing on Veeky Forums.

>on nu/tg/

Creativity isn't allowed on Veeky Forums. The only thing that belongs here are 40k threads.

>This is what questfags actually believe.
Yet they are the only ones who complain when people do creative shit here.

Ah yes, that monolithic block of people you dislike, who always do the thing together as a monolithic block.

In truth, it's the antiquestfags who are responsible for 100% of the shitposts on Veeky Forums. I know this for a fact because it allows me to cast blanket derision on a monolithic block of people I dislike.

No. Whenever there's a creative thread on this board you're guaranteed at least one person who comes in to whine about how "there are no creative people here anymore, they were chased away when quests were banned" despite being creative in that very thread.

Seems to me that the first person to bring up quest threads was (You).

user, you don't understand. It's their kind of creativity that they won't to see. Everything else is shit, not creative or will be ignored. What kind? Don't ask me.

Correllation does not imply causation, but you have to admit that group projects on Veeky Forums has virtually flatlined since quests got their own board.

Who cares about "OC"? It's a fucking board where you go to discuss tabletop, not a circle of writers, I'm sure you came here because you saw the "epic" screencap on reddit and now you're disappointed that it turned out those were just cherrypicked examples of Veeky Forums posts so I suggest you go back as you're just wasting your time.

>hates OC
>spergs about reddit
This might not be the correct board for you.

but hes pretty much spot on

> reffering to yourself in the second person to fake agreement

Thats just sad

>everyone who has a different opinion from me is the same person

Just out of curiosity, what caused you to click on this thread? You clearly don't think very highly of OC, so did you just need to shitpost a bit?

-4 STR
Space yiffs
Wat do

Stardust cyoa turned into a tabletop rulebook

>the whole game dev general
It's not much that people don't create anymore, it's that they don't do it in a community project kind of way.

>what is /gdg/

All Guardsmen Party?
If not then the HUEG Marines and Love &Krieg 2.0.

Major Tom was pretty great.
Also, TwoDee's Shadowrun Storytime.

I know I've seen some folks posting charts and tools that folks can use in their games. I know that it's not exactly group-made but still tg relevant.

GURPS general has a guy posting weekly updates if a campaign setting, Grimwyrd. Dudes been in that game every weekend since early 2016, so 400+ hours at least of ingame time.


Holy shit

obviously Commissar Raege. 10/10 waifu material.

man i miss that show.

>This is what Jeremy-shills believe
Oh look, I can strawman too!

This so much. Good OC happens spontaneously and any attempts to conciously alter Veeky Forums to make it produce more OC will have the opposite effect. It's like breeding animals in captivity. Some things you can't force and just have to let nature run its course.

>Stat Me, "wat do", that guy/that DM, GURPS shilling, "wat system do I use for this shitty setting/fanfiction setting", ebin filename bread for non-Veeky Forums images, frogposters/wojacks with a single line of greentext, "DnD is shit let's beat this dead horse again", fetish-posting, /pol/-bait, and the dozens of simutaneous inane 40k questions/primarch/chaos lord/whatever threads are creative

Let me know if I missed anything. There's a lot of creative, original content here after all.

That's fine, except you have people who actively pursue and chase off the creators so that it can't ever happen organically.

Dunno, you tell me.

it's almost like anyone who had a talent for creative writing and was relatively friendly about it and willing to accept criticism and modify their own ideas for the sake of other's input was offended by something other people decided to do to make them leave or something.

>you have people who actively pursue and chase off the creators
And there are just as many (and quite a lot more) people to tell those people to fuck off.

>Urban unease cyoa.

Seriously, comfydark became a good thing amidst a bunch of cancerous crap.

>OC on old Veeky Forums:
>"Here's a homebrew system I made. Please let me know what you think of it and how you would improve it."

>OC on current Veeky Forums:
>"Here's a screencap I made. Please feed me (You)s."

I was there for this and it was a hell of a time, very surprising night especially since it was my first night back on Veeky Forums after like three years

That's crazy. I'm sure those things are completely coincidental.

the game design general, /gdg/, has been around and going strong for about two years now and is filled with new games people have put together on their own and continue to work on it with varying degrees of success and progress

there's also a few homebrews of existing games, board games, card games, etc that are actively being worked on and a bunch of game design discussion

it's recently gotten its own discord channel and it's way more active than the threads, but the generals continue to be posted now with the most contributions and regularity than ever by having agreed on a scheduled thread every friday or through the weekend should it die early, sometimes lasting a week or two before finally getting canned

whenever you feel like shitposting about muh tg doesn't make muh oc, take a look at this fucking thing:

just because it's been relegated to a single general doesn't mean OC and homebrews don't exist anymore

Deathworld is my favorite tg setting and I'm still sad it died out

>it's been relegated to a single general
One of the biggest problems with Veeky Forums, in my opinion.

If someone makes a cool homebrew about racing cars and posts it in the /gdg/, the only ones who will see it are people who are already interested in game design, NOT anyone on Veeky Forums who's interested in racing cars. This means that the potential audience that would be interacting with the OP and giving him useful ideas is only a fraction of what it would otherwise be if he made a thread specifically for his homebrew. People who are interested in game design would see the thread as well.

To be fair, threads do pop up when something is completed. /gdg/ is almost exclusively for posting and discussing during the development process, not to announce finished products.

>nu-Veeky Forums

Fuck me this is awesome

Also, better to link to www.kendelyzer.wordpress.com for us mobile fuckos

Oh wow